I Dated a Mob Wolf by Viola Grace

Chapter Nine

The girls were gathered, everyone got changed and ate snacks and drank water on the drive back to the city, and they pulled up to Z-Tech just before eleven. The girls’ eyes were wide as several physical actives were seen in the halls and at the coffee kiosk in the lobby.

The security guard’s pointed ears perked up, and Lii exhaled a “Wooowwww.”

He was an elf in every line of his body.

“Hey, Jacob. How are the kids?”

He grinned. “Hey, Vallu, how are you doing? Is this one yours?” He gestured to Lii.

“Sort of. My niece. Zera said she was leaving some badges and coming down to sweep us away?”

Jacob smiled. “I have three VIP Visitor badges here, and Zera is here to tell you...”

The elevator opened. “Go take a nap, Vallu. You look ragged. Ylara is an excellent chaperone, and she will keep me in line.”

Etgar put his hand around Vallu’s waist. “I will make sure she gets right into bed.”

Lii had a furrow between her brows. “That doesn’t sound right.”

Vallu crouched and said, “I think he wants to cuddle.”



“You should be married for that.”

She took Lii’s hand. “You know I liked to do things in a funny order. Call me if you need anything. You can use the landlines if you can’t get a signal. They are every fifty feet on the pillars. Get a chair and call. Got it?”

“Got it.” Lii hugged her and blinked. “You smell like Etgar.”

“Yeah, that happens.”

“I just mean that I smelled this when you got pregnant, but now, I know where the other smell came from. You two together.” She smiled brightly.

Vallu had a weird feeling. “Zera?”

“Yes, pet.”

“Can you show Lii how we look for early activators?” She looked at Zera with an urgent expression.

“Sure. I will keep you posted. Let me know when you want to get lunch, and we will see how hard Arcady can pull on Krizt’s brother’s affections.”

Zera and Ylara ushered the girls and their lanyards into the elevators, and Zera gave a big “Get some rest!” before the doors closed.

“I feel like I just delivered two kids to the witch in the forest, and she’s going to stuff them with candy.” She held her head.

“Headache?” He rubbed the back of her neck with his wide fingers.

“Little bit. Probably just dehydrated. I wasted my water cleaning up.” She chuckled.

“Come with me across the plaza.”

She smiled and walked in the curve of his arm. The guards had moved the car and were with them when they crossed the road. The high rise had a lot of security, both living and computerized. They got into the elevator with two of the guards, and there was a bio-scan before the elevator would move.

She remembered this elevator, the scent, and the rise to the penthouse. He flicked a list to one of the guards, and when Rejik had looked around the room, they are allowed into the space.

“Heat vision?”

Etgar nodded. “All my guys are actives who look human.”

They walked into the space, and Rejik grinned and returned to the elevator.

“What was on the list?”

“Just a few items you are going to need before we can rejoin the girls.” He stripped off his jacket and toed off his shoes while he used his tail to swat her in a path down the hall.

“Yipe!” She stepped along while the soft swats kept her moving. “What is going on here?”

“I always wondered about the trail of clothing in the movies. I thought it was stupid because who would want to shed clothing in a hallway.” The slide of his belt made her jump. He patted her butt with the leather. “Now I know that it is because they were trying to get naked as quickly as possible.”

She turned, and he was wearing his velvety white fur and nothing else. Her knees quivered. “Oh. That’s pretty quick.”

He smiled. “Now, I am after an answer to a question.”

Part of her hoped, but the rest of her was practical. “What do you want to know?”

“How do I get the mating marks to stay?”

“You ask me very nicely, and I agree to do it.”

His eyes flickered, and he stepped forward, his mating persona manifesting. He was growling.

She quickly removed her dress and sandals. She could pin the underwear together, but outerwear was trickier. She was just undoing her bra when she was grabbed and gently carried to the ridiculously huge bed. He slipped off her bra and skimmed her panties off her hips, pausing to inhale their combined scents.

He touched her neck with a claw. “How?”

She looked at him. “I do it.”

“Make marks.”


He growled and leaned in close. “Make marks.”

She shook he head. “No.”

He whined and nuzzled her breasts. “Make marks.”

She held his head. “No.” she touched his shoulder. “Breeder. Not mate. Not yet.”

He growled low. “Mate.”

“I haven’t had time to figure it out. Nothing is the way I need it.” She started to cry. “I don’t feel safe. I don’t feel good. People are trying to kill me. Nothing is right. Everything is hard.”

He licked her cheeks. “Let me help.”

He was coming out of the alpha state rapidly. He nuzzled her, and she curled into his arms as she calmed down. They stroked each other softly, and he kept whispering the offer. “Let me help.”

“Keep your mother away from me. No nursery at the manor unless I design it.”

He nodded. “I will try. I think she already ordered the contractors.”

“If she has put the nursery next to her own room, you will have a bit more understanding of what she is planning. If she puts it next to the master, she is planning for me to be there. If it is anywhere else...”

“Noted. She might be difficult.”

“Yeah. So, I have been observing.”

He nuzzled her cheek. “There is a dower house on the property. I will move her there.”

She paused and looked him in the eye. “There is?”


“Can I move there?”

He sighed. “I am not going to have you so close and be unable to hold you at night.”

She smiled. “Move in there with me?”

He paused. “That... that is a good idea.”

“You aren’t used to bending; when I fire all these demands at you, they just wash over you. You don’t know what to do, so you don’t do anything. No mating marks until we can make a livable plan for me. Think of me as a very bitchy pet that you are inviting into your home. If I don’t have the right food, water, exercise, and rest situations, you are shortening my lifespan.”

“Do you need a heat lamp?”

She grinned. “It might be nice, but I do need regular grooming.”

He slid his hand over her bare mound. “Delightfully noted.”

“My food we have already discussed. My water needs are water or non-alcoholic and non-caffeinated anything.”

“What does your exercise entail?”

“Right now, walking and boxing, with some light yoga to loosen things up.” Vallu shrugged.


“Painting and needlework. I tried to knit, but I couldn’t manage it.”

“Expanded wardrobe?” He put his hand on her belly.

“Uh, yeah. That would be nice.” She sighed. “Let me be clear. I have the funds to take care of myself and the baby. But I can’t just move into your territory. I have the funds to take care of myself in the capitol, not Daycross.”

He frowned. “What if I buy you a house? Would that be better?”

“Not if it isn’t in my name.”

“Why does it matter if it is in my name?”

“Because if anything happens to you, your mother can launch me and take custody of the baby.” She sighed. “I have looked into how things work in Daycross. There is probably a line of judges waiting to suck up to your mother.”

He grimaced. “I see your point. Shit. Right. It makes sense. You are keeping your house here?”

“Yeah. It is going to Lii when she goes to school or active training. It is near the campuses.”

He frowned. “That is forty minutes away from your brother.”

“I bought an old crappy house and rebuilt it from the ground up. I finished it three years before my sister-in-law died.” She smiled sadly. “It was close to the hospital, so after her treatments there, I would give her treatments in my guestroom until she told me to stop. When I stopped the treatments, she was dead within two months. We had Christmases there, summer parties. It was close enough to get her to emergency in five minutes.”

She looked at him. “I don’t have to live there, but I am not giving that up.”

“So, you were treating her when you were working for BDC?”

“BDC paid for the house, the treatment, the nurses, the medications. Everything that Denner’s insurance didn’t cover was covered by my evening work. The work itself kept me from shattering from the inside out.”

He kissed her softly. “I am so sorry. You were at the breaking point, and I kept pushing.”

She sighed. “I knew you would.” She exhaled. “I just have to make it two more months, and the little critter will have a solid chance of survival.”

He blinked. “I thought you had five months to go.”

“Yeah, but actives have problem pregnancies at the best of times, and I have a double whammy with my genetic issues. I can only say I am really hoping for a boy so that he doesn’t have to face this in his own future.”

“And if it’s a girl?”

“I am going to hook her up with the best gyno and obstetric specialists if she gets pregnant, and hopefully, I will be there to help heal her through it.”

“Do you have a doctor you like?”

She wrinkled her nose. “He’s fine. I am not going to buy him a holiday card, but he’s fine.”

He wrinkled his nose. “A male?”

She laughed. “Yeah. It is still a male-biased field though more women are entering every year. It is basically just scanning and measuring my belly.” She wrinkled her nose again. “And the occasional internal check.”

He growled.

“Oh, good grief. If he wants to look, he is in the right occupation, and he has never flirted with me, so there is no problem there.”

He said through gritted teeth, “I will find you someone you like.”

“I could call Khytten for a recommendation. They have an excellent nanny and obstetrician all rolled into one.”

“You correspond with her?”

“Sure. I was assigned during her application phase to answer questions. We chat now and then. She’s super sweet and is really coming into her own now that she is a registered assassin.” She chuckled.

“She’s... ah. Right. Salat.”

“Can I run my own errands?”

“With two bodyguards. If you need them to carry stuff, bring an extra guy.” He was grim.

“Fine. One of them has to be trained in first aid or be a speeder who can carry a preggo lady.”

“Done. Olim matches that description.”

The driver. Right.

She stroked his neck and leaned her head forward to rest against his chest. “Mashing adults together is a logistical nightmare.”

“I don’t mind. You have lived a life and are not a little twit straight out of school. You know what you want and will stand up to me to get it without a lot of simpering.” He slid two fingers between her thighs. “I would say you had balls but nothing here but slippery folds.”

He whispered in her ear, “How does that happen so fast? I reach for you, and you are nearly ready.”

She blushed and didn’t answer him; she just breathed him in and got slicker.

“Wait. You do it via scent? My scent?”

She nodded. There was a small surge of fluid against his fingers.

“Ohhh, Vallu, you really are the perfect woman.”

He rolled her to her back and slid into her, rocking back and forth until she opened her eyes and stared up at him.

Vallu blinked as she took him easily. It was a combination of her body’s memory and the steady flow of personally generated lube that made things easier. The burn of friction was gone, and all that was left was the pleasure of his motion inside her, gradually stretching her until she was clawing at his ribs, shoulders, anything she could reach. The fucking fur defied her.

He chuckled and backed off, moving to one side and flipping her to her belly. He hummed to himself as he tucked a pillow under her hips, parted her thighs and then drove deep. She leaned back, and the noise was a low howl.

“That’s my girl.” His growl was low. He brushed the hair from her neck. “Now. I want you to sing for me.”

His hips moved faster, and she clutched the coverlet under her, letting the whines, whimpers, and soft sobs loose. He licked at her neck, and she whimpered under the hot caress. She tensed, and he kept licking with a chuckle. His hips moved against her, and she sobbed and squirmed under him. When she finally relaxed, he struck. He bit and then thrust the knot into her. She screamed as her overloaded senses sent her over the edge. Her body pulsed, his body pulsed, and the throbbing took over her senses.

His teeth remained in her flesh as she dropped to the bed. “Make the marks...”

She held up her hand and groaned. “Fine. Your blood in the wounds. That’s it.”

Vallu felt the slow caress of his fingers on the bite marks, and he kept slowly massaging his blood into her skin. He was making small happy sounds as her skin closed but trapped his blood under it in dark marks that would rapidly become shining scars. He kissed the back of her neck, her shoulders, and covered every inch of her that he could reach while knotted with kisses. She could hear the swish of his tail wagging.

Her alpha mate was buried in her, and he was very, very happy.

Ten minutes later, the knot eased enough for him to pull out of her, and he nuzzled and licked his way down her back, every inch of her kissed or licked as he moved along. He eased her over, putting the pillow aside and enthusiastically lapped at her sex until she moaned and arched with her hands holding the bedding next to her. He continued the fast licking until she moaned and her body shook. He gave her a few more licks and then continued to cover her in licks and kisses with special attention to the bump of her belly.

When he moved up to her breasts, she wove her fingers into the ridge of fur running down the back of his neck. She held him as he licked her nipples into rigid points and then nibbled at them, and he continued licking his way up her neck until he kissed her sweetly.


She sighed. “Yours. And if you try and find another mate while I am alive... you are going to lose some body parts. Just so we are clear.”

He grinned. “I would never dream of it. He would never dream of it. The taste, the shape of you, and you are carrying our young. There is no greater attraction for either of us. Also, your keen mind is something we want our offspring to have. Women carry the intelligence to the next generation.”

“What about the nagging?”

“The nagging will let me know that you need something. Otherwise, I might miss it.”

She felt a throb at the back of her neck and looked up at him in surprise. “Did you do that?”

He grinned in delight. “You felt that?”

The throb picked up speed and spread throughout her body. “What the actual fuck?” The wave of sensation picked up speed and soon completed its spread past her sex, down to her toes.

He smiled and nuzzled her breasts. “Mine.”

She grimaced and felt the warm tingling in her limbs. “What is going on, Etgar?”

“Bonding.” He smiled and was lying belly to belly with her when she felt it.

His eyes went wide. “Was that...”

She looked between them, and the tiny flutter happened again. “That is what that was.”

She looked him in the face and burst into tears.

He raised himself up and stared. “What? Am I hurting it?”

She laughed through the tears and hugged him. “I didn’t think I would get this far.”

She felt the touch on her mind that she had been ignoring, and she fed him every fear, uncertainty, and moment of panic she had had since the day she left him.

He stared, and then, he curled up against her belly, whispering to it and stroking it, telling it that its mommy was very brave but that daddy had some things to straighten out so that his world was a little safer for the tiny person that had just started moving. Etgar murmured promises of a serious daddy to the bump near her navel. She stroked his head, ran her fingers around his pointed ears, and scratched between his eyes. They lay together for a while, and then, they came together again, slow, sweet, and in the end, stuck. That was the point where he started to play with their new connection, and she dug her nails into him as the sensations rose, and she squeezed the knot hard. He grunted and jerked again while she gasped, stuck on the edge of release and unable to go over, her arms too tense to touch herself.

Etgar leaned forward and rocked against her clit. She went off. He gritted his teeth, and his cock twitched again. She was sweaty, panting, and exhausted when her body finally stopped ricocheting pleasure from nerve to nerve. “I am going to have to get a sudoku book or something to keep me busy while we wait.”

He chuckled. “I am aware that it is time-consuming. Now that we are together, I am going to work on coming without burying the knot.”

She drew her legs up around his hips and stroked his tail with her calves. “Set those small goals and achieve them.”

“How long do you want to be stuck here? They are going to be looking for us in twenty minutes.”

She sighed. “Fine. Deflate, darn you.”

He laughed. “You can do it, you know.”

She suddenly remembered. “Oh. Right. It isn’t comfortable for you, though.”

“It’s fine. Go ahead.”

Vallu slid her hand between their bodies, and where her skin was stretched tight, she found him, and she rubbed her finger along the knot, and the swelling dissipated, and cum flowed around her digit when he came free.

She exhaled as he removed himself and said with complete honesty, “I forgot I could do that.”

He laughed and cuddled her before hauling her off for a quick shower. He smiled as he scrubbed her back for her. “I need to practice for when you are so big you can’t see your feet.”

She grumbled. “Don’t remind me.”

“But I will. I want you skinny, I want you curved, I want you sleeping, I want you fighting, and I want you any time day or night in any shape your body takes on.”

She sniffled again and swatted him as he shampooed her hair and made puppy dog ears. They couldn’t have a foam fight, but she reserved the option to do it when she wasn’t terrified of falling.

They rinsed, towelled, and there were bags waiting on the floor of the bedroom when they came out with the towels wrapped around them. “What are those?”

He smiled innocently. “Clean clothes for you. You don’t have any here yet.”

She warily went over to the bags and found underwear, some nearly transparent lace wrapped in tissue. She snagged it and hung it from her fingertips. “Um, this tag is appalling for a severe lack of fabric.”

He smiled as he pulled on some boxer briefs. “But knowing that it is under whatever you are wearing is going to make waiting for the chance to be alone so much sweeter.”

She looked into the other bag. “Lii is going to comment on the change of clothes.”

He laced his belt through his trousers. “I have an answer for her.”

She dropped her towel and started biting off tags. The slip was champagne and sheer with soft lace. The bra under it matched, and the panties looked like a dandelion had knit them out of fluff. She slid the miniscule things on and then went for the dress. It was a fifties’ style dress with a nipped-in waist. The pumps had hard toes and elevated her four inches.

“Dude. This is highly impractical.”

She brushed her hair and tied it into a hairstyle that matched the dress, a soft twist. There had been hairpins included in the bag, as well as a hairbrush and some clips. There were also some blue velvet boxes, but she left those alone.

There was a deep sigh, and he stood next to her in a devastating silver suit. “The collar hides the mating mark, but I would still like you to wear a few things. These were paid for out of my trust fund. No filthy financials.”

He opened the largest box and pulled out a hefty necklace with silver, black and topaz. “Uh, sorry, I can’t wear silver.”

“Don’t worry, it’s platinum.” He settled it against her neck, and her eyes bugged out when she started doing the math.

The weight of the necklace pulled against the healing marks, and he smiled slyly as he slipped earrings in place and then put a bracelet on her right wrist. “There. Lovely.”

She looked at the deep pewter of her dress and the silver of his suit. He went down on one knee, and she swallowed.

“Vallu, will you marry me?”

Her eyes were wide, and she stared at him. “Me? You? Us?”

He just waited with his tail wagging slowly.

“Umm... yes.” It came out of her in a rush, and his canine grin glowed.

He kissed her ring finger and smiled. “We are going to get a ring with Lii’s approval. She has some very specific likes and dislikes when it comes to what goes on your finger.”

She sighed. “I really wish you had done that when we got here, so I could show you how excited I am.”

He smiled. “I can feel it, but knowing that you are hot for my proposing bod is definitely something that I will treasure until you can tear my clothes off.”

She snorted, and they headed downstairs. Time to show her transformation to her rambunctious niece and get some lunch. For some reason, she had worked up an appetite.