Winter King by Sloane Murphy



My head bangs as I crack my eyes open and groan. I knew I shouldn’t have indulged so much last night, but after the celebrations began, Erion and I came back here to plot, which really just ended up being a night of drowning our sorrows and feeling sorry for ourselves. Now, however, I’m regretting the pity party, because fuck my life.

A knock at the door sounds and feels like someone took a sledgehammer to my skull. Cybil’s head appears round the door with a small chuckle. “How are you feeling, Cade dear?”

I groan at her and pull the blankets back up over my head.

“I figured as much, so I’ve had your favourite greasy breakfast made, with a vat of coffee. Erion is already in the small dining room waiting for you. I’ll let him know you’re awake,” she tells me before closing the door again, her words more an order than a question, which brings a small smile to my face, because few people would get away with talking to a King in such a way, but Cybil isn’t just anyone. She is the person who has been there for me my entire life, wrapping my wounds, both physical and mental, picking me up off the floor when I didn’t think I could ever stand again.

I jump out of bed, knowing that if I don’t, I’ll lose the whole day in there. I step into my boxers before throwing on a dark shirt, and gray trousers, rolling up my sleeves so I don’t feel so restricted, and run my hands through my hair to make sure I look half decent around the palace. I am not my father, so I’m happy for the people to see I’m one of them, but I also don’t think them seeing me strutting around in my underwear is a great example of leadership.

The palace is quiet as I make my way down to the small dining room, I imagine after last night most people feel similar to me, and I didn’t have a shit ton of work to do early this morning. I gave all the staff the morning off, but I know some of them are here regardless, still not used to my slightly more relaxed reign compared to my father’s. I don’t want my people to piss their pants if I lose my shit, my father branded his brutality like it was his favourite thing in the world.

“Morning,” I utter to Erion as I head straight for the coffee on the table.

“Feeling a little rough today, are we?” Erion says with a shit eating grin on his face.

“How the fuck are you so perky?” I grumble.

“Solider life. Those fuckers can drink, I learned to keep up. I was there long enough that I could drink most people under the table. I’m also, like, immune to the side effects these days.” He laughs as he takes bite of his toast.

“So, today, we announce Emilia’s missing, huh?” The cheer leaves his voice. “I have sorted care for Junior, so I’ve got a few days clear so we can actually get the ball rolling on everything we have to do. Fuck knows there’s enough.”

“Tell me about it. But yeah, we’ll start with Emilia, then work our way down the list, I’m pretty sure enough of our shit crosses over, and if we can share the burden, we might get things sorted quicker.”

“Sounds good to me,” he says. “I’ve already got people gutting the Summer Palace. That place is dark as fuck, and not the sort of place I want Junior growing up. He deserves better than that, and he needs to be my highest priority.”

“I get that. If you need anything, just say. I miss the little guy.” I smile at him before taking a mouthful of the eggs benedict Cybil had prepared for me. “So how do we do this announcement?”

“I think, the best way, is to do a summons. Everyone is still pretty relaxed after last night. The border is still set up for a gathering, we can call people back to there and explain everything. Ask for anyone who has information to step up, and ask for any willing and able bodies to help if they can. I have a guy I served with who I already know I want on our team. He’s got the most strategic mind I’ve ever come across. He’ll be an asset.”

“Sounds good. We’ll break into teams. You & your asset, Lex & I, Rohan & Bray, and split stuff between us?” I suggest.

“Works for me. We can let them know and then send the guys out with word to the people this morning, then we can put our heads together to work on everything else. Starting with those assholes running the Autumn and Spring Courts. They feared our fathers, but they’ve been dicks recently. They need to be put back in their place.”

“Agreed. I had a thought about joining the Spring Court daughter with Rohan. I know one of them was soft on him.”

“You trust him to handle that sort of power? Make him an eventual King in his own right?” His skepticism is warranted but I shrug.

“Better the devil you know? I know Rohan comes with his own… issues.” I sigh, Erion is fully aware of everything Rohan-wise. The advantage of him knowing us our entire lives. “But, I can handle my brother. Plus, I think it was the younger sister anyway, no kingship there.”

“Well, that’s one way to keep them in line, I guess. Plus, it means the Queen-to-be doesn’t hate us for trying to marry her off.” He laughs.

“You could always marry into the Autumn Court,” I joke, and his laughter dies.

“Araya?” He shudders. “Yeah, no. I know you guys were close at one point, but I don’t have the patience for that breed of diva. I need a woman to challenge me, not drive me fucking insane.” I laugh at his words, he’s not wrong. Araya is a fucking nightmare.

“Well, we’ll deal with them when needed. For now, let’s focus on getting Emilia back and sorting out our own houses. If your palace staff are anything like mine, they’re taking some time to adjust to the new way of things.”

“Are you kidding me? Most of the old staff died trying to protect my father, but from what I’ve been told, the way they treated Emilia, they’d have been gone anyway. I’m essentially starting fresh over there. I want a new culture. I don’t want to do things the way our parents did. I’ve already outlawed the kidnap and killing of humans, as well as those fucking inhumane parties. Our kind might be known for being brutal and cruel, but I’d rather keep that for our enemies, not just be our way of life.”

“Hell yes to that, man. I am so done with the old ways. This isn’t the old times. That shit is just fucked up.”

“Okay, so let’s get the guys together to send out word about tonight.”

“Yes, you think she’s still alive?” he asks, and I can see how much not knowing is destroying him.

“I do, I’ve been trying to reach her, and I can feel her. I just can’t reach her, it’s as if she’s blocked,” I tell him.

“Maybe that’s because she’s gone?”

“You can’t think like that, Erion. I refuse to believe it. Unless I see it with my own two eyes. Losing her again… I won’t survive it,” I admit to him. “I’m not giving up, even if it takes the rest of my life, but it’s not going to. We’re going to find her, and we’re going to find her soon. Something inside me tells me so.”

“I wish I had your gifts. I don’t have any sort of foresight, and after everything, I can’t find it in me to hope too hard. I can’t lose anyone else, so I can’t pin everything on it like you can. I won’t survive it either. I’ve lost everyone but her and Junior, and he needs me to stay stable.”

“I get it,” I tell him, wishing I could reassure him more, but all things considered, this is the best I can give him for now. “I do actually have a small lead, Lex delivered it before last night. Want to help me with it?” A cruel smile on my face startles him.

“You have a lead and you’ve waited until now to tell me?” He’s pissed, and I get it but fuck it.

“We didn’t have time to explore it until now, so I’m telling you now. I started a little yesterday, but I didn’t get very far. We know that Emilia was drugged by her crown. I have the jeweler that made it. When I explored his mind yesterday, his memory seemed to be blocked, but I gave him an incentive to try and think about it. He should have had enough time to make a decision by now.”

“Then what the fuck are we waiting for?” He stands, almost vibrating with anger.

“To the dungeons then, my friend.”