Shameful by May Dawson



When I came to,I was back on Castle Island. I struggled against the ropes tying me to the chair, until the door creaked open and Lucas walked inside.

“Why are you keeping me alive?” I demanded.

“So your friends will come looking foryou.”

I scoffed. “They wouldn’t be so stupid.”

Lucas sat down opposite me, his face amused. “How funny that you think Legacy is something special to you and yet you don’t realize. That girl will always be so stupid.”

I strained at the ropes, eager to hurt him, and Lucas just laughed. But there was a hard, jealous edge to it, and he leaned forward to add, “She’s still my mate, you know. She always willbe.”

He leaned back again, a smirk settling across his face. “You’re so desperate for my scraps.”

“You were lucky the moon blessed you with Legacy, and you threw that gift away,” I said. “You’ll always wonder what you missed. For as long as youlive.”

Which wouldn’t be long if I had anything to say aboutit.

“You won’t live long yourself,” he promised me. He reached forward and grabbed my hair, wrenching my face toward his, and my teeth gritted.

“I’m going to get Legacy back,” he said in a growl. “She’s mine, and she’s going to watch you and Rhett and West die for daring to try to take her fromme.”

His nostrils flared in fury. “I’m going to have her, the last shreds of her, and then I’m going to kill hertoo.”

His face was crazed. He’d accused Legacy of controlling us with her magic vagina, but he was the one who seemed to be obsessed.

“Lucas!” Cyrus bellowed from the hall, and Lucas released me with a look like he’d be back. Then he stormedout.

I breathed a sigh of relief to be done with that asshole.

There was a mumble of voices in the hallway, and I cocked my head, trying to figure out how many other shifters were in the mansion. It wasn’t just Cyrus and Lucas. The more I knew, the better my chances of escaping and endingthis.

I knew it was a long shot, that I’d probably be shot and slump over still in this chair. I could picture it all too clearly. But I had to hang onto hope, bloodyhope.

Then I saw a spreading darkness blotting the ceiling.

“Oh shit,” I muttered. A vengeful ghost was not what I needed at the moment. I had enough trouble.

The darkness swirled around me, turning the air cold. I bit my lip, determined not to scream. Lucas was keeping me alive to torment Legacy, but the ghost was what would killme.

“Look at me,” I said. “I’m tied up. I’m not a threat to you—I’m a victim like youwere.”

The darkness formed into the shape of a woman, into a glimpse of a shadow face with gouges for eyes. I gasped in horror.

Then it was gone. Only a dark stain remained on the ceiling. The ghost had left me alive fornow.

I was alone in the room with a pounding heart.

But in case the ghost was listening, I found myself rambling, telling her how much I loved Legacy, how afraid I was for her when she came here, how much Lucas wanted to hurt her because he didn’t want her, but couldn’t stand for her to go on with her life either.

The room pulsed with darkness.

But after hours alone, waiting for death, the darkness began to feel like a friend.