Risk Taker by Sonia Stanizzo

Chapter 11

When would Holly learn to stop making dumb decisions? Going on a date with Shaun had disaster written all over it from the beginning. He couldn’t keep his hands to himself and kept calling her gorgeous the moment she stepped out of the trailer. And he didn’t introduce her to anyone in the film industry nor did she see any crew around. He just picked a dark corner and went all octopus-hands on her. Deep down she knew this would be a mistake. Seeing Ethan with Victoria did something weird to her insides and it affected her decision making. Now look where that had left her… Now she wanting to take down the valet because he wouldn’t get her bag out of Shaun’s car. Stupid mistake number two, bringing her luggage and leaving it in his Benz.

“I’m sorry, Ma’am, it’s Mr. Smythe’s car and he needs to claim anything in it himself,” the valet explained.

“Firstly, how old do you think I am to be calling me Ma’am? And secondly, it’s my bag!”

“If you can call him down here ma… Miss—”

“Mr. Smythe is at present,” she gritted her teeth, “dripping in red wine with women probably falling over themselves to help him.”

He frowned with confusion.

“Oh, forget it,” she huffed. “Thanks for nothing.”

The valet walked away.

“Do you always get yourself in trouble?” Holly would recognise that voice anywhere. Turning she found Ethan smiling at her.

“What’re you doing here?” she asked.

“I saw the aftereffects of your date with Shaun.” His lips twitched into a smirk.

“I guess you’re going to say, ‘I told you so’?” She dropped her fists onto her hips.

“Not at all.” The smirk grew into a full-blown smile. He might not say it, but Holly bet he was thinking it.

She pulled a face, which only made him laugh. “I’m so happy my misfortune is so amusing to you.” She couldn’t help but laugh along with him. It was better than crying.

“Why do you look like you want to go a round in the ring with the valet?” he asked.

“My luggage is in Shaun’s car.” Why did she keep leaving it with stupid men? Maybe she should forget about it and buy new clothes. Good idea if she could afford to.

“Do we need to go on another rescue mission?” He actually looked serious, like he was waiting for an excuse to take on Shaun.

“No, it’s okay. I can manage one more night without it.” At least she wasn’t dressed like a hooker, although her clubbing outfit wasn’t much better. Luckily, she had her purse, and the money she’d saved on buying another train ticket to Melbourne, she could use to catch a bus and find a cheap hostel.

“Do you have a ride?” Ethan asked.

“I’ll catch a bus.”

Ethan signalled to the valet to retrieve his car. “I’ll drive you to wherever you need to go.”

“No, that’s okay—”

“I’m happy to.” And as the car pulled up, he opened the passenger side door and waited for her to get in.

She hesitated for a moment. Was getting in his car going to be mistake number three? He was only offering her a much-needed ride, nothing more. Making up her mind, she slid onto the seat and Ethan closed the door.

“Where to?” he asked as he got behind the wheel and maneuvered his way through the light traffic.

“George Street,” she answered. Then she remembered he’d had a date. “Shouldn’t you be with Victoria Martin?”

He chuckled, “You’re using her full name too?”

“She’s a celebrity, I can’t help it. So, where’s she?”

“In the club.” His finger tapped on the steering wheel in time with the rock music playing from the car’s stereo.

“Lover’s tiff?”

He flicked her a disapproving look. “No.”

“So why’d you leave your girlfriend?”

“She’s not my girlfriend, she’s just a friend.”

“A friend with kinky benefits.” She wiggled her eyebrows but her gut twisted into a knot. Why did she ask when she really didn’t want to know?

He took his eyes off the road and awarded her comment with another frown. “We have an understanding. We can see other people.”

“I think the reason some movies do so well is because the on-screen couple are an item away from the cameras too. I bet it’ll be great for your movie. Victoria’s gorgeous and popular.”

He didn’t respond just gave her another frown.

Oh God, she was rambling about a stupid movie. Being cocooned in the dark, small space of the car with Ethan had her blurting out nonsense. She looked out the windscreen, kept her mouth shut and watched Sydney pass in a blur of coloured lights.

Over the sound of the music playing, Holly’s stomach growled with hunger. Her hands shot to the offending sound, embarrassed it’d made such a noise. She hadn’t eaten since the blueberry muffin during her break, and the ones she’d saved for later where in her luggage in Shaun’s car.

Instead of being a gentleman and pretending he heard nothing, Ethan laughed, “Hungry?”

When she was about to deny it, the rumbling hit again and she winced. “Just a little.”

“Come on, you need food before you pass out.” He drove for a few minutes. Parked, and got out of the car. “Spiral’s nearby.”

There was no way she could afford to eat at the Michelin star restaurant. She’d dined in the same one in Melbourne with her family, even the water was too expensive.

She got out of the car and scanned the street. There was a café not far away that wouldn’t leave her broke. “I don’t feel like anything fancy. Ever been to Rustys?” When he shook his head, she added, “It’s only one of the best cafés in town. You have to try it.” Without waiting for him to respond, she began walking in the café’s direction.

With two long strides, he was at her side, so close that their hands brushed together. A tingling sensation travelled up her arm and she had a strong urge to entwine her fingers with his. She took a step aside, putting space between the man who one; wasn’t available and two, well, was a man and she was keeping away from the opposite sex.

At this later time of night, pedestrian traffic still flowed through the streets. An older couple strolled hand in hand in front of them and three teenage boys dangerously dodged cars as they ran across the street. Up ahead, two old men—one playing a violin, the other a guitar, sat on stools. The musicians had gathered a crowd of onlookers. No one paid Holly and Ethan any attention as they walked by, too entertained by the lively music. Holly noticed Ethan kept to the shadows of the closed shops. It must be hard trying to stay incognito when you were such a famous actor.

When they reached the café, Ethan stopped short; a look of displeasure on his face. “Pies?”

Holly laughed, “Not just any pies. You’ve never had one that tastes this good before. Trust me.” This time she took his hand ignoring how strong and comfortable it felt clasped with hers and towed him closer to the window to order.

The man standing behind the counter eyes bulged out of his head when he saw Ethan. “No one’s gonna believe me when I tell them Ethan Doyle was at my shop. Can I get a photo?”

“Sure,” Ethan answered, reaching out for the guy’s phone.

After they took the photo, Holly ordered a mushroom and steak pie and Ethan chose a gourmet cheese and bacon one. Trust Ethan to go that little bit fancier. Holly went to pay but Ethan stopped her. “It’s on me.”

“You don’t have to do that.” He’d done so much for her already, buying him a pie was the least she could do to repay him.

“I want to.” His tone was final, and she didn’t bother arguing. She was too hungry to waste precious time fighting over the bill when she could be sinking her teeth into pastry goodness.

“Thanks,” she said.

When the server passed them their order, Ethan handed him what appeared to be a few folded hundred-dollar notes. “Can you not post anything or tell anyone we’re here until after we’ve gone? I’d like to have this beautiful woman all to myself for a while.”

Beautiful woman? Holly had to stop herself from looking over her shoulders in case he was talking about someone behind her. A flutter spread in her belly and this time it wasn’t from hunger pangs.

The guy’s eyes lit up at the amount of money in his hand. “Sure thing. There’s a table around the back. It’s a little dark, no one should see you there.”

Ethan grabbed their food and headed behind of the café. The shops in the area were long closed and like the guy said, it was dark. The only soft light coming from the streets.

“I hope we don’t get mugged.” Holly glanced around nervously before she sat on the timber bench seat.

Ethan laughed, “I think we’ll be okay.”

Holly couldn’t wait any longer, the smell of spicy beef drifted to her nose and made her mouth water. She tore into the paper bag. She took a huge bite and moaned. “Oh my God, this is heaven. It’s so good.” She glanced up at Ethan to check if he was enjoying his too, he hadn’t even taken it out of the bag. He stared at her mouth with intensity.

She dabbed the corners of her mouth with the provided napkin. “You’re not eating.”

“I’m too busy enjoying watching you,” he answered. “You missed a spot.” He leaned forward to wipe his thumb next to her mouth.

Their eyes locked—they had a habit of doing that—and she shivered.

“Are you cold?” he asked and dropped his hand.

“No.” Then she shivered again, from the loss of heat from his touch. “Yes.”

Shrugging out of his jacket, he rose and draped it around her. His hands resting for a heartbeat on her shoulders before taking his seat. “Better?”

“Yes.” And just like the sweater he’d loaned her that morning, she was once again fighting the urge to bury her nose in the expensive fabric to inhale the woodsy, masculine scent. “I have a habit of borrowing your clothes.”

He chuckled. The deep husky sound had her pulse racing. “You keep leaving your things with losers.”

“I’m still waiting for the I-told-you-so.”

Finally, he unwrapped his pie. “You don’t need me rubbing it in.” Then he took a bite.

This time it was Ethan’s turn to moan with delight. His eyes closed for a moment. It had Holly wondering what his sex face looked like. If it was anything close to this, hot damn! She mentally shook herself, needing to get the image from her mind.

“This is delicious,” he said around a mouthful of pie.

“I can’t believe you’ve never tried one of these before. Told you they were great,” she said.

After they finished their meals, they sat in silence. Ethan stared at her. She squirmed in the seat under his scrutiny.

“Do I have pie on my face again?”

“No.” He stroked his hand along his chin, the stubble made a scratching sound. “I’m still curious why you stayed at my mother’s house last night.”

“Oh, that. Well … I had a fight with Declan and ended up on your movie set. She didn’t want me roaming the streets dressed in my costume.” She didn’t go into too much detail. Her life had become a huge embarrassment and parts of it she’d like to forget.

“You didn’t have any family or friends to call to help? Especially to keep you off the streets looking like a sex worker?”

She shred the napkin in her hand. “They’re all in Melbourne.”

Ethan placed his hands over hers, stopping her from turning it into confetti. “Did you move here with Declan?”

“No, he was an old friend from high school. I looked him up when I arrived.” Before he could quiz her more about it, she sprang from the seat. Why was it so hard to tell Ethan the full story? After two weeks she’d never see him again and he’d be busy making movies and dating beautiful actresses. Holly and her story forgotten.

“Thanks for the ride, but I’m beat. I need to find a backpacker’s hostel.”

She turned to leave. Before she could take a step, he’d clutched onto her wrist and pulled her back around. “You’re staying at a backpacker hostel?” The disgusted expression on his face showed he wasn’t impressed with her choice of living arrangements.

“There’s a good one not far.” According to a travel app, she hoped it was true.

“Are you serious? I don’t think there’s such a thing as a good one. And who knows what crazies you’ll run into there.”

Her gaze snapped to his and she pulled her shoulders back. “Not everyone can afford fancy accommodation.” There was also an Ainsworth hotel not far away from there, where she could spend the night without charge. Only it would only get back to her parents. “Thanks for your concern.”

Again, she turned to leave and again, he pulled her to a stop. His hands dropped on her shoulders bringing their chests inches apart. Holly was breathing deeply and didn’t know if it was because she was pissed at Ethan for being so judgmental or the close proximity of their bodies. It took her a second to decide. The latter won by a mile.

She stepped back and he took one step forward not letting her go. She repeated the move only to discover the café wall behind her.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.” His eyes shone with sincerity.

“That’s okay. It’s late, I better go.”

His gaze dropped to her mouth and her lungs hitched for breath. Involuntarily, her tongue darted out to lick her bottom lip.

“God, Holly, I really want to kiss you.” He dropped his head back and stared at the sky.

There was nothing she wanted more and damn all the reasons she shouldn’t to hell. Temptation grew to full-blown desire and she clutched his shirt, yanking him down for a kiss.

The next thing she knew, she was pressed against him. His hands cupped her face and his mouth claimed hers. Knees buckling, she held on to his waist for support. His lips trailed wet, hot kisses along her jaw and skimmed the sensitive skin on her neck. While he was busy discovering her racing pulse, Holly’s hands couldn’t help but caress his broad chest. His hard muscles bunched under her palms. He let out a long breath as they trailed down to his stomach. His grip tightened against her waist, and he pushed her against the brick wall. She hitched her leg around his waist, his erection pressed against her. Sucking in a sharp breath at the contact, she shuffled closer.

His mouth trailed down her neck and nuzzled at the top of one breast, his hand covered the other and massaged in slow circles. Groaning, she tilted her head back against the wall. Their clothes separated them from all the good parts, and she wanted to feel every part of him.

“I’m taking you home. I want to fuck you in a bed not behind a pie shop,” Ethan’s voice broke through the euphoria she was falling into. The words burst Holly’s bubble of lust and brought her back to reality. She nudged Ethan away and gasped for air.

What happened to not getting involved with men? God, that mouth. Those hands. The whole package Ethan was wrapped in was enough to drop her to her knees. And if they hadn’t been interrupted, she would have done just that. Congratulations Holly, you made mistake number three for the night.

“I should go.” She blew out a shaky breath and scrubbed her hands over her face. “Turns out, I keep making bad decisions tonight.”

“The kiss was a bad decision?” He frowned.

The dim lights from the café cast them in a shadow, yet she could still see annoyance cross his features.

“Uh, yeah.” Why was he being such a dolt? “You’re with Victoria and you’re here hooking up with me.”

“I told you, it’s—”

“It’s not exclusive. I know. I still can’t get involved with you. Goodnight Ethan.” She took one last look at what she’d given up and left him in the dark.