Perfect Embrace by Kaylee Ryan

Chapter 16


After spending the afternoon playing with Trace at the park, the girls were exhausted. We managed to have dinner and get baths, and they were asleep almost before their head hit their pillows. That gave me time to rush and clean up the house. I loaded and unloaded the dishwasher, started laundry and folded the load that I left in the dryer, picked up the toys in the living room, and managed to look at the clock at least fifty times, maybe more.

It’s been a long damn time since I’ve been this excited about something. The past week of talking to her on the phone each night has been great. However, when I saw her today, I knew that would never be enough. I can’t just talk to her on the phone, not when I know what it feels like to have her snuggled up in my arms. Not when I know the feel of her lips pressed to mine.

I’m straightening the pillows on the couch when my phone vibrates from its spot on the coffee table. Grabbing it, I see her name, and my heart drops. Please don’t let her be canceling. She’s supposed to be here any minute, and I can’t come to her with the girls already in bed. Maybe I could have Ryder come and sit with them?

I’m getting ahead of myself, but I really want to see her. Opening up the message, I smile when I read it.

Laken:I’m on the front porch. I didn’t want to wake the girls.

I don’t bother to text her back. Instead, I drop my phone back to the table and rush to the front door. I pull it open, and she looks up at me from where she was staring down at her phone. Reaching for her hand, I pull her inside and haul her into a hug.

“Damn, Laken, I needed this,” I confess.

“You’re good at hugs,” she says softly.

Reluctantly, I ease away from her, and with her hand in mine, I guide her to the living room and pull her down on the couch next to me. When I say next to me, I mean right next to me. Her body is aligned with mine, and my arm is around her shoulders. “How was the rest of your night?” I ask with her settled against my chest.

“Good. Leni came to get Trace, and she brought pizza for dinner. I think it was an ‘I’m sorry, but you know you love me’ kind of gesture.” She chuckles.

“Yeah. My mom called to see how the trip to the park went. Not that she didn’t already know. You saw the newest MC Scoop, right?”

“I did. Tate is relentless.”

“That she is.” That’s when it hits me. She’s asked me a few times if I want to hide us, but I’ve never asked her what she wants. “Hey, are you okay with this? With the town knowing our business?”

“Is anyone ever okay with Tate and her column?” she asks.

“No. But I’ve told you that I don’t want to hide you… hide us. I just need some time to tell the girls. If word gets back to them that we’re together, we can tell them we’re friends, and we are. It just hit me that I’ve never asked you if that’s what you want. Do you want to hide this?”

“No.” She’s quick to answer. “I don’t want to hide us. I like spending time with you, and I don’t care who knows that. My main concern is the girls, and this being as easy for them as possible. So, if that means we have to work a little to hide this so they don’t catch wind of it, I’m okay with that.”

“You’re amazing.” I lean over and press a kiss to her temple. “Thank you for understanding and putting my girls first.”

“You’re a single dad, Grayson. I know those little girls come along in this package deal.”

This time when my lips press to hers, I don’t ask. Instead, I lean in and take what I’ve been craving since our date on Saturday night. I kiss her like she’s the air that I breathe. I kiss her like this might be my last chance to do so. I know all too well how short life can be, and right now, right here at this moment, there is nothing else I’d rather do than kiss the hell out of Laken Abbott.

I allow myself to get lost in her. Somehow, we end up with her on my lap, straddling my thighs. I don’t hate it. My hands grip her ass as she rocks against me. Her long red hair is hanging over her shoulders, hiding her face, and that’s a problem for me. I want to see her face. I can tell by her breathing that she’s close, and no way in hell is she going to rock her tight, light body over my cock and me not get to see her when she falls over the edge.

Reluctantly, my hands move to gather her hair and hold it away from her face. Her eyes find mine, and the hazel orbs are filled with heat, desire, and need. “Take what you need.” My voice is a husky whisper, but it’s all I can manage right now. My cock twitches beneath my gym shorts. It’s been a long fucking time for me. I want to strip us both bare and give into this connection that passes between us. I want to slide inside her and never leave.

“Gray,” she moans quietly.

I smash my lips to hers to prevent my own moan from sliding past my lips. My girls are heavy sleepers, thankfully. Those two little angels sleeping down the hall are the only reason I’m not stripping us both naked right here, right now.

“If I had more time, I’d kiss every inch of you,” I say, my lips trailing down her neck.

“That. When can we do that?” she asks, making me laugh.

“Soon. I promise.”

“Gray,” she says, tilting her head back.

I release her hair as it hangs down her back. “Tell me what you want, Laken. Do you want to come?”


“Can I touch you, Laken?”

“Now. Please. Yes. Touch me now.” Her eyes are closed, and her head is still tilted back. She’s gorgeous.

Lucky for me, she’s wearing a short pair of athletic shorts. I manage to slide my hand up the leg and slip my fingers beneath her cotton panties. “You’re wet. Is this for me?” I don’t know whether to look at her or at her glistening pussy that’s peeking out of her tiny shorts.

“All you,” she confirms.

I run my fingers through her folds, and she moans at the contact. “Open your eyes, Laken.” I watch as she forces her eyes open. The heated hazel pools are practically begging for me to touch her. “I want you to keep your eyes on me.”

She nods. Her tongue peeks out and licks her lips, and that reminds me of how good she tastes, so I kiss her again. I kiss her because I can. I kiss her because the thought of not doing so is just too much to fathom. My tongue slides past her lips and strokes her as I push a finger inside her.

Her hands grapple for something to hold onto, and they end up in my hair. She tugs, and I add another finger. “Gray….” she moans against my lips.

“Give it to me, Laken. I want to see you come.” As if my words are tethered to a trigger inside her tight, wet pussy, her walls grip my fingers like a vise, and a deep and sexy moan from somewhere in the back of her throat falls from her lips. I don’t stop fucking her with my hand until she collapses against me.

“Wow,” she breathes.

My cock twitches.

“Your turn.” She smiles lazily, further evidence that her orgasm left her sated.

“This was for you.”

“No.” She shakes her head. “That’s not how this works. If we’re in this together, we’re together. I get to give as good as I get. Gray, I know it’s been a long time for you. Let me give you this. Please?” she asks, rubbing her hand over my hard cock in my shorts.

“It’s not going to take long,” I confess. I don’t tell her how long it’s been. She knows already. Hours and hours of conversation will do that for you. I feel as though I’ve known her like this, not just as a neighbor or business owner in my small town. I feel as though I’ve known her as… mine, for a long damn time.

“The girls?” she asks.

“Sleeping, but just in case.” I tap her thigh, and she stands. I was able to conceal what I was doing with her. Sure, they might have wondered why she was on my lap, but we could have come up with something. My daughters waking up and finding Laken on her knees before me with my cock in her mouth. Yeah, there’s no explaining that. I’ll take my chances hiding her in my bedroom.

Quietly, we make our way down the hall. I stop at the girls’ bedroom door and peek in on them. They’re both sleeping soundly. With her hand in mine, we walk further down the hall and push open my bedroom door. As soon as we’re both inside, I close the door softly and engage the lock. I turn to face Laken to find her already on her knees before me.

“Baby….” The term of endearment falls from my lips as if she’s been mine for years.

“You might want to lean against the door.” She smirks up at me.

I take one step back, and my back hits the door. That’s the only invitation she needs to pull my shorts to my ankles—boxer briefs and all. Her small hands wrap around my shaft, and they feel like silk. Closing my eyes, I rest my head against the door.

I can’t watch her stroking me. I’m ready to blow like a cannon as it is.

“Gray?” I force my eyes open and peer down at her. “I want your eyes on me,” she says, tossing my words back at me. She smiles just before she leans forward and takes my cock in her mouth.

I fight against the urge to close my eyes and just feel, but she’s right to make me watch. It would have been a shame to miss this. Miss her with my cock in her mouth. She moans, and the vibration sends tingles down my spine. I fist my hands at my sides to keep from gripping her hair. I feel wild and out of control. I don’t trust myself not to hurt her.

My entire body is on fire, and I know it’s coming. I tap her shoulder as I hold off my orgasm, but she gives me a subtle shake of her head. Fuck me. Knowing she wants to take everything I have to give her pushes me over the edge as I come down her throat.

My chest is rising and falling as if I’ve just run a marathon. Laken climbs to her feet, and I tug her into my chest, hugging her tight. So damn tight, I don’t want to let go. I want nothing more than to peel her out of her clothes and take her to bed. I want to explore her body. I want to fall asleep with her in my arms and wake up the same way. There are so many wants running through my mind, and they all revolve around her.


“I should probably go.”

“What? No. Don’t go.”

“Gray, I have to. I can’t stay. Not yet. It’s getting late, and I know you have to work tomorrow. You need your rest to stay safe.”

I want to argue with her, but she’s right. “I need to tell the girls.”

“You don’t have to. Take your time. This is still new.”

“Are you seeing anyone else?” I don’t know where the question comes from, but it’s out there, and there is no taking it back.

This time it’s Laken who places her hands on my cheeks and stares me in the eye. “There is no one but you, Grayson.”

“Let’s make this exclusive.”

“Is that what you really want?”

“Right now? What I want is to strip you down and tuck you into my bed.”

She smiles. “I’m not going anywhere. I can’t imagine how hard this is for you. I’m okay with taking this slow.”

Panic bubbles up in my chest. “That’s just it. This isn’t hard for me. Not with you. I can’t explain it, baby, but you put me at ease, and after tonight, we know that the chemistry is there.”

“Chemistry is not an issue.” She shakes her head, a small smile playing on her lips.

“Say you’re mine.”

“I’m yours.”

“Thank fuck.” I kiss her slow and deep. “I want to tell them. I don’t want to have to sneak around.”

“Let’s just see how things progress and take it from there.”

“That sounds like you’re not in this. I need to know that you’re in this if I’m telling my daughters about us.”

“Hey.” She wraps her arms around my waist. “I’m in this, Grayson. Just don’t rush it. I don’t want you to be caught up on the high of tonight and have regrets in the light of day.”

“Laken,” I whisper. “I could never regret you.”

“Let’s just see how it all plays out. Until then, I’m yours. I’m not seeing anyone else, and I don’t want to be. I want to make sure you have thought this through where the girls are concerned. We have time. This isn’t a race. Not to me. I’m in for the marathon.”

“Funny, you just made me feel as though I ran a marathon.”

She covers her mouth to mute her laugh. “Come on, walk me out.”

Quietly, I unlock my bedroom door and listen for the twins. Not a peep, so we tiptoe down the hall and to the front door. Laken gathers her purse and phone, and I walk her out to her car. As soon as we reach the driver’s side door, I spin her around, press her back against the car, and kiss her with all the need and passion coursing through my veins for her.

“That’s gonna make the paper,” she teases.

“Good. I want the entire damn town to know you’re mine.”

“Goodnight, Gray.”

“Night, baby.”