Winter King by Sloane Murphy



Lex left for Shani two days ago, and I’ve checked in with him each day telepathically to make sure he’s still alive. Going back to Shani when he’s banished is a stupid idea, but he’s fixed on it, and if he can get a clue about what the fuck is going on, then I’m all for it. I wait until the sun sets here before I contact him again, he’s blocking me, so I know he’s alive, but what the fuck.

I grumble and decide to go raid Cybil’s stash of goodies. I throw on my sweats, thank god for human comforts, and pad quietly through the silent, empty halls. The thought of filling these halls with happiness and the sounds of children’s laughter warms me, realizing something I hadn’t accepted before now. That I want everything, and I want it with Emilia. No one else will set my soul on fire like she does. No one else knows every part of me, the light and the dark, and doesn’t judge me for it. She doesn’t expect me to be Cade, the King, she just wants me to be Cade, the man. Cade, the person she loves.

I walk into the pantry and open a cupboard, realizing Cybil’s moved her treat hiding place.

“Oh my,” I spin at the girlish cry as glass shatters. “I am so sorry, Your Majesty. I didn’t expect you to be here. I was just tidying away from the staff meal.” She drops to the floor and starts picking up the pieces of glass and placing them on her tray. I walk over and she waves me off.

“Your feet!” she cries, and I reprimand myself for being so casual.

“I’ll be fine. Here, let me help you, you don’t want to cut yourself.” I drop down and crouch opposite her, helping her gather the broken glass and china while she refuses to meet my eyes, her whole body shaking.

“I really am so sorry. It was a mistake,” she almost weeps.

“I know it was, you have nothing to be sorry for. It’s just a few dishes and glasses. Nothing major.” I smile at her, and her eyes go wide.

“You really aren’t anything like your father,” she says, and then gasps, covering her mouth, and I can’t help the grin that escapes.

“I’m really not.” I laugh softly. “How about you pop that in the trash and head off to bed? It’s late and I’m sure you have an early start.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty. Truly. I will work back the broken dishes.” She bows her head.

“Really, don’t worry. I’m sure you work hard enough as it is. Tell Cybil I said it’s fine.” I smile, and she nods before scurrying off.

That was awfully nice of you.Lex’s words ring out in my head and I can feel his amusement. Our talents have always been very similar. Each able to project and receive thoughts and the sight of the other. I haven’t worked out the sight thing with others, but I think because Lex is half Elf, it makes it easier.

Glad to hear from you, everything okay?I ask him.

Well, I managed to sneak across the city limits, run the rooftops of the city and scale the palace walls to find my brother, so average day, just a bit sore.He laughs and I can’t help but roll my eyes at him.

Show off. So, I assume you’re ready to let me in on the conversation?

I am,he confirms. I just needed to make sure I could discuss it with you without killing myself first. Simple things really. Now, come on through. I’m heading to meet with Darwen again now. I head back to my room and sit down, getting myself comfortable.

How is your family? I ask him. I know how much he has missed them since he was banished.

Darwen is good, though my father,he sighs, and I can almost feel his sadness. My father is sick, like really sick. Darwen is basically running the show here, pretending he’s just my father’s mouthpiece. Dahalia hasn’t forgiven me for leaving, even though I had no choice, but she’s still young really. Well compared to my old ass. I get the feeling that things haven’t exactly been plain sailing for her since I left.

I’m sorry man. Hopefully after this, things can change a bit. Especially if Darwen is in charge. You guys were always close, right?

Right. We’ll see, first, we have this absolute shit storm to work out. You’re not going to like what I have to tell you, or well, what you’re going to hear.

I can cope. Now, focus. Does he know I’m hijacking?

He does, he was shocked, but with everything going on there, he gets it for now.

Okay, let’s go.I say and watch in my mind as he enters the grandiose room. The walls almost glitter, as I take in what he sees. The Elves really do like to flaunt what they’ve got. I can’t knock it, this palace isn’t exactly lacking. He takes a seat and waits for a few minutes until we hear voices, before the door opens and Lex stands. A man who looks like a broader, smilier Lex walks towards him and brings him in for a hug. This must be Darwen.

Brother! It is good to see you again, sorry for the delay, the elder court dragged on and on. All those stuffy, pompous old bastards trying to force their way on to my throne. He says with a deep laugh. I assume your friend is with us now?

He is. Lex confirms with a nod. It shocks me how stiff he is, considering the warmth from Darwen, but some wounds take a long time to heal.

Okay, so you were asking about the origin. What is so important that we must discuss this with your Fae friend?Darwen asks as he takes a seat opposite Lex.

What I didn’t mention, brother, is that the Hunters have thrown a coo. They’ve ravaged Avaenora, and are currently holed up in an abandoned fortress on the borders. Our Princess, Emilia, is also missing, she was taken, Lex tells him, and Darwen’s face falls.

Emilia Daarke? Darwen asks, and Lex nods. I can see the tension radiating from him and my heart sinks. I know there’s more to this than I know.

Fuck. How could you let her be taken by them? Even if the Fae have no idea who she is, you did! And in the hands of the Hunters! How the hell did they find out? Darwen looks at Lex with suspicion, but I remain silent, knowing my voice means nothing to Darwen in this argument.

I had nothing to do with that, Darwen. We might not have seen each other in a while, but you know me better than that. As for the girl, I tried to keep my distance in the hope that no one would suspect any sort of link. I couldn’t exactly go from no one to her fiercest protector with no explanation. Plus, that girl is infuriating. You have no idea,Lex says with a small smile, and I can’t help but laugh at his summary of Emilia. He’s not wrong, though I want to know how Darwen knows about Emilia.

That makes sense. If she’s anything like her grandmother, I imagine she’s a force to be reckoned with. I’ve seen her in Father’s memories. She was a force of nature. Darwen smiles a little and some of the tension eases. But if they have Emilia, and they know the truth, it won’t be long until they discover what it is she knows. I need to speak to Echo, he’s my general these days. He will help us co-ordinate to help you, but you know as well as I do, that ill or not, Father will not agree to this without something from the Fae. After the betrayal that started this incessant divide between our races, and his own personal experience, he’ll want something big for us to help.

Let us know his requests, and we’ll get it done. I need to return home, I am needed back there, Lex tells Darwen as they stand.

Do everything you can to find the girl in the meantime, Lex. I don’t need to tell you how important she is.

I know. I shall speak to you soon, brother, Lex tells Darwen and leaves the room.

What the hell was all that?I ask him as he practically runs back to the room he was in when we connected.

We have a lot to talk about, but now you know some things. Others, I should tell you face to face. I’ll be home in a day, Darwen removed my banishment, meaning I can use the portal here to travel.

Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow, and then you’re going to tell me everything, I demand. I don’t enjoy being out of the loop, not when it’s about Emilia, and sure as hell when it’s as serious as they make it sound.

I swear, I will tell you everything,Lex says, then pushes me from his mind and my room comes back in to focus.

What the actual fuck is going on around here!

* * *

Sometimes I wish I could be selfish. That I wasn’t the one born to be King. That I could just do whatever the fuck I like, consequences be damned. Like how I wish I could be in Shani with Lex getting answers. Or I could be tearing through the Hunters with my own two hands to find Emilia. But the push and pull between duty and love is strong. I have too many people that rely on me, that need me to not give up on my duty, but not knowing what is happening with her is slowly but surely driving me mad.

It’s why I find myself in the throne room, waiting for the other Royal families to arrive. Erion is already here and is doing the whole charming ‘Summer’ thing that he does, wooing the throws of people to his favor, while I sit here on my black throne, wondering if I will ever be seen as anything more than the Ice King.

I try not to let my impatience show, I refuse to be as my father was, and by now he’d have basically declared war. The Verano’s & Samhradh’s are late. I understand it, their kin were essentially sent here to die, but we need this treaty. We all need it. They will not survive without us and vice versa. While no one wants to admit it, that is the long and short of it. Rivinea is a land divided, and so we each have things the others need. It’s not ideal since we are never at peace, but that is the whole point of today. Even if it does feel like a charade. Until the next generation takes over power in their Courts, there will be no real change. And even then, it could be for naught.

“How much longer do we give them?” Erion asks as he takes a seat beside me. It’s easy to forget that Erion has been gone so long, that he has been drowned in war for the last few years rather than at his father’s side keeping up with the ways and politics of Court. It’s dreary, but it’s all shit we need to know.

“I’m giving them another five minutes, and then I’m done.” The words are barely out of my mouth as the heavy, ornate doors to the throne room open loudly as the two sets of Royals finally arrive. I remain seated and Erion mirrors my movement. While I might be the Winter King now, Erion's temper has always been far more fiery than mine. He might seem like the lighthearted, charming Summer child, but like any Summer child, the fire that burns inside of them is their weakness as much as their power.

The Autumn and Spring Courts with their procession move towards us, and with a small bow from them, Erion and I stand. “Levoya, Tristain, it’s good of you to finally join us,” I say as I move towards our guests. “Nayla, Varah, you both look beautiful as always. Shall we get this started? Our people cannot afford any more delays.”

The women at least, have the decency to look ashamed for keeping us waiting, but the Kings, they just laugh and scoff as if my words mean nothing. And they may not to them right now, but I won’t be dismissed by them, not when so much rides on this treaty being signed and upheld. Too much is needed right now for this to go wrong, and that’s before I even start to think about everything going on with Emilia.

I take a deep breath and blank my mind. I have Lex looking for Emilia, he won’t let me down. As much as it pains me, I need to focus on this right now. Emilia will understand, she would do the same if our positions were reversed. That is the advantage to marrying within the Royal lines. They understand the pressures and responsibilities that come with who we are.

* * *

It takes hours, but we finally agree on terms everyone can live with. The Autumn and Spring Courts will help provide relief and soldiers in return for a boon at a later time from each Court. They finally leave, taking their processions with them, with promises of their relief aid arriving soon. I slump down in my chair as Erion pours me a glass of nectar. I throw back the shot and he pours another before doing the same himself.

What a fucking palaver. This whole day has been nothing but showboating by the older Royals, trying to show that they know best. That us ‘young bucks’ don’t know our ass from our elbow. It didn’t take long before Levoya and Tristain saw that we weren’t here to play. Erion’s charm mixed with his fire against my icy cool facade left them reeling. But finally, the treaty is signed. Erion and I could have done it just between us, but that would always leave room for the others to color outside the lines. Not something either of us wanted.

“If we’re done for the day, I need to get back. There’s still so much that needs doing,” Erion says before throwing back another shot.

“Yes, I’ll get the final bits sorted, and liaise with the others to make sure they uphold their part of the agreement," I reassure him.

“Is there any news on Emilia?”

“Nothing concrete yet. Lex is looking into something, I’m hoping we get some answers in the next day or so. I hate having to deal with every day stuff while she is gone…”

“But we must,” Erion says with a knowing nod. “She would understand. She might not like it, but she would understand.”

“Let’s hope that whoever has her, wherever she is, it is not so terrible that she never forgives us for not just going to her.”

“The juggle of duty and love is perilous. I’m almost positive it is why our fathers picked the women they did. Why they pushed us not to marry for love. It might make us happy, but it can also make us weak. You are doing your duty, Cade.”

“Maybe… maybe I don’t want to just do my duty,” I tell him quietly, thankful that we’re the only two left in here.

“For now, that is all we can do until we get any news on where my sister might be.”

“Just be ready…” I tell him. “Because the minute I know where she is…”

He smiles at me and clasps my shoulder. “Oh I know, Cade. You will storm the entire realm for her. Duty be damned.”