Risk Taker by Sonia Stanizzo

Chapter 27

The next day, after Holly’s shift at the café, she raced home to get ready for dinner with Ethan at his house. She showered and dressed in her usual jeans and t-shirt ensemble. For a moment, she’d considered dressing up, comfort won over style—they were only staying in for the night.

When Ethan picked her up, he was quiet during the drive. Holly put it down to a long, tiring day. She knew he’d started shooting early and only recently finished. She wondered how Nancy was doing in makeup without her. Obviously great, now Jacinta was back but she didn’t ask Ethan in case he brought up getting her job back again.

Holly didn’t want to ruin their evening by bringing up Oliver’s visit. If she didn’t do it now, it would play on her mind all night and she wanted to get it over with and enjoy her time with Ethan.

“Oliver came to see me yesterday.”

He swung his eyes off the road for a beat. “How the hell did he find you… or did you tell him?”

“No, I didn’t tell him.” How could he think that? “My sister Ruth gave him my address.”

“What’d he want?”

A cold tightness clutched at her chest. Had her relationship with Oliver been all about money and career from the beginning? How had she not seen through his greed?

Love wasn’t about what materialistic things you could get from each other. With everything stripped away, love should be enough. Oliver never loved her. He was in love with what he could get from her.

“He wanted to get back together.”

Ethan’s grip twisted around the steering wheel. “What’d you say?”

Did he think she’d consider it? Her stomach churned. What was wrong with Ethan tonight? He didn’t seem himself and Holly was thinking it was more than just a busy day.

“I told him I wasn’t interested and never to contact me again.”

He nodded and a muscle ticked in his clenched jaw. The only sign of how he felt. “You’ve told him that before. What makes you think he got the message this time?”

“My landlord’s husband threatened him enough to scare him away. It’s over.”

Before she could explain the reason Oliver wanted a reconciliation, they pulled into a driveway and stopped in front of black iron gates. Ethan stuck his hand out of the open window, punched in some numbers on a keypad and the doors swung open.

The sun had just sunk in the distance, throwing purple, pink and orange colours in the sky.

Ethan’s brother had moved out and this was Holly’s first visit. The driveway lined with box hedges led up to a nineteenth century sandstone house with stone pillars, huge white French windows and a wrap-around veranda with wrought iron railings. She should step out of the car in a ballgown not jeans and a t-shirt. Her parents’ home was beautiful, this was spectacular. She understood why he favoured tailored pants and shirts over casual clothes. You really did need to dress up for a house like this. Now she felt like a slob with her clothing choice.

Outside was stunning, but the interior was jaw dropping. When she walked inside, she was hit with harbour views from floor to ceiling windows that made her view of the harbour from a rocky ledge seem pretty pathetic.

The house could be featured in one of those flashy home décor magazines. The French provincial style was light and sophisticated. It screamed designer touch all over it.

He wrapped his arms around her waist propping his chin on the top of her head and she leaned her back against his chest. Funny how after only a couple weeks, being in his arms was the only place she wanted to be. The safest place. Something she never expected and wasn’t looking for and couldn’t imagine anything different. She turned in his arms wanting to tell him how she felt, how her feelings had grown so strong, but tension was etched in his face and he avoided looking directly in her eyes. Worry twisted in her stomach. Now was not the time.

“Good evening, Mr Doyle. First course is ready if you’d like to start dinner?”

Ethan stepped away from Holly and she saw a man dressed much like the waiters at the Ainsworth Hotel. That dinner hadn’t ended well. She hoped this one wasn’t so tragic.

“Thank you.” Ethan held Holly’s hand and led her to a dinning room.

The elegance of the house continued into the room. A large shiny mahogany table big enough for the royal family, sat underneath an intricate chandelier. The glassware set for dinner sparkled like diamonds from the golden light.

What a huge and elaborate home for one person. And even though she grew up in a similar style of house with staff and expensive things, she was never comfortable. That’s probably why she’d adjusted to living with a lot less so easily. Because all that stuff meant nothing to her.

Ethan pulled out Holly’s seat and she sat down. He took the chair opposite. “I’ve hired the chef from Spirals restaurant. Since you refuse to dine there, I brought him to you.” He smiled his usual gorgeous smile that always did funny things to her heart. The sparkle in his eyes that usually came with it, was missing.

She waited for the waiter to pour their wine. Another entered the room with two plates, setting them down in front of them. What was with multiple staff? At least this meal was more generous than last night’s dinner. When she took in Ethan’s expression her appetite vanished.

“Ethan, is something wrong?” she asked as he poked the food with his fork.

He raised his gaze and put down his cutlery. “How did your dinner with your parents go?”

He avoided her question by changing the subject. Worry for him grew stronger. Something wasn’t right. “Well,” she sighed. “Here’s the short story. They didn’t even consider my idea of staying in Sydney for another year. They also told me Oliver stole millions from them, so they fired him. Which was the reason he wanted to get back together. Now it makes sense. He was trying to worm his way into the business through me.”

“Are you going back?” He made no mention of Oliver, like he was distracted and only taking in parts of the conversation.

She took a sip of wine, wanting to take away the foul taste in her mouth whenever she thought about their bribe. “No.”

“How’d they react?”

“They threatened to disinherit me if I didn’t take it.”

His eyes widened. “And you still refused?”

“I don’t want their money, especially when it comes with conditions. I may not have much but I feel richer than I’ve ever been.”

“I’m sorry they did that to you.” Then he averted his gaze and dropped his head to concentrate on stabbing at his food again. What was bothering him?

“I think the duck’s already dead,” she said. “Ethan, you’re not yourself tonight. Has something happened?”

Giving up on his meal, he pushed the plate aside. A waiter rushed into the room. Ethan waved him away. “Give us a few minutes, please.”

“Yes sir.” And he left through a door Holly assumed led to the kitchen.

The look of foreboding on Ethan’s face caused the little food Holly had eaten to churn in her stomach. “Talk to me. What’s wrong.”

“Nothing’s wrong.” He smiled again with that emotionless smile that dropped quickly. “I’ve been offered a movie role.”

He must be upset because it was another action or romantic comedy flick. “You’re a great actor, it’s only a matter of time when you get the role you want.”

He twisted the wine glass stem with his fingers. “The role is perfect, exactly what I’ve been hoping for and the film is amazing.”

Holly frowned with confusion. “What’s the problem? If it’s what you want, shouldn’t you be celebrating?”

He waved his arm to take in the table setting. “I am.”

“I’ve seen happier people at a funeral,” she said. There was something he wasn’t telling her.

“I have a condition to meet if I want the part.”

“Do you have to shave your lush thick hair? Don’t worry, you’ll still be gorgeous.” She tried to joke and lighten the mood from the tension in the room, but it fell flat.

“The director wants me to have a relationship with the leading actress.”

Holly’s heart sank. This was so much worse than a bald head. “Oh…”

“It’s all for show to attract attention for the movie. It will mean nothing,” he explained.

“What do I do while you’re shooting a movie and promoting it for months?”

“We’ll still be together. We just need to be discreet.”

“Hide me away? To have a relationship with you I need to be out of sight?” Nausea rose to her throat.

Ethan flinched and dropped his elbows on the table. The look he gave her was filled with pain, like he didn’t want to hurt her but was going to anyway. “I want you in my life.”

“You have conditions. My parents wanted me in their lives too but they tied it with conditions from the moment I could walk and talk. I couldn’t be me or live the life I wanted. I’ve finally broken free.”

“This is temporary—six to eight months. We can do this.”

“Who is it?”

“Abigail Matthews.”

Oh, God. She’s stunning.

“What if you refuse to date the actress?” Holly asked.

“I’m not date—”

“To the entire world you will be,” her voice rose a notch in volume. Did he think she’d wanted to share him? Be happy with the few minutes he might have for her after he’s been with another woman? He’d be away for months at a time. There’d be nothing left for her. “What will happen if you don’t do it?” she asked again.

He blew out a long breath. “I won’t get the part.”

A part she knew he’d wanted for years. All the fight left her body and heaviness from the situation landed on her like a boulder. “You’ve already accepted it, haven’t you?” She didn’t really need to ask because it had been written over his face and in the tension of his body from the moment, he’d picked her up for dinner.

He nodded, not quite meeting her gaze. “I signed the contract this morning.”

What had she expected? That he’d come running to her wanting her to help with decisions about his life—his career? They’d only known each a short time. But if she was honest with herself, it hurt that he didn’t. This was a decision that involved her. Her heart cracked a little. She wouldn’t let the pain show.

Pushing back her chair, she rose. Ethan sprang from his seat, scurried around the table and stood in front of her.

“We can make this work.” He placed his hands on her shoulders. It took all her self-control not to fall against his chest and hold tight.

“I can’t be in a relationship with conditions. My parents put their business before me and now you’re putting your career first.”

“Holly, it’s not like that.”

“It’s exactly like that and you have every right to do so. This’s what you’ve been dreaming of. You should jump at the chance. I won’t stop you, but I’m not going to be your second choice.” Her breath caught in her lungs. “Goodbye, Ethan. Good luck with everything.”

Pulling away, she ran out of the room already missing the feel of his warm hands on her body. On unsteady legs, she made it to the street. Her phone shook in her hands as she ordered an Uber. There was something she’d discovered as she said goodbye to Ethan, something that slapped her in the face so hard it nearly knocked her off her feet. She loved him. Love should be enough. It wasn’t enough for Ethan. Her heart shattered into tiny pieces.