Breach of Honor by Naomi Porter

15 Miranda

WILL DID NOT disappoint and sent me soaring through the clouds. He turned my brain to mush and tasted every inch of me. Never had I ever had so much gratuitous sex that lasted for hours. HOURS. Will gave freely and abundantly without expectations. I was one lucky beneficiary.

For as unforgettable as last night was, this morning my heart was heavy. I didn’t pull my weight in the bedroom, and tomorrow we would leave this magical suite behind, returning to our busy lives… and Will didn’t get his.

I wasn’t a freeloader. I was a giver, and I wanted to show Will I was worthy of his erotic affections.

His soft snoring calmed me while his strong arm held me close. My head was on his chest and as I listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, my hand begged to touch him. Will had pleasured me, kept me breathless and at his mercy.

Weak and sated, I’d fallen asleep sometime after midnight. But this morning, I was alert. Curious.

To my surprise, morning erections were, in fact, a thing. Such details I’d read about, heard about, but I’d never seen one with my own two eyes… until now.

I lifted the sheet for a peek. My mouth watered along with my eyes as emotion screwed with my head. The woman on her knees at the club, taking Will into her mouth, haunted me. If I couldn’t give to him as he had me, why would he stay with me?

Losing Will because I couldn’t give him a blow job… I couldn’t bear to think of it. Why couldn’t I do it? It didn’t seem complicated, and it sure as hell looked like both participants enjoyed it.

You can do it. Do it, Miranda.

I swallowed my fear, wiggling down the bed. Will stirred but didn’t wake. I exhaled, eyeing my Achilles heel. Directly in front of my face, it appeared larger than life compared to how it felt inside me.

Start slow.

I petted his balls, feeling awkward and virginal as I familiarized myself with Will’s manly parts. His dark hair wasn’t as full as I’d expected. Maybe he trimmed his hair to keep it neat like I waxed. I skimmed the tips of my fingers along his shaft as I would a stone statue. It twitched to life, startling me.

“Miranda.” He sighed, placing his hand on my back. “We talked about this… come here.” He tried to pull me up, but I wouldn’t move.

We had talked about my failures in giving blow jobs. It had stripped me raw last night, revealing to him the panic I’d felt with that boy’s dick in my mouth back in college. Will had held me close, assuring me it was okay and not to worry about it. But dammit, I should be able to do this.

“Don’t move,” I ordered, brushing his hand off me. “I want to try. Just… don’t come in my mouth.”

“I won’t, but you don’t have to do this. Honestly, Miranda—”

“Shh!” I glanced up at him. The concern in his voice was like nails on a chalkboard, scraping down my soul and piercing my ears. It was painful to hear him giving me an out—a free pass at sucking him off.

Will lifted his hand and pressed the back of it to his forehead and pursed his lips tight. His chest rose and fell with a heavy thud.

Didn’t he understand I only wanted to please him?

I lowered my head again, lifting his stiff cock to my lips. It seemed huge compared to the ones I’d seen… again, back in college. It had an intimidating stature. Yesterday I learned how deft and experienced it was in the bedroom and on the sofa and in the shower.

Maybe I had a faulty memory about the others? Or maybe Will was more endowed and just knew how to use his cock masterfully.

Either way, he was perfect for me and I wanted to be perfect for him.

My chest quaked as my breathing grew more labored. I ran my thumb over the head, slathering the precum while working myself up to take him into my mouth. Would I like the way he tasted?

Will let out a low groan, startling me from my inspection of him. His thighs flexed against me as if struggling to hold himself together.

I needed to get this fellatio party started before I chickened out.

Swallowing once more, I opened wide and put the tip in my mouth. Now what? Hesitantly, I darted my tongue out to touch it, then quickly drew it back. Fuck, it felt like my heart might burst out of my chest any second. I hated the crippling panic that controlled me in confined spaces.

Focusing on breathing through my nose, I licked his silky skin. To my surprise, it tasted a bit like salty butter.

God, I hope it doesn’t set off my gag reflex…

Will’s breathing grew louder, matching the pulse in my ears. The hairs on my arms stood to attention as I closed my mouth around him. Tears stung behind my eyes. Fear paralyzed me.

I didn’t know what to do next.

Suck? Move it in and out? Do both at the same time? How could I be so inept? It was just oral sex.

A tear broke loose. Then another. My throat vibrated as sobs pushed their way into my mouth. I heaved, then sniffled. Another tear fell.

Suddenly, Will’s dick was out of my mouth and I was on my back, covered by his heated body.

“What are you doing?” I gasped, choking back emotions as best I could, but the grief in his eyes undid me. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry…” I covered my face to hide my embarrassment and shame.

“You’re breaking my heart, baby. Please don’t cry.” He stroked my hair off my face, wiggling his hips against my thighs, nudging me to let him in. “Look at me.” His demanding voice rattled me. “Look at me, please.”

Slowly I lowered my hands, holding my breath. Tormented glossy eyes undid me. I shook my head, but before I could cover my face again, my hands were raised above my head.

“No. Don’t hide from me. Now hear me out. I don’t need my dick in your beautiful mouth to be happy. What I need is your arms around my neck, your lips against mine, and your sweetness surrounding me.” He burrowed his hips between my legs, pressing the tip of his erection to my entrance. “Yesterday you said you were mine. Did you mean it?”

“Yes, yes I meant it,” I whispered.

“Then you’ve made me the happiest man on the planet.” He kissed my nose. “And I’m yours.” He promptly reached for a condom on the nightstand and had it ripped open and rolled on in record time. He pressed into me slowly.

I sucked in a breath, arching into his chest as he filled me with his length.

“Just love me, Miranda. It’s all I need.” Will released my hands.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as our mouths connected, and we kissed fervently, never breaking for air as he made love to me.

This man.

He meant the world to me. But I still hoped one day I could be a fellatio girl and send Will soaring into the clouds.

Carmel-by-the-Sea would live in my heart forever. The small shopping district was full of art galleries, restaurants, and tree-lined streets. Stoned paths and arched walkways lent a charming village feel with cozy cottages and striped awnings shading windows beneath moss-covered roofs. It felt like I had been transported into a fairy tale.

Merchants displayed holiday fare in their windows framed in twinkling lights. Mouthwatering aromas—some sweet, others savory—wafted around us amid the ocean breeze. We strolled through town, our arms wrapped around each other as we laughed and kissed without a care in the world.

“Let’s go in here.” Will jerked his chin toward another art gallery. We had ducked into several already. He seemed to be looking for something specific but wouldn’t allude to what it might be.

“Good afternoon, sir. Miss,” a short man with black-framed glasses greeted. “Enjoying this clear sunny day?”

“We are,” Will replied. “Seems the fog finally burned off.”

“Indeed.” The man eyed Will as most business owners did, zeroing in on “the money.” It irritated me. Will couldn’t be just Will. His money stole the show. My intelligent, funny, caring man had so much more to offer than money. “Is there anything specific you’re looking for?” the shopkeeper asked, brushing his fingers through the top of his hair. A nervous tick, I assumed. He didn’t take his eyes off Will who moved with purpose from one wall of paintings to another.

“Just browsing.” Will didn’t look at him, eyes scanning paintings rapidly.

I went to the front window where a table of clay pots and bowls were displayed. I picked up a shallow, marbled clay bowl with a rough gold rim. The colorful swirls of gold, teal, white, and charcoal sang to me. It’d be perfect for my nightstand or desk, a lovely keepsake to remind me of Carmel and Will.

Movement outside caught my attention and then I saw him: York. His stocky physique couldn’t be missed when dressed in all black and dark sunglasses, thin lips pursed tight. Nor could his shiny head. He hadn’t even attempted to be discreet, as if he’d wanted me to see him.

“What are you looking at, beautiful?” Will kissed my neck and snaked his hands around my waist.

I sighed. “York.”

Will lifted his head. “Maybe he’s out for a stroll.” The amusement in his voice was adorable, but we both knew that wasn’t the case.

I turned in his arms, cocking my head. “Do I have fool written in black Sharpie on my forehead?”

He laughed, touching my lower lip with his thumb. “Nope, don’t see fool anywhere. Well, except for the big one outside.”

I giggled, dropping my face into his chest.

“Come and look at this.” Will took my hand and led me to a painting in the corner of the shop. The beach scene reminded me of when we’d arrived. Gloomy skies. Calm waters and deserted beaches. This gorgeous painting was made up of varying shades of gray, and in the distance, at the ocean’s edge were warm hues of orange from the setting sun.

I stared in awe at its simplicity, yet the deep emotion it created in my chest made my eyes cloud. The beauty of the sunset would not be ignored behind the grim darkness as it bid farewell to another day, leaving a promise of sunny days to come.

Will kissed my hand, waking me from my trance. But I couldn’t take my eyes off the painting… off the hope it gave me. “We’ll take it,” he declared.

“I’ll write it up, sir!”

“You’re beautiful when you’re speechless,” he whispered in my ear from behind me. “Move in with me?” He dangled a set of keys in front of my face.

I turned around and hugged him tightly. “Yes!”