Breaking Free by Isabel Lucero


Turns out,Coach found out about Deshawn and Marcus and their excessive drinking, because they were both throwing up on the plane ride out. Both have been punished by being suspended from the next few games. Which means, me and Trevor get to play on the field together for at least the next few weeks.

I asked for this weekend off, knowing I was going to spend it with Trevor for his birthday, plus we have a home game tonight.

Mom got the insurance money from Dad’s death and put half of it toward the mortgage on the house, saving the rest for bills and such until she can find a job. She seems to be doing better each day, and even made friends with another neighbor.

Everything seems to be going really well. Suspiciously well. I feel like I’m waiting for something to ruin it all, but maybe that’s just because I’m used to not having a good streak for too long. Anytime me and Mom were doing all right, Dad would show back up or get drunk and ruin the calm and fun environment we had going on.

“Hey, Mom,” I say, coming down the hall.

“In the kitchen.”

I take a seat at the dining room table where I can watch her spin from the sink to the stove as she cooks something that smells amazing.

“Can I talk to you about something?”

Her brows dip in the center as she takes a towel and wipes her hands. After turning the burner down, she comes and sits across from me. “What’s wrong?”

I grin. “Nothing’s wrong. I just wanted to talk to you real quick.”


“You remember that guy I was telling you about?”

Her face relaxes before her lips curl into a grin. “Yeah.”

“He was the one I was with when I saw you out shopping.”

“I wondered,” she said. “He’s cute.”

My eyes find the table as I smile. “Yeah. Well, I guess we’re a little more serious now.”

“Yeah? Is he out now?”

“To his parents and a handful of friends.”

“That’s good,” she says with a nod.

“He told his parents about me. And our friends know, too.”

Her smile grows wide. “I’m happy to hear that. He must think a lot of you.”

“I don’t know why.”

“Oh stop.”

I shrug, meeting her gaze. “I just wanted you to know about him, because I’ll probably be staying at his place this weekend. It’s his birthday and we’re all going out and celebrating.” I pause, feeling weird because I’ve never talked to my parents about anybody I was with. Granted, it was never serious with anyone until now, but still. “And uhh, he’s coming over to pick me up for the game, so if you want to meet him. I mean, officially. Then you can.”

Mom rushes over and wraps her arms around my neck, her cheek resting on the top of my head. “I’m so happy for you. Of course I want to meet him.” I chuckle, holding her around her waist until she pulls back and holds my face. “I’m happy you’re happy.”

“Me too.”

I hear a door close outside, letting me know Trevor’s arrived. My heart beats faster as I stand up and walk to the living room. Introducing him to mom in the capacity of my boyfriend is a huge, unfamiliar step.

His knock comes a second before I reach for the doorknob. He’s dressed in jeans and his football jersey, his hair falling across his forehead before he shoves a hand through it, pushing it back.

He grins, taking a deep breath. “Hey.”

I feel calmer just looking at him. “Hey. You ready?”

He nods once, rubbing his hands down the sides of his jeans like he’s ridding them of sweat.

“Mom,” I call, closing the door. She pops out of the kitchen with a huge smile. “This is Trevor.” I study his face. “My boyfriend.”

His eyes widen slightly. Not because it’s new information, but because it’s the first time either of us has addressed the other one with the label. He turns to my mom and grins, lifting a hand. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you.”

He barely has time to get the sentence out before Mom rushes to him and pulls him into a hug. “It’s so nice to meet you, too.”

Trevor looks at me over her head before lightly wrapping his arms around her. I laugh and shake my head.

Mom steps back, pushing a lock of dark hair over her shoulder. “Sorry. I’m so happy my son has found someone he wants to introduce me to. You must be very special.”

Trevor blushes.

“Well, I guess we should head out,” I tell her, picking up my duffle bag. I’ll be back Sunday, but let me know if you need anything.”

“I’ll be fine. You two have fun, but be careful, and good luck with your game. Oh, did you want to take some food with you? I made pozole. I can put it in a tupperware dish.”

“It’ll just sit in the car for hours while we play,” I tell her. “But thanks.”

“Next time, then,” she says with a smile. “You’ll come back for dinner?” She aims the question at Trevor.

“Oh. Yes, I’d love to.”

“Good,” she replies, still smiling.

As we walk to his car, I grab his hand and squeeze. “We both survived.”

He laughs. “She seems really nice.”

I lean in and kiss him before we split up and get into the car. “Well, let’s win this game so we have something to celebrate later.”

He starts the car up. “And if we lose?”

“We console each other with our naked bodies, of course.”

“Of course,” he says with a snort.

We hold hands all the way to the school and nothing’s ever felt better.