I Dated a Mob Wolf by Viola Grace

Chapter Three

Etgar carried her against his chest and returned to his rooms, closing the door with a kick.

“I have missed you, Vallu.”

“I know. Zera has been keeping me apprised of your threats.” She smiled as he set her down on the bed and knelt to remove her shoes before easing her to her feet and unfastening her dress.

The cocktail dress slipped off her, and she stood in black lace and nothing else while he stroked her belly and the small curve that buffered their child. When he pressed a kiss to her belly, her heart melted, and she put off her escape. She was still going to make a run for it, but not today. He licked her belly and kissed it again. He looked up at her and smiled. “You’re beautiful.”

She didn’t reply. She couldn’t. She knew that with the exception of her eyes, she was the breathing representation of average. The brilliant green set her apart.

He smiled. “You still don’t respond to compliments.”


“Not even if they are true?”

“I don’t think they are true. I think they are just what people say to gain cooperation.”

He slid his hand up her back, and he flicked the bra loose. He slid the bra from her and pressed his nose between her breasts. “Perhaps you will believe action over words.”

She wove her fingers through the heavy fur of his head as he began to suck and nip at her breasts in turn. She felt the rush of slick heat as he worked her breasts. Shuddering and swaying, she clung to him as he got used to the taste of her once again.

His tongue was wide and broad as he licked each nipple slowly before nuzzling and sucking violently. Her knees buckled, and she started to fall. He caught her and grinned. “So, that still works.”

She groaned, and he smelled her sex before he eased the panties down. He held her hand, lifted one leg, and placed it on his shoulder.

He started with sniffing, filling his nostrils with the scent of her. This was important for him, and she enjoyed the moment as well. His dark nose nuzzled her clit, and his tongue lapped out and parted the lips of her sex. A rush of moisture greeted him, and he groaned and growled. She felt her body getting hot, and he drank from her as her body recognized him and started getting ready. He thrust two fingers into her while his tongue slithered around her folds and teased her rock-hard clitoris. It took him less than three minutes to get her whining, and when he added a third finger and widened the invaders inside her, she sobbed and held onto his head as her orgasm struck her in a hard wave. She collapsed against him. He caught her, held her, soothed her, and whispered against her temple. “Perfect.”

She sighed and moved her head so she could whisper into his ear. “More.”

He lifted her to the bed and stared at her as he stripped. He removed his blazer and then the shirt he had been wearing. She pulled her knee up and watched him unbuckle his belt and toe-off his shoes.

She bit her lip and slid her left leg along her right as she waited for him to join her. When his trousers hit the floor, she waited, and then, his briefs were pried away to expose his angry crimson-headed erection with the thick band of his knot already engorged.

She moaned as he approached her and got to all fours for him. She looked back at him over her shoulder, and he fitted himself to her, pushing into her with slow and inexorable force. She panted and whined as he made way for himself inside her.

When he was in to the knot, he began to thrust, and she rocked back against him as he gripped her hips and pounded into her. Their bodies slapped together in a harsh staccato, and she bucked back against him and moaned low as her body clenched on his.

He paused, chuckled, and tutted. “You are supposed to come around my knot. You know that.”

She shuddered and muttered. “Sorry, Etgar. I forgot. It’s been a while.”

He put his arm around her torso and pulled her upright. “Forgot? Hmm. I will just have to start again.”

She shook as she felt his mouth at the side of her neck. He stroked her breasts and ran a hand down her belly until he circled her clit with his fingertip. He whispered in her ear. “You stole from me, Vallu. That isn’t allowed.”

“Not stole. Accepted a present.” He had started to move in her again, and her mind was going blank.

She reached back and clutched at his thighs.

“A present I didn’t know I was giving? Let’s see you work your way out of this one.”

She groaned and shuddered as he went deeper, and the knot was edging inward. He took her hands, and he had moved them to the headboard. She gripped the carved wood and held on as he went from thrusts to pounding into her, and his fingers circled her clit and then, he was stuck.

She gasped, quivered, and moaned as he moved against her slightly, pulling at the soft tissue of her entrance.

He whispered in her ear. “Can you feel me?”

She nodded.

“Use your words.”

“So full.” Her head lolled on her shoulders, and she tried to move against him, but she was stuck.

“You like being pinned with my knot inside you.” He continued to stroke her clit, and the tension was unbelievable.

She nodded and continued to squirm.

“Is this okay for the baby?”

Her heart softened, and she turned her head to meet his. “It’s fine. I can’t get more pregnant.”

He chuckled. “I meant, it doesn’t hurt it?”

She shook her head. “I will show you an anatomical diagram for your peace of mind. The baby has a guestroom with the door shut.”


Her hips were moving in short jerks against his fingers. He moved from her clit and slipped and slid through her honey to move around him. He took one of her hands and pulled it down to them. She felt the thick, pulsing hardness of him inside her and her skin stretched tight to allow him in.

“What do you want, Vallu?”

“To feel you cum inside me.” Her words were a whisper as she panted. So close. She trailed her finger up and slid it around her clit until she was teetering on the edge.

He pulled her hand away, and she mewled in frustration. “I had something installed in case I found you again. I need you to reach back and put your hands behind my neck.”

The position arched her like a bow, and he lifted her, holding them together as he slowly moved. Each shift of position ached and tugged at her. When he finally tucked her legs up around him, she was part kneeling, part sitting on his lap, connected, and her body was tight.

“Open your eyes.”

She opened her eyes and gasped as she took in the huge mirror just a few feet away that showed how slutty her current position was.

“Look at you, your skin all cream and roses, my cock wedged into you until I cum and the knot fades. Gorgeous.” His hands started to move under her, his manicured claws left pink stripes on her skin, and his upward pumping gave her the twinges of pain that she wanted, needed.

She gasped on a high-pitched note and then let out a wail as the hot burst of climax ran through her limbs and pooled in her belly. He angled her forward, and with rapid, small, pistoning thrusts, he howled, and his knot flexed against her, cock pulsing within.

He licked at the back of her neck, and she shivered, knowing what was coming. His bite was slow and dainty. He growled, and she whimpered, another wave of aftershocks milking him at the small prickle of pain that became a delightfully hot throbbing as he held his grip.

She met his gaze in the mirror, and she knew why he had put it in. He wanted to see her face, but he was in a hurry, and taking her from behind was always the easier entry.

She tried to move, but he growled, and his grip tightened. Her eyes fluttered, and she relaxed completely under him, surrendering. When she was relaxed, she felt his cock shift, and he throbbed again, swelling to fit her. Total submission seemed to be one of his turn-ons. He rocked into her with his teeth still in the skin at the base of her neck, and he went into the hard-punching thrusts that yanked at her opening, and she moved a hand between her and the sheets. Her orgasm took a few minutes to coax out of her, but she groaned and clenched the bedding with her free hand. He growled and thrust into her, holding himself in place as his knot swelled further to wedge himself into her and keep the cum inside.

She panted.

He panted and licked the mark he had made at the back of her neck. He slid a hand under her and cupped her belly with his palm. She teared up at the sweetness of it then smiled at the idea of being fucked into jelly by an active with a canine manifestation. She needed to get out more.

It took fifteen minutes before his knot let him pull out and away from her. He draped himself across her and curled up, tucking her against him. He leaned up and leaned down to kiss her. When he raised his head, he smiled. “A baby. My mother is delighted. As you know, she has been setting me up with debutants for years.”

“And you have been running them off because you have a criminal empire to run.”

He shrugged. “It is more just banking for folks cheating on their taxes now. During our association, I began to detect some unhappiness with the blood and gore. So, now it has become some light smuggling just to keep my hand in and a bit of hired killing. That is carried out by contractors. Can you live with that?”

“How much do I have to associate with them?”

He shrugged. “A cocktail party every two months and the occasional dinner.”

She swallowed. “You... isn’t that a spouse’s role?”

“Usually, but there is nothing usual about you.” He kissed her shoulder and licked the marks he had left. They weren’t healing yet.

She shivered.

“Don’t worry. I am expecting you to run.”

A chill went down her spine. “You are?”

“Of course. Prey always runs.” He chuckled. “Don’t worry. I will find you. I have never missed a target.”

She swallowed. “What?”

“You need to go see your niece on Thursday. Why?”

“Her mother died of cancer two years ago. I helped my brother through that, pay off the bills, and kept my niece knowing that her mom loved her, her dad loves her, and I will always be there for her. She helped design the mural that Three created.”

“I don’t like you hanging around with men whose business is sex.”

She snorted. “Up until a few months ago, it was my business, too. He’s a friend, and I would never have touched him if there hadn’t been a patron request in place.” She stroked his arm. “He has never been anything but polite and a friend when we weren’t masked up.”

“When you were masked up?”


He tightened his arm around her. “No.”

She laughed. “He’s good. Well studied, well-practiced, we were able to perform for the patron as requested.”

“Thank you for the phrasing. Is it likely that I will know any of your previous patrons?”

“A few of them, though I hope you haven’t met them. We go on early dates with the teams. They get laid, and we get to have sex with someone who could easily kill us but is legally obligated to save our lives. It is a weird threat-safety combination.”

“Hmm. Who were the majority of your clients?”

“They were all scent-sensitive. Apparently, I smell good.”

He inhaled and nuzzled her shoulder, licking and nipping softly. “You really do.”

She hummed happily. “So, is your mother planning to kill me the moment the baby is born?”

He chuckled. “No, she liked you even as an escort. You never tried to be artificially cute or manipulate me into spending money on you.”

“You paid enough just to play table tennis with me.”

He grinned. “Naked table tennis is distracting, but it was worth every penny.”

She stroked a hand down his arm. “I would like you to stick to crimes that won’t get you into supermax. Is that possible?”

He paused. “You don’t want me to go straight?”

She snorted. “No. When you straighten people used to working around the corners, they break. I will take a gentle bend.”

“I can flex that way. So, nothing that will get me in supermax. Hm... that still leaves a lot of leeway.”

“If you buy me anything at all, I would like it to come from an account with legitimate and traceable sources. If you do get busted for anything, I don’t want me or the baby to be left out in the cold because of it.”

He paused. “What are we negotiating?”

“A relationship of semi-cohabitation for us, unless you want me living in the city and you can just request my presence now or then. In that case, I would be a mistress. That is a more expensive option for you.”

“Is it?”

“Oh, sure. Bodyguards, clothes, transport so I can bring the baby to see you. Tranquillizers for Lady Daycross when she wants to see her grandkid and I have it at the beach?”

He snorted. “That does seem rather pricey. It is hard to sedate my mother. She has a robust constitution. The cost would be extensive.”

“Right. So, I have to go into the city twice a week to spend time with my niece. Non-negotiable.”

“What do you do with her, and how old is she?”

“She’s nine. We go to the park, and now, we have started going to the gym together.”

“The gym? What do you do there?”

“Kickboxing. Her parents were both actives, so it is likely that she will activate, and if she does, it is better that she has a grip on her body and what her normal feels like than get caught trying to balance a body that she has no idea about.”

You do it?” Etgar was astonished.

“Sure. It’s what keeps my butt so perky.”

He moved his hand over her flank and up to her ass. “It definitely has a nicely toned structure.” He squeezed. “And it feels excellent.”

She laughed. “I just use it to burn off energy, and since I have been doing it for four years, my doctor said I could continue as long as I don’t let anyone actually punch me.”

“Some of my guys box. They can help you train, and if your niece comes here, then neither of you would be endangered.”

Vallu snorted. “You would have to get authorization from my brother for that, and it isn’t likely that he will agree.” She turned in his arms to face him. “That probably isn’t going to happen, so I am going to her.”

“Well, there is going to be a bit of a fuss. I will need to assemble a unit of bodyguards for you, and they need to be more attentive than the ones that were with me today.”

“Yeah, that was odd. By any chance, did you tell them to fuck off and you would be back in a minute?”

He grumbled. “I might have.”

“Do you know who shot at you?”

He growled. “Yes. I knew before you finished changing and returned to me.”

“What are you going to do about it?”

He grinned. “Me? I am going to enjoy an evening with my mate and make an appointment to meet with her brother so that I can make sure she maintains her connection to her niece.” He slid a hand down her back and pulled her hard against him. “And then, I am going to fuck her again until she remembers what she has missed, and I am less irritated about searching for her.”

She swallowed. “Searching?”

“I have had my men looking for you. Zera has refused to part with your location or name, and now, I know you are Vallu, and you are here in my arms. You have no idea how content this makes me.”

She looked down at his erection, and she felt the cum slowly easing out of her. “I have an idea of what you are feeling. I am feeling sticky.” She moved her thighs. “Really sticky. How backed up were you? That felt like half a litre. Are you dehydrated? Do you need a sports drink?”

He growled. “I am fine. You have an odd sense of humour.”

She snorted. “Apologies for not just being a fuck doll. You might want to consider letting me stay in the city and visiting me occasionally. My sense of humour is not for the faint of heart.”

He reached between her thighs and slid his fingers through their combined juices. He brought his fingers to her lips, and she flicked her tongue out, wrapping her lips around his digits and sucking strongly. His eyes grew heavy-lidded as she looked up at him while she took in the taste of their combined cum. When his fingers were clean, she sucked each digit separately, swirling her tongue around before releasing them with a pop.

“Oooh. Fuck.” His voice rumbled as he met her gaze, then he gripped her thigh and pulled it up and over his hip. He lined his cock up with her and slid into her. She gasped, staring up into his gold eyes as his handhold on her leg kept her open for him to rock inside her.

He kissed her, and she held his head as they moved together until he shoved his hips against her, locked inside her, and she moaned as she came, tightening on his knot and squeezing it. He jetted into her and growled as he nuzzled along her neck and bit over the spot he had previously marked her.

She moaned, he growled, and they remained together until the knot resumed its normal thick dimension, and he released her neck and kissed her softly, running his hand down her spine. They lay together, kissing and stroking until the knock on the door announced their snacks.

Etgar slipped out of her, gave her another soft kiss, and then started slipping off the cum-stained sheets. Vallu got up and walked to the bathroom with rivulets of cum running down her inner thighs. A quick spray in the shower, and she was no longer sliding around like crazy.

She wrapped herself in his robe and held it up as she walked back into the bedroom.

“Who said you could clean up, Vallu? I like my cum sliding out of you.”

Vallu walked to where he was sitting at a small table where the meal tray was. She climbed into his lap and straddled him. “Don’t worry, there’s more. I have confidence in you.”

She slid onto his renewed erection, and then, she leaned to one side and removed the cover from the tray.

He groaned and brought her to him for a kiss. “You aren’t a tease.”

“No, Sir. I deliver what I promise. I just can’t enjoy the friction with so much of you already running out of me.”

His tail wagged, and he kissed her. They got to the tray eventually, but the bots hadn’t finished fixing the bed, so they had to defile other furniture, the shower, the wall. When they got ready for dinner, her legs were wobbling, and Etgar was exuding smug calm.

Vallu clung to his arm out of necessity, and they headed down to face his mother after three hours of rutting. That wasn’t embarrassing at all.