Risk Taker by Sonia Stanizzo

Chapter 10

After the message from Oliver, Holly went back to work a little shaky but managed to keep a steady hand and not mess up anyone’s face.

At the end of the day, Nancy smiled and said, “Great job, Holly,” and gave her a quick hug before cleaning the benches. “You’re a natural. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

When had Holly ever gotten a congratulatory hug from her mother for doing a good job at something? After leaving the company and Oliver, she’d told Holly she was doing a great job screwing up her life. Nancy’s praise was something she wasn’t used to and warmth burst in her chest.

“I didn’t have to do much, the makeup was fairly basic.”

Nancy paused. “Don’t sell yourself short.”

Shifting awkwardly on her feet, Holly smiled. “Thanks.”

“I’m only speaking the truth. Now, are you going to get ready for your date with Shaun?”

Holly groaned, “Why did I agree to it?”

“Because you wanted to annoy Ethan?” She gave a knowing smile.

“What? No, why would I?”

A smirk played on Nancy’s lips. “To make him jealous?”

“I’m hoping I can make connections. That’s all.” What was Nancy talking about? Was there a small part of her that wanted to make him jealous? No, that was crazy talk.

“Okay, if you say so.” Nancy shrugged not looking convinced.

“Anyway, I hope Shaun’s forgotten. I’m too tired to go out.”

A sharp knock sounded on the trailer door and Shaun entered—beaming with a bright, white smile. “Hey gorgeous, ready to go?” He gave her a head-to-toe inspection. “The Runaway Club has a ‘no jeans’ policy. I’d be happy to take you home to change.” His lewd expression told her he liked the idea. Not happening, buddy.

“Umm… Shaun do you mind if we go outside for a minute?” Simone, the hairstylist and the other makeup artists walked in after Shaun and Holly didn’t want an audience while she broke off the date. She’d been kidding herself trying to believe that it wasn’t one.

He rose an eyebrow but nodded and followed her out.

In the distance the crew packed up equipment and her eyes automatically scanned the area for Ethan. Why would Nancy say she wanted to make him jealous? Had she noticed an attraction between them? Was Holly right earlier when she thought she’d felt it too?

Then she spotted Ethan and her heart gave a flutter. He was talking to a camera guy and as if he felt her gaze on him, he turned towards her. From the short distance, she could see the frown lines between his eyes, and he shook his head. She knew he was telling her not to go out with Shaun.

“What’s up? My driver’s waiting.”

Holly’s eyes snapped back to Shaun. “Shaun… I’m really sorry but…” Her gaze found Ethan again. This time he wasn’t chatting with the camera guy. Now he had his arm around Victoria Martin’s waist as he bent down and kissed her on the lips. When they broke apart and headed toward the car park, he gave Holly another glare over his shoulder.

Fury spiked in her gut. He had no right giving her sexy eyes during the day and then warn her to stay away from Shaun while leaving with another woman. She turned back to Shaun and said, “I’m sorry, I’ll have to keep your driver waiting a few more minutes. I have clothes to change into in the trailer. I’ll try not to be too long.” She raced back into the room.

Grabbing her bag, she unzipped it open and rummaged inside. Thankfully there were a couple outfits suitable for clubbing. With a quick brush of her hair and a swipe of cherrypie lipstick, she waved goodbye to Nancy and Simone. Hopefully she wouldn’t end up regretting her decision.

* * *

“You’re quiet,” Victoria said as she relaxed into the leather seat of Ethan’s car, her strong perfume clogging the air.

Ethan pressed the button for the electric windows to let in fresh air. “Had a full-on day. I’m tired.”

She leaned as close as she could with the console between them. “We can go back to my place instead.”

He gave Victoria a quick glance. The short, emerald skirt and tight plunging black top showcased an extremely sexy woman. And she knew how to work her body to turn men into puddles at her feet. It was ripped denim jeans and a casual t-shirt that turned him on more than the woman with all the practised moves.

He went to Victoria’s trailer during his break intending to have sex. It’s what they did. Today didn’t feel right. The attraction that pulled him to her had gone.

When he went to her trailer, she’d been on the phone and he left to give her privacy. He’d known the second he walked in; he wouldn’t follow through with her offer. Especially when he had another woman on his mind. This was exactly why Ethan had wanted Holly on the train. On set for a few hours and things were already changing. He was thinking about her, reliving the kiss in his mind and watching out for her on set. Distracting him from work. He needed to keep their working relationship strictly professional, block Holly out and continue with his plan as normal.

There wasn’t room for a relationship in his life. With the amount of work he committed to and months at a time away filming at different locations, stopped him from perusing anything serious. In the beginning of his career, he’d found a woman he could see a future with. Thought it possible to do both. He’d been wrong. Unable to sacrifice the workload and commit more time to his girlfriend it’d caused a rift and they had split. He hurt someone who loved him because making movies was more important to him. After all, it gave his family a better life and even though they were more secure now, he couldn’t risk losing it all again.

“I want to go to the fundraiser,” Ethan said. “I want to talk to Ralph and he should be there tonight. The script he told me about didn’t get delivered.”

Victoria sat back in the seat with a huff. “I don’t know why you’re still with him. Your sister could do a better job.”

His fingers gripped the steering wheel for a beat. Chloe was the agent for some A list celebrities but she refused to represent him. “I’ve asked her more than once and I keep getting the same answer.”

“She’d make a fortune out of you and Aiden.”

“She thinks we’ll boss our kid sister around. And that there’s not enough money in the world that will make her put up with us.”

Victoria laughed, “She’s probably right.”

Pulling up to the valet parking in front of The Runaway Club, Ethan ran his fingers through his hair and blew out a breath. A bunch of paparazzi were outside with their cameras ready. He had to keep reminding himself that these people helped him get paid. Acting, pulled his family out of a hovel and without them, he could very quickly end up back where he’d started. And there was no way, he’d let that ever happen. So, if it meant turning up to clubs to have his photo taken, no matter how tedious, he’d do it.

“Show time,” he said as he got out of the car, handed the valet the keys and took Victoria’s hand. Smiling, he greeted the media.

Once inside, he shook some hands, posed for selfies with fans who’d won a competition to attend the night’s fundraiser, and greeted whoever walked past. All with Victoria plastered at his side doing the same thing. Did she find it as monotonous as he did? Probably not, she craved the attention and basked in the spotlight.

Tables with cream tablecloths and flower arrangements were set out in front of a stage for people to sit and watch the singers. An 80s TV star was dancing and singing out of tune to a Justin Bieber song.

A tray of drinks materialised magically out of thin air. Ethan took a whisky and Victoria, who rarely drank because of the calories, chose sparkling water and then made her way to rub shoulders with whoever was the it person of the month.

He went in search of Ralph, he needed to know more about this role he had for him. Instead of finding his agent, his gaze locked on Holly sitting at a table in a dark corner with Shaun whispering in her ear.

Holly frowned and pulled away not looking at all like she was enjoying his company. Well, he’d tried to warn her. It was her life; she could go out with whomever she pleased. So why did a tightness squeeze his chest at the sight of Shaun leering at her like he was ready to find them a room?

Shaking his head, he tossed back the whiskey and spun away hoping the burning liquid would fix the unexpected feelings he was having. Across the room, he spotted the man he wanted to talk to, chatting with a young soap star. He caught Ralph’s attention, and his agent waved him over.

Before he took a step, a loud gasp sounded behind him and he turned around. Shaun had red wine dripping down his face and a dark stain spread across his white linen shirt. Holly shot up from the lounge with a thundercloud expression and jostled her way through a laughing crowd.

Before Ethan could go to her to check if she was okay, a heavy hand landed on his shoulder and he turned to see Ralph by his side. “I bet he deserved that,” his agent said tilting his chin toward Shaun. “Sorry, I missed your call. I’ve been in meetings trying to get you cast for this movie. I’m getting positive feedback. There’s a good chance you’ll still have to audition.”

“I thought the director was already on board?” Ethan said as he searched the crowded room to see which direction Holly had gone.

“Yes, yes, he is. You know he’s not the only one we need to impress. Come and have a drink and we’ll talk about who’s having doubts.”

“Ralph, send me the script. We’ll talk later.” He should really stay and discuss this with him. But he needed to see if Holly was okay.


“I’ve gotta run,” Ethan said and made to go down the stairs in search of Holly. She’d looked upset—or more like, ready to kill someone—and he wanted to make sure she got home safely. Then he remembered Victoria. “Dammit.” He spun back around. Thankfully it didn’t take long to find her.

“Are you able to find a lift home?” When an eyebrow rose, he added, “If not, I can swing back and get you when you’re ready to leave.”

“Is everything okay?” she asked.

“Yes, I just need to see someone gets home safely.”

“I’m sure Lucas will be happy to offer me a ride.” She gave a seductive smile to the man standing next to her, whom Ethan assumed was Lucas.

With that, he raced down the steps doing a quick scan of the dance floor and surrounding areas. Unless she was in the bathroom, she wasn’t in the club. On his way out, people tried to stop him to talk. He ignored them and kept moving until he stepped out into the crisp evening air.

He didn’t need to go far to find Holly. A couple of metres away, she glared daggers at the valet. With arms crossed and toe tapping she spat, “You’ve got to be freaking kidding me?”