I Dated a Mob Wolf by Viola Grace

Chapter Sixteen

The cocktail dress was soft on the back of her neck, but it also caressed her softly and irritated her marks a little. Dinner had been excellent, and Lady Daycross had been surprised by her table manners.

“So, what did you do before you stopped being an escort?”

“Um, I was an escort, and before that, I worked security, but basically a long line of short jobs that go back to my teen years.”

Lady Daycross smiled gently. “Short attention span?”

“Six-month heats. Every few months, I go into heat for a week, and it means I had to call out sick, eat chocolate, and box until I passed out. I am always still in some kind of probationary period, and no businesses wanted to deal with that kind of an active. Then, my sister-in-law got really sick and needed a caretaker, so I got the job with the BDC and took care of her during treatments. I used the funds I got from... uh... my night job to pay for the bits of care that insurance didn’t cover. Eventually, it was quite a bit, so I had to let myself out during my heats.” She blushed. “It went over surprisingly well. It got me what I needed, and then, my sister-in-law died just over two years ago. I took the rest of my money and saved it up for Lii’s college fund, paid off my house, and then started saving for my retirement.”

“Retirement? At your age?”

“Retirement from the BDC. It was emotionally difficult and physically demanding.”

“How demanding could sex be?” Lady Daycross snorted.

“Uhh...” she looked at Etgar, but he grinned and shook his head.

“I can’t answer that, Vallu. That’s all you there.”

“Um, Lady Daycross, was your husband a physical active?”

“No, of course not. He had an energy transmission. That is what got him arrested.”

“That and killing two people in a public venue. And attacking peacekeepers until a team arrived,” Etgar murmured and sipped at his iced tea.

Lady Daycross waved that away. “But, he looks human.”

“Right. So when you have a physical activation, you are dealing with a non-human hormone and biological system. So, it takes a bit more effort to... uh... satisfy that system.”

Some of the staff snickered, and Vallu sighed, surrendering to cruder terms. “Basically, Etgar can fuck for hours; he also likes to chase and catch me, so that is an added exertion. Muscles burn, skin has light abrasions, and sensitive tissues are stretched and aching. And if he’s tied me up at any point, there are added aches and pains.”

Lady Daycross blushed and held up her hand. “I get it.”

Vallu smiled. “Oh, but now I want to tell you. The other patrons all have their personal preferences, but it was Etgar whose booking I accepted before any others. I could give him what he needed, and he could give me what I needed.”

Lady Daycross grimaced. “Money?”

“That was definitely part of it. The other part was that we fit, and that is not an easy thing to manage.”

Etgar kissed her knuckles. “I like the fit, too.”

Vallu blushed. “I had no idea. You hide it so well.”

His tail wagged.

His mother snorted. “Fine, you two are well-matched. Etgar, you don’t have an issue with her former occupation?”

He shook his head. “It kept her with her family, so I could never resent that. And it is how we met. There are no other paths that would have had us interacting. This was the only path that could have brought us together, so I am very, very glad it did.” He kissed her hand again, this time licking her palm. He looked at her with dilated pupils. “It is so much fun to try and shock her, and even more fun when it doesn’t work.”

She looked to Lady Daycross. “Anything on the agenda this evening? Care to go for a walk? A run? A desperate sprint across the yard?”

He chuckled and kept pressing kisses down her arm.

She paused and looked at him. “You said there is a place that Lii and I can box? Did Denner agree to let her come?”

He paused and sighed. She exhaled in relief. He went from zero to her over his shoulder really quick.

He gave her a knowing look. “You are delaying the inevitable.”

“I have almost healed the aches and pains. Seriously. Where can we work out?”

He got to his feet and kept possession of her hand. “Yes, Denner agreed to let Lii come. The guys will head to the ferry landing and bring her over. They will be men from the other night that she recognizes. She also has instructions to call you to verify the guys picking her up. Denner is thorough.”

“And I will call Denner when she arrives.” She chuckled.


They walked out a back door and headed for a long, low building. “Barracks for your guys?”


“So, we are going to be using their gym?”


“How many are being kicked out when we are there?”

“Only the ones who aren’t sleeping. Anyone awake that isn’t your protection detail has to go find somewhere else to be.”

“It will only be a couple of hours with some loud music. They can resume their normal sweating and watching porn in a few hours.”

“How often do you do it?”

“The boxing? Every two weeks. Normally horse riding in between.”

“What if you can do both in a day?”

“I will have a very tired little girl. A happy one but still tired.” She chuckled. “She does have school tomorrow, but summer holidays are coming up.”

He pulled her against him. “I was hoping for a few weeks with you, me, and someplace isolated where no one could hear you scream.”

“Isn’t that called a honeymoon?”

He chuckled. “This would be for the babymoon. The last chance for isolation before we are parents.”

“I am already an incubator, so I am never alone.”

Etgar sighed. “And a very lovely one. All soft and smell good.”

She eyed him warily. When he alphaed out, the first thing to go was the speech centre.

She remembered the whine as he tried to make words when he touched her neck and asked to make the marks. She was a sucker for a sad sound. She was going to be an easy mother to manipulate.

He opened the door, and she heard weaponry clicking and then thudding down. “Uh, hey, boss!”

Rejik came forward and nodded. “What brings you around here this time of night?”

“Tomorrow, as you know, Lii is coming, and apparently, as it is kickboxing day, they are going to be needing the gym.”

“Understood, boss. We will clear it out when we go to pick the little miss up.”

“Thank you. My sex life is depending on this going smoothly.”

Vallu cackled.

He looked at her and shrugged. “You are much more enthusiastic when you are happy.” His smile was evil. “You don’t even flinch when I put my finger mmmfff—”

She clamped both of her hands across his mouth. His eyes were glinting with mischief. “Don’t say it.”

Rejik looked at her. “Miss, are you sure that boxing is for the best? You don’t want to stress yourself.”

“Exercise keeps me balanced. Do you have any hand wraps?”

“We have the ones you bought today. We put the stuff on a table over there.”

She grinned and walked over to the table, a definite sway in her hips because she knew she had an audience. She calmly started wrapping her hands. “Now, before I do this, remember that I do not spar with my niece. I just train with her.”

The men in the space paused and watched her as she finished wrapping, flexed her fists, walked up to the speed bag, and started a heavy beat that had the suspension rig shuddering. Once the warmup was done, she walked to the heavy bag in her high heels. She took a few strikes, and the guys chuckled, and then, the room went silent as she beat the bag until it shuddered and groaned, striking it on the swaying return. She was grinning, and her fangs came out. She struck faster, kicked with her right leg in heavy strikes, and then her left. When she executed a right uppercut, the entire bag lifted off the chains and thudded to the ground.

Her skin was glowing slightly with sweat. “So, I don’t spar with my niece, but I do train with her, and her father is aware of it.”

The bodyguards looked at each other and then at her. She grinned. “I am just a little pregnant lady. Oh, and I am not bulletproof. And my aim sucks with weaponry.”

They were staring at her. She undid her wraps and rolled them up, setting them next to her gloves on the table. The little pink set was next to her red ones.

Etgar was strangely proud. “Her brother said she was a brawler, but her aim was bad.”

She made a face. “Yeah, well, he doesn’t try and do it in heels. Well, there was that one time, but it was his bachelor party, and he was drunk.”

The men chuckled.

She smiled slowly. “So, where are you going for your bachelor party, Etgar? My bachelorette is going to be boring... though I do know some folks who can liven it up. Geez. Is this a small thing, or do I need a bridesmaid?” She chuckled. “Funny how I can be prepared for eighteen years plus of a child and have never given a wedding a thought.”

He smiled. “We can go over details with Lii. I think she would get a kick out of being part of it.”

Vallu groaned. “Yeah, that little girl has a definite plan for how the world is going to work.”

“I like her. She takes no shit.” Etgar chuckled. “She is very old for one her age.”

Val knew what he meant. “She tried to take care of her mom when Liina would let her. Making sure that there was as much opportunity for that as possible was my job. Those were bittersweet days.”

“What was she like? Your sister-in-law?”

“She was an amazing combination of sweet and scrappy. How she fell for Denner, I have no idea, but she was good for him, and he was good to her.”

They nodded to the guys and headed for the main house.

“What was your favourite memory of her?”

She chuckled as they walked across the yard. “I think it was giving her the play-by-play of our first date. Her eyes got so big, and she wanted details, so I gave them to her.”

He asked in surprise. “Isn’t it against the contract?”

“Definitely was. But as she said, who was she going to tell? She was dying.” She chuckled. “Also, I didn’t know who you were at the time. I figured that out later.”

“Ah. Right.”

“The tales of my dates were our little secret, and she looked forward to them when I had a repeater or when I was in heat.”

He sighed. “I almost scented your heat earlier today.”

“I know. We don’t have the time for me to really indulge in the lack of self-control that I want to play with.”

He groaned. “Soon, dear one. But, thank you for giving me criteria.”

“Since I started my second trimester, I have been exceedingly horny. I am desperately trying not to let it affect you.”

He stopped twenty feet from the door they had used, and he turned to her. “Why?”

“I don’t want to disrupt your life. That wasn’t what I was after.”

Etgar cupped the back of her head. “What were you after?”

She sighed, and her cheeks pinked. “A little bit of you to hold and raise as my own. I never thought I would end up with the whole thing.”

“Don’t call it a thing.” He winked.

Her grin could not be contained. “Apologies. I did not think that a connection between us was possible. And frankly, the idea was intimidating. I am after a quiet life for the duration of the pregnancy.”

“After that?”

She smiled. “Did you know I can design and create fireworks? One of those short-term jobs I mentioned. I just need quiet for a bit. Babies can get used to a lot of things as long as the parents are predictable.”

He smiled. “I like the sound of that. I am interested in becoming predictable with you.”

He paused and picked her up. “But, for now, I believe you mentioned being exceedingly horny? I am interested in investigating that situation in detail.”

She licked her lips as their heads were even. “What kind of detail?”

“I want you to show me.”

“Show... oh.” Her eyes went wide as he smiled.

On their seventh date, he had finally let her touch and stroke him as much as she liked. When she had brought her mouth into the mix, he hadn’t been able to remain still, and it took over a year before she could manage to give him a blowjob to completion. After that, it had been a once every five or six dates thing. He just couldn’t stop himself from touching, stroking, and then sliding into her.

She stroked the fur of his cheeks, fondled his ears, and dug her hands into the heavy fur at the back of his head. “I think I would like that.” She felt a slow trickle of honey down her thigh.

He inhaled, and his hands tightened on her. “I think that will have to wait for another day.”

His low rumble had a physical effect on her, and the increasing heat in her body started to call to him.

She looked at him. “This is going to wear off, right?”

He inhaled again. “I certainly hope not.”

She groaned. “It’s embarrassing.”

He chuckled and held her close as he walked back to the house. “It is amazing for my ego, and my other side simply thinks it is right and proper that you want us and your scent changes when we are around.”

She buried her face in the side of his neck. “Still embarrassing.”

“Have I mentioned how hot you were, boxing in a cocktail dress?”

That’s what does it for you?” She leaned back and stared at him as he carried her up the stairs.

“Definitely. The look on your face was ferocious. I want to see it again.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Perv.”

“Oh, yeah. I have discovered all kinds of fascinations and fetishes since I have met you.”

“Blaming me?”

“No, you just inspire me to heights of creativity.”

“Heights, is that why you are carrying me?”

“I love carrying you. That way, I know where you are at all times.” He chuckled.

Vallu stroked his head and neck until they were in the bedroom when he slowly lowered her onto the bed and looked down. “Is this a new dress?”

She nodded and groaned internally as she saw where this was heading.

“Did they have another one at the shop?”

She winced. “They did. I can have it off in four seconds. Just let me up.”

He sat back and checked his com. “You have thirty seconds to get off as much as you can.”

She sat up and slithered out of her dress, bra, panties, and heels. She had skipped the stockings; he wasn’t usually that fussy about them anyway.

She paused and let her hair down around her shoulders.

She looked at him as she brushed her hair off her left shoulder. “What was my time?”

He swallowed and pressed his lips to her neck. “Who cares?”

Vallu laughed and let him build the heat that was never too far below the surface. Etgar was thorough, wild, and careful at the same time. She gave herself up to the fire in her blood and welcomed the wild in his.

Her body slowly throbbed around him, squeezing the knot. She shuddered and flexed her fingers against his palms. He lifted his head and kissed her slowly. “Perfect.”

“Hmm?” Her lips were swollen from the kisses during the frenzy, but she was already healing herself. It was just the normal aches and pains of vigorous sex, but if she didn’t have to experience them, she didn’t need to.

“You fit me perfectly.” He smiled. “I am very glad that I followed my father’s advice and got myself a good woman.” He nipped and nuzzled. “A very good woman.”

“Do you see your father?”

“No, but he is due out for parole in another ninety years, so he will have to make do with photographs of the wedding.”

“When is the wedding, by the way?” She chuckled as he rubbed his nose against hers.

“Three weeks from now. You go for measurements on Friday, or I can have him come here tomorrow. Then, Lii can add her input.”

“Wait, so she can see the designs, but I can’t?”

He chuckled. “Correct.”

“No fair. You are going to be her favourite uncle.”

He narrowed his eyes. “I will be her only uncle.”

“My statement still stands.” She grinned, and he swatted her butt with one huge, furry hand. His tail was wagging like a metronome.

“If you want to play at spanking, you will have to wait until I have the baby for you to take me over your knee.”

He paused. “You don’t mind being spanked?”

“Five months, and you find out.” She booped his nose with the tip of her index finger.

“Why didn’t I know that?”

“It never came up. You were focused on getting inside me. Playing games was secondary.” She stroked his cheek and then scratched. “We have time.”

He sighed. “I want to try everything you will let me try.”

She snorted. “Some of the stuff you will have to trim your claws for. I know you are careful, but fingering my ass while you are inside might wreck your composure.”

He flexed into her with a grunt. “You may have a point. Just the thought of it...”

She shuddered as he started to rock against her again, his knot fitting her tight once again. “I think I just shot myself in the foot with that one.”

“It’s okay; I will take care of your feet.” His shallow thrusts combined with one finger rubbing at her clit swept her away, and he was right; her feet didn’t feel a thing.