Risk Taker by Sonia Stanizzo

Chapter 9

After Trudy informed Ethan of the slight change to the script, he headed to the makeup trailer. The last person he expected to find was Holly. By now, he’d hoped she’d be at the train station. What surprised him the most was she was doing Shaun’s makeup. First, she’d gotten mistaken as an actress. Now she was working as a makeup artist? What the hell was going on at this studio?

She laughed at something Shaun said and Ethan’s chest tightened at the playful banter happening between them. The actor was no doubt trying to work is way into Holly’s pants, like he did with every attractive woman who crossed his path. It wasn’t his business who Holly messed around with so why did it leave a bitter taste in his mouth? Maybe because he knew his infamous reputation with women and didn’t want Holly getting hurt especially after what she’d been through with Declan.

“What are you doing here?” At Ethan’s harsh tone, Holly’s eyes widened, and he tried softening his next words. “Shouldn’t you be on a train?” That didn’t come out much better. He wasn’t sure why he was so annoyed. Was it because she’d looked like she’d enjoyed his kiss earlier and now was flirting with Shaun? This woman was screwing with his mind.

“Nancy needed help, so I’m helping.” She gave him a puzzled look then turned her attention back to Shaun.

“Where’s Jacinta?” he asked his mother.

“She’s had emergency surgery. She’s fine, but can’t work for two weeks and Holly has graciously accepted to fill in until she’s better.”

“I’ll take Holly over Jacinta any day.” Shaun gave Holly a lopsided grin. “Jacinta is a grouch and couldn’t crack a smile even if you paid her.”

“It’s because she’s sick of you hitting on her,” Ethan said.

Shaun’s face screwed up with displeasure. “It’s her loss.”

“Or she has higher standards.” Ethan sat in the chair next to him.

Shaun chuckled, not seeming to take offense. “We can’t all bag women like Victoria.”

Holly had changed from her hooker outfit to a pair of faded ripped jeans, white t-shirt and converse shoes. She looked sexier than Victoria dressed in any of her skimpiest outfits.

“I think I’m done.” Holly placed a finger under Shaun’s chin and tilted his face from side to side. “Does he look okay, Nancy?”

His mother stopped what she was doing and inspected Holly’s work. “Great. See? Who needs a diploma to do this job?” She laughed.

“Maybe it’s beginner’s luck,” Holly chuckled.

“Wait, you’ve never done this before?” Ethan glanced at Holly through the reflection of the mirror.

She twirled the brush in her hand. “No.”

“She’s more than capable, and I need help.” His mother jumped to her defence. Trudy could have another makeup artist here with a snap of her fingers. For some reason she wanted Holly and there’d be no changing her mind.

Holly working on set was a bad idea. There was no denying the pull of attraction and anything that could take his focus off his goals was a problem. Holly had major distraction written all over her. In the little time he’d spent with her, he’d already kissed her. Only for show. Hell, to be honest, an arm around her waist would’ve convinced Declan they were together. The kiss was for his enjoyment. Now with her here for two weeks, the temptation to do it again would be irresistible. Definitely irresistible. He’d have to reign in his urges. He had an arrangement with Victoria that benefited the both of them. Sex with no commitment.

With the way Holly kept glancing at his mouth, she was thinking about the kiss too, and he’d bet the attraction was mutual.

“I still think you’re better than Jacinta,” Shaun broke through Ethan’s thoughts, slid his hand down Holly’s arm and clasped her hand. “How about you join me for a drink later?”

Holly slowly pulled free. “That’s nice of you to ask, but I’m not—”

“Most of the crew will be there too. Call it a ‘welcome to the set’ kind of thing,” Shaun added when he must have sensed Holly about to decline.

There was no way Shaun was inviting her to a get together with the crew. From the lewd gaze he trailed over Holly’s body, it would be a party for two. And Ethan hated that Shaun might succeed.

“She doesn’t want to go out with you.” Ethan clenched his jaw.

Holly frowned at him then turned to Shaun. “Thanks for the invite. Maybe another time.”

“Come on. We’re going to a karaoke bar. It’ll be fun. It’s a fundraiser for the Rafter Homeless Shelter, so there’ll be a lot of people in the biz I can introduce you to.”

“I really don’t—”

“I’m sure you’ll get a bunch of job offers when I tell them what a great makeup artist you are.”

Holly pursed her lips looking unsure, finally she said, “Okay.”

“Great, I’ll pick you up at the trailer when I’m done. See you later.” He rose from the chair and gave a light mocking punch on Ethan’s shoulder. “See you on set.” Then strutted out of the trailer.

“What the hell were you thinking?” Ethan wanted to put his hands on her shoulders and shake some sense into her. “He’s only after one thing.”

“What? No, it’s not like that. It’s only drinks and the crew will be there too. I want to get to know them.”

“Shaun wants more than drinks with you,” he lowered his voice so the other makeup artists and actors in the room wouldn’t overhear.

“I can handle myself if he tries to cross the line.”

“He’ll try to handle you, if you’re not careful.” Maybe that’s what she wanted. Who was he to try and dissuade her from anything? He was only trying to inform her what Shaun was like and if she wanted to screw around with him, well… so be it.

“Ethan it’s none of your business who Holly has drinks with,” his mother said as she sidled up to him. He’d already arrived at that conclusion. “Now sit, be quiet and keep still so she can get to work on your face. Holly, do a simple look like you did with Shaun.” His mother gave Holly instructions on what colours to use.

When she had brushes and pots of cosmetics lined on the counter she got to work, wiping and powdering his face without saying a word. The more intricate the work around his eye was getting, the closer she leaned toward him and her breast grazed his shoulder. Taking a step back, she said, “Sorry.”

He cleared his throat. “No worries.”

Holly continued on and he closed his eyes, hoping that with them shut, he didn’t have to see her up close and want to put his mouth on the smooth, sensitive part of her neck. With his eyes closed, images of putting his mouth on more than her neck were vivid and his skin flushed hot.

Five minutes later, Holly asked, “Okay, Nancy, what do you think?”

Ethan shot from the chair like his arse was on fire, not waiting for his mother’s inspection. “It’s fine. I’m due on set.” And raced from the trailer.

* * *

It’s official, today is the best day of Holly’s life. Instead of being homebound on a train to Melbourne, she was on a movie set applying makeup on actors. Something she’d only dreamed of doing but working for her family’s hotels had never given her the opportunity. All the YouTube videos she’d watched over the years had paid off because she didn’t suck. A couple of times Nancy did a slight retouch or told her to add more or less, but overall, she’d loved Holly’s work.

She’d even had her picture taken for a pass that Trudy insisted she needed to have to be on set. It now hung proudly from her neck like she was part of the team and for the two weeks, she would be—she even had the signed paperwork to prove it. If only it could last longer and she didn’t have to go back home.

The worrying thought of the day was Shaun. Why did she have to agree to drinks? She’d promised herself to give men up. His offer to introduce her to people in the business was too good to pass. If she could make some connections maybe she could show her parents, she loved what she was doing and was really good at it. Then, hopefully, they’d reconsider the family obligations which tied her to the hotels.

And what was with Ethan jumping in trying to make her decisions? It sounded like he was jealous. Ridiculous. Why would he be? He knew Shaun, so he was probably trying to warn her of his reputation. That’s the only thing that made sense. Going with Shaun didn’t feel right, she’d have to cancel and figure out how to make her own connections while she had the chance. Hopefully he’d forgotten about the invitation for drinks and moved on to the next woman. Fingers crossed.

“We’ve finished in here for now. We need to go on set and do touch-ups,” Nancy said handing Holly a black, leather pouch. “Fill this with brushes and product.”

A smile split across Holly’s face. “A makeup belt? This day keeps getting better and better,” she sighed with delight as she strapped it around her waist.

Nancy laughed, “It’s just a belt not gold.”

“I’d take this over gold any day.” She had a safe full of it at home. Bracelets, necklaces, rings and none of them as precious as the belt she wore.

They gathered everything they needed and headed outside. Holly had been so absorbed in the work she had forgotten to ask anyone what the movie was about. From her crash course in acting last night, she assumed it had something to do with crime.

The park was once again set up with all kinds of filming equipment. This time in the light of day and not blinded by bright lights and shock of being thrown onto a movie set, Holly took a moment to enjoy her surroundings. Autumn had kissed the leaves of the trees in yellow, copper and red and the crisp foliage scattered on the ground like a multicoloured blanket. Surrounding the barricaded park, commuters rushed to the train station to get to work. A taxi driver honked at a man riding a bike and morning joggers stopped to see what was happening on set.

The crew buzzed around her and Holly drew in a deep satisfying breath of chilled air, she was part of the activity.

Would her name be in the credits at the end of the movie? Hooker number three… Holly Ainsworth. Her parents would be so proud. Yeah right. Or makeup artist… Holly Ainsworth. Now that gave her a thrill, though she didn’t think her parents would like that any better than hooker number three. She didn’t want thoughts of her parents bursting her happy bubble and so she shoved them from her mind and soaked up the electric atmosphere around her.

Trudy, clipboard in hand, came bustling by. Her gaze flicked down to the authorisation pass. Holly lifted her chin. “I’m legit.”

The corners of Trudy’s mouth twitched, maybe she didn’t have a stick up her butt after all. “Welcome to the team,” she said and scurried away. She had a habit of doing darting into bustle on set.

Spying Ethan at a table loaded with an assortment of cakes, fruit, fresh sandwiches, muffins, tea and coffee, her heart gave a little pitter-patter. He was so gorgeous, even with the yellow and purple bruises that Flora, one of the other makeup artists, had added on him when she chased him from the trailer. He’d taken off so fast, she hadn’t gotten the chance to do it.

Victoria Martin, who hadn’t yet been in hair and makeup and was still in active wear, sidled up next to him. A manicured hand slid up his arm and this time, Holly’s heart gave a jealous tug. He turned to smile at her. The one she gave in return wasn’t an I’m-happy-to-see-you smile. It was more I-want-to-jump-your-bones. Holly couldn’t blame her, she’d seen the man naked, and she’d jump his bones too if given the chance. No, she stopped the thought in its tracks. She was off men and that reminded her that she needed to find Shaun and cancel their date. Now where was he? She scanned the park.

“Looking for someone?” A deep voice sounded behind her sending a rush of heat over her skin. Turning, she almost collided with Ethan, he stood so close. Wasn’t he only moments ago making googly-eyes at Victoria Martin? Holly glanced at the snack table, but Victoria had gone.

“Just waiting for Nancy to tell me who I need to touch-up.”

“What other hidden talents are you hiding? You’re an actress,” Ethan made a circling motion with his finger around his face. “You’ve never done makeup before and yet here you are helping Mum.”

“I didn’t say I’ve never done makeup before. I practise on myself all the time and on my sister Ruth before I moved to Sydney. I’ve just never done it professionally.”

“Ever thought about doing it for a living?”

Fiddling with her belt she answered, “Once or twice.” Then pulled a brush from her pouch and got to work touching him up even though there wasn’t a trace of sheen. She needed to keep preoccupied and didn’t want to discuss how working for her family had stopped her from taking it further. Thankfully, Ethan didn’t push for an explanation.

A slight breeze blew a flyaway lock of hair onto her cheek, and he gently brushed it away. The brush froze in mid-air in her hand as their eyes locked for the second time that day. A replay of their kiss came flooding back into her mind.

“Holly, when you’re finished with Ethan, you’re needed back in the makeup room,” Trudy’s voice interrupted them, and they stepped away from each other.

“Cancel your date with Shaun.” Ethan’s eyes narrowed. “You’re too good for him.”

“It’s really not a date.”

Ethan made a disbelieving snorting sound.

“Why do you care?” Again, she could’ve sworn he sounded jealous.

His hot gaze flicked down to her lips.

“Holly!” Trudy interrupted again before he could answer or she could figure out what that look meant. “We haven’t got all day.”

“Gotta run,” Holly said as she stuffed the brushes back in the belt and practically ran in Trudy’s direction.

God. All Ethan needed to do was throw her a heated glance and her good sense went flying out the window.

* * *

For the next few hours, Holly didn’t get time to think about Ethan. Dashing from one actor to another consumed her every moment. Who knew they needed so much attention and had so much shine during takes?

When Nancy told her to take a fifteen-minute break, she sat under a tree free of any staging equipment or busy crew. Her feet and legs were tired from standing for so long, even her arms ached a little. She’d used muscles she didn’t know existed. All the niggles and pains in her body were good because working on set was awesome and she would put up with a lot more if she had to.

From her spot in the shade, she had a good view of the set. She was told it was the last day filming at this location and tomorrow they’d be in a studio. An excited giggle burst from her lips. She was working on a major movie set. She needed to pinch herself to prove she wasn’t dreaming. Unfortunately, this job was temporary so she wanted to experience as much as she could before Jacinta returned.

As she bit into a blueberry muffin taken from the snack table, a door opened on a nearby trailer—which she’d learned belonged to Victoria Martin, and Ethan jogged down the steps with clothes slightly askew and hair messed. The muffin she had taken pleasure in moments ago, turned to ash in her mouth and she struggled to swallow it down a suddenly tight throat.

Oh my god. Of course, he’d gone for a break-in-filming quickie with Victoria. Why would he refuse her invitation? Just because he’d kissed her—an act for Declan—didn’t mean he’d forget his girlfriend. If she’d felt any attraction between Ethan and herself, it was obviously one sided. But the gazes, the soft touch on her face, surely, she hadn’t imagined them? Anyway, even if he did throw a smidgeon of interest her way, he was dating a Hollywood actress and trying to get a bit of action on the side from Holly. She gave herself a forehead slap. She’d had enough of cheating men. Maybe she should try women next. She’d caught Trudy giving her the eye. Or more like the evil eye when Holly didn’t come running the second she called her name. That clipboard made her so bossy.

Finishing her muffin, she made a note to fill her bag with more of the delicious baked goods before work ended. Until she got paid, her measly amount of money needed to last. Sydney was filled with backpacker hostels, hopefully she’d find a cheap one without bed bugs and other nasties to spend the next two weeks.

In her pocket, her phone vibrated with a message. Digging it out she glanced at the screen and did a double take. “What the hell?”

It was a number she hadn’t seen in five months.

Her finger hovered over the screen, hesitation stopping her for a moment from opening the text from her ex, Oliver. Then pulling in a deep breath, she swiped.

Hey, stranger, heard you’re living in Sydney, I’m here for a few days. Would love to catch up. I miss you.


The phone shook in her hand and she quickly shoved it back in her pocket. Anger churned in her gut. Not because she still hurt over the way he’d ripped out her heart. It was how casually he’d texted her out of the blue as if nothing happened and they were old friends. The last words she’d spat at him were “I never want to see you again!” And she’d meant them.

So why now? Why after all these months, did he want to meet? Whatever the reason Holly had no intention of meeting him or returning his text.

Holly once believed Oliver was the love of her life. Handsome, smart, kind and generous. Working for her family’s hotel chain wasn’t so bad because she got to spend every day with her fiancé as his assistant. They were so in love. Well, Holly was. Oliver, not so much. He loved the thought of how marrying the heir to one of the largest hotel chains in the world, Ainsworth Hotels. It would help him climb the corporate ladder and one day make him a wealthy man. In the end, he didn’t need her to land a lucrative position in the company because her parents found him to be more valuable than their own daughter even after what he’d done.

The betrayal by her parents and ex-fiancé had been a stab to the heart with a blunt object. Holly rubbed her chest over the invisible scar. Because even though she couldn’t see the wound, it had cut deep and jagged. Holly would never forget the pain they’d inflicted.

She pulled the phone back out of her pocket and deleted the message. That was part of her life she definitely didn’t want to relive. Besides, she was helping to make a movie.