Risk Taker by Sonia Stanizzo

Chapter 28

Three weeks later, Holly stifled a yawn as she poured a chai latte for a customer. She’d started at the makeup academy and between working in the café and doing her makeup course, she wasn’t getting much sleep. Also, as soon as her head hit the pillow, images of Ethan flooded her mind. His face, his body, conversations and the way he touched her kept her awake. She tried to count sheep and doing deep breathing exercises—nothing worked. She was living on two to three hours a night. The bags under her eyes were even too much for her to hide with concealer and foundation.

It was silly to think she’d been in love with Ethan. Real love didn’t happen that fast. That mantra helped get her through the day. At night, with no distractions, Ethan took over her thoughts and most nights, she cried herself to sleep. She missed him. It’d take time to get over him. Soon everything would be fine and she’d be saying, Ethan who? She had to believe it or she wouldn’t be able to face the day.

Smiling at the customer, she placed the cup on the table, thankful she didn’t drop it. Everything was a huge effort these days. She glanced at her watch. Two more hours until her shift finished. But she couldn’t go home and try to catch up on sleep. She had a class to get to.

The classes taught her much more than any YouTube video could and she was learning so much and loving every minute. As she wiped down a table, another customer walked in and Holly’s stomach churned.

What was Chloe doing here?

She couldn’t face Ethan’s sister, but before Holly had time to flee into the back room, Chloe smiled and waved. She then wove through the tables to stand in front of her. The same sparkling green eyes as Ethan’s stared at her and Holly’s heart ached.

“Hi, it’s so good to see you again. Ethan mentioned you worked here.” At the mention of his name, the sting of tears pricked the back of her eyes.

Trying not to give away any emotion, Holly said, “Good to see you too. What can I get you?” She smiled, her face stiff. She bit her tongue stopping herself from asking how Ethan was doing. He was probably happy with life and not giving her a second thought while fake dating or really dating I’m-so-gorgeous Abigail.

Chloe searched Holly’s face and sighed. “Oh Holly, Ethan’s looking just as heartbroken as you do.”

Okay, so maybe he hadn’t forgotten her yet. And being told you basically look like crap should have been an insult especially when she’d gone to a lot of trouble with her makeup this morning. Hearing Ethan was hurting overtook her vanity. He’d decided what was best for his life and she needed to do what was best for hers and that was working moment by moment to put him out of her mind. Having Chloe here telling her he was miserable too wasn’t helping.

“Can I get you a coffee to go?” The hint wasn’t exactly subtle and by the smirk on Chloe’s face, she didn’t take offense.

“Can you have a break? “Chloe asked. “I’d love to have a chat,”

That was the last thing Holly wanted to do. She wanted Chloe out of the café, so she stopped reminding her of Ethan. She didn’t want to talk about him and his feelings. She was struggling with her own.

“Umm… no I can’t—”

“Please, I won’t stay long.”

Instead of telling Chloe she didn’t have time, she nodded. “Give me a minute.” Then she went behind the counter.

After asking her manager for a break, she made two coffees and sat at the table with Chloe.

“Cappuccinos are always popular. Sorry, I should’ve checked if this was okay.”

“It’s great, thank you.” She took a sip. “Delicious.”

“Chloe, if you’re here to talk about Ethan, I really don’t want to—”

“My brother is an idiot,” Chloe said.

Holly gave a surprised laugh. She had no idea what Chloe was here to say, but that was the last thing she expected.

“His heart’s in the right place, even though he’s making a huge mistake doing that movie. He has good reasons to believe it’s the right thing to do.”

Holly rubbed her forehead. “I’m not sure I understand.” How was breaking up with her for a movie role having his heart in the right place? Technically, she’d broken up with him although he hadn’t given her much of a choice.

“He shouldn’t be taking this role. If I knew the conditions, I would never have lined it up for him. Working with family is never a good idea.” She shook her head. “That’s not the issue. The problem is he’s taking it and throwing away everything that’s important.”

“His work is important to him.” Why was Holly sticking up for him?

“Yes, it is. He’s a hard worker. I’m not sure if he’s told you much about our childhood.”

“He mentioned your family struggled after your father died.”

Sadness flickered across Chloe’s face. “We did and he insisted it was up to him to provide for us. Working jobs after school and on weekends to help even though he was exhausted. Mum hated what he was doing, even tried to get him to quit. He wouldn’t listen. God, he was stubborn and still is. Even now when we can all manage on our own, he won’t do anything to risk his livelihood in case we might need his money one day. This movie will do well for him. I have no doubt. But it’s not for him, not when he’s making a huge sacrifice.” She pointed at Holly. “You.”

“My break’s over.” She couldn’t take another moment talking about Ethan. He wanted the job more than he wanted her. End of discussion. Chloe was wrong.

“I have a better role, if he’d realise we don’t need him to look after us anymore,” Chloe quickly said before Holly could get up and leave. “All he needs to do is fund the film, but he’s too scared to take the risk to back it. If the movie flops, he’ll lose millions.”

“Why are you here telling me all this?” Holly was beginning to see that this was more than an update to let her know how miserable Ethan was.

“I’ve never seen my brother so torn up. Convince him to fund the movie I have for him. He’ll listen to you.”

Holly frowned. “Why would I do that? He’s taking the movie that won’t lose him any money.”

“He loses you. I know my brother and … and he loves you, Holly.”

For a few seconds, Holly’s heart stopped beating before it skipped back into overdrive. She opened and closed her mouth to say something, but she couldn’t form any words. He loved her? She couldn’t believe it or she’d collapse into a blubbering mess.

“He needs to stop trying to take care of us and do what’s best for him. If anyone can get him to change his mind, it’s you.”

“I can’t do that.” Her voice shook a little.

“Why not?”

“I can’t tell him how he should live his life.” Her family had done it to her and she resented them for it. She’d hate that maybe one day he’d resent her too for encouraging him to make different choices.

“Even if it’s wrong? Giving you up for this role is tearing him apart.”

It broke her too, but he’d made his choice. “I’m sorry, Chloe, I can’t do it. My break’s over, I have to get back to work.” She rose, collected their cups and turned to leave.

“Holly?” She paused and looked back at Chloe. “For what it’s worth, I think my brother’s making a huge mistake. He may have the movie he’s always wanted, but he’s paid more than money to get it.”

Holly tried to smile, it wobbled on her face. Then she raced behind the counter, the cups clanging in their saucers because of her shaking hands.

* * *

It was the final day of shooting. Usually this excited Ethan. It was time to celebrate a job well done with cast and crew and anticipate the success for the film. Ethan often knew when a movie would be a hit or not and this action packed one had hit written all over it. Celebrating was the last thing he wanted to do because something was missing—no, someone… Holly.

Every morning when he drove to work, he took the route past Holly’s new apartment in the hope of a glimpse of her. Even though it made him feel like a stalker, he needed to see her. God, he’d missed her. The way she smiled. Her laugh. How happy she’d get when catering had blueberry muffins. The way she’d catch her breath when he kissed her neck. He picked up the phone a dozen times a day to call or text only to stop himself. What could he say? Please change your mind and be my secret lover? No, he couldn’t. She had too much pride and that’s one more thing he loved about her. She didn’t put up with anyone’s crap. Not having her around was something he’d have to get used to. It was probably for the best. His life was complicated and his work would always come first. Holly deserved better than him.

His mother was waiting for him in the makeup room.

She frowned when he sat in the chair. “You still look like crap,” she said.

Jacinta and the actor she worked on, smothered a laugh.

“Gee thanks, nice to see you too.”

“Come with me.” She walked out of the room not once turning to see if he followed because she knew when she told him to do something, he did it no matter how old he was.

They reached his trailer and they stepped inside.

She spun around to glare at him, slapping her hands on her hips. “What are you doing?”

“Arrh, working?”

“With your life? What are you doing with your life? You don’t need to make a movie that will ruin your relationship with Holly. You’re making a huge mistake.”

He pointed a finger at his mother. “You of all people should understand why I’m doing this.”

“The role you’ve always dreamed about has a price. I can’t believe you’re paying it. I know your career is important, but so are your feelings and by the looks of you, your decision isn’t making you happy.”

“I’ll get over it.”

She blew out a frustrated breath. “Chloe said you can have it all if you weren’t such a chickenshit, I’m quoting her words. I’d have to agree.”

“Did Chloe mention the other film will cost me a fortune to fund? If I do it and it flops, I could lose everything.”

“You wouldn’t lose everything. You’d still have your family and…Holly.”

Hearing Holly’s name was always like a stab to the heart. He rubbed his hand over his chest trying to scrub away the pain.

“You can have a lot less in your life and be happy,” she said.

“And how happy were we after Dad died? When we had no money, and I had to watch you work your arse off to barely put food on the table.” His mother’s face paled and her lips trembled. What a jerk for upsetting her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—”

“You’re right. I worked hard and couldn’t provide you kids with everything you needed. Do you think I enjoyed watching you and Aiden go off to work after school to help me instead of hanging out with friends? At the end of the day, when we were together at the dinner table, my heart was full. I didn’t need all the materialistic things that were supposed to make people happy. Because I had three beautiful, healthy, wonderful children whom I adored more than anything. I had something special, something money can’t buy… love. I’d pick that life over money any day.”

She stepped closer and cupped Ethan’s face. “You have done more than necessary for our family. It’s time you do something for yourself.” She kissed his cheek and left the trailer.

Ethan slapped his palms on the counter, his head dropping between his shoulders.