Wolf Taken by Heather Renee



Never before had I been so filled with rage, yet felt utterly pathetic at the same time. With every strike Callista hit me with, I grew increasingly hot on the inside. Power stirred inside me, begging to be unleashed, but nothing ever happened.

No flames. No energy. Just a nothingness slathered in frustration.

“Come on, mutt. If you don’t give me something, I’ll only torture you longer. I mean, either way, I get something out of it, but I’d rather have your magic than the pleasure of drawing out your death. So, how about we make a deal? You give me what I want, and I’ll show you some mercy.”

“Screw…you,” I mumbled before wiping blood off my chin and flicking it to the dirt floor of my temporary prison.

Callista’s magic traveled over my skin, soft at first, giving me a false sense of security—just like the first hundred times—before piercing deeper, making my blood boil, my bones crack, and my skin melt away.

Okay, none of that actually happened, but it sure the hell seemed like it as the bitch circled and taunted me.

The woman whose voice had been in my head, almost giving me hope, was nowhere to be found when I needed her most. I’d screamed for her, begged to have access to my energy, but nothing changed inside me other than the amount of pain I received. No, that bit only continued to increase.

Cohen and Kyle had made appearances throughout the hours I’d been tortured, but neither of them had spoken to me while Callista did her best to shatter my very existence, or whatever it was she was trying to do.

The witch’s fingers squeezed my neck, her nails digging into my skin while my backside was pressed into the earth wall. “You have five minutes to give me what I want,” she hissed into my ear.

All I took from that was I had mere moments to live, because clearly, I wasn’t able to access the damned Luna Mark energy anymore. So, I did what any reasonable person would do when their options had run out.

I rammed my head into her face as hard as I was capable of.

Her cold eyes leered at me, but she didn’t say anything. Instead, she took a few steps back and headed toward the exit of my hole of doom.

She breathed deeply, relaxing her body as she closed her eyes and tilted her head up briefly. The woman was out of her damned mind, and I was ready for her to finish this. Torture was not my idea of foreplay.

If there was any hope of someone finding me, I was sure they’d have done so by now. I was on my own, and I wasn’t strong enough to beat a supernatural, not in my current state.

Callista sauntered back over to me, keeping a slight distance between us. “My ancestors tell me you’re special, that I should keep you alive. But I’ve broken you in every way possible except finding those you love and bringing them here to taunt you with. Though, you only have one person, right? Your heart is too cold to take the mate offered to you.”

She said that last bit with disgust, as if I’d insulted her by my choice, which surprised me.

“You’re right. I prefer to be on my own. Would I be sad if you hurt Embry? Of course. But it doesn’t change anything. If you didn’t notice, I’m selfish. I value my life more than hers, and no matter how many times you bring me to the brink of death or threaten people I know, nothing will work. I don’t know what else to tell you. Whatever I had in me is gone. I’m not the one you need. Not anymore.”

Only a portion of my words were true. I would die for Embry without a second thought, but I wholeheartedly believed in the latter of my words. If I was something special, I should have been able to defend myself. The Luna Mark was a joke. One big laugh supernaturals could have over the poor pitiful human.

I was being harsh, but I was on a roller coaster, only leading to one place: my death. Knowing that, I covered up my fears with anger and did what I needed to in order to process what was coming. Nobody could fault me for that.

“Sadly, I’m beginning to believe you’re right, which means you’re worthless and I get to kill you. Cohen won’t be happy about that, but he doesn’t understand magic like I do. I’m wasting mine on you and I’m done,” Callista said and sighed.

She opened a portal with one hand and reached for me with the other. I stumbled back into the metal chair that had been used to beat me more than once throughout the day. I knew I’d only have one more chance to go out with a bang, and I badly wanted to leave the bitch with as many scars as possible to remember me by.

When Callista failed to grab hold of me, she huffed in irritation before finishing the portal, then sent an electric current through my chest with a wave of her hand, causing me to crash to the ground.

“Get on your feet. I’m not carrying you,” she snapped, as if I’d ended up there on purpose.

My fingers gripped the warm metal of the chair I’d just been occupying, and an idea came to me. I barely had enough strength in me, but I managed to lift the chair while she turned to check the portal. She began to look back as I groaned from the effort my movements took, but the rough metal edge of the chair leg raked across her cheek before she could do anything to stop me.

I didn’t stop there, either. No, I told myself I’d go down swinging and, while I’d fought back several times already, I had just a bit more left in me to give it one more go.

I dropped the chair and wrapped my arms around her waist as I shoved us through her portal. We toppled over onto dead grass, and I rolled over with Callista still in my grasp.

Grabbing a fistful of her hair, I yanked her head back with my left hand and punched her in the throat with my right. All my life I’d wanted to throat-punch someone who deserved it, and I smiled that I’d at least made that happen before time ran out.

Callista roared in my face, the shock of my actions no longer taking effect. “I’m done with you!”

She threw me off, and I landed on my back, hitting my head on a wooden log. There was nothing left in me to fight her, but I still grinned at her bloodied face and bruising neck.

Without another word, she jumped on top of me, landing on my stomach. She pinned my arms down with her legs and mumbled words I didn’t understand.

Her hands pressed over my forehead and chest, burning my skin wherever she touched. My jaw clenched, fighting off the scream that so badly wanted to rip from my lungs.

“Hurts, doesn’t it?” Callista smirked.

I decided to give one more go at pissing her off and lifted my knees as hard and fast as I could, jamming them into her lower back. She lost her hold on my chest as she tumbled forward, but that only made the palm over my forehead press down harder.

No longer could I hold in the screams as she burned me from the inside out. My body began to flail underneath her, and I had no control over my movements as my insides felt like they were being shredded by a cheese grater. A very dull one at that.

My vision blurred while a numbness finally set in. This was it. I was going to die. Never again would I see my best friend. I’d never get the chance to tell Roman I was sorry for being so damned stubborn, and I’d never understand why all of this happened.

Callista raised her hand, and I thought maybe the worst of it was over—that I’d get to spend my last few minutes on Earth not writhing in pain.

Yeah, that was a dumb thought.

The witch’s fist came down, crunching my jawbone. “Just a little something to remember me by,” she mocked, then swung again, hitting the side of my skull. “And that was for being a royal waste of my time.”

Her words continued as I lost consciousness and hoped like hell that whatever came next, there’d be no more pain. I could handle anything else.

* * *

When awareness came back,I had no idea where I was or what had happened to me. All I knew was that every muscle inside me felt like it was on fire. I tried to stretch my arms out, but I couldn’t get my limbs to listen to the commands, and my eyes refused to open.

Panic set in as breathing became harder. I needed to focus on the things I could remember. I was Cait Jones. I was twenty-one years old. I lived in Aust—no, not Australia. I was back in the states. I’d met Embry.

There was an emergency and she’d flown me back, but I couldn’t understand why. Was I the emergency? No, that wouldn’t be right.

A comforting warmth settled over me, but I still couldn’t move. I thought about Embry, trying to recall actually meeting her.

There was a big house on a property in the middle of nowhere. There were a lot of people and… no, that can’t be. Wolves? Dogs? Yeah, it had to have been lots of dogs.

The sound of howling echoed through my head and caused my throat to burn with grief. The sorrowful call tore at my heart. Something about it was familiar. Had I gotten a dog?

Another memory trickled through, but it was distorted. All I caught was the name Roman. Maybe I had a dog named Roman? Shit, I didn’t know how long I’d been out of it, but not remembering everything was not okay with me.

“Cait?” a soft voice called.

Yeah, I answered, but the word only echoed around inside my head.

“How are you feeling?” the woman asked.

I’d be better if I could actually talk out loud, I huffed. Wait. Why did it feel normal to talk to someone inside my head?

She chuckled. “You’ll be able to soon, but it’s not necessary. I can hear all of my children, no matter how they speak to me.”

Your children? What in the actual hell is happening? You don’t sound like my mother.The panic was back in full force as I fought against the darkness holding me down.

“I’m not the one you’re thinking of. I’m your creator, the creator of all wolves,” she said.

Wolves? I’d thought that earlier, but I’d dismissed the possibility because my mind had conjured up big, supernatural ones, not the normal forest-type I’d seen back in Oregon on occasion.

“You don’t remember?” the woman asked, seeming just as confused as I was.

Before I could respond, cool hands pressed over my head. I sighed as a peacefulness took over, but it didn’t last nearly as long as I would have liked.

“Callista is stronger than I’d given her credit for. She keeps many secrets, but this I can fix,” the woman said confidently.

Light began to seep through the darkness holding me captive, but it was too bright. I tried to turn away but failed at every attempt. Strikes of agony slashed through my mind as thoughts attempted to break through.

“I knew you were more than a little strong-willed, but you’re only hurting yourself now. Let me in,” the stranger said, her voice deeper as she worked some sort of magic on me.

Then I realized the idea of magic didn’t seem so farfetched, just like the mind talk. I already knew it was real, but I didn’t remember how.

I needed to get my shit together. I needed to focus. The woman didn’t seem to be making my situation worse, at least, I didn’t think so. There was a possibility I needed to find a way to let her in until I got my sight back, then re-evaluate my options.

Taking a deep breath, I focused on calming myself and turning toward the light inside my head instead of fighting against it. The agony increased, but I buckled down and took the torture willingly.

Torture… the word echoed through my mind. I’d been through a certain amount of hell recently. As I accepted that thought as truth, memories flooded through until tears streamed down my face from mental and physical aches the images caused.

Embry was a wolf shifter. I was mated to her alpha Roman. I’d rejected him. I was a supernatural freak nobody knew what to do with.

It was no wonder I’d blocked it all out.

“Now, that’s a lie and you know it,” the woman said.

My eyes opened, and I knew immediately who she was. “Moon Goddess?”

She smiled, showcasing two perfect rows of teeth and plump lips most women would kill for. Her eyes were a striking silver and her hair as black as the night sky. There was an ethereal glow around her that put off pink vibes, and I itched to reach out and touch her light.

“Hello, Child. I’m Luna, the Moon Goddess.” She reached out her hand to me, and because I was still on the ground and staring up at the celestial being like an idiot, I took her offered help.

Luna gave one slight tug, and I went tumbling into her. “I’m so sorry,” I muttered.

She laughed, the sound resembling chimes. “I haven’t been amongst my Earth walkers in some time. I forget our differences.”

“Why are you here now?” I asked.

Luna reached for my wrist where the crescent moon was as dark as it had ever been. Something I remembered had nearly been nonexistent while I’d been captive.

“I gave you this mark when I shouldn’t have. There was a plan for you, and someone interfered. I forced you into a life you weren’t ready for. Mistakes happened. I’m here to fix those as best I can and to make sure you came back to life.”

“I’m sorry. Come again? I’m dead?” My head whipped around. It was hot and humid, and I felt very much alive, but then again, what did I know about death. I’d never freaking died before.

“Well, you’re not anymore. You’ve been reborn into your true self. The one you were destined for the day you were born,” Luna said, seeming much too calm for my liking, considering the subject of our conversation.

“Are you saying that Callista really did kill me, and you brought me back to life?”

She nodded. “In a way, but it was more like I gave you the tools you needed to do so yourself. You’re one of my strongest children, Cait. There is so much you have to learn, and while I can’t be the one to teach you myself, I wanted you to hear some truths from me to help you moving forward.”

Couldn’t a girl die and come to life without having her world turned upside down for a second time? Apparently, not.

Luna settled herself onto a fallen tree, probably the same one I remembered my head smashing into however long ago that was. She patted the seat next to her, but I chose to perch myself on a rock opposite to her.

“Like I said, strong-willed. Some might call it stubbornness, but the walls you’ve built around you will keep you safe, will make you see things that others can’t. Just don’t forget to let those who care for you in,” Luna said as I settled down.

“Like Embry?” I asked.

“Among others. Roman, for instance.”

Ah, I should have known she’d bring him up. “Agreed. I shut him down before I ever really gave him a chance.”

“Rightfully so, my child. You weren’t ready, and neither was he. Roman thought he knew what it meant to be mated, but had you accepted the bond before you had died, the repercussions on your relationship would have been irreparable. You’ve come back a new person with a changed soul. The bond the two of you share would have been damaged during these transitions, causing fate to go even further off course in unfathomable ways.”

Well, maybe things had worked out exactly how they were supposed to, regardless of how painful they’d been. And just maybe I wasn’t such an asshole. My intuition just had a shitty way of going about doing what was right.

“So, why me? I’m still very confused on how I was swept up into all of this,” I said.

Luna’s eyes glowed, making me lean back. She closed and reopened them several times before the color was back to normal.

“What was that?” I asked.

“One of my children asking for help. You see, there is something much bigger at play here. Each of the supernatural species are experiencing their own hardships, and you are part of the wolves’. A key part, in fact. I’ve given life to many wolf shifters over the centuries, but it has been much too long since I’ve created a direct descendant such as yourself.

“You were born human. Your mother is exactly who you’ve always known, and that will never change. Your father, on the other hand, was one of my descendants from a powerful line that faded out over time. He was not a wolf shifter in the physical sense, but he did pass his lineage on to you.”

I cleared my throat, not really sure how I felt about asking my next question but went for it anyway. “You said ‘he was.’ Does that mean my father is dead?”

“I’m sorry. Yes, it does. After Michael met your mother, he began to struggle with his inner self. He’d left, believing it was best for you. In reality, the magic you inherited from him was stirring something inside him. I did the best I could to help him find his path, but he chose differently.”

Michael… I hadn’t heard anyone use his real name since I was a young child. It was odd yet comforting. I hoped my mother learned about this after she passed on and found some peace. His leaving had left scars deeper than I cared to remember.

“Thank you for telling me,” I said solemnly.

“Would you like to know more before it’s time for me to leave?” she asked.

My head lifted. “You can’t leave me out here.”

“Oh, I won’t be leaving you alone. Your mate is frantic to get to you. I’ve asked for help holding him off so we could chat, but if you’re ready to reunite with your friends, I can make that happen as well.”

The word “mate” sent me down another rabbit hole. Was I ready to face Roman after what I’d done to him?

Luna was suddenly in front of me, grabbing my hands. “The thing you need to understand about wolves is that they’re loyal to a fault. They will burn down cities to save the ones they care for. They love fiercely, and there isn’t a thing in this world you could do that would push Roman away from you for good. Not even rejecting him. He was only willing to let you go because his wolf helped convince him it was the right choice.”

I raised a brow. “And I assumed you helped his wolf do so?”

She grinned. “I might have given a little nudge. I’m sorry for what you had to go through. It was never supposed to be this way, but it is only going to help shape you into the wolf you’ll need to be in order to find the freedom you so desire.”

“A wolf? I really am a wolf shifter?” I asked, not understanding how that could be since I didn’t feel any different than before I supposedly died and came to life.

“Why do you seem so surprised after all you’ve learned?” Luna asked.

“Well, this witch Beatrix thought I might be something else, or that I had more choice in what I became.”

Luna nodded. “Beatrix is a wise witch, but she had her stories wrong. It wasn’t time for her to know what you were then, and she assumed more than she should.”

That was interesting and almost a little disappointing, along with the fact I didn’t really feel any different. Maybe I wasn’t what anyone thought.

“Oh, Cait. You have a magnificent wolf spirit inside you now that will guide you and be the light you need in your life. The two of you are a lot alike, actually. Roman will also be there, but a bond between mates and the connection between a shifter and their wolf is nowhere near the same. You’ll see.”

“When will I meet this wolf?” I wasn’t eager for this to happen right away, but I was curious.

“How about now?” Luna suggested and gave me a shove off the rock.

I stumbled back, nearly falling on my ass, but managed to right myself at the last second. My mouth opened to yell at her. I didn’t care if she was a goddess. I’d been pushed around too much over the last couple of days.

Except no words came out as my heartrate increased and muscles began to ache, but not in an excruciating way. No, it was as if I was standing on my tiptoes, raising my hands into the air and stretching as far as my body would allow.

My vision blurred for the briefest of seconds, then everything went dark and I began to blink rapidly. The change was instantaneous, but the moment awareness settled in, I knew I was no longer the me I’d always known.

Luna stood above me, smirking. For someone centuries old, she certainly had a mischievous side. One that I secretly enjoyed.

Hello, Cait,a sharp voice sounded.

Uh, hi?

I’m your wolf spirit,she deadpanned.

Something told me this particular spirit wasn’t too happy about being thrown into a newbie shifter.

Yeah, well, maybe you shouldn’t have rejected our mate.

Oh, this was going to be fun. I’d just met this… wolf? Spirit? and she already hated me. Just my luck.

Luna said it worked out how it should have,I said, trying to smooth things over. From what I already knew, she wasn’t going anywhere.

We’ll see.

Her attitude was smug, and I sensed she was a bit of a diva.

Do you have a name?I couldn’t remember if Embry had told me about names or not.

I have something I go by, but now is not the time for that discussion.

The wolf’s presence pulled back from my thoughts and I felt another replace hers.

Give her time. She’s been alone for a long time while we waited for you. I promise, while there have been trying times and still more to come, everything will work out as it should,Luna said.

My wolf eyes focused on her as I nodded. There wasn’t much I could do other than fight her words or trust they were true. I didn’t have it in me to do the former.

Would you like to see what you look like?she asked.

Hell yes, I do.

The Moon Goddess laughed softly as she walked toward a small puddle of water. I had no idea where it had come from because nothing else appeared to be wet. She waved her hand over the pool of liquid and gestured for me to come closer.

Walking on four feet was easier than I expected. My grace seemed to come naturally, and I kept my head held high, proud to be in the form I was. Maybe that was more my wolf spirit than me, but I didn’t care. I was tired of fighting what came my way. I was tired of running and constantly trying to be in control. It was time to find out what happened when I let go and trusted fate.

Glancing down at the water, I internally gasped. My wolf might have made a noise, but I ignored her and took in the purple glow around me. My fur was longer than any wolf I’d ever seen, with black undertones that turned into a deep violet color. Walking around the puddle, I got a glimpse of my whole self and nearly died when I caught sight of my tail.

It was long and flowy and absolutely magical as it swished back and forth.

This was the first time since I’d received the Luna Mark that I truly felt at peace with who I was, or more accurately, who I’d become. Maybe it was being in my wolf form that gave me the added confidence, or being reborn into an actual wolf shifter, but I was more than ready for whatever came next.

I’m going to leave you now. It’s time for you to reunite with your friends. They’re going to want to hunt down Cohen, Kyle, and Callista, but it is not time for that battle yet. You have more ahead that needs to come first. Trust those who offer aid and listen to your wolf. The two of you will need to rely on each other as the days pass. I won’t be able to interfere again, but I will be watching, and I will be hoping for your success,Luna said.

What’s coming? What do we have to prepare for?I asked, but as the words traveled through my mind, the Moon Goddess began to dissipate before my eyes.

I was suddenly alone in a place I didn’t recognize with a wolf spirit who didn’t seem too fond of me. At least it was better than being dead.

A howl echoed through the night, and a shimmer appeared in the dark sky before me. I began to back up, not knowing if Callista had come back to finish her job, but the howl sounded again, closer this time, and I immediately knew who it was, as did my wolf.

Our mate.