Shameful by May Dawson



I scrambled up,ready for a fight, just as Rhett called through the door, “My hands are full, don’t make me get mykey.”

“Fuck,” West whispered, grabbing his jeans and pulling themon.

“We probably all should sit down and talk,” I whispered back, grabbing my hoodie and yanking it on. I could smell sex all over myself, the scent of cum and citrus, even as I found my panties and jeans and pulled them up hastily. Rhett might be able to smell it through the damndoor.

“We probably should rewind an hour to sit down and talk.” West looked stressed as he swiped his hand through hishair.

“Were you two murdered while I was gone?” Rhett was joking as usual but he sounded worried.

“No. Coming!” I called. I was on my way to the door when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror above the dresser. My hair was wild and my lips bee-stung red. Even someone with human senses could figure out that we’d been fucking.

Oh well. I swung the dooropen.

Rhett swaggered in, his arms full of bags and boxes, and dropped them on the table in the corner.

“What’s all that?” I asked, a little too brightly.

“Supplies.” Rhett said briefly, dismissively, his gaze flickering back and forth between the two of us. “You two hadsex.”

His tone was dangerously neutral. West and I exchanged a brief, terrified look. I didn’t want to hurt either of thesemen.

Rhett’s grin was sudden and felt like sunshine coming through the clouds. “Finally!”

He grabbed me with an arm around my waist, pulled me close, and kissed me. His lips seared to mine, and he drew me into his thigh so tightly that I lifted my leg against his thigh so we could get even closer. He grabbed my thigh, yanking me close, his lips devouring.

When he finally let me go, I was dizzy. He kept me steady with one arm wrapped tightly around my waist.

“You’re fine with this?” I asked, gesturing between the three ofus.

“Oh hell yeah,” Rhett said. “After being together constantly for the last four years, it might be weird not to be together.”

West grunted. “I think I could manage.”

“You’d missme.”

Their banter unspooled something in my chest, a fear that loving one of them will destroy their love for each other. It might be an affection buried under bruises and barbs, but that didn’t mean the way they cared for each other was any lesstrue.

I checked the enchanted map tracking Tobias Bentley. He was still several hours away, and it seemed as if he’d stopped for the night.

“Well,” I said, pushing my hair back behind my ears. “Now that you’re here, Rhett…”

The words seemed to hang in the air. I was almost ashamed of my own daring. How could I be so eager for them, my thighs already aching, that I wanted both of them now? We’d barely begun to be that comfortable together.

But a wide grin spread across Rhett’s face. “You are too fucking good for us, Legs. Worth waiting four years on Reject Islandfor.”

His words made my cheeks heat even as I smiled, but I looked towardWest.

“I love the way you blush for us,” he said suddenly, moving toward me, touching my cheek tenderly. I never expected big, dangerous West could touch me so gently. He rested his hand against my hot cheek and tilted my face up to his, and my lips foundhis.

These kisses were more urgent. Still sweet.

The two of them closed around me, kissing me, undressing me. I undressed them too, skimming their clothes off tall, powerful bodies. West’s eyes seemed to smolder and Rhett’s were lit with warmth and amusement and desire.

“Come here,” Rhett said, pulling me against his body. I came easily into his arms, twined my arms around his neck, and kissed him deeply. He caught my thigh again, naked this time, and yanked it up against his hard side so that I could feel his cock press against my thigh.

West came up behind me, wrapping his arms around me, and his lips found my throat. I let my head fall back against his shoulder as he plundered my shoulder and throat with his kisses.

Rhett swayed backward, his hands sweeping down my body, and I realized he was leaning against the window.

“We shouldn’t…” I whispered. The curtains wereopen.

But I couldn’t make myself care about shouldn’t any longer. Should and shouldn’t had ruled my life for the last twenty years, and being a good girl hadn’t brought me much happiness. It had almost gotten me into a marriage that I knew now would’ve turned out to be miserable.

Instead, the guys and I traded fevered kisses. I caught glimpses of the night outside, of the bright, garish lights of the city, but then Rhett’s lips were so insistent that he distracted me completely.

His mouth enveloped mine, his tongue exploring and thrusting in ways that made my body heat against his. I ground against his cock, and he pressed against me until he was deep inside me, the two of us grinding together against the window.

West pressed in behind me. “I don’t think you’re ready for both of us yet. But you willbe.”

He toyed with my rosebud, sending an unexpected rush of pleasant sensation through my body. I’d never known that would feel sogood.

“Maybe I am now,” I whispered.

“I’ve got lube in the bag,” Rhett toldWest.

I stopped and stared at him. Even West froze. Apparently they hadn’t discussed a shoppinglist.

“What?” Rhett asked. “I’m practically a fucking Boy Scout in every way except for the morally straight bullshit. I am always prepared.”

I laughed. West pressed his lips to my shoulder and retreated, and Rhett went back to slowly pumping in and out of me. I looked down and saw his thick cock slowly entering me over and over, the way we looked together with his chiseled abs and neatly groomed trail and my taut stomach, the way our bodies seemed to fit together so perfectly.

“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, and I raised my gaze, startled to find him fixed on my face. “You know you could do better than West and me. You’re not gonna be stuck on that island forever. We’re gonna make sure you’refree.”

“I don’t believe there are any better men than you and West.” And Killian. But I didn’t want to ruin the mood by saying his name out loud. One step at a time to claiming all these men as mine. “I don’t believe I could do any better, but what’s more, I don’t want someone else. I happen to like you quite a bit, Rhett.”

“Crazy.” West kissed my other shoulder as he rejoined us, his hand resting lightly on my bare side. “Are you sure about this, Legs?”

“About having you both, or about having you both at one time?” I asked archly.



There was a pause behind me, and then West’s slick tip pressed between my cheeks. Rhett stilled, his hands on my hips, and I tried to look back over my shoulder at West. “Yes,” I whispered.

He entered me slowly, the sense of pressure and pleasure at the same time intense, and my fingernails bit deeply into Rhett’s shoulders. I sank my teeth into mylip.

“Want to stop?” Rhett asked.

“No chance in hell.” My voice came out husky, and they both laughed.

After the initial moment of discomfort, the feeling of being completely filled by the two of them was so good, so satisfying.

The three of us began to move together. I lost all sense of everything, my hand slamming against the window as the most powerful orgasm I’d ever felt built. I let out a moan that I couldn’t hold back as pleasure flooded me until it felt like I was floating. I couldn’t tell whose hands were whose; it was a complete overwhelming sensation, having both of them touching me and kissing me and fuckingme.

My moan turned into a scream as I orgasmed, that I couldn’t holdback.

“God, Legs, that’s the hottest thing I’ve ever heard,” Rhett murmured into my ear, and I felt the two of them comingtoo.

As soon as West pulled out, I turned, suddenly self-conscious.

“Shower time for all of us,” Rhett said, grabbing me suddenly around the waist and throwing me over his shoulder. “Think we should do it again in the shower?”

“I don’t think it’s big enough in there.”

“Oh, I think we’re creative enough to make itwork.”

I was laughing as they carried meoff.