Shameful by May Dawson



I playedthe voicemail on my phone. Killian’s voice, urgent. Cyrus rammed my car. Run. Don’t go back toRI.

“Kilian’s in trouble,” I said. “Cyrus caught up tohim.”

“He’s probably already dead then,” West said grimly.

Tania put her arm around me sympathetically. I squeezed my best friend’s waist automatically, but I wasn’t ready to be comforted.

I wouldn’t give up on finding Killian alive.

And if I didn’t, I wouldn’t give up on getting vengeance.

“But maybe not,” Rhett said. He looked to me. “What do you think, Legs?”

“I think we’re going to go get my mate back,” I said. “The Elders aren’t going to help us. We’ve got to kill Cyrus ourselves.”

‘How are we going to do that? He’s got both shifter and vamp strength.” Westsaid.

I faced him, my chin lifting. “He’s also an arrogant asshole and we’re smarter than he is, so fingers crossed that gives us the edge weneed.”

“And we’ve got the spell that Fiona made us,” Rhett added. He hoisted the crystal bottle; inside was a milky potion, one that she said would suck Cyrus’s hybrid powers away and reduce him to who he truly was…for a while.

West snorted. “I don’t want to stake my life on the witch’s prowess.”

“I trust her,” I said quietly. “But one way or another, we’ll get our Killianback.”

I thought the two of them might protest those words—our Killian—but Rhett grinned. “He’s going to owe us forever.”

“If we survive,” West grumbled, but there was no doubt he was going.

Courage and Tania exchanged a look, and Courage took her hand. “We’re coming along for theride.”

“Are you sure you want to come?” I asked Tania. “You two are still recovering.”

“We do,” she said. “And like you always kept pointing out to me…we don’t have anywhere else togo.”

I hesitated. “I’m sorry about that. I didn’t want to see what was wrong in our pack, so I never really listened toyou.”

“It’s okay,” Tania said, hugging me. “You’re pretty amazing, Legacy. You don’t have to be perfect.”

“Hey, who says my girl isn’t perfect?” Rhett said. He came over and put his arm around me, before dropping a kiss in my hair. “Just kidding. She’s close, but if she made it all the way to perfect, she’d be too good forme.”

West snorted. “She alreadyis.”

Our cell phones might not be trackable, but we’d each given a portion of our blood to be able to track down where the others were in case we were separated. We put the map on the dashboard of thecar.

As the marble rolled slowly across the map, almost imperceptibly, I asked, “Does that mean he’s still alive?”

“I don’t know, Legs.” Rhett’s voice was serious for once. “I don’t know much about magic.”

But after a while, as the marble inched along the red route of a particular road, it became clear where Cyrus and Lucas were taking Killian.

“They’re taking him to the island,” Westsaid.


“Because it’s someplace quiet to lure us to,” Rhett said. “I’d wager Cyrus thinks the ghosts on our island need some eternal company.”

His words hung in the air. Then Rhett raked his hand through his hair. “Cyrus doesn’t realize, though that’s our home turf. Let’s accept their invitation. Let’s end this. One way or another.”

The guys had never wanted Reject Island to become theirhome.

But now West said, “Well, let’s gohome.”