I Dated a Mob Wolf by Viola Grace

Chapter Eleven

Etgar came through the door, grabbed the man with the garotte, and ripped his throat out. Vallu scrambled out of her favourite chair and crossed the room. The assassin was half in and half out of the wall. The fucker was a mist walker.

Vallu swallowed. “So, that was a mist walker.”

Khytten sighed. “I am sending Salat. He is the second deadliest thing in Aksalla.”

Vallu frowned. “What’s the first?”

“I am. But I am huge and have two other babies to take care of until the triplets arrive. Five baby blankets and cookies, and he will keep going until they are all dead. He can also do it legally, so that helps. He’ll be there in two hours. Stay in a group and contact me every half hour, or I am going to come there, too. That would freak Salat out, and no one wants that.”

Vallu winced. “I will wait for Salat.”

Khytten smiled. “You were with him a few times.”

“Yeah, but while I could eventually manage him, he didn’t get exactly what he needed. You two are ideally suited.” She edged past the puddle of blood. “I had better make cookies.”

She kissed Etgar on the jaw and nuzzled his neck. “Thank you, dearest. Wash up before you come downstairs.”

His words were barely understandable. “Send Carl up. He’s a cleaner.”

She nodded and headed downstairs. “Carl, first door on your right, please.”

Lii looked worried. “Aunty, you have blood on you.”

Vallu nodded. “Probably. Etgar was really fast, so there was some spatter. One of the assassins made it through the walls and into the house. Etgar stopped him, and Carl is tidying up. So, I am going to get the blood out of this dress, and then, I am going to make cookies.”

Lii smiled. “Cookies?”

“Cookies. And I have to call a friend every half hour to make sure I am alive. So, remind me?”

She took a wet cloth and got the spatter of blood at the neck and worked it out. A stern little voice said, “Sit down, Aunty.”

Vallu sat down, and Lii scrubbed the silvery cloth until the blood was out, and then, she rinsed the cloth and came back again.

“So, Grandma and Grandpa are really trying to kill you.”

“Apparently, mite. Can you get me the stack of baby blankets and my embroidery kit? There aren’t any windows in here, so I should be relatively safe.”

Lii nodded and left. Ylara kept Vallu company as she got up and started making cookies. “So, are you scared?”

“Yup. Petrified. Well, scared. If I was petrified, I wouldn’t be baking cookies.” She sighed. She had just gotten the dough together and was about to add the chocolate chips when she heard Lii cursing like a sailor.

She had Rejik’s arm and was using his com. She was enraged. “If you hurt one hair on Aunty Val’s head, I will burn everything you own to the ground. I will not call you Grandma and Grandpa, and you can fuck yourself with a frozen rope if you think I will ever go to a holiday meal with you again!”

Vallu paused. That had been one of Liina’s favourite sayings.

Her grandmother crooned. “Baby, she could have saved your mother.”

“She tried! Mom wouldn’t let her kill herself to put another two months on the calendar.”

Another one of Liina’s phrases.

“How do you know that, Lii? It was a lie that you were told to make your aunt look less selfish.” The tone was coaxing.

“Did you even watch the messages Mom sent you? I was there. She was holding me when I cried, and I was there. Dad was there, too. She healed mom’s body, and the cancer came back, and she healed mom’s body, and the cancer came back. The cancer was coming from Mom, and Aunty couldn’t stop it. Nothing could stop it.” Lii blinked back tears. “She was never going to see me grow up, and we all knew that. Aunty got a job doing some really sketchy stuff to pay mom’s bills, and where were you? Mom tried to contact you when she was dying, and where were you? Where were you?” Lii’s voice had risen to a shriek. “I hate you! Never talk to me again. I reject your blood!”

Vallu opened her arms, and Lii ran to her, hugging her and sobbing. Etgar came downstairs, and Rejik indicated that the com was still open. Etgar set the towel aside, and he spoke to a woman in the com. “Put your husband on.”

The contact was transferred, and Etgar nodded. “Hey, Theo. So, thanks for the declaration of war. I have been looking for some exercise. I had forgotten how much fun it was to rip someone’s throat out with my teeth. I look forward to showing you firsthand.”

Vallu watched as she saw the boss appear under his skin. There was spluttering, and Lii’s grandfather said, “Daycross, why are you there?”

“Whose baby did you think it was?”

There was dead silence and then low wailing. He grinned an unpleasant grin and then disconnected the call.

Vallu looked at him blandly. “Can you eat chocolate?”

He nodded. “I can. The canine bit is only skin deep except when it isn’t.”

“Got it. I will finish the cookies.”

Etgar looked at Lii. “Are you all right?”

She nodded and lifted her chin. “Pretending someone isn’t sick doesn’t make them better. Pretending someone is to blame when nothing could be done isn’t right. Dad and Mom made sure that I knew it wasn’t fair, but she had fought as long as she could, and she wasn’t leaving me; she was just resting. And I will see her again one day.”

He put out his paw, and she hugged him. He stood up, holding her.

Vallu mentioned, “Salat is on the way.”

Etgar grinned. “That will be interesting.”


“We argue like cats and dogs.”

She snorted. “Well, I will make him his required cookies and a spare batch for Khytten. She’s just about due and has a craving.”

Lii sniffed. “I can help.”

Etgar set her down on the floor. “I think Vallu would like that.”

Baola nodded. “I can help, too. I am good at cookies.”

They continued the great cookie manufacturing for another hour, and when there was a huge pile of cookies, they set some aside for Khytten and then got Salat some travelling cookies, and the rest of them were offered to the group of men in the living area.

Ylara smiled. “I called my sister to bring takeout. Thought we could make it a party.”

Etgar nodded. “She asked before she invited.”

Ylara opened the door, and her sibling walked in. Baola smiled and came up to hug her around the huge pile of bags. “Hey, little mix. You holding up?”

Baola nodded. “Is today the day?”

“No. But the door opens today. Got it?”

“Got it.”

Ylara turned toward the woman and said, “This is my sister, Brittany. She is going to be helping us out.”

Vallu looked between Ylara and the Asian woman. “Brittany?”

Two of the guards took the bags and started to unpack the plates, chopsticks, and then the ton of dishes that had been brought.

“Hey, Vallu. Did you ever finish that purple quilt?”

Suddenly the voice made sense. “Oh, my god. Brit!” Brit was a regular at the quilt shop. Vallu walked over and hugged her. “When you said you were a shapeshifter, I didn’t know this is what you meant.”

Brit laughed and transformed into someone who looked a lot more like Ylara. She picked Baola up and grinned at her. “So, exciting day, mix?”

“We rode horses!”

Lii walked up and said, “May I have a hug, Miss Brit?”

Brit leaned down and picked her up easily. “Vallu, you get something to eat. This is going to be a long day, and your brother called right after Ylara. We are going to fuck with them a little.”

Baola smiled. “Bad word. You owe me a movie.”

Lii smiled. “You are going to copy Aunty Val.”

“I am. I am a much more dangerous target.” Brit looked at Val’s feet. “Well, maybe not in those heels.”

Etgar perked up. “You can double her?”

“Sure. That is why I am here. As soon as she has eaten, I will copy her, and she can have a nap.”

Vallu yawned. “How did you know?”

“Seers in the family. Have a nap, finish a quilt. Before you know it, it will be over.”

“What do you need?”

“Saliva or blood?”

Baola explained. “Blood works best, but saliva is faster.”

“Thank you, mix.”

Vallu frowned. “Why does she call you mix?”

“Because my genes are always shifting. I am a big ole mix.”

“You are someone Denner knows?”

Brit wrinkled her nose. “Sort of. I have a tag, so the peacekeepers always know where I am, but I know when they ping me.”

Lii stared at her. “Why did they do that?”

“Because they are scared of what I can do. So, they jammed a tracker into the bottom of my foot.”

Vallu walked over and asked, “Which one lasts longer?”

“Blood, but a kiss will lock it in for about four hours. More than I need.”

Vallu leaned in and kissed her. The taste was strange, and there was definitely no heat to it. When she leaned back, she blinked. “Wow.”

She was looking into her own eyes.

Etgar came forward and stepped toward the copy.

Brit said in Vallu’s voice, “Sniff me, and I break your fucking arm.”

Vallu stared and asked, “Can I check your neck?”

“Sure. It just looks like it; it isn’t the marks.”

“I just can’t see them on my own neck, so I wondered what they look like.”

Brit turned and showed the back of her neck to Vallu. The marks where his teeth had sunk in were a hot blue-purple and would slowly sink down to a silvery skin.

“How is it that you copied the jewellery and everything?”

Brit smiled. “Practice. Now, have something to eat. You are stressed and need a bit of a boost.”

Vallu got a plate handed to her by Rejik, and she started eating mechanically. Staring at herself was hypnotic.

Brit smiled with Vallu’s face. “Did you ever get the crib put together?”

“Um, no.”

“Are the tools up there?”

“Yeah. Why?”

Ylara smiled. “Brit loves putting things together. Do you want to know when Salat gets here?”

“I will know.”

Humming to herself, Brit headed up the steps. Vallu watched her own backside sway. Etgar was staring, and she bit the end of an egg roll while glaring at him. He looked at her, blinked, and got himself a chicken ball.

Vallu jumped when the drill sounded off, and it was going fast.

Ylara grinned. “She likes putting things together.”

The sound continued, and then, it stopped. There was a tremendous thud, and Rejik headed up the stairs at a run. Brit came down, wiping her hands. “Carl, was it? There is a cleanup in the nursery.”

He put his plate down and headed up the steps.

“I kept it neat.”

Carl paused, nodded with a slight smile, and continued upstairs. Brit was down and at the door when there was a knock. She opened it with a smile, and her shoulder exploded.

Brit dropped to the ground. “Hey, Salat. I am out.”

He sniffed, “Brit, nice work on the body.”

Brit sat up and flexed her Vallu body.

Vallu was staring. Baola nodded. “That happens when she works. She’s the living target, according to Lii’s dad.”

The young girl was remarkably calm about the blood splatter and the bullet on the hall carpet. Ylara asked Brit, “Do you need any help?”

“No, I am good. Save me a spring roll if you can.”

She went to the purse she had set by the door when she set the bags down, and she got some knives. She stepped past Salat and threw a knife. There was a shriek, and something fell out of the trees in the neighbour’s yard. She nodded and returned to the house.

Salat followed her inside and chuckled. “How are you keeping, Brit?”

“Same old, same old.”

“Aunty Brit, are you okay now?” Baola came forward and was going to hug her, but Brit stopped her.

“I am fine, mini mix. I will be back to myself before Salat leaves tonight.”

Vallu watched as Salat came in and shook Lii’s hand and then Baola’s. A chime went off. Salat looked at the little girl, and he asked, “How old are you, Miss?”

“Thirteen, sir. You belong to her, don’t you?” Baola blinked slowly, taking in the solid black everything that made up Salat.

He crouched and still was a foot taller than she was. “I do. Do you know about her?”

Ylara smiled, and Baola went to her, burying her face against her waist. “She knows. Her mother knows. Baola’s adopted, and she was a foundling. Her nearest family is all seers of different persuasions.”

Brit smiled. “We were in a foster home with her mother, and we were there when she was adopted. And we all saw Khytten in her eyes.”

Salat growled. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

Brit grinned at Baola. The little girl said, “It wasn’t time. Khytten wasn’t ready.”

Salat blinked. “She’s a seer. Right. That won’t be freaky at all.”

Brit cleared her throat. “That is what she was born with. She hasn’t activated yet.”

“Holy shit.” Salat nodded, touched the little girl’s hand once again, and he handed Vallu a vial. “Drink that.”

She blinked and looked at it. “What?”

“Khytten sent it. Drink it.” He growled and watched.

Lii said, “Aunty, call Khytten.”

She made the call and sat there with the vial. “Hey, so he’s arrived safe and sound.”

Great. Drink the vial. It will help you get to a safe delivery date.

The top was off, and the sweet milk was down and gone in a second.

Khytten smiled. “Good girl. Has he taken care of the killers yet?

“I just arrived, kitten.”

Hurry up so you can get back here.

He nodded, and Vallu closed the call. “I shall get to work.”

Etgar stood. “Can I do anything?”

Salat nodded. “Keep your fiancée safe. My mate has affection for her, and nothing is going to furrow Khytten’s brow.”


Salat left, and Vallu got to her feet, only to collapse. She hadn’t felt dizzy, but she was suddenly so tired. Familiar hands stopped her from hitting the floor.

Brit smiled. “I did say that she would be tired after her meal.”

Etgar had grabbed her, and he held her against his chest. Vallu let the world go dark.

The smell of blood was heavy in the air, and Carl looked exhausted. Brit was back to her normal self, and Ylara was on the couch with both girls.

Salat was sitting and speaking softly with Khytten. He smiled, stood up, and said, “Where are the quilts and cookies?”

Vallu yawned. “Two bags in the kitchen. I made cookies for you, too, during the flight.”

“Thank you, Miss Vallu. I look forward to seeing you again under better circumstances. On the plus side, the city now has a severe deficit of hitmen, and I got some exercise.” Salat grinned. “Take care of your cargo.” He glanced over to the couch where the girls were, “And keep a close eye on them. We are going to need to work out a meeting.”

Baola’s eyes opened, and she said sleepily, “My mom has been waiting for a call.”

Salat nodded. “She will get a call in the morning. But, if she can’t wait, I have given your Aunt Ylara the code. Khytten will be very excited.”

Baola smiled and settled back against her godmother. “I have been looking forward to meeting her. My grandmother will be happy as well.”

Salat frowned. “Grandmother?”

Ylara smiled. “Lyric was adopted as a teen.”

Salat blinked at Ylara and Brit. “So you are all...”

“Foster sisters with Baola’s mother. Your Khytten is collecting quite the family in one big rush.” Brit grinned. “All girls.”

Salat nodded, and he grinned. “This is going to be fun.”

Vallu smiled as Salat went to get his cargo. Baola lifted her hand, and a folded piece of paper was in it.

Salat blinked. “What is that?”

“A note for my mother before your babies arrive. I hope I can meet with her soon.”

Salat sighed. “You already know when you are going to meet her.”

Baola grinned. “Yes, Sir... I do.” She giggled. “Remember that phrase.”

Salat blinked. “I should do my own proposing soon, then.”

He packed the letter in his pocket and left through the front door, lights of peacekeepers and team members all around the neighbourhood where dead assassins were being collected from all the pieces that they had been carved into.

Salat had his credentials, and Captain Denner had informed the local detachment as to what was going on, and Salat just left the area with the baby blankets, cookies, and letter.

Vallu looked up at Etgar. “He’s odd.”

“He’s undergone a change. Being mated suits him. Did you ever date him?”

“Yes. He needs human milk to get off, though, so I didn’t suit him.”

He blinked. “Oh. So his association with Khytten...”

“Mutually desired.”

There was a knock on the door, and Brit had reverted to her normal shape. She was relieved to be out of the heels.

“Hey, Captain. Everybody is safe and sound and full of food.”

A sleepy Lii got up and ran to her dad. “Daddy!”

He caught her. “Are you okay? Did any of them make it in?”

Brit said, “Four. Etgar got one; I got the other three. We have the idents, and the place has been cleaned.”

Carl chuckled. “Brit is very tidy.”

He looked at Etgar. “How did they get in?”

Vallu yawned. “Mist walkers. They would have gotten in regardless. But, as Salat said, now, we have less of them.”

Denner sighed and looked at his sister. “It’s over. They have turned themselves in for hiring killers.”

Lii sighed. “Good. They don’t deserve to be loose.”

“You bet, baby. Now, did you want to get to bed?”

She nodded. “Yeah. Is Baola’s mom coming?”

There was the sound of the jeep and the distinct screech of the brakes. A few seconds later and Lyric burst into the room, holding her arms out. Baola ran to her, and they hugged. “Is everything good?”

“It is, Mom. I gave him my letter.”

“Good girl. Is he nice?”

Baola blinked and thought about it. “Yes, but super scary.”

“So, just like we saw from the beginning.”

“Yeah.” Another hug.

The family moment was super sweet, and Vallu teared up.

Ylara asked, “Hey, Lyric, can I get a ride home?”

“Sure. Brit?”

“No, sis. I have my vehicle and have to get to check-in before there is a manhunt on me.”

Lyric sighed. “Thanks for coming.”

Brit walked over and kissed Lyric and Baola on the cheek. “Be good, and if you can’t be good...”

“Don’t leave evidence.” Baola grinned. “Have a good rest, Aunty.”

“Get ready for your growth spurt. It’s starting to happen in the next two weeks.”

“I know. School has been warned.”

Brit smiled. “Good. Call me if you need anything or if you just want to talk.”

“Like always. Are you working on the quilt for my bed?”

“Absolutely, and the other one will be finished before your trip.”

Denner came over and wanted to hug Vallu, she could tell, but she was still held by Etgar. She wiggled to her feet, and she hugged her brother and niece.

“Can I go and sleep now?”

He touched her cheek. “You are good, Val. It’s over.”

She sighed. “Good. I have spent the day ripped with adrenaline or exhausted and fighting a nap.”

Etgar chuckled. “The nap won.”

Denner looked at him up and down. “Fuck, some of you actives are big.”

She didn’t want the flick of the gaze that came next, from her to Etgar. “Don’t say it, Denner. Just take Liironia home so she can get some proper rest.”

“Where are you going to be?”

Etgar murmured, “Daycross. It is reinforced, and the staff are all family staff. It is the safest place for her right now.”

She muttered, “Except for his mother. She and I are going to have words.”

“You can say or do what you want to her. She has broken the responsibilities of a hostess.” Etgar nodded.

“Really?” Vallu looked up at him and grinned.


Denner looked at him and said, “You do realize that she’s had peacekeeper training until her body was determined to be overpowered when she was irritated.”

Etgar chuckled. “I learn something new about her every moment.”

“She just can’t shoot for shit. She’s a brawler. So, take that under advisement if you set her loose on your mother.”

She sighed and went to grab a bag of sewing projects, needles, and threads with some sharp scissors. Etgar looked at her. “What are you doing?”

“Getting things to keep my hands busy so I don’t strangle your mother.”

“You could keep your hands busy with me.”

She paused. “And strangle your mother at the same time? It’s an interesting mental image.”

He snorted. “Do you have what you need?”

“I have what I want.” She walked over and pressed her face to his chest. “Now, I have what I need.”

His hug was nearly crushing, but they soon left the previous safety of her house, locked up, and Rejik carried her bag while Olim got back behind the wheel.

They were on their way back to the ferry and away from her house. This time, she was looking forward to it. The ring on her finger changed things. She was no longer a guest; she was a wanted addition to the family. The lady would have to deal with what her son had brought home because she wasn’t leaving.