Perfect Embrace by Kaylee Ryan

Chapter 14


It’s finally Saturday, and tonight is date night with Laken. I can’t tell you how much I’ve looked forward to this night. I haven’t seen her since Wednesday night when she came over for dinner and baked with the girls. That’s becoming something that all four of us look forward to. We still haven’t told the girls that we’re dating, and with each passing day, it gets harder and harder to conceal my feelings for her. I want to tell them soon. They love her, and she’s so damn good with them.

She stayed long after they went to bed on Wednesday night. The memory of making out like teenagers on the couch makes my heart splutter in my chest. I’m in deep with her. I used to think I’d never find love again, but that’s before Laken Abbott. I still feel some level of guilt. I just keep reminding myself that Holly is gone, and I have to keep living. For me. For my girls and for Holly.

Aside from date night, I still have stuff I have to get done today. I have to push Laken out of my mind so I can get them done. First up, getting the girls dressed and their hair at least combed, and off to the grocery store we go.

“Girls!” I call out for them. The slapping of their little feet against the hardwood floor tells me they’re on their way. They appear in front of me wearing wide smiles, and— “Is that makeup?”

“Uh-huh. It’s pwetty, right, Daddy?” Hayden asks.

“Where did you get makeup?”

“Nana.” Harlow shrugs. Shrugs! Like a damn teenager. Lord help me. When they reach their teen years, I’m going to need it.

“Which one?” I’m going to need them to be more specific so I don’t go off on the wrong nana.

“Nana Jackie,” they answer together.

“Perfect,” I say sarcastically, not that my daughters pick up on it. “Let’s get you cleaned up. We need to go to the store.”

“Okay.” They take off running down the hall, with me hot on their tail. Following them into the bathroom to help them wash up, I freeze when I see the mess before me. There is makeup everywhere. As in all over the counter, the mirror, and the walls.

“Girls, you know makeup goes on your face only, right?”

“We know,” they tell me.

“Of course you do,” I mutter.

“All right, strip down. Time for another bath.”

“We just did our makeup.”

“I know, but it’s illegal for little girls to go out in public with this much makeup on, and it’s all over everything. So you both need another bath.”

“But—” they start, and I glare at them, crossing my arms over my chest. I’ve perfected the dad look over the years, and they know when they get “the look” that I mean business.

They start stripping while I get the water running. My cell rings in my pocket, and I think about ignoring it, but it might be Laken. Fishing it out of my back pocket, I see my mother’s calling. “Are your ears ringing?” I ask, instead of saying hello.

“They’re not. Should they be?” she asks, curious.

“You gave them makeup.” My tone is accusing, and that’s okay because the girls sold her out, so we know she’s guilty.

“I did. They promised me they wouldn’t use it unsupervised.”

“Mom,” I groan. “They’re four.”

“But they are very smart for four.”

“You can’t give them makeup and not tell me about it. I need to keep it hidden, just like the Play-Doh. There are times for that kind of playtime. This morning when I have errands to run is not that time.”

She laughs. Laughs! “Calm down, Gray, it’s just a little makeup.”

“Tell that to my daughters who are covered in the shit and my poor bathroom.”

“Daddy, dats a bad word,” Hayden points out.

“Daddy slipped. I’m sorry,” I tell her.

“Dats okay.” Harlow forgives me for both of them.

“How about I come over and help?”

“You don’t have to. You’ve got sh—stuff to do as well.” I’m on edge because I have to go to the bank, the post office, and the grocery store. And I’m missing Laken something fierce.

“It’s fine. I was actually calling to tell you that you could drop them off earlier than planned. Your dad and I are headed to Billings, and we wanted to take the girls with us. I promised them a new outfit.”

“You spoil them,” I state the obvious.

“You’re damn right we do,” my dad chimes in.

“Hi, Dad. I didn’t know you were listening.”

“We’re already in the truck, son. We’ll see you in a few.”

I swallow my pride. “Thank you.”

“See you soon,” Mom says.

“Well, Nana and Pap are on their way over. So we better get this bath out of the way. Then, the two of you are going to give me all of your makeup.”

“Don’t frow it away, Daddy,” Hayden pleads.

“We wove it,” Harlow adds.

“I’m not going to throw it away. However, if you get into it again without permission and supervision, it will be in the trash. Got it?”

“Got it,” they reply.

* * *

A half an hour later, I’m in my truck and heading to town. My parents have the girls at my place. They found the makeup all over the bathroom amusing. I didn’t bother to remind them that if I had pulled a stunt like that when I was younger, I’d be grounded for life. It’s no use, not when it comes to my girls. They spoil them rotten. Normally, I’m okay with it, but makeup? Really? They’re four. I can’t believe Mom really thought that they wouldn’t use it unless supervised. She’s delusional.

Sighing, I make my way into the city limits of Mason Creek. My first stop is the post office. I need to mail a few bills that I can’t pay online, and I’m out of stamps. I keep my head down and don’t make eye contact with anyone. I don’t have time to chat. I need to get to the bank before it closes as well.

The drive-through is packed, so I opt to head inside. They won’t refuse to help me if I’m in the building. Yes, I know this from personal experience. The cool air conditioning hits me as I stand in line behind Tucker.

“Hey, man,” I greet him.

“What’s up, Gray?” he asks.

“Errands, you?”

“The same. One more after this. Gotta get my girl some ice cream.”

I nod. “I remember those days.” When Holly was pregnant with the girls, I was always making trips for anything and everything she might have had a craving for. That’s the least I could do.

“I saw your girl earlier,” he says nonchalantly.

“Oh, yeah?” I hope I sound casual. That’s what I’m going for. I don’t want to show him the jealousy that stirs in my gut. I don’t know if I’ve ever felt this level of jealousy before.

He’s just making casual conversation. He doesn’t know I haven’t laid eyes on her since Wednesday. He doesn’t know I’m going crazy not seeing her or that tonight is date night. He doesn’t know I’m tempted to lock her away in my house and ravish her. I might want to do that, but I won’t. It’s bad enough we’re hiding us from the girls. I don’t want her in any way to think that she’s some dirty little secret.

He nods. “I stopped at One More Chapter and picked up a couple of books I asked Laken to order for me. Justine is reading all these mommy pregnancy books, and I feel like she’s learning things I need to brush up on my knowledge, so I asked Laken to order me some dad books,” he says, running his fingers through his hair.

“You’ll be fine, Tuck,” I tell him. “Trust me. If I can raise two on my own, you and Justine are going to kickass as a team of two for one baby. Besides, you already have a great teenager, you obviously know what you’re doing.”

“Thanks, man. I’m nervous, but damn, I can’t wait. I wasn’t sure I would ever have more kids. Hell, I wasn’t sure I’d ever let myself fall again, but here we are.”

I nod in understanding. I know all too well what it feels like to have something you never thought you would. In my case, I never thought that I would have it again. Tucker steps forward to the window, and I follow him to the next available teller.

An hour later, everything on my list is marked off. I’m back in the truck headed home when Dad calls. “Hey, I’m almost back home.”

“We wanted to see if we could go ahead and leave with the girls?”

“Yeah, that’s fine. Tell them I love them and to be good.”

“They’re angels,” he responds.

“Sure they are.” I chuckle. “Be safe.”

“We will. You do the same.”

“Thanks, Dad.” He doesn’t mention that I’m going out with Laken tonight, but he knows that I am. I’m grateful he didn’t mention it in front of the twins. They would have insisted that they go. I love my daughters. I do. I love them with every inch of my soul, but I need Laken. I need some time with her, and tonight is finally our chance.

An idea pops into my head. Dialing her number, I wait for her to answer as I guide my truck to park behind her building.

“Hey, I was just thinking about you.”

“You’re all I think about,” I counter.

“Grayson.” The way she breathes my name has my cock twitching in my shorts.

“Can you meet me at the back door?”

“Sure. Wait. My back door?”

“That’s the one.”

“Are you here?”

“Come down and find out.” She squeals and tells me she’ll be right down. Not a minute later, the back door to her building is flying open, and she’s launching herself at me. Her legs wrap around my waist, and her arms wrap around my neck.

“I don’t know why you’re here, but I’ll take it,” she says, burying her face in my neck.

“I’m on my way home from the store, and I wanted to see you.”

“I missed you too, Gray,” she says, kissing me loudly on the lips. “Wait.” She pulls back to look at me. “Where are the girls?” She tries to move out of my arms, and I grip her ass a little tighter, holding her to me.

“Mom and Dad wanted to take them to Billings with them. They just left.”

“So we can start date night now?” she asks.

“Well, yes, but I have a back seat full of groceries.”

“I’ll follow you home.”

“Pack a bag first.”

She nods. “Already done.” She kisses me one more time and loosens her legs, and I let her.

“Drive safe. I’ll see you soon.”

“I’m right behind you.” She smiles up at me, and my heart does that thing it does whenever she’s near. It’s like it skips a beat, squeezes, and flips over all at the same time.

“How about I follow you?” I ask her.

She grins. “Fine, you twisted my arm. Let me grab my stuff.” She darts back inside, and I head back to my truck. Her excitement is infectious and a relief. I’m glad she’s just as excited about our time together as I am. Not that I needed validation, but that makes this—me falling for her—so much easier. She’s in this just as deep as I am. We need to tell the girls soon. I don’t know how much longer I can pretend she’s not someone special to me in front of them.

Scrolling through my phone while I wait, I get a notification for a new post from the MC Scoop. I hate that I follow Tate’s blog, but Laken and I have been a hot topic, so it’s something I feel like I need to watch.

The latest from the MC Scoop.

A tryst, you say?

I think so!

It appears that our fire chief and resident bookstore owner are indulging in a little alone time. Rumor has it they shared quite the greeting earlier today. Things are definitely heating up between the two.

Stay tuned for more Grayken!

* * *

“Dinner was delicious,” Laken says, pushing away from the table.

“I know my way around the grill,” I boast, making her laugh.

“So modest,” she teases.

“Hey, when you’ve got it, you’ve got it.”

“Stop.” She’s laughing as she tosses the dishtowel at me.

“How about we take a drive?” I want nothing more than to take her up to my room to ravish her, but that’s not what I want her to think this is. She’s not some hidden booty call when I don’t have my daughters. As long as I’m spending time with her, the rest will come. Besides, she’s staying with me tonight. I know that I’m going to bed with her snuggled in my arms. However, it’s just after eight, and even though I’d love nothing more, it’s too early to go to bed just yet.

“Sure. Let me grab my shoes.” She disappears into the living room to grab her shoes, and we’re out the door. “Where are we going?” she asks.

“I don’t really have a destination. I just felt like driving some backroads with my girl.”

“Gotta love living in a small town.”

“Do you? Love your life in Mason Creek?”

She nods. “I do. Sure, I hate that Tate is all up in everyone’s business. I hate that Hattie and Hazel not only gossip but meddle, but I also love this town because of it. They might meddle or gossip, but I know that if I needed any of them, they would be the first in line and the first to rally the troops.”

“I agree with you. It’s nice raising the girls here. Not just because it’s where I grew up, but because we know everyone, and they know us. It’s safe, and you’re right. The meddling and the gossip are done out of love.”

“You’re taking me to your work?” she asks when we pull up behind the fire station.

“Not exactly. Stay there.” I point my finger at her telling her I’m serious. Grabbing my phone and keys, I rush around the truck and open her door. “I was thinking you could take a walk with me.” Reaching into the glove box, I grab a flashlight.

“Is this where we take a walk in the woods and are never to be seen or heard of again?” She chuckles.

“No. You’re stuck with me.” Leaning in, I press my lips to hers. Dropping the flashlight to the floorboard, I place my hands on her hips and lift her from the truck.

“Really, are we going to the woods? You know what’s in there, right?” She points to the thick forest behind the fire station. “And you do know it’s private property?”

“Yes, we’re going into the woods. Yes, I know it’s private property. That’s why we have to be sneaky.”

“Old man Davis will have us arrested. I’ll have to play innocent and tell him that you kidnapped me.” She bites the inside of her cheek to keep her smile from showing.

“That’s fine. I’ll just tell him that it’s his fault. He built that damn bridge, and it screams romance. So, the man can’t blame me for wanting to take my girl there.”

“Aww.” She places her hand over her heart.

“Come on, you.” Grabbing the flashlight, I lace her fingers through mine, and we sneak off into the woods. Fifteen minutes later, we’re standing on the bridge over the small lake.

“Wow. It really is beautiful out here.”

“So, you know how the story goes, right? Old man Davis built this bridge for his wife. She loved the woods and wanted to be able to explore them easily. He made that possible for her.”

“He loved her.”

My heart squeezes in my chest at the sight of the moon dancing across her face. I never knew that I could feel this way again. So connected to a woman. I thought when I lost Holly that I had lost my ability to feel these types of things. Laken coming into my life has proven me differently.

“I’ve never been here before,” I confess to her.

“What? How is that possible? You had to have brought Holly here a time or two.”

“No. We never did. I guess the bridge was always so hyped up, and everyone was doing it, so we just- didn’t.” I shrug. I’m not sure why my late wife and I never ventured to the bridge, but tonight as I stand here with Laken’s back pressed to my front and my arms wrapped tight around her, I’m glad. This is a moment that I only share with her that makes all the more special.

“This is just for us,” she murmurs, voicing my thoughts.

“Just for us.”

I don’t know how long we stand here, staring out at the moonlight dancing across the lake, but I do know that she is in my arms the entire time. When she finally turns to face me, I kiss her like my life depends on it. She is the air I need to breathe. I kiss her until we are both breathless before walking hand in hand back to my truck. When we make it back to my place, I kiss her until I can no longer keep my eyes open before holding her in my arms all night long. This is definitely a night I will never forget.