King’s Temptation by Piper Stone

Chapter 12

“Unrequited love does not die; it’s only beaten down to a secret place where it hides curled and wounded.” — Elle Newmark


There were times in my childhood that I wanted nothing more than to spend hours in my beautiful playroom, allowing my imagination to take me away from the family that I adored, yet a father I often feared. It wasn’t that he was mean or abusive, or that he punished me often. That was usually left up to my mother to handle. It was that he’d never treated me like a little girl. He hadn’t been the kind of father who would joyfully bring me stuffed animals after a long day of work or sit with me to color in one of my books.

He simply acted as if I was a classy young lady capable of handling many adult conversations. It wasn’t until years later that something deep within him changed, allowing the kind of emotions I’d hungered for as a child.

By then, it was too late in my mind. I’d shunned his newfound love, acting like any spoiled teenager and young adult. While I’d known I’d hurt him tremendously, that had been the only way in my mind to handle his actions.

Or his lack of love.

What I realized after almost three days of being in a wonderful cabin with the man I’d fallen in love with was that Dimitri was exactly like my father.

Incapable of showing or sharing love.

I’d seen it. Oh, my God, I’d felt it on the night he’d finally opened up to me. With every stroke of his hand and every kiss that reeked of passion, I’d known to the tips of my toes how much he loved me. He’d taken me to new heights of pleasure, learning every nuance of my body, pushing me to the extreme moments of sheer ecstasy. I’d lost count of how many times I’d orgasmed, finally melting into his arms as he held me close.

He’d even stayed a good portion of the night, or at least I’d thought so. When I’d awakened, he’d been gone. I’d found him slumbering on the couch, his gun placed on the coffee table. Dax had joined him, sleeping by his feet. The moment had been surreal.

As if we were enjoying a romantic getaway.

As if there were no dangers to harm us.

And as if the time spent together could go on forever.

I’d been so happy, joy bursting within me. I’d wanted the amazing moment to last, even though somewhere in the back of my mind I’d known better. We were nothing but a tragic story that would have a horrible end.

Sighing, I brushed hair from my face, enjoying the few minutes outside before twilight settled in. We were both restless, uncertain of what we were supposed to do or say around each other. But he remained the constant guard, ensuring my safety while keeping his distance.

There’d been no soldiers attempting to take me away, no sign of them anywhere, at least according to Nick and Marko. But that didn’t mean that Dimitri hadn’t remained on edge, his weapon never far away.

Dax romped on the sand, darting into the water every few seconds. He adored being here, the river and the atmosphere exactly what he needed. I did as well.

I walked closer to the water, enjoying the last rays of sunlight. I’d never felt a sense of danger while being here, but anxiety continued to build. There was a ticking timebomb all around us, the understanding that within seconds, the serenity I’d experienced could come to a crashing halt.

“I spoke with Cristiano,” Dimitri said almost casually from behind me. He’d done so every day, checking on the status of Antonio’s actions. I was shocked I hadn’t noticed his approach. Perhaps I’d become too absorbed in my bout of emotional despair to allow my senses to take over.

“And what did my illustrious brother have to say today?”

When he said nothing for a few seconds, I finally turned to face him. The rugged Russian appeared almost the same as he had every day. Tight jeans and an even more body-conforming tee shirt that couldn’t hide his sculpted muscles. I’d seen his tattoos now dozens of times, but I couldn’t help but stare at his arms, studying the vibrant dark colors covering almost every inch. The figures drew me in, the eyes of the various chilling art telling a story.

One of anger.

One of agony.

I knew there were a hundred stories about why he’d chosen the creatures, but I didn’t dare ask him. The question seemed far too personal even after everything we’d been through. After a few seconds, I realized that he had what appeared to be a picnic basket in his hand. That couldn’t have shocked me anymore than if he’d told me aliens were prepared to invade the United States.

Food had mostly been perfunctory, eating to survive. I wasn’t entirely certain I’d even tasted much of it, although I’d eaten in order to maintain the peace.

And so he wouldn’t grow angry, spanking me for misbehaving again.

I slowly lowered my gaze to what he held in his hand then back to his face. The moment was awkward, his stone-cold eyes matching his clenched jaw. “What did he say?” I repeated, loathing the croaking sound in my voice.

He walked closer, although still remaining a full foot away. Our tumultuous relationship, if I could even call what we’d experienced one, continued to keep a full barrier between us. Guilt regarding Natasha was never far from his mind.

“While there are constant rumblings in the street, he and your brothers managed to drag in a few of Antonio’s associates. They are aware of what he’s planning.” His statement was calm and frank, just like the man himself.

“Which means?”

“Which means Antonio is planning an attack, but not in the immediate future. He’s laying the groundwork.”

I shook my head, inhaling the sharp scent of the river water. “What does that mean for me?”

As he took another step closer, I was able to gather a hint of his intoxicating aftershave, the slight citrus fragrance lingering all around me. I was forced to look away, forbidding my body of betraying me for the umpteenth time. I had no business pretending that we were anything but a fabulous fling.

“It means that you won’t be kept here, although there will be additional rules put into play.”

A snort came out of my mouth before I could stop it. “That means I’m going to be put on lockdown. Perfect. I don’t have my gallery and I won’t have a life. Why should I want to return?”

“Because the mess will be over soon enough.” Dimitri inched closer, easing the basket-like container onto the small wooden table.

There was no reason for me to quiver yet I did, struggling with my emotions as I’d done the entire time. “The mess. You speak of it casually when you and I know it’s going to be an outright war.”

“That may be true, Angelique, but you do deserve a life.” His words were like smooth velvet sliding across every inch of my naked body.

Another shiver shifted down my spine. “Yes, I do. Maybe I could stay here.”

Sighing, he flanked my side, standing just close enough I could feel the electricity surging between us. “I’d like that.”

“Would you? I can’t tell the majority of the time what you’re thinking or feeling.”

“It doesn’t matter what I want or like. It’s what is necessary. If all goes well, we will be returning to New Orleans tomorrow.”

“What exactly does that mean?” I asked in a demanding tone. I was finished with being some kind of pawn.

Even if Dimitri was involved.

He finally laughed, although the sound was hollow. “That means if Antonio doesn’t make a move on your family’s empire, which he has been warned in no uncertain terms wouldn’t be in his best interest.” I could tell he was itching to get back to the city, exacting his own form of revenge against the asshole who’d forced him into this position.

“Fine.” I glanced down at the basket again, feeling more uncomfortable around him than I had in a long time. “You don’t seem happy with his decision.”

“It’s not my place to second guess, Angelique, but no, I’m not. The closer you are to the Azzurris’ hold, the more likely it is that he’s going to find a way of taking you.”

“But you won’t allow that to happen.”

A smile curled on his face. “No. I will not.”

Another cold shiver rushed into my system. For a few seconds, his eyes turned almost midnight black, his entire expression one of fury. I took a deep breath, forcing myself to shift my mind to another place.

“What is that?”

An actual real smile crossed his face, which I’d witnessed only a handful of times. He seemed more relaxed, which shocked the hell out of me. When he opened the lid, pulling out a bottle of wine and two glasses, I couldn’t have been more confused. Up to this point, he’d basically instructed me to stay inside whenever possible, watching over me like some hawk even when I allowed Dax to play outside for a few minutes. Why the change?

He seemed to notice my confusion, laughing once again. “You can relax. Vincenzo has almost a dozen soldiers watching the main road, searching for anyone associated with Azzurri.”

“Goody for my brother.”

The look his gave me was one of disdain, but he didn’t bother retorting, instead opening the wine and pouring two glasses. I watched him intently, my mind drifting into all the naughty places it had before.

The first time I’d seen him, I’d called him sexy, receiving admonishment from my parents.

The second time I’d told him I hated him, for no particular reason other than being an impetuous seventeen-year-old.

The third I hadn’t said a word at all, but that was the moment our eyes had locked from across the room. For a few seconds, there’d been no one else but the two of us. I’d never had that kind of reaction before, but even then, I’d known that I could never fall in love with a brutal, dangerous soldier.

I’d shoved aside my thoughts for years, pretending that he was just another monster shifting his alliance to my brother. Flirting with him had been more about acting out, refusing to care about his feelings or anyone else’s for that matter.

Maybe I was trying to fool myself now, but when he handed me one of the glasses, there was no denying the attraction the second our fingers touched. I was thrown into an instant haze, only able to hear the hard beating of my heart.

Dimitri was the one to pull away, although at least he remained close, easing onto one of the chairs and turning his attention to the water. “I brought some cheese and fruit, crackers and bread. I thought you’d like something different for a change.”

I purposely avoided him, moving to the edge of the dock and sitting down, crossing my legs. The stars were already twinkling in the sky, the moon cresting over the horizon, but the vivid colors of the last strings of sunlight were stunning. I concentrated on the view instead of engaging in any further conversation. I would need to make some difficult decisions, ones I’d avoided my entire adult life. If the event at the gallery didn’t solidify the need, nothing would.

As I leaned back with one hand, I shifted my attention to Dax, able to at least enjoy the way he continued to race from one side of the yard to the other before heading to the water’s edge. He was one happy dog.

I took a sip of wine, finally able to enjoy the flavor. Why not? Tomorrow I’d be brought back to my life, only one that I no longer recognized.

“Did you ever have any dreams in your life?” I asked, realizing that getting an honest answer was likely an impossibility.

As expected, he remained quiet.

Then he cleared his throat.

“Doesn’t everyone?” he asked. “When I was a kid, I wanted to be a doctor. That was before I was lured into another life.”

“If you had the chance, would you change your mind?”

“The truth is there was no other choice for a boy like me. We were just too poor and I wasn’t the best student. However, don’t worry about me. I live a good life now.”

I twisted until I was able to see his face. “Do you? Do you actually get to enjoy the money you make?”

He leaned forward in his seat, moving the wineglass from one hand to the other. “I already told you. I’m appreciative of what I have. There is no going back, Angelique. I do what I can to soothe the demons.”

“What happened to your parents?”

Shaking his head, he stared off into the water. “My father died, my mother refusing to visit me in prison. When I was released, I found out she’d left the area with no mention to anyone about where she was going. That’s just the way it is.”

“How sad.”

“That much I’ve come to terms with. They turned their back on me long before. That was their decision.”

“And I’m certain it was difficult.”

“Don’t take what you share with your family to be the way with every family. That’s just not the case.”

Exhaling, I realized his family was just another subject he didn’t want to talk about. “Well, I hope you can make a family of your own in the way you desire.”

A full five seconds passed.


“That’s exactly what I’ve always wanted.”

There was such a haunted tone in his voice that I honestly had no idea what to say to him. I took another sip of wine then crawled onto my knees, inching closer to the basket. I gave him a seductive look before opening it and peering inside. The fact he’d put together the goodies was likely the most romantic thing he’d ever done in his life. I snagged a grape, immediately popping it into my mouth, aware that Dimitri was watching me as always.

I snacked on another before pulling a block of cheese into my hand. After placing my glass on the deck, I slowly unwrapped the plastic. Within seconds, Dax jumped on the dock, his big fluffy tail wagging. All I could do was laugh as I pulled off a chunk with my fingers. “Here you go, boy. You’ve been very good.” After feeding him the bite, I tugged off a chunk for myself. Then another for Dax.

And all the while, Dimitri’s eyes never left me although there was a significant change in them. He was hungry.

No, he was famished.

I bit into another grape, realizing I was enjoying the setting as well as the menu. Dax continued to nuzzle against me, begging for another piece of cheese. Of course I gave in, pressing kisses against his muzzle after doing so. When something else finally caught his attention, I returned mine to the brooding Russian.

“You’re not eating.” There was no hiding the lust in my voice.

When he didn’t respond, I pulled three grapes into my hand, crawling closer. He lifted a single eyebrow, but at least there was a mischievous glint in his eyes.

I rose onto my knees, sliding one of the grapes around his lips. My breath skipped, my heart racing as I waited to see what he would do.

He slowly opened his mouth, allowing me to slide the piece of fruit inside. As he started to chew, he seemed so damn concentrated on what he was doing. I resisted a stupid girlie giggle before forcing him to accept another.

“I can tell you’re hungry,” I murmured.

After taking a swallow of his wine, he placed the glass on the dock. “You’re right. I am.” When he dropped to the surface, I held my breath. “Just not for the kind of food you’re thinking of.” He shot Dax a look, issuing a stern command in Russian. “Lozhis’, mal’chik.”

I was shocked that Dax instantly responded, moving off the dock and into the grass, lying down instantly. “What did you say to him?”

“I told him to go lie down.” The tone of his voice was gravelly and sexy, his words little more than whispered. The way he was looking at me told me in no uncertain terms he was going to devour me.

Dropping the cheese, I shifted backward as he crawled toward me, every synapse on fire.

“Then what kind of food?” I think I asked, although I wasn’t entirely certain.

When I neared the edge of the dock, I shivered to my core from the way he dragged his tongue across his lips.

“Lie down,” he commanded.


“Don’t make me have to tell you twice.”

Swallowing, a lump remained in my stomach as I obeyed him, folding my arms over my chest. He moved over me, tilting his head as he studied my face. The way he used just the tip of his index finger, sliding it across my forehead then down the bridge of my nose, continuing to circle my lips then easing down between my breasts was exciting, leaving me with goosebumps forming across both arms.

He concentrated on what he was doing, brushing the single finger all the way down my chest and stomach. Then he flashed me the most dark and dangerous glance to date. There was no doubt what he had in mind.

Devouring me.

I took shallow breaths as his actions grew rougher, yanking the single skirt I’d brought with me down the length of my legs, ripping off the thin material as if it was nothing. When he rolled the fabric of my panties past my hips, there was no possibility of holding back a moan. I couldn’t stop shaking as he yanked them completely off. The way the light breeze rolled across my heated body made me feel more naked than ever before.

The rugged man wasted no time, lifting and spreading my legs wide open. As he slipped his finger across the folds of my pussy, I let out a strangled whimper. The wafting scent of my raging desire mixed with the musky odor of his testosterone. This was nothing but pure, delicious sin.

A nervous laugh pulsed past my lips as he teased me, circling the same finger around my clit. I bucked both from nervousness as well as the dazzling sensations that hit hard. I stared at the darkening sky, trying to concentrate on the stars but when he slid the same finger deep inside, I shot up, slapping my hands on the decking. “Oh… my.”

The look on his face was ravenous and as he held up his finger for me to see, even in the dim lighting, I could tell how slick it was.

“Watch me, beautiful flower.” His command was laced with the same kind of husky vibe that had always threatened to melt me into the ground.

I did as I was told, my mind in a slight fog as he slipped his finger inside his mouth, suckling with vigor. He took his time savoring the taste, his guttural sounds indicating just how much. Then he took a deep breath, his nostrils flaring as he leaned over once again.

“I can’t wait to feast on my prize.”

I closed my eyes briefly until I felt a sharp snap of his fingers against my pussy.

“Watch me, krasivaya zhenshchina,” he murmured, although his words weren’t a request. They were a demand.

Taking quick breaths, the way he held me down was so controlling. When he placed his hot mouth on my slickness, I couldn’t hold back several scattered moans. I was so sensitive, aching to have him lick me.

But he continued to take his damn sweet time, tormenting me with his ability to hold back as well as the way he flicked his tongue across my clit several times. The few men I’d had in my life had never understood a woman’s needs. But this man, this brutal man was driving me to the point of climaxing with only a whispered touch.

I found it difficult to breathe at all after several seconds, the fog thickening over my eyes. The pleasure was intense, pushing every boundary. While he continued to pin down my legs, he didn’t need to. I wanted to remain wide open to him, sating his hunger. When he began to lick me in earnest, using his long, sweeping tongue in unimaginable ways, I tossed my head from side to side.

Dimitri knew exactly what he was doing, driving me to the very edge of a climax then pulling back.

Just like the way he’d driven me to the brink of insanity with his gorgeous, thick cock.

Panting, I realized I’d been holding my breath as he buried his head between my legs, slowly licking up and down as if devouring an ice cream cone. The goosebumps were now covering every inch of my body and the way my heart hammered against my chest was almost terrifying. I moaned and whimpered as he slipped a single finger into my tight channel, wiggling the long digit in a teasing manner.

“You’re… so… mean,” I managed, receiving a husky growl as an answer. As he plunged his tongue deep inside, I jerked up again, forced to slap a hand over my mouth to keep from screaming. He never asked me what I liked because a man like Dimitri Kristoff didn’t need to ask. He knew.

And he took what he wanted.

Still lightheaded, there was no possible way of stopping the orgasm as it swept into my system. “Oh, no. Oh. My. I…”

“Let it go, baby. Come.”

His husky tone washed over me, adding another stunning array of vibrations. As he drove two more fingers inside, thrusting them with wild abandon, I clawed the deck and lost it. The eruption was powerful, making every part of my body sensitive as hell.

But he refused to stop licking, drinking in my juice as he made primal sounds, the beast inside of him rushing to the surface. He held me down, his fingers digging into me, keeping me from moving a single inch. The man had me where he wanted to and he wasn’t going to let me go until he was ready.

He spread me even wider, still laving my cream, slowing his actions once I stopped shaking like a tossed ragdoll, but within seconds, he started to lick me with more vigor once again.

“Oh, God. Sensitive. I can’t handle… it.”

“Yes. You. Can.”

I wanted to call him a series of ugly names, but instead I was laughing then moaning, a giant bolt of current sending me to the stratosphere. Another orgasm slammed into me, this one even more mind-blowing than the one before. How could man know exactly how to give a woman such incredible ecstasy?

My body continued to shake, my toes curling from the intensity. I wasn’t even certain if I was breathing at all. But in truth, I didn’t care. I was shoved into pure euphoria and if tomorrow never came, I was all right with that.

As soon as I stopped shaking, Dimitri pressed kisses against the inside of one thigh then the other. I thought he was going to let me go, to allow me to recover from such a perfect moment.

But I was wrong.

The brutal man had other things in mind. He dragged me closer, lifting my legs even higher.

I jerked my head up, gasping at the sight. A moment of embarrassment and shame rushed into me, but there was nothing I could do to stop him.

Not that I wanted to.

He swirled his tongue around my clit several times, growling in rapid succession as my body jerked from the increased sensitivity. The torment was delicious and bold, powerful and raw. I loved it. And I loved the man performing such a filthy act.

I wanted to scream it to the world, but I knew no one was listening.

Including Dimitri.

After biting my lower lip to keep from crying out, I fell into the sweetness of another round of ecstasy. He whispered several other words in Russian that I couldn’t understand, but I knew they were all about ravaging me. Then he slipped his thumb into my asshole and that was all I could take.

Within seconds, my body betrayed me all over again, the tidal wave yanking away my ability to make a single sound.

After I stopped shaking, he allowed me to curl on my side, crawling closer until he could whisper in my ear.

“My beautiful flower. You will always be mine.”