Dirty Toe Drag by Toni Aleo

Chapter Seven


Since I’m a single male,my house is in downtown Nashville.

When I first came to the Assassins, I lived with some of the other players and then Boon once he split up from his fiancée, but then he fell in love with Posey and I knew my time with my bro was over. It was okay; I truly needed to live by myself. I’d been depending on the company of others to stop my thoughts for so long that living alone has been great for me. I almost offered to have one of the other guys on the team be my roommate, but after lots of discussion, Noelle thought it would be best for me to be by myself. It’s been almost a year in this place, and I truly love my alone time. I watch entirely too much Netflix, play too much Call of Duty, and eat a lot, but I’m alone, and that’s good. I can live by myself and be okay. Since that’s probably my future, I’m glad I fixed that now. Also, walking naked in my place with no worries is pretty fucking awesome.

After leaving Boon’s, I feel off, and I know I can’t be alone yet. My mind is still firing off about all that I admitted to my friends. Noelle will be super proud of my growth. Though, I did keep a lot locked down. I’m honestly overthinking the situation. Boon and Aiden don’t judge me; they support me—I know this, but still, I’m nervous and my mind won’t shut off. Add in the fact that I haven’t eaten, and I find myself walking to Brooks House instead of going up to my house. I’m craving some steak pasta and a heavy dose of Stella Brooks. I know Aiden would have some words of wisdom, he may even try to get me to come to his house instead, but I need to see her. Just to remind myself that she’d run from my demons.

When I enter, I wave at the hostess, who, honestly, would let me take her home now, but she isn’t the one I want. Not that she isn’t gorgeous, she is, but no one is Stella.

“Hey, Wes!”

“Hey, Natalie. How’s it going?”

“Good. Heading to the bar?”

“Yup. Is there seating?”

“There is. Have a good dinner.”

“Thanks,” I say with a nod before heading toward the bar. Brooks House is a super-classy joint. During the day, it’s more laid-back, but at night, it’s the ultimate night spot. It’s dimly lit, with only candlelight on the tables. The bar area is brighter, with the huge bar in the middle and seating around it. The whole place is popping with people, it’s loud, and there is a violinist playing on the stage. I reach my spot at the bar and look around for Stella. I don’t see her at first as I sit, but just as I put my feet on the rail, she pops up behind all the liquor, lifting a box of something before putting it on the bar. She must have felt my presence, because her eyes snap to mine. She smiles at first, but then her eyes widen as her brows draw in.

“Jesus, tell me the other guy looks worse!”

I chuckle as she comes over with a glass to fill with Dr. Pepper, placing it in front of me. “Nope. I got my ass handed to me.”

“Wuss,” she teases, filling my glass.

“I know,” I say shamefully. “But they did set my nose on the bench, so that makes me less of a wuss, right?”

Her eyes brighten so beautifully. I love her eyes. They’re my favorite thing about her. Such a contrast to her beautiful olive skin and dark hair. She’s wearing a pair of jeans with a black button-up, her hair up in a high, messy bun. She has a pencil behind each ear, and she looks damn good. “I’ll give you that. Where is your crew?”

“Lone wolf tonight.” I groan, stretching my shoulders. “My bros are domesticated now.”

She grins. “That’s unfortunate.”

“It is.”

“Yeah, especially with a mug like that. You really need a wingman, or you’ll be walking out alone,” she laughs, and I laugh along with her wholeheartedly.

“I don’t need wingmen. I’m a catch,” I call out to her, and her laughter runs down my spine.

“So you say,” she teases as she walks to the order system. “Same as usual?”

I nod. “Extra sauce.”

“Gotcha,” she calls over her shoulder, and of course, I check out her sweet ass. It makes the perfect upside-down heart. She has a pear-shaped body, and I want to suck the juice out of her. I know she’d taste damn good, and I want to drown between her legs. When she looks back at me suddenly, I know she catches me checking her out, but I don’t think she minds. She gives me a wide grin before moving down the bar. “I’ll be back.”

“Not soon enough,” I mutter as I glance up at the TV above the bar. The bar area isn’t packed like it usually is, but there are a decent number of people. Stella works the room like she’s been doing this since she was a toddler. Everyone loves her. How could they not? She’s insanely beautiful and funny. Every few minutes, she comes to check on me and refills my drink. When she gets a moment, she leans on the bar, taking in a deep breath.

“How’s it going?”

“It’s going,” I say, a little more melancholy than I intend.

“I hear that,” she says with a sigh. “Sorry y’all lost last night.”

I shrug. “Things are a mess right now.”

“I know. Aiden isn’t happy.”

“Nope. None of us are.”

Our eyes meet, and everything inside me clenches. She’s just so fucking beautiful. “You’re gorgeous as always, Stella.”

She waves me off. “Behave, Wesley.” But I see the grin. The glow on her face. She loves my attention, and fuck, I love hers. When she walks away, I watch her as she heads to the back. I reach for my cup, taking a long pull as I glance up at the TV. Baseball is on, but it doesn’t hold my attention. My mind is still whirling, and I really don’t want to go home. We don’t have practice tomorrow, so I might hit up one of the guys and see if they want to hang. Or maybe I should just face my fear of being alone. I have to accept that my therapist is leaving. There is nothing I can do about it. Her family comes first; I get that. I never had that after I lost my mom, but I get it. I crave it.

Stella comes from the back with a tray of food. I watch as she moves along the bar, setting down meals with a grin and asking questions. When she comes to me, she places my plate in front of me and grins. Instantly, my mouth waters, and I’m unsure if it’s because of the juicy steak or her.

I’m thinking the latter.

“I am starving.”

“Me too,” she groans, looking at my food. “I’m gonna get this when my shift is over.”

“Want some now?” I say, offering my fork, and to my surprise, she takes it.

“Thank you. I’m so hungry!” she says, laughing before reaching for another fork and handing me mine back. She quickly eats two bites and groans loudly. “I swear they make this the best when it’s for you.”

“I feel special.”

“You are. I told them you were down in the dumps because your face is broken.”

I scoff. “It’s not broken anymore. Just super fucked up.”

“Eh, it’s not bad at all,” she says, waving me off.

“No?” I ask as she meets my gaze with a piece of steak on her fork.

“Nope,” she says, putting the full piece in her mouth. “I tend to find you hot all the time, though, if I’m honest. So the bruising doesn’t really bother me.”

“Do you now?” I tease, and she grins, not even the least bit ashamed.

“You know I do. Don’t try to embarrass me. If I didn’t find you hot, I wouldn’t have let you feel me up.”

Oh God. My body catches on crazy fire as our gazes stay locked. “That’s good to know. But that’s when I looked good. Now that it looks as if I’ve been kicked in the face—”

“I’d still let you feel me up, Wes,” she says simply, taking another forkful of pasta as her eyes dance with mine. I’m so glad I didn’t go home. “Not that I will.”

“Of course not.”

Her lips quirk, making my stomach clench. She takes big bites, and I love that she likes to eat. She’s got a pretty amazing figure, and I wouldn’t expect her to be an eater. Most girls with her body type don’t eat, but that’s not the case with Stella.

“Have you not eaten today?”

Her cheeks turn red as she covers her mouth. “Sorry, I’ll order—”

“No, it’s fine. You just said you were hungry.”

“Yeah. I’ve been going all day. I worked out this morning, had four classes today, and then I’m working now. Thankfully, I get off early.”

“You need to eat, Stella.”

“I know. I don’t usually do this. Though, I did have three cupcakes this morning.”

“That’s a balanced meal for sure,” I joke, and she laughs. “Though, your brother did tell me that cupcakes fix all emotions.”

She nods earnestly. “They sure as hell do. They are little bits of magic.”

I chuckle. “You guys and cupcakes are weird.”

“If you grew up with Audrey as your aunt, you’d be the same.”

“If only. I wish Tate were my uncle.”

She grins. “And see, I think Audrey is the better one of the pair.”

“I need to meet this lady. She’s apparently a badass.”

“Such a badass,” she gushes, a grin filling her sweet face. Her cheeks are so round when she grins hard like that. “But, yes, you obviously need a cupcake.”


“I think you do.”

“Why do you say that?”

“You look down.”

“I look down?”

“Yeah, like upset.”

Hm. I didn’t think I did. “Just a lot on my mind.”

She eyes me through her lashes. “Wanna talk about it?”

“Not here,” I admit, shaking my head. “It’s a bunch of bullshit.”

“Maybe you’d feel better if you talked about it.”

“It only makes me think more,” I say around the bite I just took. “I talked to my buddies today, and I still feel off.”

“That sucks. I’m sorry,” she says sweetly. “I hate being in my head.”

“It blows for sure,” I agree as she takes another bite.

“I am different, though. Maybe I can help? A woman’s perspective.”

I grin at her. “Maybe.”

“Let me check on people,” she says, wiping her mouth with her apron. “Do I have anything on my face?”

“Nope, but if you want a pair of lips…” I say with a wink, which makes her laugh.

“You’re ruthless.”

“You love it,” I accuse, and she scoffs.

“So you think,” she throws back at me, and now I’m the one laughing as she walks away. As I eat, I watch the TV above the bar to keep from staring at her. I kind of want to tell her what’s going on. Maybe a female point of view would help. I only talk to males, except for Noelle.

Really, I just want to talk to Stella. We could talk about the color of pasta, and I would be into it. I just want to be around her. I want to tease, I want to flirt, because I love the way she makes me feel. It’s stupid to be doing this. Some would say I am wasting my time since I know what Aiden would think, but I can’t help myself. I want to be around her. I’m tired of Instagram-stalking her. I’m tired of sitting at a bar, only getting bits of her.

Maybe I should talk to Aiden?

I’ll wait until after my face heals.

When Stella comes back, she reaches for her fork and eats my last broccoli spear. “I wanted that,” I say, and she snickers.

“I’m not sorry. It’s so good.”

“Agreed,” I say, wiping my mouth. “So, you get off early tonight?”

“I do,” she says happily. “First time in a while.”

“Big plans? A suitor waiting?”

She rolls her eyes. “Shut up. Actually, what are you doing tonight?”

You?No, don’t say that. This is innocent flirting. I know what she wants, unless that’s changed… “I could say so much right now. I have a sick mind, Stella.”

She laughs softly. “Get it under control, Wesley. Unless what is going on in that mind includes telling my brother.”

“That’s so rude.”

“It is, but we both know you’d take another punch before you’d tell him what you’re thinking.”

I eye her. “I didn’t know you watched the games.”

“Duh, my brother was playing.”

“Sure,” I tease, and she grins as her cheeks fill with color. “And I was actually waiting for my face to heal before I tell him I want to take you out.”

She gives me a dry look, not convinced at all. “You want to take me out—or take me to bed?”

I shrug. “Both?” I say innocently, and she laughs.

“You’re dangerous.”

“No, you are.”

“Maybe,” she laughs with a cute little grin. “Let me know if you grow some balls and do that, though.”

“Would you go?”


“Maybe? You mean yes.”

“I mean maybe,” she says simply. “Anyway, there is a party at my friend’s tonight. You look like you need some fun. Wanna go?”


“Well, yeah. Though, not together-together since together-together would involve a lot more than you can give, but together as friends?”

I eye her skeptically since this is totally out of the blue. Though, I don’t mind one bit. “I don’t know if I can be friends with you.”

She giggles in a cute little way. “I don’t think you can either, but why not try? I don’t want to go to this thing alone, you look like you need some fun, so boom, we’re both getting what we want.”

What I want is her naked beneath me.

Or in a room with just us.

And then naked.

But a party with Stella?

Yeah, I want to do that.

“You sure?”

“I wouldn’t ask if I weren’t,” she says, eyeing me. “What, do you not want to go?”

“No, I do,” I say way too fast. “I just don’t want to get the wrong idea.”

“That’s why I’m being up front. We’re going out as friends.”

“But we’re not friends,” I remind her. “I’m friends with your brother. I’m attracted to you.”

“Do you want to go or not?” she asks, completely over my shit.

She strikes her hip, and I nod, licking my lips. “Yeah, I want to go.”

“That’s what I thought,” she calls to me as she walks away, and I feel a chill run down my spine.

I don’t know what is about to happen, but I am damn glad it’s happening. It’s dangerous and I could get in some serious trouble, but there is no way in hell I’m turning her down.