I Dated a Mob Wolf by Viola Grace

Chapter Five

Deep-throating an ice cream cone was hilarious. Not only was Etgar staring, but a group of gentlemen with motorcycles were staring at her. They offered her rides if she would repeat the gesture on something warmer. She put her hand on a growling Etgar. She winked up at him and turned to the others, triggering her eyes. “Sorry. I don’t fuck humans.” She let her teeth descend. “I haven’t tasted one, though.”

She turned and gave Etgar a toothy grin as the men took off on their bikes. “Tho, how bad is the lithp?”

He grinned. “Pretty bad. It’s okay. You can practice. Ready to go home?”

“Yes, we can go back to your mom’s house.”

“It’s my house. My mom just acts as my hostess because I don’t have another one, and it’s convenient. She knows all those who did business with my father.”

“He’s dead?”

“He’s in jail. Supermax.”

She winced. “Oh. See? It sucks, so you have to be careful.”

“What would you suggest?”

She grinned as they walked. “Why not acquisitions? Two of the guests tonight specialize in exotic minerals, and they are useful in biotech. You could make some inroads into the biotech field. Gain testing rights to some new items.”

“How would that benefit me?”

“Biotech is customized and implanted; once it is in, it doesn’t come out. The next gen might be better, but the first gen still exists, and they can be hired.”

“Brokering actives with enhancements is a barely legal but nice and shady occupation. I mean, if you were wanting to slow down a bit when you are a dad.”

“Nice and shady?” He smacked her with his tail.

She grabbed it and wrapped it around her, running her fingers through the fluff. She smiled and leaned against him. “I missed the fluff.”

“It is fur. Dramatic and well-groomed fur.” He tickled her nose with the tip of his fluffy tail.

“Fluff. Delightful to touch fluff. Aside from your eyes and your southern extremity, the fluff is my favourite part of you. It makes rubbing up against you absolutely delightful.”

He growled and squeezed her as they walked to his house, down the drive, past the bemused guards, and into the house. The guests were still around the table, and the scent of alcohol stopped her in her tracks. “Uh, I am heading upstairs if you don’t mind unless you want to see that ice cream cone in reverse.”

“Go ahead. I will be up in an hour.”

“Excellent. I will be asleep.” She blew him a kiss and scampered up the steps.

She went to their room, closed the door, removed her shoes, and called Zera.

Vallu, speak of the devil. I was just talking about you. How goes the pregnancy?

“Pretty good. Under control, I think. I just wanted to let you know that I have been removed from town... if it comes up.”

Zera raised her eyebrows. “Really? Where are you?

“With my last patron. We... uh... connected in town, he got riddled with bullets, and I did what I do. When I looked up, we were on the ferry to the island. So, now, I am here.”

Are you safe? Comfortable?

“Sore.” She chuckled. “Pleasantly so. So, what is Arcady up to?”

She now has her scientist as her primary patron. Tycho and Corianne have also taken a shine to her. So, they are rapidly locking into a steady triad.

“Oh, wow. Now for the reason for the call... can you find out who shot Etgar today? I really need to know, so just a name would help.”

You want me to abuse my clearance?

“Yes, please, ma’am.” She batted her lashes. “I promise to make it up to you.”

Zera’s eyes gleamed for a moment, and then, she sighed. “You don’t owe me. You have done plenty for me since BDC got off the ground. Add to that, you are pregnant. I don’t want you stressing yourself. I will find him. I have a new seer that wants a workout.

“Excellent.” Vallu explained where and when the attack occurred so that it was easier to find.

Zera took the details and said, “Leave it to me.

“Yeah, I would have paid closer attention, but they tagged me, too. It’s healing slowly, but it is healing.”

Zera was suddenly outraged. “They shot you? Pregnant you? Oh, I will have that name in two hours.

Vallu smiled. “I am fine.”

Yes, but they fired blindly into a crowd. You are just lucky that Etgar took most of the damage.

“There was no way around it. He put himself between me and the bullets.”

That’s good to know. He goes onto my holiday card list.” Zera nodded. “The name will be waiting for you when you wake up.

“Do I look that ragged?”

No, I just know it is past your bedtime regimen. Go sleep. Rest. Revenge can wait until the morning.

“Yes, Ma’am.” She paused. “Thanks, Zera. This feels like a task I need to complete.”

Then I will help. Talk to you tomorrow.”

“Yup. Hugs to Torun.”

A voice rumbled from the background. “I thought this was my time, and I must share her with all of you.

“Then, you shouldn’t have outed her and made it nearly impossible to do her job, shouldn’t you. Geez, Torun. You just don’t think ahead.”

He sat up and glared then beamed. “Five! How goes the stolen pregnancy?

“It wasn’t stolen; it was stealthed.”

How was it that you were able to achieve what so many others seek in vain?

She held up her free hand. “Magic fingers.”

He grinned. “I do recall. A nice mouth as well.

She laughed. “That was then. I think it would take nerve to try it now.” She grinned, and her fangs descended.

Oh, that just adds a texture. Of course, you might chip a tooth.

Zera put her face back in the centre of the screen, and she grinned. “Now that his brain is on blowjobs, I am going to have to remind him that you are no longer in my employ and, therefore, no longer accessible.

Torun grinned and winked at Vallu. “Another time, perhaps.

A growl sounded, and Etgar pulled her wrist to him so he could glare at the planet’s most powerful hero. “I am assuming that you were a client, but now, she is carrying my child, and I am trying to engage in a courtship of sorts.”

She smiled and popped her head in. “Talk to you later, Zera. Bye, Torun. Ask her nicely.”

There was laughter, and the call cut off.

She looked up at Etgar and yawned as she tried to edge past him and into the bathroom. “Um, gotta brush my teeth.”

He was waiting for her when she exited the bathroom, and his tail wasn’t wagging.

“You were flirting with Torun?”

“Just a little bit. He was one of my practice dummies when I was in training.” She bit her lip and went to the wardrobe. “He had to put up with a lot.”

“What kind of training... exactly?”

“Um, blowjobs. I also went down on Zera, but you don’t seem as bent out of shape for that.”

“It is different.”

“Yeah. Really different.” She found a nightgown and pulled it out, sliding out of her dress and then pulling on the lace and silk. “The topography is startling.”

He looked at her, shook his head, and pulled the gown up and over her head. “We can leave this at the foot of the bed.”

She looked at him and blinked owlishly as the fabric slipped away. “I was wearing that.”

“Get in bed. I will join you in a minute.” He tapped her nose with a finger.

She took the nightgown and left it at the foot of the bed, on the bench there. When she turned back, he was in the bathroom, so she shrugged and climbed into bed. The sheets were clean and had no traces of the earlier activities on them. Pity. She missed the scent.

Etgar came out of the bathroom with his clothing over his arm, and it all slid into the cleaning chute. He was naked, and she looked at him with her head propped on her fist and watched the broad shoulders, narrow hips, and slowly wagging tail approach her.

He nodded to the bed. “That’s my side.”

She harumphed and moved to the other side. “Fine. Be that way.”

He chuckled and slid into the warm spot that she had made with her body.

She folded down the duvet and looked at him. “You let me sleep on the other side when I stayed the last time.”

He snorted. “You bit me when I tried to move you, so I just wrapped myself around you.”

She tried to remember the lust-induced haze, but she only remembered the bursts of pleasure and the hunger for more. “Ah, sorry about that. You are the only one I have been able to play with while I was in heat, and I went a little crazier than normal.”

“You have called it that before. Why do you refer to it as playing?” He grabbed her and slowly pulled her against him.

“Because it is a booked event, and life resumes afterward. It also keeps the escorts from being mired in guilt and social disapproval if we can keep it anchored that we are going to play with people, have fun, and then go home. There is even an element of fancy dress in the project. It adds to the unreality of what we do. We also don’t want to get obsessed with clients. If they get fixated on us, Zera deals with them, but if we start pining away, it can lead to depression. So we keep it light, and we go to play. We then return to base, change, and go home again in a nice, safe transport. In the morning, back to the day job.”

Her body was pressed against his, and his tail moved around so that it was rubbing against her back. Her fingers moved to stroke his tail, and she dug her fingers into the fluff. She squirmed against him and rubbed her nose in the soft, silky fur of his neck.

“Are you sleepy, baby girl?” He ran his hand down her back and rubbed over her tailbone.

Her hips squirmed against his erection. She started to move against him slowly, and his tail brushed between her thighs.

She answered him honestly. “Yes, but I still want you. Something slow?”

His eyes hooded in desire. “I think I can manage that.”

He leaned down and held her head as he licked at her lips and then kissed her. She stroked the broad shoulders and planes of his chest, moving her hands downward until she was wrapped around his erection and stroking lightly.

He gently pulled her hands away. “Don’t do that if you want slow. I need to make sure you are ready.”

She frowned, and he pinned her hands behind her back while he reached between her thighs. He shook. “So hot, so wet. How?”

She nuzzled at his neck. “It is twenty feet that you covered between here and the bathroom, and you are really pretty in the moonlight.”

He looked slightly embarrassed. “You aren’t just like that for any man in your company?”

She looked at him seriously. “You are my ma—my chosen partner. I have had others, but you are the one I choose. I will continue to choose you as far as time permits. You fathered my baby because I chose you.” She slid her leg along his hip, widening his access. “If you just want to cuddle or sleep, that is fine, too. I can’t do much without you.”

He moved and lined his erection up with her entrance. “That won’t do. Let’s see if I can do slow.”

He slid into her, and when the thick bulge in the centre of his cock stopped him from proceeding, he retreated and began a teasing shallow thrust.

She groaned and arched against him, rubbing her nipples against his chest. He bent nearly double and started to lick and suck at her breasts while his hips kept up the light penetration.

With the stimulation of her breasts, he slid in farther and rocked up and into her with increasing ferocity. He rolled so that he was on his back, and she was astride him with her arms still held in one of his hands, he pumped upward, and she ground downward; her first orgasm struck when his knot started to stretch her on the way in. She whined and shuddered as she leaned back, and her sex clenched and fluttered around his cock.

He paused and shuddered under her. He groaned. “Vallu.”

She licked her lips slowly. “Yes?”

“I am going to move us around. I want to sleep inside you if you don’t mind.”

She shuddered. “Mmkay.”

“I will let your hands go, but don’t do anything. I will arrange you so that I don’t cum on your back. Okay?”

She nodded slowly. “Got it.”

It happened in seconds. He pulled out of her, pulled her down next to him, pushed her right leg forward, and slid into her again. She sighed in relief when he was back where she wanted him. She pulled her leg nearly to her chest, and he groaned as it gave him better access and tightened her around his cock.

He grunted and started to rock into her, going deeper with every thrust until he was jarring her with every movement, and she cupped her own breasts to minimize the jiggle.

Her body gleamed with sweat, and he started to lick at the back of her neck with increasing ferocity until he growled low and bit the healing marks on her neck. She arched against him, and his knot locked in a moment before he growled, and she felt the pumping inside her once again. It took her with him.

She gasped silently and leaned back against him, panting as he slowly caressed her breasts and belly.

“Sorry, that was as slow as I can go.” He kissed her neck.

She turned her head to him. “It was lovely. Now, move your hips slowly and just think about waking up with me every morning. Let me know how it feels.”

He chuckled. “Hot, soft, slick... peaceful.”

She nodded. “I am glad I picked you.”

He slid his hand over her belly. “I am glad you did, too.” His hips kept moving against hers, and the slow, slippery contact gradually built their arousal until he shuddered without being tied into her by the knot.

He exhaled slowly. “That was new.”

She chuckled and arched her breasts into his hands. She slid her fingers over her belly and stroked her clit. The nub was hard, slippery, and when his fingers moved over hers and pushed her hand aside, she was shuddering against and around him in under two minutes.

He chuckled. “That was a nice way to unwind. Can we do it again tomorrow night?”

She sighed. “I suppose, but I may be feeling aggressive tomorrow night. One never knows, and I do know that my arousal might fluctuate throughout the pregnancy. I don’t want you to lose face if I drag you out of a meeting by your tie.”

He kissed her ear. “Is there a possibility of that?”

“There is a possibility of me taking you in your chair. These hormones are nearly as bad as my heats, but I have a bit more control. I am more analytical in how to get what I want rather than begging for it.”

“We will deal with it, but your wanting me can never be embarrassing.” He cocked his head, and she could hear him thinking. “Would you really jump me while I was in a meeting? You wouldn’t mind luring me away?”

“I would not mind. I have done sex in public a few times. It does not bother me much. With hormones riding me, it would bother me less.”

He chuckled. “You have just handed me a way to get away from the endless tea parties my mother has been holding to find me a wife. I will certainly take advantage of your condition to my benefit.”

She smiled and rested in his arms as the fatigue of the day washed over her. He was wrapped around her and inside her, keeping most of his cum inside. There was no reason for that, she had already taken all she could, and it had done its work.

She slept in his arms, and it was a very nice way to spend an evening.