Saints of the Syndicate by Natalie Nicole

Chapter 22


Beginning of November


“Where the fuck is she?” I demand, storming out of my room towards the kitchen where I know they guys are sitting.

Rounding the corner, their eyes are wide and mouths are stuffed with THE jumbo subs our little mastermind made for us earlier.

“Well, where the fuck is the tiny fucking terror tornado?”

Declan holds a finger up while chewing and swallowing, giving me even more time to grow pissed. My patience is at an absolute zero right now, and I’m fucking ready to fight her then fuck her ass senseless.

“What’s up dude?”

Seriously? That’s the question he gives me?

“Where. Is. Bethani. Her and I need to have a little fucking chat.”

A shit eating grin rocks his face as he leans back, crossing his arms over his chest. “This should be good. What happened now?”

Knowing my fucking friends won’t tell me where she is unless I give them more details, traitorous assholes, I tell them what our little prankster did. “Oh nothing, the usual shit. She offered to wash my whites since she was ‘already doing laundry’ and decided to color my shit hot fucking pink somehow. Sure I'll let that slide since I can just order more shit. Then the brat dumped my cologne bottles into the same bowl and refilled them with the toxic ass combinations of them all, destroying more stuff. But what she did this time? I’m done, and she is being taught a lesson. Now.”

“And what exactly did she do this time?” G snickers, and I level him with fire behind my eyes.

“Mother fucker. You helped her?” My voice raises a few octaves by the end of my question.

His devilish smirk has me ready to pounce and choke the fuck out of him.

“I mean, she informed me of an idea, I just had to keep you entertained long enough for her to do whatever it was she wanted to do.”

“Oh shit. What did she do?” Declan asks, already laughing at me like the fool I am for not remembering to lock the door to my room.

Instead of telling them, I proceed to drop my sweats to the floor and stand back up for them to see the utter carnage our resourceful little hell cat has accomplished.

My fucking friends just stare at me with their jaws on the floor before they both double over laughing at my misery. Declan’s dumb ass falls on the floor in the process of his enjoyment.

“It’s not fucking funny, assholes,” I grit out.

Through a fit of obnoxious laughter, Gio replies, “Ha! I knew she wanted to pull something, but this?” He stops to laugh more. “Fucking hilarious.”

Looking down at myself, I can see where it would be hilarious to someone other than me. The lower half of my body is a fucking shimmery shade of purple, thanks to her putting a glitter dye in my body wash.Then the little terrorist somehow found my Frenum bars and replaced them all with one single hot pink and fake diamond studded one as my sole form of genital ‘jewelry’. How she accomplished that in the 10 minutes yesterday Giovanni was asking me random questions in his room, not 20 feet away from mine, is beyond me.Today she snuck in to snatch the barbell I took out right before my shower to soak in its sterilized solution so my only option was this pink piece of crap. Thatis a feat I wasn’t aware the powerhouse of hell was capable of accomplishing. Because I didn’t hear or see her sneaky ass when she snuck in my room which pisses me off even more.

I quickly pulled my sweats up. I hadn’t even bothered with boxer briefs, because if I have my way, my dick is gonna be buried so deep inside Bethani that underwear is a waste of time.

Now, if only I could get the cohorts of chaos to stop laughing long enough to give me the answer I need.

Nooooo! Why did you pull your shit up! I didn’t even get a picture!” Declan exclaims through snorts and chuckles.

“Don’t worry,” G says. “Got one when he looked down to examine his Barney-ass self.”

My eyes cut to Gio as I move closer to the dick head. I slam my hands on the counter, and the sound stops them long enough to see I’m over joking around. The sting in my palms is a welcomed pain to keep me grounded.

“Where the fuck is she? I’m not fucking asking again. Unless you want your rooms trashed?”

“Hey guys! What’s,Bethani’s words die as I turn my head towards her, happy that I don’t have to go search our giant ass place for her.

Her eyes widen at the scene in front of her, obviously realizing that her little prank succeeded.

“Oh shit,” she whispers, then she instantly turns and takes off like the bat out of hell she is as I start after her.

“Get your ass back here!” I thunder as I’m following her towards the staircase. She halts at my voice. “Kitten, get your ass back here so we can talk, and maybe your punishment won’t be so bad.”

What does the little siren do? Just gives me the hottest panty melting smile known to goddamn man. Then jumps her curvy little ass up onto the banister and slides down the fucker, jumping off right before she crashes into the end. She lands and turns to see my dumb ass struck stupid at her ingenuity before she takes off.

I don’t know if I’m more impressed at how she slid down 35 feet of banister without falling, her graceful landing, or how she easily evaded me before coming to my senses. The fire in my veins flares with an intent desire to capture my little vixen and finally punish her into submission while finally making her mine too.

While she has been randomly shacking up with Declan and Giovanni for the past couple weeks, I’ve been lying in wait while my nut sack shrivels up from lack of use other than from my hand and lube. Today though? That finally fucking ends, pink dick jewelry and shimmery fucking purple Barney legs be damned.

Descending the stairs quickly, I follow the way she went which leads to the gym, showers, and sauna area. Perfect. There is only one door. Nowhere to hide my little kitty cat. Stepping over to the hallway closet, I quickly find a couple things I’ll need before I lock us in the gym area. Thank fuck I keep multiples of the basics located in different areas of the penthouse for this exact reason.

While I have the majority of my toys in my room, I prefer to keep extras of certain items strategically placed in specific locations. Call me a boy scout of sex toys or whatever you want. But in a perfect moment like this? My overthinking and over prepared ass is thankful for thinking ahead.

My dick is rock hard under my sweats as I step into the gym area and punch in the code to secure it. Setting everything down on the ground, I pull out my phone to send the guys a text.

Me: Gym secured. Don’t fucking come down here.

Declan: Wouldn’t dream of it, or would I?

Me: Declan...I’m warning you.

Declan: Yeah, yeah. We know the drill Mr. Masochist.

Me: Fuck off.

Giovanni: Don’t forget consent asshole. I’m not having my privileges revoked because of you. I quite frankly enjoy my sex with her, and I’d like to keep having sex with her.

Declan: What he said. Now get your ass to my room G. Sinclair doesn’t have to be the only one getting a happy ending. *winking emoji* *Eggplant emoji*

Giovanni: Yes sir!

Rolling my eyes, I just toss my phone down and strip my shirt off and pocket one of my items. I’m going to need it when I find her pretty little ass that I can’t wait to sink my teeth into. Setting the lights dimmer, but still at a bright enough setting to see, I take slow steps and survey the area.

I have one spot I could hide and wait it out until she gets brave, but I think my feisty little kitten prefers the chase of it all. Me, her dark and dominant predator. Her, my tasty little prey, who is all willing and needy for her capture and punishment.

“Oh kitten, where are you?” I ponder out loud. Keeping my tone bored, I convey that I don’t give a shit, just enough to bring her out. The sound of one of the shower curtains rustling catches my attention, and I decide to amuse her. Walking into the bathroom area, I find that it’s bright, and I see no telling shadows that she is here. Which means she is waiting for me in the sauna.

Humoring her, I start a dramatic act of looking behind each shower curtain, and when I hear the door opening and closing, I give her a 2 second head start before turning and racing out to catch her fumbling with the door. She is pissed and unfocused, so I’m easily able to sneak up on her.

“Gotcha kitten,” I whisper in her ear as she screams.

Trapping her in my arms so she can’t hit me in the face or junk, I toss her up in the air high enough to throw her over my shoulder. I then turn back towards the gym to see which machine will work best for my venture.

Finally I notice the useless Smith machine. We thought that fucker was a good idea, but it only ended up with us in pain from the lack of form when we squatted. Now I’m thankful for it, as it’ll be perfect.

Bethani keeps squirming around and swearing me up and down like a Russian soldier as I make my way over to the equipment. I give her a firm smack to one of those gorgeous ass cheeks, smiling at the thought of my mark finally caressing that golden skin of hers.

“Knock it off, kitten.”

“You fucking knock it off!”

Sliding her down the front of my body so she can feel my erection, I capture her wrists in my hand and quickly pin them to the bar above her. Taking the rope out of my pocket, I realize it’s one of the ones that is pre-tied in a loose knot for situations like this. Fuck yeah.

Quickly lacing it over her hands, I pull on it just enough to secure them together and make quick work of wrapping it around the bar a few times, suspending them upwards.

“W-what are you doing?” Her voice is timid and lacks all the sass she had just a moment ago.

I tsk her before replying. “Where is that big bad attitude of yours now, kitten? Hmm?”

Finishing the knot, I stand back to admire the work. Not my best by a long shot, but at this point I’m too fucking far gone to care. My need to possess her, own her, and finally fucking make her mine just like my friends have done consumes me to the point I almost want to say fuck the rules. But I don’t, because the guys are right.

If I fuck this up, I could destroy everything.

To calm the raging storm inside me, I start walking around her and begin my explanation, “Here is how this is going to play out, Bethani. We’re going to play a little game. For every question you get right, I’ll give you a little treat. For every question you get wrong, well, lets just say you may or may not enjoy it. Does that sound fair, kitten?”

As I turn to face her, I’m met with an evil little scowl from the terrorist of temptation. Ah, I see that fire has come back now that she is tied up. Perfect. Standing in front of her, arms crossed over my naked torso with only a pair of sweats on that do not contain my steel pipe erection, I’m witnessing the subtle changes that give away her enjoyment to being restrained.

Her eyes begin to dilate as she peruses my body with her eyes. Her chest rises and falls a little harder and heavier as her breathing rate increases, making those supple tits of hers heave up and down in her sports bra and tank top. I can see the perspiration begin to form on her skin as her arousal begins to elevate her core temperature. The whole act of watching my little fawn wriggle and worm around while I stand like the stoic lion waiting to pounce makes my dick jerk as my resolve tries to falter. The movement makes Bethani’s breath hitch, bringing my attention back to her flushed face and parted lips.

Walking towards her, I raise my arms to capture the bar between my hands as I tower over Bethani’s small but curvy frame. When she finally tilts her head up to meet my gaze, I’m momentarily floored by her eyes. Those flawless aqua eyes that hold and hide so many emotions and secrets are a swirling bottomless pool that I want to fall into without regard for a life jacket to keep me afloat.

“So my little kitten, do you want to play a game?”

She just nods her head ‘yes’, but that won’t work, especially with how I play.

“Give me those words, sweet girl,” I croon while cupping her chin with one hand and using my thumb to slide it back and forth across her bottom lip, wishing it was my tongue. Soon enough.


“Yes what?” I ask, wanting and needing her clarification.

“Yes. I want to play a game.” Her eyes bore into mine, and I see no indication that she isn’t just saying yes to please me. She wants and needs this as much as I do.

“Good girl.” I kiss her forehead before going into detail. “Now for a few ground rules.”

“Rules. Why do we need rules?”

“Because.” I inhale deeply, then exhale to relax myself. “I’m a dominant, Bethani. Do you understand what that is?”

She snorts and starts to giggle, catching me off guard. My expression must show my surprise when she composes herself.

“Sinclair, I may be extremely limited to sexual experience, excluding the insanity of the last few weeks, but I’m not stupid. I’ve also read a few slutty books before, so I have a baseline of knowledge.”

“And what may this so-called knowledge be?”

Her eyes roll at my tone, and my hand itches to bust her ass, but I’m biding my time. Because once I start, my little kitten won’t know what hit her.

“You love being in control. You want to tell me what to do and expect me to ‘be a good girl and listen’ for you,” she quotes and rolls her eyes again. “Punish me for being bad, reward me for being good. That’s about my baseline.”

Not bad for going off of some shitty books, but she is definitely what I consider as someone with zero knowledge about it.

“Not the worst definition I’ve ever heard.” I begin my stroll around her again. “But it’s so much more than that kitten.”

“Oh? Well then enlighten me, sir.” Her condescending tone pisses me off instantly, but that little smart ass sir makes my cock painfully hard, and I have to sink my teeth into my lip to avoid a groan escaping my lips.

Fuck. I haven’t been called that in a while, and hearing it fall from her lips is the sexiest fucking thing ever.

When I’m behind her again, I slink up behind her and stand close enough so that I’m not touching her, but she can feel my body heat radiating off me. Gripping the bars again, I lean down so my lips are a whisper away from her ear.

“Kitten, not only am I a dominant, but I’m also a masochist and a sadist. While I may want your willing submission, I know it won’t be that easy with you. I wouldn’t expect anything less, which makes the other two things all the more fun.”

Stopping, I flick her earlobe with my tongue. She gasps, and her head falls back into my chest with a breathy moan. Quickly changing tactics, I sink my teeth into said earlobe. Not enough to damage, but enough to leave marks. Her slight yelp of pain has me gripping the bar above us so tight that I think my hands are going to break. Releasing her lobe from my teeth, I suck on it gently to soothe it, and she heaves a sigh of relief.

Letting it slip from my mouth, I continue, “You see,kitten, as a masochist, I enjoy your insults and degradation of my character. I even enjoy the pain you’ve inflicted on me. As a sadist, it's the opposite. I enjoy dishing out the pain, degradation, and self-denial just as much as I do receiving it. Makes a wicked combination in the bedroom.”

I smirk as I feather a few kisses on her neck, and her instant tilt of her head to open up and give me more room in an unknowing act of submission fuels the desire that’s gut punching me for release.

“W-what about the third?”

“You mean the dominant part?”


“It’s its own set of rules that flow with the other two. If you agree to it all, I promise you worlds of pleasure unlike you’ve ever known before. There would be a contract involved where we set ground rules that only apply when it’s you and me. Like when you are being a brat like you’ve been today, you’ll get punished. If you are a good girl, you get rewards.

Needing to look her in the eyes again, I walk back around to face her.

“Does all this make sense to you, kitten?”


Quirking a brow at her, I ask, “Yes what, kitten?”

My little smartass shows her attitude with that eye roll, but complies, “Yes, sir.”

These little acts of submission have my blood boiling to the point that my cock is ready to erupt in my sweats, but I refuse to give in to the temptation.

“I’m going to ask you this question only once, so you better listen or this game is over. Understood?” I pin her with a look that tells her I’m not fucking around. Discussion time is over.

“Yes, sir.”

“Good girl.” Pausing, a flash of worry hits me. Will she agree to this? If she doesn’t, what the fuck am I going to do? Most of the chicks I’ve fucked at the sex club are easy. They’ve already signed the shit and are ready to go. I pick who I want, go into the room, have my fun, and walk away. No drama. The others are quick fucks or getting my dick sucked up in our private suite at the bar. All of it completely meaningless and time passing. This? This is the first fucking time I’ve ever worked for it, and I’m suddenly a nervous fucking wreck about it.

Because she actually means something to you, asshole.

That glaring thought stops my process. Do I really care about her like that? How can someone like me - a heartless, elite member of society, murdering, fucked up son of even more fucked up parents - have genuine feelings for someone? Shaking my head, I make a mental note to review this later.

“Honesty is a one way ticket to hell, kitten. At least it is in our world it is. So be honest with yourself. Are you going to join our little train to the dark side? Or would you rather lie your way to heaven?”

“And what might the perks be if I join?”

Stepping closer, my hand claps gently around her neck. At the slight pressure, I can feel the blood rushing through her veins while her pupils explode. I push back just enough so her eyes are in contact with mine.

“If you join our chaos, princess, you are ours. You are Giovanni’s. You are Declan’s. You are fucking mine. No one will ever touch you without our explicit permission. If they do, I’ll slit their fucking throat while everyone watches in horror. You’ll be our precious queen that we bow down to. We will protect you until our dying breath. You’ll also be our precious little slut to fuck whenever we want. If we want you splayed out on the kitchen counter to take turns fucking that sass out of you, we will. When I have you by myself? You submit to me, and I’ll bring your body to the throes of pure ecstasy while pushing your limits of pleasure and pain in the best way possible. You would be completely untouchable to anyone else in the world except us. Only us for as long as we choose to be. So what do you say, kitten? An honest one way ticket to hell as our queen, or a liar's way to the gates of heaven?”

Staring deep into each other's eyes, the little terror gives me the silent treatment for long enough that I’m almost positive I’ve royally fucked up. I figure I may need to plan my funeral, because G and Deck already threatened to murder me, when a wicked glint flares in those enchantress eyes and a devilish smirk crosses her face.

“You’re not the only one with blood on their hands, Sinclair. I signed my one way ticket to hell years ago. So to answer your question, yes, I’ll be your queen. But I also will not willingly submit. That, you’ll have work for.”

Then she licks those pillow soft lips and winks, sealing her fate.

The deep breath I hadn’t realized I was holding releases. The raging storm of doubt is gone, now fully replaced by the insatiable need to sink my dick in her so deep that she feels me for a week.

She is fucking ours. For however long that may be, I don’t have a fucking clue. But right now?

I’m going to enjoy the fuck out Bethani Reece, in more ways than one.