Breach of Honor by Naomi Porter

14 Miranda

THE CARRIAGE INN was reminiscent of a French countryside home. Our suite had a corner stone fireplace and white french doors which led to a private balcony with ivy and pots filled with poinsettias. The ocean captured my attention immediately. Although a haze of gray hung above the water today, the view still put a smile on my face.

Farther into the room, an archway led to an alcove and the most exquisitely carved cherry wood poster bed I’d ever seen dressed in luxurious white linens.

Romance and elegance abounded throughout the suite. Flowers were everywhere: the dining table, coffee table, buffet, and nightstands. I was confident Will had ordered additional floral arrangements and candles. They couldn’t have been included in the room.

Now the champagne and strawberries gracing the glass-top dining table were probably a standard provision in all the suites.

“Sir, will you be leaving the inn for dinner?” York’s husky voice stopped me in my tracks.

“York, I’ll let you know,” Will answered in a firm, irritated tone.

The swoony flutters in my core disappeared. Something wasn’t right. Rather than ask Will about it while York lingered in our suite, I strolled over to the balcony to let in the fresh air, hoping it restored my dreamy mood.

“Miss, don’t open that door.” York’s warning tone raked down my back, and I froze.

I quickly recovered, turning toward him. “Excuse me?”

“That’ll be enough. Leave us.” Will waved off the burly man.

York narrowed his eyes and gave Will a sharp nod. I waited for him to leave the suite before I spoke a single word.

As the door closed, Will strutted toward me.

“What’s his deal? I only wanted to enjoy the ocean air. Who is he? Why was he ordering me around?”

“Sweetheart, don’t let him bother you.” Will deflected as if York was a nonissue.

“Seriously? That’s all you’ve got?” I went toward the balcony door, intent on letting in the fresh air. Strong arms stopped me. “Will!”

He turned me around, cupping my face, and claimed my lips. I struggled at first, but he wouldn’t release me, kissing me breathless until I was fully engaged.

Will swept me off my feet and carried me to the bedroom as our tongues danced to their own song. My God, there was nothing more enthralling than to be possessed by this sexy man.

Releasing my lips, he laid me on the bed and removed his leather jacket. His hungry eyes made me quiver as he forcefully tugged his shirt over his head.

Smooth, muscled pecs and rippled abs led down to a V beneath his jeans. My mouth watered. Arousal enveloped me.

“Enough waiting, baby.” He slipped my nude wedge heels off, pulled the skirt of my black A-line dress up, and kissed one knee, then the other. “Let me turn your brain to mush, tasting every inch of you. I’ll send you soaring into the clouds until you beg for my cock…”

Will’s dirty words spoke of my unadulterated, hidden desires.

His lips brushed up my inner thigh, his warm, slick tongue marking a trail along my sensitive skin as his hands firmly gripped my outer thighs. Will’s sensual stimulation paralyzed me on the bed. A fullness in my core sent electric currents through every part of my body.

My wildest fantasies hadn’t done this moment justice. The anticipation nearly brought me to tears, desperate to feel Will’s experienced tongue.

I couldn’t speak or think. I could only feel.

Thumbs hooked into my thong, startling me from my trance. Slowly, he pulled them down my legs and tossed them away. A deep growl teased my ears as he lowered himself between my knees, looking sexy as fuck. His dark, molten eyes saturated me with lust.

“Are you ready for me?” He pressed his hands against my inner thighs spreading me open, fingers inching closer.

I nodded, chewing on the corner of my lower lip.

“Me too…” He touched my tender flesh.

I jolted, arching into him, aching for more.

“Yes… that’s it. Let me unfold you one slow swipe at a time.” His tongue glided over my center.

“Oh! OH, WILL!” I yelled, overwhelmed by the indescribable sensations he produced in me.

He didn’t stop, unfolding me one slow swipe at a time. I clawed at the bed, gasping for air, my nerves wild in this uncharted land of ecstasy.

Each time he spread me open, he hit my clit with the tip of his tongue: one, two, three. I strained, feeling an intense pulse rumble through me.

An orgasm hit faster than I’d expected. I held my breath, body trembling, eyes tightly shut as a deluge swept through me. I pressed into the bed as I rode the wave of the most powerful climax of my life.

I gripped my head with both hands, keeping my eyes closed. All I could do was pant, or I might hyperventilate. Then Will put his hand on my pelvis, and the pressure calmed me, but I instantly missed his tongue.

My eyes flashed open to see his devilish grin as he shook his head.

“What?” I gasped, heart racing.

“I want to hear you scream. I want you to grip my head and push your delicious pussy into my face.” He bent down into position. Was he fucking kidding me? “Ready?”

I nodded eagerly. Hell yeah, I was ready. Or maybe I wasn’t.

A force hit me, launching me into a whirlwind of the unknown. I screeched as he proceeded to eat me out with his fierce appetite. Another orgasm hit, harder than the first.

My toes curled and my mouth popped open. I gripped his head and pushed into his tongue.

“Yes, Will,” I cried. “Oh yes, oh yes, OOH YES!” I howled, giving way to the mind-numbing hurricane that roared through me. As I writhed on the bed, Will pulled back, leaving my body again.

“Music to my ears.” He smiled mischievously, removing his pants. He took a condom out of his pocket, taunting me as he licked his lips. “So tasty.”

I swallowed, taking in the view of his beautiful, erect cock.

“But we aren’t finished.”

“Please, Will. I want you,” I begged, trying to not fall apart. Crying now would kill the mood, but dammit, the swell of emotions in my chest had other ideas. I blinked rapidly to push back the tears welling behind my eyes.

“Anything for you. First, let’s take this off.” He helped me up, kissing me tenderly. Smelling my juices on his face did tantalizing, sinful things to me. I rushed to get my dress off, eager for more of his attention. He unhooked my bra and slipped it off me.

Will lowered himself to my breast. Like a snake, he teased my nipple into a firm pebble. He nipped a little, then drew it in. I threw my head back as another orgasm started to build. Will gripped my leg, guiding it around his thigh, and lowered me to the bed. His hand went between us and taunted my clit as he suckled.

“Please, I need you…”

He raised up, crashing his mouth to mine and working my center loose. I hadn’t been with a man in years, so I was grateful he didn’t force his way into me. His fondling did the trick, and I opened.

Will pushed the head of his cock into me, then pulled out, then back in a little farther. His gaze was connected to mine, watching for a reaction, I assumed. Once more, he pulled out. I held my breath as he drove all the way in.

“Fuck!” He groaned upon entering me. “Are you okay?”

“Yes.” I gasped. The pressure of his slow, calculated thrusts overwhelmed me. I gaped, sucking in a breath each time he sank into me.

“Miranda,” he said as if in pain with his jaw tight. “I can’t hold back, baby… I can’t hold back.” He rocked harder, his speed increasing.

The crescendo of another orgasm neared.

“Baby, I want you to come with me. Come with me Miranda.”

I nodded, ready to shatter at any second.

“Now!” he commanded as he buried his face in the crook of my neck. I gripped his shoulders. One savage thrust and we both went off.

“Oh, Wiiill…” My voice filled the room. I held onto him for dear life, tears pooling, and I knew right then I wanted to be with him forever.

Hearing Will grunt through his release while gripping my thighs pleased me, as did his rigid, powerful body pinning me to the bed. I relished his strength and control.

We didn’t move, steadying our breathing. Will’s body radiated heat like a furnace keeping me warm. He lifted his head and gave me a relaxed smile. I cradled his cheeks, stroking them with the pads of my thumbs.

“Tell me,” he whispered. “I want to hear you say it.”

I looked in his sated chocolate depths, deep into his soul to a place I believed no one had seen before me, and I knew what he wanted to hear. I arched into him, our bodies still connected, and kissed him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss, inhaling his scent and taste. Not until I was ready to fulfill his desire would I release him.

“I’m yours,” I professed against his satin lips. “I’m yours.”


Sweetest words ever. The fact that she knew what I wanted to hear told me we were a perfect fit. Miranda defied my wildest dreams in heart and passion. She encircled me in tenderness, spurred me playfully, and demanded my very best.

In one month, she had done what no woman could do; she captured my heart and owned it.

“I’m yours too, baby.” I rolled onto my back, pulling Miranda with me. I held her protectively in her afterglow, a smile stretched across her face. Purrs of contentedness surrounded us.

My whole world was in this bed.

Fuck. My father’s timing sucked. His ringtone sounded from the floor where my jeans lay.

“Do you need to get that?” Miranda lifted her head from my chest.

I gently pinched her chin and kissed her. “No. It can wait.”

Spontaneity won out today. I had a plan of wooing Miranda with a romantic dinner, a stroll on the beach during sunset, and lots of kisses. We’d then return to our suite where I’d play a little Keith Sweat and seduce her with my dance moves.

Then York happened. Fucking York.

No way would I let that bald brut ruin our getaway. Luckily, the way it had gone down worked out better—a little dirty, a lot mind-blowing.

I was glad Miranda and I had talked about sex—important stuff, like protection and past partners. Or in my case, several hookups. We agreed on using a condom even though she was on the pill, just to be safe. We both got tested for STDs a couple of weeks ago. Both came back clean.

But most importantly, I knew Miranda’s insecurities and fears. It made giving her my best easy.

Feeling spectacular lying in bed, I smiled hearing Miranda humming in the shower. Not even calling my father would bring me down from the high I was on after our lengthy lovemaking session.

I forced myself out of bed and fished my cell phone out of my pants to return my father’s call.

He answered on the second ring. “William? Is everything all right?”

“You’re the one who called me. Why is York here? What’s this about a security breach?”

“Hackers, we assume.”

“You assume? Dad, this is serious.”

“I know it is, but there’s more.”

I hated it when he danced around a topic. “What?”

“Ten million dollars is missing.”

“Missing? From where?”

“Three of your accounts.”

Panic ripped through me as I collapsed on the bed. He had to be wrong. “From my accounts? No, check again.”

“We did, and it’s been confirmed. Money is missing from Swartz, Humphrey, and White accounts.”

“Son of a bitch!” I jumped to my feet and paced. “What are you doing about this?”

“We’re working on it, son. I didn’t want to ruin your holiday with Miranda, but York called to warn me she might be difficult. You need to stay alert while you’re out. Stay in public areas—no private walks. York needs to be able to see you at all times.”

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Are you saying we’re in danger?”

“No, I’m saying be cautious until we know what we’re dealing with. Pamper her. Wine and dine her all you want, but stay in public places where security cameras and York are in case you were followed.”

I squeezed the back of my neck and inhaled a deep breath. Ten million dollars. Fuck.

“Will? Come join me, handsome,” Miranda called from the shower. “I’ll wash you,” she sang.

“Go. Let her wash you from head to toe.” I heard a smile in my father’s voice. “Try not to worry but stay alert.” The line went dead.

I tossed the phone on the bed, pushing the security breach out of my mind. I only had two days with Miranda before we returned to our busy lives. After Christmas, she had back-to-back events and SJI’s gala in February. We might not get another opportunity like this for a while.

My father could handle the problems at SJI.

Miranda was my top priority.