Dirty Toe Drag by Toni Aleo

Chapter Eight


Oh Jesus,what am I doing?

I’m not entirely sure, but I just couldn’t let him go home. I could see it all over his face the moment he walked in. And I don’t mean the bruising; I mean the kicked-dog look. I knew he’d spent the day with Aiden and Boon Hoenes. I saw Snapchats of baby Zac lying on Wes’s chest. It was sweet and made my ovaries come to life. I don’t know why since I am not having kids anytime soon, but they did a little dance seeing him with a baby. When he came into the bar, though, he looked lonely, and it made me sad. I felt for him, and I really wanted to make his day better. I flirted a lot, teased, and then for some reason, I invited him to Lake’s.

I’m playing with fire; I know this. I’m on the verge of catching fire myself, but in my heart, I couldn’t let him go home alone. Since I’m not going with him, I figured a very public party would suffice. He won’t be alone, and I’ll get my fill of all things Wesley McMillan since seeing him in the bar is never enough. I feel it’s balance, almost like eating only cupcakes and then half his meal. Balance.

When I round the corner of the restaurant to the back, Wes is standing beside my car, and I know I’ve made a mistake. He looked good in the bar, don’t get me wrong, but leaned up against my car, his hand in his pocket as he looks at his phone, the glow of the screen illuminating his face, he’s extra fine. He’s so big—not that I’m little, but I’m a modest 5’5” on a good day. He’s like a foot taller and as hard as a rock…everywhere. I know this. I felt this, and good God, I want to feel it again. I can’t. We’re being friends, yet, I’m breathless looking him over. He’s wearing jeans and a tee, but it’s the messiness of his hair that does it for me.

Hell, who am I kidding? He does it for me.

He must have heard me coming, because he looks up, a grin pulling at his lips. “Figured you’d drive since you know where we’re going.”

I nod. “That’s fine. Do you want to take your car to your house first?”

“I walked,” he says just as I reach him.

“Oh, I didn’t know you lived so close.”

He points over at a row of townhouses to the left of Brooks House. “Right there.”

“Cool!” I exclaim. Overly exclaim, really, and instantly, I feel like an idiot. I can’t look at him to see if he notices, so I unlock the doors to my Mercedes. He opens my door for me, and I flash him a wide smile. “Thank you.”

“Didn’t know I was a gentleman, huh?”

“I know you’re not.”

His grin is absolutely sinister.

Oh, dear. This is going to be a long, hard night.

Without a word, he shuts the door behind me before heading around and getting in himself. I throw my things in the back, and then I start the car. I haven’t had a guy in my car ever, so I feel a bit self-conscious. Emery says I’m an awful driver. What if he thinks the same? Why do I care? We’re being friends. Nothing more. God, who am I kidding? If he were to even kiss me, I’d climb him like a tree.

“So, whose party we going to?”

His question brings me out of the imaginary tree I want to climb as I back out of my parking spot. “My friend Lake’s. He has a house outside of the city with lots of land. He invited our whole class, basically.”

He nods as I turn onto the road. “How’s school going?”

“Good. I’m somehow keeping my grades up, even though I’m working full time.”

“That’s awesome. Good job.” He adjusts his seat, leaning it back a bit. “Not that I would know anything about that. I didn’t go to college.”

“No? You went straight into the NHL?”

“Sure did,” he says proudly. “I always wonder if I should get a degree. I could get hurt at any time. I would have absolutely nothing to fall back on. Actually, I have my good looks.”

“Yeah, porn would totally take you.”

His laughter fills my car as I grin widely. “Oh, I know it would. But thankfully, I don’t plan on getting hurt. Though, I should get some schooling. Maybe you can tutor me.”

“Sorry, I have enough jobs, and you’d be the worst student.”

He scoffs. “I would not.”

“Yes, you’re too handsy.”

“I am doing great right now.”

“Because we’re friends,” I remind him, and he snorts.

“Okay. And if you were my teacher, we wouldn’t be friends?”

“Nope. I’d be your teacher,” I say as evenly as I can. He’s making me completely hot. All I see in my head is some dirty teacher-student porn, and it’s just raunchy. How am I going to make it through tonight?

“Okay, whatever. I’d pay you more.”

“Ha! You can’t afford me,” I decide, and he chuckles loudly.

“Obviously no one can since you work all the time.”

“Oh, I don’t have to. My parents don’t make me work. I work for myself.”

“That’s amicable.”

“It’s not. I just really like money.”

He laughs. “Touché.” Ugh, I hate that I’m grinning from ear to ear. “Don’t you usually close?”

“I do, but I asked for tonight off to go to this party.”

“Oh, okay.”

“Yeah, if I don’t go, Lake will be pissed, and I don’t want to hear his mouth.”

“Is Lake a boyfriend guy?”

I laugh. “Not at all. He’s my very gay buddy.”

“Oh, the guy in your stories?”

“Yes, stalker,” I tease, and he seems a little embarrassed but not much. “We’ve been friends since I started school.”

“Awesome. He seems like a good time.”

“He is, so much fun,” I say happily, though guilt eats at me. I don’t know if he’ll be so much fun after I find my balls and go after my real dreams. “He’s a mess.” Wes doesn’t say anything to that, so I ask, “So, do you wanna talk about your day?”

“Eh, it was a day.”

I side-eye him. “What’s that mean?”

“Just a lot going on,” he says slowly, and I feel his gaze on my face. “You know about our coach and our goalie.”

I nod sadly. “I’m sorry. Peca is such a sweet guy.”

“Yeah. Just a lot of change.”

“I hate change,” I admit, more so than anyone knows. I don’t know if it’s the change that scares me away from chasing my dreams or if it’s disappointing my parents.

“Me too,” he says softly. “It seems like the hits keep coming.”

“I don’t think we’re talking about your face.”

He smiles ruefully. “Not at all. That was deserved.”

“I saw you talking shit.”

He chuckles. “I do it best.”

“So I hear,” I supply as I turn onto the interstate to head out of the city. “Are you in pain?”

“A little,” he admits. “But nothing I can’t handle.”

“Is that why you look like a beat dog?”

“Man, you don’t hold back. A beat dog?”

“You do! That’s why I invited you out with me. I felt bad for you.”

“Whatever. You invited me out because you want a hot, sexy man beside you at your party. Show me off to your friends.”

I snort. “You’re delusional, my friend.”

“Am I?”

“Completely,” I say with a grin.

Truth is, he isn’t wrong at all.

Not even a smidge.

* * *

“You’re good on the ice,”I say, tossing a bag in my hand. “So, please tell me you’re good at cornhole.”

Wes gives me a highly annoyed look. “I am good at everything.”

“Okay,” I draw out, shaking my head. “Don’t let me down. I never have a good partner.”

“Oh, don’t you worry, girl. I’m about to show you I’m an unbelievable partner,” he says, and I know that statement is extremely heavy with suggestion.

I ignore him, shooing him away as I see Lake coming. “Yeah, yeah. Go.”

Wes winks at me, and my stomach flips. Jesus. We haven’t been here long. The ride over was easy, small talk and lots of laughing. He wouldn’t tell me why he was upset, but I don’t think he is thinking about that anymore. He seems in good spirits and has enjoyed hanging with my friends. Of course, everyone asked what happened to his face, and as soon as he said he got into a fight at a game and it got out that he was a hockey player, everyone was gushing over me. If I had to say that we’re just friends one more time, I was going to scream.

But I did enjoy the attention from him. Not from everyone else.

He hasn’t left my side all night. We played a round of beer pong and then flip cup before heading outside for cornhole. It’s been a blast, and I’m so glad I brought him. He hasn’t stopped smiling, and he no longer looks like a beat dog. Problem is, every second that passes only makes me want to jump his bones even more. I should get an award for my restraint.

I glance up to see Lake walking out of the house, and I groan loudly at his grin that covers his whole face. He’s wearing a yellow bodysuit with biker shorts and a yellow wig. He’s so over the top, and I utterly love it. But I know for a fact that I’m not going to like what he is about to say.

“Finally locking down the stalker?”

Yup. Knew it. “We came as friends,” I groan out for the millionth time. About a hundred thousand of my “We’re just friends” were just for Lake. He is nonstop.

“Sexy-time friends?” he suggests, and I ignore him as I throw my bag. I get two in the hole and one on the board and completely miss the fourth.

When I meet Wes’s gaze, he’s stunned. “Oh, you’re good, good?”

“I told you I was!” I yell to him, and he shakes his head.

“Yup, total sexy-time friends,” Lake decides, and I glance over at him.


“You guys have been grinning at each other since you got here. You’ve both got these dreamy looks on your faces. When are you going to give in and let him get a piece of your cake?”

I blink. I’m not sure why he chose cake as a euphemism for my vagina, but instantly, I think he knows. But there’s no way he knows I make cupcakes. I really need to be honest. “For one, he doesn’t do relationships, and I don’t want a fling.”

“Why not? He’s gorgeous,” he says while throwing his bags. “Especially with those blue eyes and busted nose. He looks all dangerous.” Lake has no clue the weight of his words. Wes is dangerous. Downright dangerous. But I don’t say that. Instead, I watch Lake miss the board completely, which is why I hate being on his team. He only plays to be a part of the game. He doesn’t care or even want to win.

I want to win.

“Of course he is. But I’ve told you. I want more than just a fling.”

“You’re so boring. Wasting all that gorgeousness. You could be the best ho.”

I pause. “Is that a compliment?”

“Absolutely,” he says with a wink, and I roll my eyes before looking over to see Wes and Lake’s “friend” getting ready to go.

While I want a relationship, Lake does not. He likes fucking around and loves when he finds an older man who wants to spoil him. Adam is just that. In his fifties, married, and getting plowed by my friend. It’s tragic, but at this point, I’m used to the men he brings around.

Wes throws the first bag right in the hole, and I cheer loudly. He grins over at me, his eyes dancing, before he throws the other three in the hole. Thank God he’s good, and we spank Lake and Adam. I meet Wes in between the two boards, and we high-five with both hands.

“Thank God. I’ll have to invite you more often.”

“I’m down,” he says, wrapping an arm around my neck. I lean into his side as we look out at the party. It’s huge, with lots of people. Some I know, but a lot I don’t. Games are set up everywhere, and I know even more are inside, but to the left of the cornhole area are lights and a DJ, who is playing music. Lake goes all out with his parties, and I love coming to them. But I have to admit, coming with Wes has made it way better.

When the acoustic version of “I Wanna Dance with Somebody” reaches me, I smile.

“What are you grinning about?” Wes asks, and I meet his gaze. “Wanna kick some more ass?”

I lick my lips. “Actually, I love this song. Would you want to dance?”

Something moves over his face. “With you?”

I grin at the friskiness on his face. “Yes.”


I can’t help it. I laugh so hard as he threads his fingers through mine, walking backward toward the makeshift dance floor, leading me along. He pulls me into his arms, and I lay my head on his chest as we sway to the music. His heart’s cadence is soothing as we sway, his arms holding my waist as mine rest under my chin and against his chest. He smells divine, so manly, and I could get drunk off his scent. One song turns into two, and before I know it, we’ve danced to almost four songs. I feel so safe in his arms.

But unfortunately, my watch starts to go off.

I pull back to see it’s my timer to leave. I set it to remind myself to go home so I can get some sleep before tomorrow’s cupcake shift. I don’t want to be a zombie, making Harry Potter goodies. “Damn it. I gotta go.”

I meet his gaze to see Wes bringing his brows in. “Huh?”

“I have a curfew,” I say, and then I realize that sounds so childish.

He grins. “No shit?”

I laugh, shaking my head. “Not like that. I made it myself. I have to get up early, so I set my timer to remind me of that.”

“Very responsible.”

I shrug. “I have goals, but you can stay, Uber—”

“No way. Can you take me home?”


His hand moves into mine, and I have a feeling it’s going to be real hard to watch him get out of my car and go into his place.

Without going in with him.

When he doesn’t move, I eye him. “You ready?”

His eyes search mine. “Can I take you out?”

I blink. “Out?”

“Yeah, on a date.”

“A date?”

His lips quirk. “If you want.”

I’m lost in his eyes, and I have no control of my mouth at this point.
