Wolf Taken by Heather Renee



Blood and rage consumed me as I hunted the lands for Cait. The other half of my soul. My reason for existing. I hadn’t thought losing her would ruin me so completely, but that was when I assumed I’d be able to keep an eye on her from afar after she rejected me.

This was my punishment for presuming and not fighting harder. I’d been weak and too patient. Two things I wouldn’t be any longer.

Cait’s presence was hidden from me. The floral, citrus, and mint scent that was so uniquely hers was nowhere to be found, but I wasn’t giving up.

I’d find my mate and rip out the throat of whoever dared to take her from me.

The last three days had been spent tearing through Texas, trying to find Cait. Embry had these instances when she could sense when something was right, and she assured me that when her intuition said Cait was still in Texas, she had full confidence it was right.

It was hard to trust Embry’s instinct when it came to Cait’s life, but my wolf agreed with her, and I wouldn’t argue with him. Not when I knew he was just as invested in finding our mate as I was.

We’d interrogated our own packs, a coven we stumbled upon, and a few supernaturals passing through. None of them had seen or even heard of Cait, not that I gave them a lot of information. Telling the wrong people she was Luna Marked—or even my mate—wasn’t an option I was desperate enough to use. If I did, more than just me and my guards would be looking for her.

The only thing that had kept me moderately sane during my search were the infuriating yet satisfying moments when those passing through refused to even consider answering my questions with words and chose more violent options.

That was when I allowed my wolf to take action and we let out mere fragments of the wrath we were barely managing to contain.

I’d never been particularly vicious, but these were no ordinary times, and keeping my moral compass at the forefront was the least of my priorities. I’d made it known that nothing was off limits when it came to getting Cait back, not even sneaking onto my grandfather’s land, wondering if he’d stooped low enough to have anything to do with taking my mate.

My wolf’s legs picked up the pace at that thought as the moon shone down on us, paws practically flying over the ground as we thought of nothing other than finding Cait. If I had anything to say about it, the witch that had stolen her would die a slow and excruciating death, and I eagerly awaited the moment my teeth sank into the witch’s neck—dreamed of it even.

Nothing would save that woman from my fury, whoever she was.

Are you coming home today?Vaughn’s voice cut through my dark thoughts.

I don’t know.

I’ll join you then,he offered.

Vaughn had gone back to the pack after I’d nearly broken his arm. In my defense, it had only been two days since losing Cait when he’d pushed me a little too far with his sense of humor. By then, my sanity slipped enough that I’d seen red within a second of him laughing at his own joke.

After Vaughn had agreed to give me some space, he’d taken off but left wolves to trail me as if I wouldn’t notice. As long as they stayed out of my way, I didn’t waste my energy dealing with them.

I’m fine on my own,I grumbled to Vaughn as my wolf led us through the woods on the north side of my grandfather’s land.

Being in their territory without his permission could get me killed, but I didn’t care. I wouldn’t leave a single mile of ground unturned until I found my Cait.

You’re walking a dangerous line, Roman. One you might not be able to come back from as an alpha,Vaughn warned.

Do you think I fucking care about being alpha right now? None of that matters without Cait. I will find her, no matter the cost.

Vaughn’s sigh echoed through my head before I cut the connection off and came to a stop about a mile from the pack house.

I couldn’t sense any magic, but I didn’t know the witch that had vanished with my mate. I didn’t know what she was capable of or how powerful she might be.

All I knew was the witch had something that wasn’t hers.

Ours,my wolf snarled.

He hadn’t been speaking to me much since we lost Cait. His mind was solely focused on tracking our mate, and I had no objections to that.

As we crept closer to the main house where I could sense plenty of wolves, a presence I hadn’t expected pressed against my mind.


You need to get back here. Beatrix is on her way. She’s your only hope in locating Cait.

When did you wake up?I asked, hesitating to turn around.

I’d saved coming to this pack last for several reasons, one of them being that a small part of me hoped my grandfather couldn’t hate me enough to commit the worst possible action against another wolf. Harming one’s mate was unforgivable by our council. Yet, the less emotional side of my brain knew Cohen was absolutely capable of something so vile, if he’d managed to find out what Cait was to me.

Serene’s voice grew weak as she spoke again. I don’t have time to explain. Get home if you want to save your mate.

Before I could answer, the connection ended, and my wolf was turning around.

What are you doing? We’re already here. It won’t take long to look around, I said.

As much as I’d love to rip some of these wolves to shreds, you’re not the only reason we saved coming here for last. If we’re wrong, and Cait’s not here, Cohen could force the council to take action against you, which could prevent us from ever finding Cait. That was a consequence I was willing to risk when we had no other options, but Serene has now given us one. If we ignore her and fail… It’s not worth it.

He was right. I didn’t like the thought of turning back now, but we’d gotten nowhere during the last several days doing things our way.

If Beatrix didn’t have information that could help us, then maybe she’d at least have resources we could use that wouldn’t alert our wolf council. They were the last thing I needed to deal with at the moment.

If all else failed, I’d remind everyone around me why I was born to be an alpha. I’d show them the power I’d been keeping buried and was no longer opposed to using.

Nobody, and nothing, was off limits until I had Cait in my arms.