Saints of the Syndicate by Natalie Nicole

Chapter 24



This. Sitting here in the counsel room of the catacombs listening to our fathers drone on about the ridiculous list of holiday parties, fundraisers, and other bullshit events we all need to attend is why I fucking drown my soul in the shit I do. It’s been a few weeks since all the members, from high ranking leaders like ourselves down to the newbies, have had to be in attendance, and I thoroughly fucking enjoyed it.

Having Bethani living with us and verbalizing her agreement to be with us in this unique ‘relationship’, has calmed my itch to utilize my escapes tremendously. But right now, my foot is tapping uncontrollably, and my fingers white knuckle the chair as the urges flare with a wicked vengeance. We listen to all our requirements and some new regulations that are being enforced to make sure we all maintain our image as the elites of society.

“And that concludes everything for this evening, gentlemen.” Our fathers stand and raise their glasses in the air for us to follow suit, which of course we do like the trained monkeys we are.

“Ante Mortem Infidelitatis!” they shout.

“Ante Mortem Infidelitatis!” we all shout in unison, and while everyone else sips their drinks like ‘respectable’ men, Sinclair, Giovanni and myself drain ours while our fathers look at us with utter disdain.

Feelings mutual, dickwads.

As we all go to stand, my father’s horrid voice breaks through. “Will Masters Blackwell, Martinelli, and Carter please stay back for a private discussion?

We just flop back into our chairs as the rest of the morons file out of the room to enjoy their glamorized version of life they think they are living by being a part of this ‘elite society’ nonsense.

We stay silent as the last member leaves and shuts the door behind him, knowing it's pointless to talk unless they speak first.

“So boys, have you thought of our proposal any further?” Gio’s dad asks us.

I just roll my eyes as my answer. Over my dead body.

Thankfully, Giovanni saves the day. “If you’ll remember our last conversation, unless our grandfathers agree to your proposal, we are under no obligation to agree to your asinine arranged marriages. You can cut us off, revoke our Trident memberships, and have us removed from campus. We do not agree.”

“Agreed,” Sinclair voices, uniting our stand.

Propping my feet up on the table, knowing it will piss them off even more, I voice my reply, “Agreed. Fuck your proposal.”

“Boys, the arrangements have already-” Arthur starts to speak, but is cut off by our saviors, aka, our grandfathers.

“Then dissolve the arrangements and move on. You never discussed this with us, and we do not believe it is in the best interest of the boys or the organization as a whole,” Sinclair’s grandfather, Arthur Blackwell Sr, booms. His voice echoes through the room as him, NonnoGianlucaMartinelli, and my fucking hero, Grandpa James Carter, make their grand entrance from behind the curtain. They leisurely stroll to the King’s seats above us on the stage area, and take their seats like the gangsters they are.

As my grandpa unbuttons his suit jacket to sit, his authoritative voice starts in on our fathers. “Did you really think you were going to get away with this crock of shit and not think we wouldn’t find out about it?” Glancing at our fathers who look like whipped puppies, I can’t stop the glorious smile that plasters itself on my face as grandpa continues his questioning. “Well, do any of you have the sacks to answer us, or are we going to play the spoiled little brat card? Huh? What’s it going to be gentlemen? Because if we don’t get some damn sure fire reasoning behind your treasonous acts, I’m damn tempted to revoke your memberships and positions at the companies.”

Sinclair’s dad stands to address them. “Father, Mr. Carter, Mr. Martinelli, with all due respect, our intentions were not meant with ill will. We found wonderful women that will complement the boys’ status perfectly, while also uniting fronts in all areas of business for expansions of great benefit to the syndicate and the external companies.”

“Oh, horse shit Arthur. Don’t pull your boardroom bullshit with me. We have all talked to the boys individually to verify the story. We also went back and got the mandated recording of the meetings as verification also,” Arthur Sr. rages. “If you think for a goddamn minute I’m going to fall for the lies that pour out your mouth, then you really are dumber than I thought. Maybe we all should have tried for another son, can’t do any worse than the disgusting creatures we call heirs. Only good thing any of you have going for you is the stellar grandson’s you helped create.”

Hot damn,Grandpa Backwell! Burn, baby burn! Fuck yeah!

My grandpa turns towards us to address us. “Boys, before we dismiss you to privately discuss your father’s fates, do you have dates for the functions coming up? We are not requiring you to bring someone each time, just the major ones.”

My brain short circuits as I think of a response. Can we even convince Bethani to come? How in the fuck are we going to explain our ‘relationship’ to them?

I’m still silent as Sinclair speaks, “Yes, Grandpa Carter. We have a date.”

“Date, as in singular?” Nonno asks.

Damn you old man, you don’t miss shit.

“Yes, NonnoMartinelli. Singular. While I’d rather not discuss this in the presence of them,” he spits venomously at our fathers. “But since we respect you three too much to hide anything from you, I’ll elaborate. If that's alright with you?”

“Of course. Please do my boy.” Nonno nods along with the other two while our fathers ignore us.

“Well, while this may be a little unusual to most, we are actually all dating the same woman, Nonno. She is the person we plan to bring with us to events, as long as she feels comfortable with it.”

“Why the fuck wouldn’t she be comfortable with it? What, did you idiots find some trailer trash nobody you had to pay for this ruse? Utter nonsense,” Arthur Jr. retorts to Sinclair. His menacing tone has me out of my seat along with Giovanni as we all see red.

“No one, and I mean fucking no one, threatens or talks shit about our girl you son of a bitch!” I bellow at my temper flares.

“SILENCE!” The grandfathers boom, and we all instantly sit down.

“Boys, get on out of here. We would love to meet this lovely lady soon, if that’s alright with you? She must be a miraculous woman to agree to date you three fools.” My grandfather chuckles, thoroughly enjoying himself.

“Of course, Grandpa. Talk later. Nonno, Pops, good to see you old fuckers.” I nod my head to them and head out as Sinclair and Giovanni send their regards to the men before exiting behind me.

“Well at least that’s done,” I exhale while walking to the exit to grab my phone and keys.

“Yeah. Now we just have to convince Bethani to go along with us to these events,” Sin says.

Groaning, I just shake my head. “Leave it to G. He is the ‘sweetest’, as she puts it, so maybe he can cook her favorite meal and dessert to convince her. I’m not even gonna bother, and if you don’t want glitter dick again, I suggest you don’t say shit either, Sin.”

“Good point. G, jobs on you asshole, so don’t fuck it up.”

“Fine. I don’t even care right now. I’m just ready to get back to the penthouse and see her.”

A-fucking-men to that one.