Heartless Savage by Ivy Blake

Chapter Eleven


My cock was fit to burst through my pants if I didn’t bury it deep inside of Megan. Lying there with her skirt riding up her thick, beautiful thighs made me want to dive head first into her pussy. I could tell how badly she wanted me from her shaky breaths and her parted lips and I wanted to dominate her until she forgot her own name. I wanted to make her scream my name so she’d never forget it. I pulled her shirt over her head, exposing her big tits and erect nipples. Megan looked up at me expectantly.

“Do you have a condom?” she whispered, her eyes wide with longing.

“Give me a second,” I said as I reached into my pocket. Megan reached up and touched my abdomen forcing pain to shoot through my body. “Fuck!” I exclaimed.

“What?” she asked, taken aback at my sudden reaction. I froze as my mind went back to being on the kitchen floor feeling Steven’s kicks growing increasingly more powerful each time they met my body.

“Austin?” Megan’s voice sounded like it was coming from a different room, but I could tell that she was confused.

“I need to go,” I said, getting up from the bed.

“Why, what’s wrong?” she asked, sitting up on the bed. “Did I do something?” My heart felt heavy in my chest but it was Steven’s voice echoing in my head that was stopping me from thinking straight.

“Please speak to me Austin.” Megan put her hand on my shoulder and I shrugged it off. I stood up abruptly and walked towards the door.

“Being desperate makes you 10 times less attractive by the way,” I spat before slamming the door behind me, not wanting to see the hurt I knew my words would conjure onto Megan’s face. As I was trying to leave Nate’s party to get some air, I bumped into Nate who look like he’d taken some sort of substance.

“Hey bro, I saw you going upstairs with the new girl,” he slurred his words, ‘did you hit it?”I forced a laugh.

“Megan? She wishes. I went to put her to bed because she was so drunk, the girl was all over me- it was so embarrassing, man.” I said shaking my head even though I knew it couldn’t be closer to the truth.

“What, that’s insane!” exclaimed Nate. “I’ll have her if you don’t want her-“

“Stay away from her,” I growled, even though I knew he was joking. I allowed my shoulders to relax seeing Nate’s bemused expression.

“Honestly, she’s not worth it,” I added before walking out the house leaving Nate, Megan and the other guests behind. A few people were already passed out on the lawn, from alcohol or drugs, it wasn’t easy to tell. I walked around them and ignored the annoying voices calling my name, begging me to go back inside. I just needed to be alone.

I was glad that it was dark outside and the street was mostly empty, unsurprising since Nate’s house seemed to be the only one with any life in it. I fumbled for the joint in my pocket before realising that I’d already smoked it at the party. Fuck my life.

I decided to walk the long way home even though it was the last place I wanted to be. Maybe I’d walk around and come back to Nate’s once the party had finished and once Megan had left. I couldn’t stand seeing her face, especially after tonight. She’d want some sort of an explanation, a reason why I’d rejected her and I couldn’t give her one. I wouldn’t even know where to start. I walked past a house that still had its lights on and discreetly peered into the living room window.

Despite the fact that it was past midnight on a school night, I could see two kids sitting with their parents all snuggled on the sofa watching a movie. I paused to observe the scene, thinking about how I’d never experienced anything like that and probably never would. As tears pricked in the corners of my eyes I couldn’t tell if I was more jealous or angry. I thought it better to keep walking before someone spotted me and reported me for being a creep. The alcohol was fading and the thoughts and memories were coming too thick and fast, I knew I had to make them stop before they completely overwhelmed me. Nate’s wine cellar was the answer.

* * *


The door slammed shut behind Austin; the sound bouncing off the walls. He’d left me sat on the bed, half naked in his friend’s house at a party that he’d invited me to. Thanks to the alcohol, the tears came quickly, before I had a chance to stop them. Desperate. Austin had called me desperate when he’d been the one who’d carried me here and thrown me on the bed in the first place. I didn’t think it was crazy to assume that he’d wanted to have sex when he’d taken off my clothes.

There was no reading that boy. His moods changed quicker than the weather and I seemed to be the only one that noticed and got hurt each and every time. I knew I shouldn’t have come to this stupid party, from the moment he suggested it, I should have known that it would have ended in disaster.

Why the hell did I ever think for a moment that he would want me? Clearly the things he got everyone to say at school were true, Austin really did think I was a loser. A loser who would always take his bait, always take any crumb of attention he threw my way because it made me feel like someone was seeing me. I cried into Lola’s shirt. Once I had the tears under control, the sadness swiftly turned into anger mixed with embarrassment. I realised I had been shivering and slipped the damp material back over my head.

I turned on the light and decided to sort myself out before I went downstairs again. I took in my appearance in the floor to ceiling mirror, cringing at the state of my make up. I did my best to salvage what was left even though I had no intention of staying any longer. I at least wanted to walk out looking like a semi decent human being rather than a zombie looking for more brains. I looked at the large bed behind me and I had to admit that I was mad that we hadn’t used it to its full potential.

With the lights on, I took in the rest of the room. It was designed in quite a minimalistic manner, calm beige and white tones which made me think it was a guest room. That was until my eyes landed on a stack of notebooks on one of the bedside tables. I wondered who they belonged to and I nearly let my curiosity get the best of me when the bedroom door opened. For a second I thought it was going to be Austin, coming back to apologise for being an asshole, but instead it was Nate, whose face caused my heart to sink.

“Oh, hey,” I said sheepishly as I tried to look as casual as possible while invading his personal quarters.

“You’re the new girl,” said Nate and while his eyes were wide there was an odd look about them that made me think he was far from sober. I nodded and shifted my weight between my feet, finding some sort of excuse as to why I wasn’t with the other party goers.

“I’m just leaving-” I stammered but Nate cut me off.

“This is Austin’s room you know,” he mused as he looked around the large bedroom.

“He lives with you?” I asked, confused since he’d left in such a hurry.

“When he needs a place to crash…” Nate gestured to the room which was certainly far beyond the requirements of a ‘place to crash’.

“This is all his. He’s basically family so it’s not weird or anything.” He winked at me but I wasn’t sure what he meant and my head had started to spin so I passed it off as nothing.

“Right, cool,” I said as I made my way towards the door.

“Lola needs you, by the way. She’s not doing great,” said Nate calmly.

“Oh shit, where is she? What’s happened?” As if this party couldn’t get any worse! Mom was going to kill me.

“Go downstairs and it’s the second bathroom on the left.” The words had barely left his mouth before I ducked under his arm and flew out the door to find my little sister.

As promised, she was in the bathroom cowering over the toilet, retching like there was no tomorrow. Clearly she’d been there for a while and she was running out of shit to throw up. No one was helping her hold her hair back or checking to make sure if she was okay, people simply walked past the door or peered in before going about their evening. Entitled pricks.

“Lola,” I said softly as I crouched down beside her, rubbing her back gently as she burped loudly.

“Oh fuck, you came,” Lola mumbled, raising her head to acknowledge me. “Football boys and their drinking games-” she stuck her head back in the toilet bowl and emptied what was left of her stomach. “That’s all I’ll say,” she said, turning back to me, sending her foul breath my way.

“C’mon, let’s get you home,” I said as I helped her to her feet. It took a few tries but we got there in the end, her arm over my shoulder as I supported her back. No goodbyes were necessary, so we simply showed ourselves out of Nate’s house for what was hopefully the last time.

* * *

“Mom is going to kill us,” Lola stage whispered as we stumbled across the lawn to the front door.

“Shh,” I hissed as I fumbled for my keys. “We don’t want to wake her. But she’s going to kill me, you’ll be fine.”

“But I got drunk,” Lola said, slurring her words, “I should be punished too.” I rolled my eyes at my sister, the alcohol had started wearing off for me, but I could tell she still had some time to go.

“You’re her favourite child, Lola, you’ll be fine.”

“What are you talking…” Before Lola could finish her sentence there was a rustle in the bushes, like a person was nearby. My keys were in the door, but I froze as I looked around to see who had made that noise.

“What the hell-”

“Shut up!” I whispered to Lola as I squinted in the darkness, but I couldn’t see anything. The goosebumps on my skin set me on edge and I could sense that we weren’t alone.

“Get inside,” I hissed, opening the door quietly for Lola to slide in. She gave me the army salute and followed my instructions, too drunk to put up a fight. I looked around one last time, seeing nothing but the empty street in front of me before sliding in behind her and double locking the door.

Luckily for me, Lola had already got herself into her room without making too much noise, collapsed on her bed in one piece, still dressed in her party clothes. I shut her door and got myself ready for bed. As I tucked myself into my blankets, I replayed the night’s events and wished I’d never left my room in the first place.