Breach of Honor by Naomi Porter

59 Miranda

WE PULLED INTO the driveway of the beach house. The sun glittered around us as a gentle breeze blew like a sweet promise of a glorious and perfect day. Every bride getting married today would be pleased, and I was happy for them.

I sat frozen in my seat, unable to move because I knew Will would be inside. The fact that I didn’t have time to talk would probably make matters worse, but I only had ten minutes tops to spare. It wouldn’t be nearly enough time to hash things out. Though I didn’t know what more needed to be said after last night.

Nonetheless, not staying to talk would hurt Will, and I never wanted to hurt him. Even after everything he’d done.

Lily cleared her throat.

I flitted my eyes her way. Her green depths were sad and her expertly shaped brow arched.

I nodded. “Ready.”

Dread filled me as we approached the door. What I felt wasn’t about seeing Will. It was about having Lily with me. I feared what she might say or do when faced to face with him.

I turned the doorknob, holding my breath, and walked into the house. From the entry, I spotted Will on the sofa. A brief look of relief crossed his face, then it quickly diminished when Lily appeared. In an instant, his demeanor changed. A mix of sadness, anger, and frustration swept over his face.

“I’m just here to change, then we’ll leave.”

I left Lily at the front door and went to the bedroom. I didn’t hear any talking, which relieved me, but it also made me sad. They used to talk, shoot the breeze and joke around. I hated how everything had changed because of Will’s infidelity.

Something must be wrong with me. Why had it taken me so long to accept Will had been unfaithful? Tate and Lily had written him off months ago, yet I had held on with a death grip, believing Will loved me and would never betray me. But he had.

I entered our walk-in closet, eyeing my favorite light-gray midi wrap dress. It would be perfect with my teardrop diamond earrings. The dress’s color complimented the colors in the wedding—another one of my quirky personality traits, needing to coordinate with the color palette of the event. The Colby-Asher wedding colors were charcoal, ivory, and red—elegant and classic.

While in the closet, I debated bringing a change of clothes with me in case I didn’t come back later. Then in the next breath, I decided against it. Will and I needed to figure this out once and for all.

Will cleared his throat as I pulled the dress over my head. I whirled around and found him standing in the doorway, watching me. I quickly tugged the skirt down and brushed it smooth over my thighs.

“Hey.” I cringed at the awkward tone in my voice as I tied the wrap.

“You’re not even going to talk to me?” The grief in his eyes tore at my heart, but I needed to stay the course. I couldn’t let him sway me with his charm, which was a nearly impossible challenge since he owned my heart. I’d do just about anything for him.

Except share him with another woman and risk losing my baby.

“I have the Colby-Asher wedding today. You know that.” I diverted my gaze away from his handsome face. If I didn’t, I might get lost in his alluring eyes.

“Yes, I know, but Tessa can handle it along with Lily and Tate. Stay here so we can figure this out.” He stepped in front of me and brushed a section of hair behind my ear.

Those damn pregnancy hormones stirred to life, making me tingle all over. He ran his finger over my teardrop earring. They were the second part of his Valentine’s gift to me, signifying his love and devotion.

“Stay with me,” he breathed, lowering his head and placing a kiss below my earlobe, then another down the curve of my jaw. He continued dotting kisses to the corner of my mouth, melting me, and yes, he made me wet. So wet. God, he knew how to turn me on every time.

I pressed my hand to his chest, stopping him before he claimed my lips, which wasn’t an easy thing to do. “You know I have to be there. I’m the wedding coordinator. It’s my job.” That wasn’t at all what I wanted to say. I wanted to say, yes, yes, yes, I’ll stay.

He stepped back, drinking me in. “I figured you’d say that. You look beautiful.”

“Thank you. We’ll talk tonight, unless you’re going to be closing another deal with Cori?

The second her name left my lips, I regretted it. My blood pressure skyrocketed as Will’s shoulders slumped. A devastated expression marred his attractive face.

“I have to go.” I moved past him, and to my relief, he didn’t try to stop me.

Lily remained in the entry. When she saw me coming down the hallway, she opened the door and I walked right out—without saying goodbye to Will.

The ceremony was beautiful and emotional. I cried as always but pushed through it despite my own love story coming to an end and stayed focused. Plus, having Tessa shadow me helped to keep my aching heart under wraps.

I may not have made it through the day without Tessa and Viv’s extra hands and brilliant minds. Having them here had allowed me to catch my breath and sit a bit, which I needed more than usual. Oddly, Tessa would come to my aid right away when I sat down. She’d question if I’d eaten or drank anything. I still didn’t know much about her, other than she kept to herself, had a daughter, and was a private person. I liked her well enough. I just wished she didn’t hover over me.

“Now that dinner is over, what will you be doing? Do you have plans?” Tessa asked, as she did at every event. Her questions almost sounded scripted. Again, weird.

“Well, as you know, it’s smooth sailing after dinner.” I could leave anytime at this point, confident the clean-up crew would handle any issues that might pop up.

“Yup,” Lily interrupted. “And we’re going back to my place. Let me drive. You look exhausted.”


“Well, okay, that’s great,” Tessa said. “I’ll see you Monday.”

“Yes. Have a terrific Sunday.” I felt a bit bad that my staff had to work on Labor Day, but we had two weddings next weekend. A three day weekend was a luxury I couldn’t afford.

I scanned the area for Tate and Viv but didn’t see them. I was too tired to search for them, so I left with Lily.

In the car, I breathed a sigh of relief, relishing the chance to sit down. With an hour’s drive to Lily’s place, I closed my eyes to rest them. Before I knew it, I was startled awake when we stopped moving.

Lily put the car in park and smiled. “We’re here.”

“Oh my gosh, I slept the whole way?”

“You also snored.”

“I don’t snore.” I pursed my lips together, trying to recall a time Will might have mentioned that I snored. Nothing came to mind. “Do I really snore?”

Lily laughed, shaking her head. “Come up to the apartment.”

“It’s almost seven. I need to get home. I told Will we’d talk tonight.”

“You told me the same.” She hiked a brow, ready to argue with me.

“Fine.” I did tell her we’d talk. Like it or not, I owed it to her first and foremost.

We entered the apartment and I froze. Tate and Viv were seated on the sofa. Two pizzas, a bottle of wine, tequila, and brownies were arranged on the coffee table. Instantly, my guard went up.

“What’s all this? Why are you here?”

“I told Tate,” Lily confessed without a smidge of regret in her songbird voice.

The bitch.

“How could you? I confided in you.” I turned around to leave.

“Wait!” Tate sprung from the sofa, blocking my departure. “We’re your family. Let us help you figure this out.” He pulled me into a gentle hug. I buried my face in his chest, squeezing my eyes tightly. A few tears managed to escape. I so wasn’t ready for any of this.

“Come on, sweets, nothing you say will go beyond these walls,” Viv assured me.

She rarely called me “sweets.”The nickname had been given to me by Tate and Lily years ago when desserts and candy were the only things to calm my nerves after we’d started our business. Brownies and pies were my indulgences of choice, but any chocolate or sugary treat would do the job.

“I can’t believe how my life is falling apart all around me.” I sniffled, wiping away renegade tears.

“Just sit down. Eat and drink… well, drink water. Given your delicate condition.” Tate winked.

I trusted my friends. They were my family as Tate had said. I knew they’d give up their lives to protect me with every fiber of their being—and my baby.

An hour later and half a bottle of tequila shared among them while I gorged myself on pizza and brownies, I decided to tell them a story.

“Now, listen and try to follow along. I know you’re all impaired.” I giggled, then turned serious.

They nodded enthusiastically.

“This story is about Will’s cousin Henry. Sorry, Lily, I wouldn’t bring him up if I didn’t feel it was vital to my situation.” She shrugged as if whatever. “You can’t repeat this to anyone. Do you all understand?”

Again, they nodded with stupid cheesy grins on their flushed faces.

“During his fourth year of college, Will’s Uncle Peter got his girlfriend, Diana, pregnant. Now, this didn’t happen that long ago, but it was still scandalous for the St. James family. Diana was only eighteen and not of the same social status—well below them in fact—and Peter wouldn’t have married her because of it. Are you following me so far?”

They nodded with intrigued expressions this time.

I exhaled a calming breath and resumed the story. “So, Will’s grandfather gave Henry’s mother one million dollars to sign over her parental rights to Peter. It was a known fact the St. James raised their own. Diana was given no other choice but to accept the money. I’m sure it had killed her to give up her baby.”

My trio of friends all appeared somber as I paused to take a sip of my water.

I cleared my throat and picked up where I left off. “During Henry’s childhood, he only saw his mom on Mother’s Day, every other Christmas, and three weeks during the summer. Now that he’s an adult, he sees her whenever he wants, but imagine the heartache for both mother and son being separated during his childhood. I’m sure it strained their relationship too.” I took a deep breath to settle my nerves. This next part was why I’d kept the baby a secret. “Guys, when Will told me this story, my heart broke for Diana. Even Will had difficulty sharing it with me. Just imagine how you’d feel, knowing your family took your cousin from his mother, but the story gives me pause. I’m afraid to tell him about the baby if we’re not going to be together.”

Their grim faces told me they understood what I was saying.

“Now I get it. You’re worried he’ll take the baby from you if you dumped him!” Lily’s voice cracked there at the end.

“Yes. No. I don’t know.” Exasperated didn’t come close to how I felt. “I’ve always believed Will was better than his father and grandfather, less ruthless. Will has always been so sweet and loving to me, but the last couple of months, really since Jason’s been in town, Will’s changed. I’m sure it has to do with his lover.” Mentioning her stripped me raw.

“You can’t tell him,” Tate declared before taking another shot of tequila. “You can’t give him an opportunity to take your baby.”

“But it’s his baby too,” Viv countered. “He has rights.”

“I don’t give a damn about his rights. He’s a lying, cheating scumbag.”

“He has rights,” Viv repeated firmly. Her resolute response made me quake inside. “How would you feel if I did that to you?”

“Would never happen.” Tate forcefully shook his head. “Because I’m not a lying, cheating scumbag! Is that the kind father you want for Miranda’s baby?” Tate asked, staring Viv down. I’d never seen him look at her with such a sour expression.

“I can’t lose my baby, Viv.” I interrupted their stare-down. “And I can’t be with Will if he’s going to be unfaithful for the rest of our lives. I would go crazy. This isn’t just about his rights. It’s about mine too.”

“There are laws to protect both of you. You could have shared custody,” Viv said as if shared custody would be no big deal.

I could tell she was trying to comfort me, but it wasn’t what I wanted to hear. “You think having my baby only part of the time is a good thing?” I tried to stay calm, but Viv’s reaction to all this wasn’t what I’d expected.

My stomach started doing flips. I shouldn’t have eaten all that pizza and brownies.

“I didn’t say it was the best solution, but you wouldn’t lose your baby altogether,” she explained.

“Babe, you’re out of your fucking mind.” Tate cut his dark eyes to Viv, aghast. Now I knew he’d had too much tequila. He was seriously getting hot under the collar with his wife.

“Viv, I couldn’t nurse the baby full time or bond the way I’ve always dreamed of. I can’t be a part-time parent.” I choked back tears. “This isn’t how it was supposed to be.”

Through the back and forth with Viv and Tate, Lily had remained quiet. After several minutes of silence and stare-downs, the conversation took a turn I wasn’t expecting.

“You could leave.”

“What?” I blinked several times, not sure I heard Lily right.

“Okay, hear me out on this. Break up with Will and move out of California. Never tell him about the baby.”

I was pretty damn sure she stunned us all.

The room fell into an eerie stillness as we processed Lily’s idea. It seemed incredibly wrong… and yet I considered it. I would choose my baby over the man I loved in a heartbeat, but could this crazy plan work?

“I think that’s over the top.” Viv shook her head, utterly appalled. “How can you even suggest it?”

“I don’t think it is. As much as I’d miss you, I want you to be with your baby.” Tate smiled, taking my hand.

Viv gasped. “You can’t be serious. You want her to go on the run with a baby?”

“She wouldn’t be on the run. She’d be starting fresh somewhere else with her baby, and Will would be out of the picture,” Lily explained.

“Do you really think he’d give her up so easily? I think he really loves her. I just don’t know why he’s having an affair.” Viv was giving me a lot to think about. I, too, believed Will loved me, but I guessed he wanted it all, the other woman and me too.

“I doubt he’d put up a fight for long. I think he’d have Cori moved into his house by the week’s end,” Tate scoffed.

“That’s harsh. Don’t be an arse.” Viv rebuked him.

Tate waved Viv off and turned toward me. “Sorry, sweets. I pretty much hate the dude.”

“I don’t know what to do. Despite everything Will’s done, I love him. I know it’s stupid, but I can’t help it. This is such a mess. I’m having his baby and I don’t trust him. Not anymore.”

How could I trust him after he’d lied and betrayed the beautiful bond we shared? The scariest part was he had the resources to make my life a living hell if he wanted. What if he used his power and money to take my baby away from me? Waiting around to find out wasn’t something I wanted to do.

I couldn’t take the chance and put my baby at risk.

“So what do you think you’ll do?” Lily asked.

“I’m going to talk to him and demand he stops the affair.”

“And if he doesn’t want to? The dude obviously likes having a lady on the side.” Tate poured himself another shot.

“It’ll be over. We’ll be over.” I was shocked to hear myself sounding so calm, which was nothing like how I actually felt.

“And what about the baby?” Viv shot a stern look at me. I swear she could see into my soul with her dark, almond-shaped eyes. They willed me to do the right thing.

What was the right thing to do?

Viv had been in the states for ten years now, but her British accent had hardly faded. Tequila often brought out an exaggerated version, and I loved listening to her talk. Everything she said sounded cultured with her melodious voice, even when she was telling you off. Or disagreeing as she had with me. She was the most stunningly beautiful black woman I knew, classy and intelligent and normally soft-spoken.

Since the night Tate had met Vivien Clark, he’d called her his British beauty. She had stolen his heart the moment he heard her speak. Now, our dear Viv was holding to her position with a fierce stance, that Will had rights. I couldn’t take hearing it, no matter how lovely it sounded.

“What baby? As far as he knows, there is no baby. If we break up, we’ll go our separate ways. He’ll be none the wiser.” It surprised the hell out of me that I didn’t show a smidge of emotion. Had my heart already turned cold as ice and as hard as steel?

“Good,” Tate and Lily said at the same time.

“Do you really think he’ll never find out about the baby? You’ve been together for nearly a year. You love each other. He’s not going to just forget about you.” Viv argued her position passionately. It made my heart race, stirring up a panic in my core.

“Why not? People break up all the time. Relationships end. People move on.” I stood when clarity entered my mind. “You guys have to promise me you won’t breathe a word of this.” I turned toward Viv, knowing she was the only one who had a moral dilemma and a conscience I respected.

“I won’t say anything, but please try to resolve this with dignity and honor,” Viv said.

With honor? Just as Will had shown me? Yeah, I didn’t see that happening.

I hugged her tightly, showing my appreciation. “Thank you. Now, I need to go talk to Will.”