Perfect Embrace by Kaylee Ryan

Chapter 25


“What’s wrong?” Justine asks when she opens her front door.

“What makes you think that something is wrong?”

“Well, for starters, your eyes are red and puffy.” She crosses her arms over her chest, challenging me to deny it.

“Grayson and I broke up.” The words feel like acid as they roll past my lips. He gave me a glimpse of what life with him and the girls could be, before tearing it all away. I thought I knew what heartbreak was, but I was wrong.

This is a pain unlike anything else.

Deep, emotional, heart-wrenching pain.


“Come on, I can tell you on the way.” She grabs her purse and a small bag that I’m sure is a change of clothes for the photo shoot today. I take the bag from her, and she sticks her tongue out at me.

“Talk,” she demands once we are on the road.

I tell her everything. How Grayson started to distance himself, our fight at the station, his confession about the girls, and the fact that he said we needed a break. “I haven’t heard from him since then,” I say, holding up my phone. “Shit, I forgot to charge it. Oh, well, Leni knows I’m with you if she needs me,” I say, dropping my phone back into my bag.

“What if Grayson calls?” she asks.

The ache in my chest intensifies. “You didn’t see his face yesterday, Just. He’s not going to call, at least not yet. If ever,” I add. “He was torn up, but he still pushed me away.”

“Not that I’m defending him, but that’s a lot to process.”

“I know.” I heave a heavy sigh. “I know, and I want to be patient and work through it with him, but he doesn’t want me. I can’t make him want me.”

“Do you really believe that, Laken? Do you really believe Grayson doesn’t want you?”

“No. He loves me. I know he does, but it doesn’t matter if he’s not willing to fight for us.”

“Give him some time. He’ll come to his senses.”

“I hope so,” I say, glancing out the window. “But enough about me and my relationship woes. How excited are you for this shoot?”

“You have no idea,” she gushes. “Originally, I was going to surprise Tucker, but I knew if I left town, he’d freak when he found out, so I had to tell him.”

“Understandable. You are having his baby,” I remind her.

“Yeah, yeah, whose side are you on anyway?” She laughs.

“Yours, always yours.” I smile at my best friend. “So, have you thought about the nursery yet?” I ask.

Justine tells me all about her plans to decorate the nursery, and of course, Tucker says she’s not allowed to lift a finger. I’m happy for my best friend. I’m glad to have her home, and I’m happy for the love that she’s found with Tucker.

“What about here for breakfast?” she asks, pointing to a small diner in Billings. “I was going to wait until we got closer, but the baby’s hungry,” she explains with a smile.

“This is perfect.” Together we make our way inside and settle into a small booth. The waitress is at our side in an instant, and we both order buttermilk pancakes with bacon, and a water, and orange juice.

“I have to show you my outfits,” she says, pulling her phone out of her purse. She flips through what she has planned.

“Oh, I love that. You should let your hair down for that one too,” I tell her.

“That’s a good idea.”

Our breakfast arrives, and we talk about anything and everything. Well, everything but Grayson and the girls. I’m glad, as I need a break from the torment of losing them. The worst part is that I’m still going to have to see them. I’m going to have to smile for those little girls and pretend that all is okay in our world. I don’t know how I’m going to manage to not break down and cry the next time Christine or Jackie brings them into the store, but for them, I know I will. Unless— I gasp.

“What?” Justine asks. “Where did you go just now? I lost you.”

“What if Grayson doesn’t let the girls come back to the store?” I ask, feeling my heart crumble in my chest.

“No. He wouldn’t do that.”

“I never thought he would toss me to the curb either, but here I am.”

“He’s hurting, Laken.”

“I know. I know he is. I hate this being in limbo. I mean, he broke up with me, but the pain on his face, I know he didn’t want to.”

“He’ll realize his mistake. Give him some time to wrap his head around it all.”

“You’re right.” I grab the bill. “You ready?”

“Yes.” She smiles. After sliding out of the booth, I pay our bill even though Justine complains about it.

“I invited you.”

“And you’re my best friend. I needed this today. I needed a reason to drag my ass out of bed, and it’s even better that I’m out of Mason Creek for the day. I needed this.”

She leans into me, placing her arm around my shoulders. “Thank you for breakfast, Laken.”

“You’re welcome. Now, let’s go take some pictures.” We pile back into her car and head to Yellowstone County.

As we’re pulling in, her phone rings. “Hello?” She pauses. “Yeah, we made it. All is good,” she replies. “Okay, we’ll be home later this afternoon.” She ends the call and looks at me. “Ready?”

“Let’s do this.”

* * *

“I can’t wait to see the prints,” I tell Justine as we leave the studio. “Tucker is going to flip.”

“Right? I’m not going to show him until I get them. I want to at least have that part of the surprise.”

“Great idea. If you can hold out, he might use his manly persuasion on you.” I laugh.

“I can’t help it,” she defends. “It’s this thing he does with his tongue—” she starts, but my laughter cuts her off.

“I don’t need the details.”

“Fine,” she concedes. “But trust me. His tongue has magical powers.”

“Stop!” I shake my head.

“I’m starving. You good to stop and eat before we head back?”

“Yes. Why is it that pancakes never seem to stay with you? I eat them, and I’m stuffed, but then a couple of hours and I’m starving again.”

“You know, you’re right. That always seems to happen.”

“What does the baby want for lunch?” I ask her.

“Everything,” she replies as seriously as ever.

“I’m open to anything. You and the baby pick.”

“Got it.” She pulls out of the parking lot.

Justine chooses a food truck of all things. It turns out it was a great choice. The pulled pork sandwich hit the spot. On the drive home, we talk about pregnancy and names she and Tucker are tossing around.

I turn on my phone that’s been charging and see several missed calls from Grayson. My heart swells in my chest. He’s trying to reach me. Not wanting to talk to him while I’m in the car with Justine, I type out a message.

Me:Hey, my phone died. We’re about fifteen minutes away from Mason Creek.

His reply is immediate.

Grayson:I love you, Laken.

Me:I love you too.

Sliding my phone into my purse, I try to not get my hopes up that he’s changed his mind. When we hit the city limits for Mason Creek, the heavy is back, but it’s not as bad as it was when the day started.

Spending the day with my best friend was exactly what I needed. It also helps that I heard from Grayson, and he loves me. He and the girls need me to fight for them, and that’s exactly what I plan to do. They’re my family. The three of them own my heart, and I refuse to just give up. I don’t want to live my life with regrets. I know that if I don’t try, I’ll regret it. I’ll always wonder what-if.

Trouble in Paradise

Looks like our new favorite couple might be calling it quits. Hearts are breaking all over

Mason Creek for the loss of Grayken.

We’re cheering for you.