Breach of Honor by Naomi Porter

17 Miranda

WAS I READY for Christmas with the St. James family?

I prayed I was more than ready so nothing or no one would stand in the way of Will and me being together. Hell, even my friends had given us crap. The stinkers.

They loved me. I got it.

But Will had always treated me with kindness. And they didn’t need to worry about me getting wrapped up in the glamour and fortune of his family. None of that mattered to me.

Will squeezed my hand, pulling me out of my thoughts. “You’re fidgeting.”

So I was. I released my earring.


“Weren’t you in my apartment?”

“I was, and you have every right to be nervous too, but you don’t need to be. Everyone will love you.” His hand massaged my knee.

I welcomed his touch and how it made me tingle. I closed my eyes and released some of my anxiety into the air.

“How can I help you?”

My eyes flashed open, feeling his hand creep under my dress. “Will…”

“We have thirty minutes.” He tempted me with his sexy grin. “Let me take care of you.”

I spread my legs, welcoming his offer. “Wait.” I put my hand over his.

He looked at me expectantly.

“Jason is going to be there, right?”


“He gives me the creeps. I know that’s awful to say since I don’t even know him, but I get this weird vibe from him.”

“Weird vibe?”

“Yeah. We were in the elevator together the day I was giving the presentation for the gala. He looked like he wanted to rip my clothes off. Maybe I read him wrong.”

“No, I’m sure you didn’t,” Will grumbled, a hint of anger in his voice.

“Oh.” I chewed on my lip. Will wasn’t defending Jason or surprised. A chill ran down my spine then. “That creeps me out even more.”

“Don’t worry about him. We’re together. He won’t try anything.”

“Okay.” I relaxed, releasing Will’s hand. “Oh, wait!” I stopped him again. “And Lily is off-limits for him.”

“Got it.”

“Okay… go.” I closed my eyes, smiling as I released his hand.

Will’s fingers slipped into my satin-and-lace panties. I melted into his leather seat, tilting my pelvis toward his fingers, encouraging him forward, but he took his time. Rushing wasn’t Will’s way. He liked to play with me, drive me wild so I’d have an explosive orgasm. I loved the way he worked me over.

By the sounds he made, he enjoyed it as well.

“Baby, you’re so fucking wet. My cock wants to dive right into you.” He inhaled. “Fuck, you feel so good… This might have been a bad idea.”

I giggled, rocking into his hand. “No stopping the O-train now. Please, Will.” I panted. The pressure in my core ached to be released. I wanted to clench around his fingers and relinquish my worries into the ozone.

Will slipped two fingers in and placed his thumb on my clit. His dexterity amazed me, but it also gave me pause. Had he done this in his car before? I rejected the thought before it sent me into a funk.

Maybe this was a bad idea. Feeling the pressure build in my core, I wondered how he’d take me over the edge while driving down the freeway.

I needn’t worry, suddenly Will hit my G-spot. That did it.

I lunged into his hand, grabbed onto his forearm and rode his fingers fiercely. “Oh, yes!” I bucked into his hand, chasing my release. I sucked in short rapid breaths, focusing on his fingers. “Oh… oh, Will!” A wave of hot, delicious pleasure flowed up to my head. I pressed the back of my hand to my forehead and squeezed his fingers mercilessly until the very end.

“You’re fucking amazing!” Will shouted. “You don’t know how bad I want to taste you. Please, baby, release my fingers.”

I limply rolled my head to face him. Exhaling, I let his fingers slip away.

Will smiled wickedly. He put his hand to his nose, as if smelling roses. “Mmm, you smell heavenly.” He opened his mouth and inserted both fingers. I nearly came again as he sucked vigorously, getting off on tasting me.

Will left my body loose and I didn’t have a care in the world. When my breathing calmed and my head cleared, I reached for my handbag. I couldn’t wipe off the satisfied, enthralled smile he put on my face as I dug into my bag. He eyed me curiously. When I found the packet, I pulled it out and handed it to him.

“Hand sanitizing wipe.”

Will pressed his head into his headrest and laughed so hard, a stray tear rolled out of the corner of his eye. He lightly pinched my chin. “Thank you, baby. I’ll thoroughly clean you off my fingers before we go inside my parents’ house.”

“Good, because that would just be sick.” I shuddered at the thought of anyone else smelling me. That was only for Will.

Sex was new to us as a couple. But more importantly, it was new to me as I learned what Will liked. But Will… he knew how to blow my mind.

I wanted Will all the time. He brought out this side of me, the one where I’d beg to be gotten off in a car… a Mercedes no less.

I felt a sense of freedom with Will. Daring. And positively desired. I could conquer anything with him by my side—even Christmas with the St. James family.

Christmas music played in the background of the massive vaulted living room. The pristine white space and holiday décor stole my breath away as a welcoming aroma filled the air. I couldn’t make it out; it wasn’t pumpkin or apple.

“We are delighted to have you join us for Christmas.” Claire kissed Will on both cheeks, then did the same to me. Her friendly affection was unexpected.

“Yes, Merry Christmas all,” Mr. St. James added.

“Merry Christmas, and thank you for having us,” I said in return. “This is my closest friend and business partner, Lily Swanson.”

“Lovely to meet you, Lily.” Claire graciously shook her hand. “This is our daughter, Simone.”

Lily smiled. No words. It was a first.

“Nice to meet you, Miranda. I’ve heard so much about you.” Simone also made the kiss-kiss gesture as Claire had. Simone was stunning: long dark hair, big lustrous eyes, a cute and curvy figure. She could have been on the cover of Vogue wearing her black-and-white color block sheath dress. And out of it, the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated. I estimated she was a few inches taller than me, five foot six maybe without her heels, and all legs. Good thing she was Will’s sister, or I might feel insecure around her. “My brother didn’t do you justice. You’re gorgeous.”

My cheeks warmed. Me, gorgeous? I mean, yes, I knew I was cute. Pretty maybe. But a compliment like that from someone like Simone shocked me.

“Hey, I told you she was breathtaking.” Will pulled me close and placed his lips on my temple. “There’s no one more beautiful than Miranda.”

After our little car-sex adventure, it didn’t take much to reignite my arousal. I playfully pushed him back, needing to keep some distance from him. The glint in his eyes said he knew my struggle.

“Now, that’s gushing over your girl. Much better,” Simone praised. “Don’t let him treat you anything less than the supreme queen you should be to him.” She winked. Claire stood by her, nodding in agreement.

Wow, I liked her.

“Exactly, and if I know my son, Will won’t disappoint.” Claire arched her brow the way only a mother would do to assure her meaning was understood.

“No worries, Mother. Miranda is in competent hands.” He pinched my waist. The stinker excited me with his innuendo.

After the robust and rousing pleasantries, Lily and I took a seat on the sofa. Claire and Simone disappeared. I thought it odd but shrugged it off. Shoulder to shoulder with Lily, her presence calmed my nerves. I was eternally grateful she’d accepted my invite. Still, she hadn’t spoken a single word.

Lily squeezed my knee, startling me.

“Can you believe this place?” Lily whisper-shouted. “I’m afraid to touch anything… to move.”

I nodded, feeling the same way.

“Your cheeks are flushed.”

I turned to face her. “I’m just warm.”

Her discerning eye studied me.

“Stop it.” I brushed her hand off my knee. “You’re making me nervous.”

“Ladies, a drink.” Will returned with two glasses in one hand and what looked like scotch in the other.

“Thank you.” I looked up at him, a curious arched brow.

“Vodka cranberry.” He winked, then passed a glass to Lily.

She smiled, her attention elsewhere.

Will remembered my drink from the club. I hadn’t ordered a vodka cranberry once since that night at Club Rendezvous. Usually, we’d share a bottle of wine. I loved that he remembered.

I took a sip and then gaped, sucking in a breath.

“Too strong? I told the server to give you a little extra vodka.” He sat beside me, draping his arm over my shoulders.

I curled into him, feeling the faint tingles in my pussy from the orgasm I’d had not long ago. I needed to touch him, be close to him. “Why would you have them make it stronger?”

“To help take the edge off. And don’t worry, it’s quite common for us to get tipsy during parties.”

“That’s a relief to hear. I’m going to get plenty tipsy,” Lily interrupted. I glanced at her half-empty glass. She better not burst into song and embarrass me in front of Will’s family.

“Well, I don’t want to get drunk at your parents’ home. And on Christmas no less. What would they think of me?”

“Relax, baby, we’re used to boisterous gatherings and lots of alcohol. Wait until my Uncle Peter arrives.” He lowered his voice. “He can be loud, along with my cousin Henry, his son. But Henry is in Europe visiting his mother, and that’s a good thing.”

“Why is that?”

Will laughed. “Because he always gets on the baby grand and makes us gather around to sing Christmas songs.”

I blinked, studying his expressions.

“I’m not joking. Henry is not as prim and proper as the rest of us.” Will leaned into me, and I inhaled his sexy musk. Damn car sex. “They say Henry is more like his mother, but nobody dares to say it in front of Uncle Peter.”

“Why is that?”

“I’ll tell you another time… It’s scandalous.” He winked, but there wasn’t a hint of teasing. He was serious.


What kind of scandal could Will be talking about?