Shameful by May Dawson



It rippedmy heart out of my chest to see Killian drive away with Tobias. I hadn’t shown him that, but as soon as he left, I felt like my heart was beating far toofast.

“It’s going to be all right, Legs,” said Rhett, who always seemed to pick up on what I was thinking. He threw his arm over my shoulders. “Let’s move down the highway to another city and find a safe space to hide for Tania and Courage.”

We drove the highways until we came to another wasteland of brick buildings and cement streets.

“I miss the forest,” I said, leaning my head against the window. “I miss the Northwood.”

“Me too.” West admitted.

The best we could do for a safe house for the night was another shitty motel, the kind where we could park the car right outside the room and carry our friends’ bodies inside. We’d gotten two adjoining rooms and as I was propping the door open between the two, Courage had begun tostir.

“I think they were drugged with something that’s finally wearing off,” Rhett said. “I think they’re going to be okay, Legacy.”

When he said that, my eyes filled with tears. I’d been so focused on staying strong that I hadn’t felt anything yet—I hadn’t let myself feel—but the moment of relief brought all the tears flooding to the surface.

West was there first, wrapping me up in a big hug. He didn’t say anything, of course, but it didn’t matter. Then Rhett came behind me, hugging me tight, then dropping a kiss in my hair as he straightened.

I sat on the edge of the bed and stared at Courage, willing my baby brother to open hiseyes.

He finally did, and when his eyes fluttered open, he stared right at me and rasped, “Creep.”

Those were not the first words I’d expected to hear from my half-dead brother.

“You’re never very nice to me,” I said, and even though I was joking, I was suddenly furious too. “Why, Courage? Why the hell would you come after me? I didn’t ask to be rescued!”

He winced. “Do you think you could hold off on yelling at me until I’m one hundred percent certain I’m not going todie?”

“Oh, you’re not going to die. The idiots are hardly ever the ones who die. That’s why the world is like this.” I gestured vaguely, encompassing the country, the continent, or possibly the entire universe.

“You’re a born hero, Legacy. You’d always help anyone who needed it.” Courage was serious now although his voice was still a damaged whisper. “If you need help, someone’s got to go just like you would.”

I didn’t know what to say to that. I was touched and uncomfortable all at the same time. “I’m definitely not a hero. I’m a hotmess.”

“Who says you can’t be a hero and a hot mess all in one day?” He exhaled, the sound painful, as if it were hard work to breathe. Then he managed to add, “Women are complicated.”

Thoughts on women from my baby brother made me laugh. “Oh? Is that what you learned traveling with Tania?”

As if she’d heard her name, she groaned. Courage half curled up to see her, even though from the way he grimaced, the movement hurt. They must be sore from being hung in that warehouse like slabs of beef. I watched his face, curious if he had a crush on her, if she really did likehim.

The thought was horrifying. I loved Tania like a sister; that didn’t mean I wanted her to become my sister.

But for now, I was just worried abouther.

“Is she going to be okay?” Courage asked, his voice quiet.

“I thinkso.”

“Until you yell ather.”

“Courage. Do you…” I stared from him to my best friend. “I mean, really?”

“I think so,” he said softly. “We don’t plan to do anything about it until my twentieth birthday. When we can go out under themoon.”

“And what if the moon chooses someone else foryou?”

“Never happen,” he sounded confident.

“The moon chose the wrong person forme.”

“Or maybe it sent you on a journey. To find yourself instead of a fatedmate.”

I raised my eyebrows at him. “My little brother, a true believer, a romantic. I never would’ve thoughtit.”

He shifted, wincing as if the movement was painful. “I’ve lost a lot of blood.”

I laughed. “It’s okay. Deep down, I’m pretty sure West is a romantictoo.”

Courage eyed West skeptically; he’d just come into the room, still blood-splattered.

Tania began to stir, and I sent the guys to get food for us all. Courage’s eyes drifted shut as he fell back into restful sleep, and I stood guard as my best friend slowly came back tolife.

“I’m sorry, Legacy,” she whispered when her gaze metmine.

“Nothing to be sorry for,” I answered.

“I almost got your little brother killed.”

“He would’ve done something stupid with you or withoutyou.”

“I let youdown.”

“Never.” I stroked my hand over her hair, and her eyes closed, as if she’d only had enough strength to unburden herself. “Don’t be ashamed. You were right about the pack—they used shame, tried to make us less than we reallywere.”

I was never shameful. Neither was Tania, even if we saw the world differently, wanted different things.

“I’ve got your back now,” I promised her. “Just like you always hadmine.”