I Dated a Mob Wolf by Viola Grace

Chapter Thirteen

Etgar did actually wake up at five, but his slow caresses didn’t wake her until six, and by seven-thirty, they were in the shower.

After she was dry, she looked in her wardrobe and sighed. “Options are dwindling.”

He picked up the silk he had shredded the night before. “They just aren’t as sturdy as I had hoped. I suppose I will just have to have more brought in, but I like you naked.”

He was sniffing at the torn fabric.

She laughed. “I hadn’t noticed. I thought you were gritting your teeth and doing your duty.”

“Ah, yes.” With his trousers on, he walked up behind her and rubbed the marks. Her knees buckled, and he caught her. His chuckle was dark.

He murmured, “I might not be able to make you cum at a touch, but I can start your engines.”

She was gasping in his arms. “Cheater! What do they do, take you aside in pointy boys’ school and teach you that?”

“It is an optional course for those who have instinctual reflexes. To find a mate that reacts to those reflexes is astronomically rare. Some countries call them omegas. You are definitely outside of that classification. When I bit you on our dates and you reacted, I knew I wanted to keep you. When you nipped and bit me back, I knew I wanted more.”

She blushed. “I did more than nip a few times.”

He grinned. “And you woke him when you did it. It surprised him. A little thing like you shouldn’t try to dominate a big guy like him.”

“He should get over himself. I dominate a lot of people.”

She was in a towel, in his arms. She looked at the dresses and picked one with a shawl collar that would conceal the marks at a glance.

She put on some lacey items that acted more as conventional than any kind of support or concealment.

The dress went on before Etgar could start touching. She found a set of shoes that had the high heels that he favoured on her. “These are not long for this world.”

He blinked. “Why?”

“Strap a medicine ball to your pelvis and run around in heels. I am not going to be falling while pregnant. Two-inch heels at the most for the next three months, and flats for the last eight weeks if I make it that far.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” He grinned. “Did you want to go shopping today?”

“Don’t you have work to do?”

He sighed. “Yes.”

“Then, I will go shopping with appropriate bodyguards and another one to carry the bags.”

“Good. Thank you for listening, Vallu.”

She smiled. “And you can call Denner and see if he will let Lii visit tomorrow, or can I still go to her. Put that on your list.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

She smoothed her skirt into place and stepped into the heels. “Plus, if I don’t have you to hold onto, you really don’t want me wobbling around.” She chuckled. “I might need to hold onto a strange man for balance.”

He growled. “Fine. Wear flats, but I would like them to be pretty.”

“Pretty how?”

“Good quality, matches your dress, keeps your toes safe. Pretty.”

She blushed as she remembered a few days where he had played with her feet, rather, sucked her toes. He enjoyed it greatly, but she found his foot fetish peculiar. She didn’t know that canines were into feet. She guessed that was the human bit of him.

She mused, “Maybe I should stop for a pedicure.”

He groaned. “Don’t tease.”

She laughed.

He raised his com and sent her a message. “Go here. Ask for Yadril. Get a mani-pedi.”

“Do you send a lot of women there?”

He laughed. “No, but my cousin Latrell swears by her. She also does my claws now and then.”

“Maybe you should go. Might save on the nightgowns.”

He snorted. “They were torn, not cut. Well, maybe a little cut.”

She picked up his hand, licked a finger, and sucked it into her mouth. She swirled her tongue around a bit before pulling her head back. “That would have been a lot more fun if I didn’t have to be careful.”

He was shaking, and his tail was still. “That was still a lot of fun.”

She grinned. “But it could have been so much more fun.”

When she was dressed with her hair in a twist, she looked at herself. She had looked worse. He brought out a selection of boxes. “Pick one.”

“Are we agreeing that these are yours and not mine?” She looked at her hand and chuckled at the ring. “This is mine.”

He kissed the back of her hand. “Yes, I am. All yours. Toe to top.”

She caressed his cheek. “I like everything in between.”

He looked at her, and heat was ramping up in his eyes. She grinned. “And on that note, I am making a run for it to see if I can ever actually eat in your house.”

“You will, or I will fire everybody with prejudice, and we will start over.”

They left his bedroom and walked down the steps. The smell of bacon wafted up the stairs. She smiled. “That’s a good sign.”

He chuckled. “Is bacon allowed in your condition?”

“Keep up the chatter, and I will fix your mouth so it won’t hold soup. I am already missing coffee, carbs, and sushi. Hotdogs are on the roster to go, and I am running out of food that I enjoy eating.”

He blinked and nodded. “Noted. I will keep my mouth shut.”

“Very wise. You are learning quick. I always wanted a puppy.”

He growled, lifted her, and pressed her against a wall. “I am not a puppy; I am a wolf.”

She nuzzled his cheek. “I am definitely appreciative of puppies. So enthusiastic, so eager to please, so much stamina.”

He was growling low, and he pressed his teeth to her neck, carefully locking her throat in his jaws. She went limp and whined softly.

Lady Daycross came around the corner, gasped, and said, “Etgar, let her go!”

Vallu held up her hand, and she whined softly again. He released her and licked at the small pressure marks.

He pressed his forehead to hers and growled. “No more age jokes.”

She whispered, “What about when you are inside me? I really appreciate the enthusiasm then.”

His eyes glowed. “You are heading for a missed breakfast.”

“Missed? I am sure they can feed me later.”

He chuckled, dragged in a deep breath, and growled. “You are a terrible tease in the morning.”

“I am a terrible tease most times of the day. The only time I am not inappropriate is when there are kids around.” She chuckled.

“Then, this little one had better get here swiftly.”

“In good time. I hope. Still have a bit of a way until I am in the safety zone. I don’t want to rush it.”

Lady Daycross looked at them. “Etgar, you can’t do that to a pregnant woman, whatever that was.”

Vallu got smug. “Yeah, Etgar. Be nice to the pregnant lady.”

He growled, picked her up, and stalked into the dining room. He sat down and sat her in his lap. It was like being seated on a warm throne. The problem was that the food was a buffet today.

“Uh, Etgar, there is a flaw in your plan.”

“Go, get your meal, eat, and then bring me mine.”

She blinked. “I don’t know what you eat.”

Lady Daycross opened her mouth, but Etgar held his hand up. “Figure it out.”

Vallu shrugged. “Fine, but you are gonna get fat.”

He chuckled. “I will just have to find ways to work it off.”

She paused halfway off his lap. She looked at him, and he raised his brows, his silky soft fur highlighting the serious expression on his face. He was setting himself up as her alpha, and she wasn’t quite sure about her feelings on the matter.

She leaned in and whispered in his ear. “If I give in today, it definitely does not mean I am going to give in tomorrow.”

“I would expect nothing less, dearest of them all.” He grinned and patted her butt. “Get some breakfast.”

“Okay, but you asked for it.” Vallu grinned and went to get her breakfast.

She loaded up two plates and carried them back to the table, then went back and got a cup of herbal tea.

He said, “I thought I said I would eat after you, pet.”

“You are. This is for me.”

She picked up her fork and knife and ate rapidly and thoroughly through the eggs, sausage, bacon, the single roll, and plenty of fruit. When she was done, she sipped at her tea and then went to get Etgar his meal.

She got him pastries, eggs, sausage, fruit salad, and hot tea. She settled it in front of him and then paused. He was going to have to eat around her.

He took her hands, pulled them, so they were palms up, and placed the plate in her hands. “Don’t spill.”

She made a face.

“Don’t make a face. If you hadn’t taunted me about our ages, we would have been able to eat together. But, as you chose to be that way... age before beauty.”

She gasped, and Lady Daycross laughed and then looked embarrassed for laughing.

She held the plate up while he took his time and rubbed his arm against her breasts accidentally every third forkful or so. She leaned back to give him more room, and he put his hand behind her and set her straight again.

“Don’t want mommy getting funny posture now, do we?”

She paused in her irritation when he talked to her tummy.

He continued until the meal was done, and then, he set the plate and cutlery on the table. “You forgot my coffee.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Define forgot. You were asking me to fondle my best friend and then just leave them.”

His eyes widened, and he smiled. “Nice turn of phrase. Fine. I will get my coffee.”

She sighed forlornly. “I will get it. You take it black or with a splash of cream. Which way do you want it today?”

“Cream is very much on my mind.”

She blushed. “Right.” She tried to push off his lap, but he held her close, nuzzling her neck and ear. “Uh, your coffee?”

One of the staff came over and gave her two cups, one with cream, one black. She held them up. “Oh. Look, magical and enchanted coffee brought by an angel.”

He looked up from her neck. “How did that get here?”

“I summoned it with my face.”

He grabbed the cup with cream and sipped at it. She watched the cup wistfully and bit her lip as she sighed.

He set the cup down, put the second cup on the table, and kissed her. She tasted the coffee, the cream, and Etgar. With a hint of bacon. The kiss went on and on, and when she leaned back, she was shaking slightly.

Etgar smiled. “Could you taste the coffee?”

“I am not sure; let me check again.”

She pressed her lips to his and held his head as the kiss built in intensity until his mother cleared her throat. They paused and turned to stare at her.

Lady Daycross said, “That isn’t appropriate for the breakfast table.”

Etgar smiled. “I have found a mate after years of searching, she is already carrying my child, and she’s agreed to marry me. You are lucky we aren’t fucking on the breakfast table.”

Lady Daycross got up and left.

Etgar snorted. “If you will stay with me, she will be relegated to the dower house or one of the other buildings on the property.”

“Okay. She might mellow once we get less handsy with each other. It is still very new.”

“Speak for yourself. I want to be handsy with you into my dotage.”

She smiled and stroked his jaw. “Well, I have to arrange my mani-pedi and explore a bit of the island. Are Olim, Rejik, and Darvo available?”

“They are. And if they aren’t happy to escort you after today, I will find some others who will suit you.”

“Well, whoever whines has to carry the bags.”

He nodded, and they got up. He finished his coffee, and they went to get her honour guard.

The guys were at the kitchen table, and when they arrived, the group of them got up.

“Olim, Rejik, and Darvo, you are with Vallu today. She wants to explore the town and walk around, so you are going to have your work cut out for you.”

The three smiled.

She smiled. “So, car or walk?”

Darvo nodded. “Car, please. Just tell us what you want to do, and we will bring you there.”

She kissed Etgar goodbye and followed the bodyguards out into the morning sunlight.

“Well, first, I am trying to get a mani-pedi for sir’s foot fetish, so I am going to call Yadril.”

Rejik cleared his throat. “May I make the call? She doesn’t like new clients.”


Rejik walked away and made the call. When he came back, he looked relieved. “You can go right in.”

They got into a silver vehicle and drove off. She tried to take in the street structure and the overall design, but they were just getting into the commercial sector when they slowed down. Rejik smiled. “We get out first, make sure it is clear, and then, you step out. We then surround you and escort you where you need to go.”

“Okay. So, mani-pedi then maternity wear, sneakers, and heels. If there is any time, I want to know if there are craft or fabric stores around. If not, I am going to need to go to the capitol.”

They nodded. Darvo said, “There are seven craft and fabric shops within four blocks of our current location.”

She didn’t squeal, didn’t applaud, but she smiled quietly. Maybe this could work after all.

Yadril looked at her dismissively through the pedicure until Vallu was soaking her fingers in preparation for the manicure.

“That is quite the ring.” Yadril was a blonde woman with ice-blue eyes and a no-nonsense look.

“Etgar was very happy that he was able to follow my niece’s directions for it.” She smiled. “The proposal was nice, too.”

Yadril paused. “Proposal?”

Rejik turned his head from the corner. “I did mention on the phone that this is Etgar’s fiancée. She is his fiancée.”

Yadril got up and got a fresh pack of tools. “I am sorry, Miss, I thought you were...”

“A mistress? I sort of am, but I am the permanent kind. Tied forever.”


Rejik filled in, “Parent bonds, Yadril.”

The woman’s face beamed. “Really?”

“Uh. Yeah.”

“Thank goodness. I thought he was obsessed with a fancy whore.”

Rejik paused, but Vallu spoke up. “That would be me as well. I am multifaceted. Well, I have retired from the whoring. Still fancy, though.”

Yadril froze. “You are joking.”

“Nope. Until four months ago, I was an escort. I planned the pregnancy and got Etgar to participate but didn’t tell him. He knows now, so we are engaged.”

“You trapped him?” Yadril went to work on smoothing her nails.

“Oh, yeah. He was trapped. I wasn’t hauled off to Daycross or anything.” She snorted. “Yeah, he was helpless when I told him he could visit as much as he wanted. He was pinned when he insisted on meeting my family, and he was helpless when he introduced me to his mother. That did not go over well.”

Yadril smiled. “The lady has had her son to herself for a while.”

“Well, she’s had his day face. I have been a regular interference in his life for a while. It was why I chose him as my baby’s father.” She smiled softly.

“You... you really are... you are in love with him.”

Vallu went beet red. “Intermittently. Guys, you didn’t hear anything.”

Darvo chuckled. “Not a thing, Ma’am.”

Olim shook his head. “It has been silent.”

Rejik grinned. “I am telling.”

Vallu glared at him. “Squealer.”

Darvo chuckled. “Shall we convince him to keep his mouth shut?”

Vallu looked over at Rejik. Her eyes got hot, and her teeth extended. “You thaid whath now?” She glared at him and cursed her lisp.

Yadril blinked. “You’re a drinker?”

She let her teeth resume normal proportions. “It came with the pregnancy. I wasn’t before.”

“Where are you going after this?”

“Clothes, maternity stuff, sneakers, heels for Etgar’s fetish, and craft stores. I like quilting.”

“For clothing, you can go to Hethen Wells. Maternity wear, Lavoric. Running shoes can be from anywhere. Heels, also Hethen Wells. Craft stores... if you quilt, I would go to Fablicious. They have an excellent selection if you are serious about the craft.”

“Thank you. I am rather serious about it. I brought some handwork over until I find out if there is a place for my longarm machine.”

Rejik blinked. “That huge frame thing?”


“Yeah, there is room for that. There is a solarium that no one uses. It would fit in there rather nicely.” He smiled. “You might have to wrest it from Lady Daycross, but you are up for the fight.”

She groaned as her nails were buffed smooth. “I am tired of fighting. I just want to get this baby into the safe zone. I am not picking any more fights until the baby is out. After that point, I will pick a fight over napkin colour.” She had a thought. “Do you think Etgar wants to get married before the baby is born?”

Vallu winced as everyone around her said, “Yes!”

“Fine. I might want to find a nice dress for that as well.”

Olim cleared his throat. “The boss told us that he was taking care of that for you.”

“Oh, so the wedding is soon.”

Yadril smiled. “I will put a rhinestone on the ring finger.”

“Thanks. I don’t like much fuss.”

The woman massaged Vallu’s hands. “Fuss all you like. You sound fun. Rejik, I am sorry for cursing you out this morning. Ms. Vallu, I would be honoured if you would give me your business.”

Vallu grinned. “Let’s see how you manage a French tip.”

Yadril winked and set to work.

Half an hour later, Vallu gingerly slipped her feet into her heels.

“You should have worn something without toes for this.”

“I would have, but Etgar bought all my shoes, and this is what he picks.”

She looked at her nails and smiled. “It’s a really good job. So, what would you have said if I called this morning?”

“I would have told you that name dropping wouldn’t work and that I would check with Etgar to see if his slut had called me for a mani-pedi.” Yadril winced at her own words. “And then, I would have had to deal with the consequences of that.”

“Yeah, he’s not happy when folks insult me. It is even worse when it is in front of me. Apparently, my feelings are delicate.”

She had explained how the Blind Date Corporation worked, and she explained that she was able to manage Etgar’s very specific needs.

Rejik grinned. “He had his first contact with her on his twenty-first birthday. After that, he started marking the calendar and holding spaces open for her.”

“Please, find a way to rephrase that.” She smiled.

The guys laughed, and Yadril’s eyes went wide.

She went to pay, and Rejik got between her and the terminal. “I have to pay the nice lady who opened her shop up two hours early for me.”

Darvo nodded. “It is going on Etgar’s bill. He wants you to dress up; he’s going to pay.”


“What would you be wearing if you had your choice to run around Daycross?”

“Jeans and a tee, or a sundress and sandals.” She smiled. “And my hair in a messy ponytail.”

“Right, so consider your position as his fiancée as a job. You have to do it for set hours a day, and when you get home, you can do what you like.”

She chuckled. “So, I am shopping for a job that I didn’t apply for? Or rather, I applied so long ago that I forgot about it?”

He nodded. “Yes.”

“Fine. Let’s go to the next stop. Dresses and shoes?”

Her entourage surrounded her, and they left.

The designer kept wanting to put her in trousers, and Vallu had to take the man aside and explain the facts of mating with a wolf to him. He grew pale, and the skirts that he showed her could be flipped up and out of the way but looked graceful and draped when they were being worn for normal people.

The rest of her shopping just had her scrapping twice with attendants who wanted to put her in something unsuitable for her lifestyle. She ended up with one set of workout gear and sneakers. That was the most satisfying purchase so far, and she had paid for them both herself. She went to the nearby sports shop and got some boxing gloves; after calling them fighting mittens, she straightened herself out and got a set for her and one for Lii. The hand wraps came next.

She handed the parcels off to Darvo, and he looked delighted to be carrying something that didn’t come from somewhere that sold lingerie.

“Right. Well, that is enough damage clothing-wise. I just want to head into that fabric shop for a few minutes and see what they have.”

Olim whispered to the guys. “My sister sews. Stay close. She could run mad at any moment.”

She flipped him off and looked at Rejik. “Where was that shop again?”

He sighed, and they walked to the car so Darvo could drop off the bags.

They got in the car and drove five blocks, then their procession hit the fabric store.

She managed to fend them off for ninety minutes, but she got her new fabrics and was delighted with them.

Darvo grunted as he carried the bag of fabric and supplies. Scissors, rotary cutter, mat, all the essentials. The fifteen pounds of fabric was just so she could keep busy while Etgar did whatever he did. It should last her two months without her machines, or one month with them.

“Okay. I am done. We can go back to the house now.”

They were relieved. It was after two, they hadn’t eaten, and she was a little tired. Her afternoon nap was trying to insist that she pay attention. She felt herself sliding sideways, and Rejik caught her.

She dozed in and out, but when she was lifted from the car, she recognized the hands. She forced her eyes open. “Hey, Etgar. I went shopping.”

“Yes, I know. Feel free to get some rest. You are done for the day.”

“Hooray.” She leaned against him and let the nap win.