Wolf Taken by Heather Renee



My mood wasn’t any better when I arrived at my pack early the next morning. None of the other wolves greeted me as I stormed through our lands, heading for Serene’s cabin. Beatrix had better be there already or I was going to hunt her down next. I didn’t have time for games. Cait needed me.

Just as I was ready to hop onto one of the ATVs, my mother stopped me. “Son.”

“What?” I didn’t want to be rude to her, but I also didn’t have time for her to try to talk me down from my current mood of destruction.

“Any updates?” she asked.

“I’m sure you know more than me if you’ve been talking to Serene.”

She nodded. “Beatrix might be obnoxious, but she has always been good to our pack. Trust her.”

I grunted. “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”

“You’re a strong alpha and a worthy mate. You’ll find her. Just remember, you can’t do this on your own. Wolves are meant to depend on each other. We live in packs for a reason.”

Wrath rose within me, and I couldn’t stop the snarl that tore from my lips. “Worthy alpha? She rejected me.”

I had to give my mother credit. She didn’t back down or even flinch as I raised my voice and towered over her, breathing hard and seething. “And you’re going to show Cait that she made a mistake when you kill every single person that had a part in her being taken.”

I nodded, thankful she seemed to be just as furious as I was about someone taking Cait from our pack lands.

She walked away as I gripped the handlebar and took a deep breath. I was back at my own home. I needed to keep my shit together.

We can shift again, my wolf offered.

No, you ran for too many days in a row. You need to rest. It’s more important for you to be ready for whatever comes next after we hear what Beatrix has to say,I replied.

My wolf settled. He knew I was right. I’d never run him as much as I had the last few days, and I didn’t need him too tired when it mattered most—when we took our Cait back.

Gods, I barely knew her and yet ached for her presence. Ached to smell her addictive scent as I strolled past Embry’s or to watch her practicing with her unique energy in the forest when nobody else knew I was around. The desire to wrap my arms around her and never let go was stronger than anything I’d ever felt.

Thoughts of whether she was okay or injured or even worse constantly circled through my mind, driving me nearly mad. If anything happened to Cait, I wasn’t sure how I would survive. Insanity was sure to set in if my mate didn’t still walk this earth.

I drove the ATV toward Serene’s house, ripping up the earth as I tore through the trees at higher-than-normal speeds. As I passed Vaughn’s, I thought to reach out to him, but before I could open the connection, his obsidian-colored wolf was running beside me. We nodded at each other as I continued, and I was glad to have him at my side.

We arrived at Serene’s a few moments later. I was jumping off of my seat before the motor had even fully shut down. The idea of kicking in Serene’s door with promises to fix it later was tempting, but she opened it before I could put my thoughts into action.

“Alpha.” Serene bowed her head. The previous black bruising that marred her face from the soon-to-be-dead witch was now a dull yellow, but still fueled the fury within me, reminding me of what I’d lost.

“Where is Beatrix?” I demanded, breathing hard as my wolf begged to be released.

You’re not useful when you can’t communicate with those who have information we need,I reminded my wolf.

Well, then settle down so I don’t feel the constant need to rip someone’s throat out.

He had a point, and I took a few calming breaths. We were one, and we needed to remain in control to best help our mate.

“I’m here, but before we have our little chat, do I need to put a protection spell around myself or are you going to be a good boy and keep those claws of yours in check?” Beatrix asked from inside the house.

Vaughn placed his hand on my shoulder. “You have my word, no harm will come to you while in our pack.”

“Very well, Beta. It’s your life on the line if anything does happen to me.” Beatrix sauntered out into the open, taking her time as if she didn’t have a care in the world. This further infuriated me, but I kept my emotions to myself. Or at least tried harder to.

“Where is my mate?” I asked.

“She’s on her own path. One that’s been accelerated beyond what most of you were prepared for, but certain things were necessary to prevent worse from happening,” the witch answered.

“How do you know what Cait’s path is?” I asked.

She sighed, taking a seat on a log bench in front of Serene’s house as I paced, ignoring Vaughn’s watchful eyes. “I’ve been on this world for longer than I care to remember. I have access to magic that most witches only dream of. I keep my nose out of places it doesn’t belong, and my ancestors bless me with knowledge in return.”

Her high-and-mighty attitude was the last thing I needed. I took a step toward her, and she continued.

“My coven line runs deep with a history going all the way back to the original three witches. When it benefits the greater good, our ancestors will communicate with information that is passed along as needed. This includes word about not only witches, but shifters, fae, and vampires as well.”

“And what have they communicated with you?” Vaughn asked.

“That Cait can’t be found until after the new moon. She has to finish her current path before she can be returned to your pack,” the witch answered, and I lunged forward, stopping only centimeters from her.

Without touching her, I snarled in Beatrix’s face. “Where. Is. Cait?” The new moon was tonight, but sitting idle for even an hour while I had no clue if she was okay didn’t work for me.

Sparks of silver magic flickered around Beatrix. “Step back or I won’t share where to find her when the time is right.”

I almost denied her, but this was the closest I’d gotten to learning about what happened to Cait and I needed to think twice about challenging the witch.

“What else do you know about my mate? What path is she on?” I asked, using every effort to calm the tone of my voice.

“Cait wasn’t supposed to meet you for another five years. She was going to learn about Embry first, and then wolf shifters in general at her own pace. Except the balance of magic is shifting and timelines needed to be changed. The fae had their own war, which set into motion several things, and your vacation was diverted.”

“I was never supposed to be in Australia when Cait was. I’d been drawn there and had no idea why.” I was irritated that I’d been controlled, but equally thankful because it had led me to Cait.

Beatrix nodded. “Correct. Cait needs you just as much as you need her, but not yet. If you save her too soon, she won’t be remade into her true form.”

“Remade” didn’t sound like it was going to be pleasant for Cait and caused a shift to begin forcing its way through me before I could consider stopping it.

Beatrix raised her hands, sending a stream of magic into my chest and freezing my change when I was only halfway done. I was stuck between beast and man with fur covering only half my body, paws for hands, and a shit-ton of pain in my hips where my bones were attempting to transform.

“You cannot interfere. My role here is to make sure of that, and I don’t fail. Not ever. So, you can either stay hideously torn between being man and wolf, or you can be a good boy and stay put. Which will it be, Alpha?”

I fought Beatrix’s spell, my ire too strong for her to fully contain me. It didn’t matter that she was centuries old. My need to protect my mate was no match for whatever the witch used on me.

Vaughn stepped in front of me, face rigid and determined. “Come on, Ro. I understand everything hurts, but listen to Beatrix. Trust that Cait is going to be fine, because she’s not weak. She’s full of original power that comes from our creator. She can take care of herself, and you’ll get to be there to help hold her up when it’s all over if she needs it.”

Our Cait is strong,my wolf agreed.

I know, but we need her.

That is true as well, but just as I knew it was right to let her go before, I feel the witch is correct. My instincts are at war with each other, but our creator has never led us astray. If Beatrix has knowledge directly from the originals, we must trust her.

Fuck!I screamed in my head as I continued to fight against the magic holding me down. Movement in my head and hands were possible at this point, but the effort it took to make that happen damn near wiped me out.

“You’re a strong and worthy alpha, Roman. You fight for those you love, but there is a time for battle, and it has not yet arrived,” Beatrix added.

“Who has her?” I asked through gritted teeth as I began to transform back into man. As I did, the witch’s spell loosened its hold on me.

“I will tell you when the new moon has risen. I will also send you directly to your mate through a portal. Your wait will be rewarded, but only if you heed my warnings. Those who have caused harm to Cait cannot be attacked yet, not if you want any hope of a future with her.”

“What is coming?” I asked, trying to ignore the thought of “harm” coming to Cait.

“One of your fellow pack alphas wishes to control the wolves, to be the new creator and draw his power from all those beneath him. This alpha found a prophecy that led him to believe he could steal magic from the witches, fae, and vampires, then use it to take from the Moon Goddess.”

“Then, why doesn’t she just kill him?” Vaughn asked.

Serene came out of her house then, and I’d never even realized she’d disappeared. She was holding a leather-bound book that appeared centuries old. “She cannot take the life that she gives. It is her only rule. She can, however, lead others onto a path which might correct her mistakes. Just like anyone else, our creator is not perfect, but she is just. The Moon Goddess lives by her rules and has never deviated from them.”

I grunted. “Well, maybe if she did, we wouldn’t be in this mess.”

“Or maybe things would only be worse. Do you wish to live your life by ‘maybes’?” Beatrix challenged.

Unfortunately, the witch had a point.

I wanted to ask a million more questions, but none of the answers would help me get Cait back any quicker. I decided to leave well enough alone and turned to Vaughn. “How is the pack?”

“A united front. They all understand why you left, and Embry has been helping me to make sure we don’t need to worry about anyone turning against us. She’s rather scary when she wants to be,” he replied.

I raised a brow. “You’re just now realizing that?”

He grinned. “I’m just now understanding that her fierceness was never a front, and I should have been worried about her bite all those times I flicked shit her way.”

“Where is she now?” I asked, even though I could have reached out to her myself.

Serene stepped between us, placing the book she’d brought out into my hands. “Embry is running an errand for me. Leave her be until it’s time to go. In the meantime, I suggest you go somewhere quiet and read this.”

My fingers brushed over the cover, but there was no title I could find. “What is it?”

“Original text about the Moon Goddess that might help you tolerate what is happening if you can focus long enough to read.”

“How long have you had this?” I asked sharply.

“Long enough. Now, Beatrix and I still have things to discuss. Leave us be until tonight. You won’t get anything else out of us until then,” Serene said as she turned her back on me.

Brave wolf given my current state, but then again, I’d never hurt one of my own. Not unless they truly deserved my wrath. Unfortunately for my rage, keeping Cait on a path that brought her back to me, even if it wasn’t when I wanted, didn’t justify punishment.

I gave Vaughn my attention again. “Is Sam back yet?”

“No, we haven’t heard from her. Did she say how long she’d be gone this time?” he asked.

I shook my head. “I was just hoping she’d be able to come with us, given we have no idea what we’re going up against when we get Cait.”

“Either way, we can handle it,” Vaughn replied, and I knew he was right.

Except, I had a feeling things were only going to get more complicated once I had my mate back, and I’d need everyone I trusted at my side.