King’s Temptation by Piper Stone

Chapter 10



I hated them.

The blackness. The lightning.

Even the ones that occurred in the middle of the day irritated the hell out of me. Today’s brief but powerful thunderstorm was no exception. The swift deluge always brought some of the worst memories to the surface.

As rain dripped off the roof of the screened-in porch, I sat with a drink in my hand. While I had to remain alert at all times, I needed something to calm my anger. Whiskey seemed to be a damn good choice. It had been almost six months since I’d been able to spend more than a single night in the cabin. There’d been too much in the King Empire that had prevented me from doing anything else.

I had missed being here. Angelique had certainly pegged my love for the place. I’d spent not only money but time refurbishing the cabin. The size was perfect, the location secluded. Maybe I’d retire here.

Laughing, I pulled the glass to my lips, licking the rim before taking a gulp. As if a Capo in the world of Kings could retire. I’d likely end up on a cold slab before that would happen. The slight burn of the liquid as it slid down my throat felt good. A part of me wanted to tackle with extreme pain, an agonizing wave of brutality. That allowed me to feel alive.

“My beautiful flower,” I muttered, hissing after saying the words. I’d let down my guard again. I’d taken her without a single reservation in a situation that could have turned into a bloodbath. Just thinking about her brought another wave of desire, heat building in my chest as my cock pressed against my jeans.

She was infuriating and disobedient, arrogant and an absolute princess. She was also living in a gilded cage, one that had never allowed her decent freedoms. But she was also genuine and kind, loving and passionate. All the things I’d loved to find.

I’d made the obligatory call to Cristiano, knowing his anger would only increase. However, given Antonio had dared to take to the streets when she wasn’t found, he’d widen his search area. At least we’d sent a message of our own by killing two of his men. I suspected there would be many more.

And I would enjoy every second of it.

Dax remained by my feet, enjoying the last of the recent storm, although from the darkness remaining in the clouds, I had a feeling the tumultuous weather pattern would continue. The pup certainly didn’t seem to be afraid of anything, although I was positive that he’d be extremely protective. I only hoped I wouldn’t be forced to test his power.

I closed my eyes as I sat back in the seat, trying to take a deep breath. Another wave of images rushed into my mind, forcing an instant ache in my temple. I didn’t want the memories. I couldn’t tolerate them.

But they flashed in the front of my mind.

“Dimitri,” Natasha screamed as the man dragged her away into the dark and stormy night.

I raced forward, yanking out my weapon, my heart racing. I never should have allowed her to come with me. I never should have agreed. As I heard the roar of an engine, I pushed harder, powering down the darkened streets. Lightning flashed across the sky as the thunder roared… Rain rolled into my eyes, the torrential downpour making my ability to focus even more difficult.

But there was no doubt she was going to be taken. I refused to allow that to happen. No one was going to hurt her. No one. As I closed the distance, I could see how hard she was struggling, screeching for anyone to help her.

But no one would dare risk going against the monsters who ruled the street.

No one except for me.

They had no idea what kind of wrath they would face. As I neared, I pulled my weapon into both hands. There would only be time for a single shot. I couldn’t miss.

“Natasha,” I bellowed.

She jerked her head in my direction, holding out her arms. “Help me. Please!”

Her bloodcurdling cry echoed in my ears and without thinking, I pulled the trigger again and again.


Hissing, I fisted my mouth as I roared out of the memory, blinking away the few tears that had formed. I sat up, pulling the glass to my lips, my entire body electrified from Angelique’s presence. I had difficulty taking a breath and I sensed she could tell I was distressed.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, her tone riddled with angst.

I didn’t need to look in her direction to know she was watching me like a hawk, her eyes piercing my skin, her arrival keeping me on edge.

“I’m fine. You should be resting.”

“You’re not fine. I can tell something is bothering you. Is it Antonio?”

“I assure you than neither Antonio nor his men want to fuck with me. They will die.” There was a cold chill in my words.

Sighing, she moved toward the screen, taking a look at the river. “The rain isn’t finished yet. Is it?”

“I doubt it.”

“I only hope there isn’t a hurricane in the forecast.”

Laughing, I swirled the drink before taking a sip. Maybe a second whiskey was in order. At least Nick had been able to make a supply run, providing us with food for a few days. He would stay through the night, making certain the property was secure. Marko would take over in the morning. I wasn’t worried about an attack in the daylight. I’d learned enough about Antonio’s method of operation to know he always preferred striking at night. At least his assassins would have difficulty getting past the perimeter security system. “That might not be a bad thing.”

“You’re so angry, Dimitri. You’re also unhappy. I just wish you could feel like you were able to trust me. You’ve known me since I was a young girl. I would never hurt you. Ever.”

Her words were heartfelt but given my heart had been ripped out fifteen years prior, I only felt cold inside. “It’s not about trust.”

“Then what?”

Her question was far too difficult and complicated to provide a decent answer, but I knew she’d continue pressing until I offered her some form of response. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

She turned to face me, shaking her head. “Why in God’s name would sharing a part of your life with me ever hurt me? You’re the one who’s suffering. That’s easy to see. What were you thinking about?”

I could see Natasha’s face in my mind. She was laughing. And my sister was encouraging me to open up. Yeah, I wasn’t certain I was capable of giving anything to anyone.

However, I was finally able to take a deep breath. “A memory. Nothing for you to be concerned about.” I finally shifted my gaze in Angelique’s direction. She’d poured herself a glass of wine, changing into another outfit after taking a shower. Even in the gray light of the late afternoon, her skin seemed to glisten. Her stare was as pointed as I’d thought, her long lashes skimming across her cheek, the light breeze allowing her long hair to dance across her slender shoulders.

She was far too tempting and temptations I didn’t need. Not now.

Not ever.

That would only get her killed.

“Who was she?”

“Who are you talking about?”

“The girl you lost in Russia. I heard you say her name. Natasha. Don’t lie to me. There is no doubt she was very important to you.”

“Leave it alone, Angelique.” Goddamn, the woman infuriated me. She refused to take no for an answer.

“I can’t and I won’t, especially since it’s destroying you.”

“Damn it. Why can’t you just leave it alone? You are the Kings’ angel, a prized possession. I am just the hired help in charge of protecting you, but I can’t like this.” Anger bolted through me like a knife stabbing me in the heart. I jerked up, moving toward the screened-in door.

“Don’t go. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry. And you’re not just the hired help, Dimitri. I’m so sorry I said such horrible things. You didn’t deserve that. You’ve been nothing but an amazing man and friend to my family. My entire family. I just…” Her words trailed off.

I heard her ragged breathing and fisted my hand.

“I just want to get to know more about you. Is that really so wrong?”

I slapped my hand on the doorjamb, fighting the demons furrowing inside. “You were prying. The subject is off limits.”

“Can you at least tell me why?” She put her wine on the table, her gaze more imploring than ever.

I had no answer for her except that I’d never told anyone since leaving Russia what had happened. I’d done everything in my power to shove aside my past, including the girl I’d lost because of my association with the Bratva. “Because it’s too painful to think about much less talk to anyone about what happened. There are some things that are far too difficult to face.”

I could tell she was moving in my direction. My mind told me I should push her away. The last thing I needed was any additional memories of the past, let alone allowing myself to lose control.

When she touched my arm in a gentle manner, caressing my muscles, I tensed. “I’m fine, Angelique. You can enjoy your time. We are safe for now but remain on the property.”

“No, you’re not fine. You’re hurting. Please talk to me. Maybe I can help.”

Closing my eyes, I opened the door, walking outside. Of course she’d follow me. She was so damn infuriating. “For the love of God, Angelique. Leave it alone.” I placed my glass on the railing before shaking my head.

“You might not care about me, but you certainly don’t mind fucking me. All I want to do is show you that you’re worth caring about. If I can help you do that, then I’m going to continue pushing. I usually get what I want.”

I couldn’t help but laugh bitterly as I glanced up at the sky. She had to be kidding me. She had no idea who I was, the kind of monster I’d become.

“Help? Can you stop the guilt that has been with me for fifteen years? Can you ease the pain that furrows into my gut? Can you relieve the memories of the time spent in prison?” My rage exploded in my words, biting and hateful, only my anger was directed entirely at me. “The answer is no. If you tried, every single thing that you found out about me would terrify you for the rest of your life. You were right, Angelique. I am a monster. Get that through your head, princess. That’s all I’ll ever be.” I shifted in order to face her, narrowing my eyes.

She backed away a single step, the look of defiance remaining on her face. I could also see the hurt in her eyes as she pursed her lips. She said nothing before jerking around to face the stairs, racing down them and heading for the section of woods.

“Where are you going?” I barked.

“For a damn walk. Leave me the hell alone!”

I watched her walk away for a few seconds before throwing my head back with a deep growl. What the hell did she think she was doing? “Angelique. You need to stay on the property.”

“Yeah?” she yelled as she turned around, throwing out her arms. “I don’t even have a clue where the property line is. I’m just going to walk. Who knows? Maybe I’ll find out.”

I’d seen and experienced her rebellious outbursts for years. I’d loved the fact she was a free spirit, but I couldn’t handle her ridiculous behavior any longer. As thunder rolled in the distance, she disappeared into the tree line. Snarling, I threw open the screen door, grabbing my weapon from the table then turning my head toward Dax. “Stay right here, boy. Stay.”

While he jerked to his feet, crowding the door, he remained obedient.

If only I could find a way to ensure Angelique would be the same way.

He barked several times as I raced into the woods, shocked that in a matter of seconds, she’d disappeared. Fortunately, I owned several acres around the cabin, the thick forest allowing for privacy as well as increased security. But at this point, the denseness of the trees as well as the thick underbrush allowed her to hide with ease.

There was no possible way to keep her safe.

I remained on the edge, scanning the forest. The woman needed harsher discipline, the kind of punishment that would finally enable her to understand the reality of our situation.

Stopping, I listened for any sound of her. After a few seconds, I heard a sharp crack. She was following the river. I took off running, dodging the fallen limbs. The further I ran, the darker it became. Rain had likely already started again, although the drops hadn’t made it through the thick tree canopy. I shifted closer to the water, stopping once more. There was no doubt she was only a few yards ahead of me.

I did everything I could to shove aside my frustration, but every fiber of my being was electrified, the current consuming rational thoughts. When I finally caught a glimpse of her as she raced through the woods, the carnal beast inside of me breached the surface again. I would drag her back to the house. I would tie her down. And I would never let her go.

She was my temptation.

My obsession.

The only woman I could imagine being in my life. I would risk all I was and all I had to taste her one last time.

I shot forward and when I was within ten feet, she threw a look over her shoulder as she gasped for air.

“Don’t. Just leave me alone.”

“That’s not going to happen.” I slowed at the same time she did, but I kept moving forward, scanning the surrounding area. There was no sign of any breach, but my instincts remained on high alert.

She turned to face me, continuing to take steps backward. Then she threw out her hands. “Go away, Dimitri. You’ve made yourself perfectly clear. I won’t bother or push you ever again.”

“Stop walking, Angelique. We are going back to the house.”

“I need time. I need space.”

I shook my head. “That can’t happen.”

Hissing, she darted a look toward the water, allowing me to read her mind. She was going to continue running. Where the hell did she think she was going to go? When she took another longer stride without paying any attention to where she was going, she tripped over a fallen log, landing with a hard thud on the ground.

I closed the distance within seconds, dropping to the ground. Her eyes were closed, her breathing ragged. “Jesus. Angelique. Are you hurt?” When she didn’t respond, I glanced down the length of her body. There were no obvious signs of broken bones or even a twist of her ankle, but I couldn’t risk it. “Angelique. Talk to me.”

When she finally opened her eyes, darting hers across mine, time seemed to stop as it had done several times before. Heavier rain began to fall, drops finally landing all around us.

“Are you hurt?” I asked again.

“I hate you, Dimitri. For not caring about me. For not trusting me.” She slapped me across the face, struggling to crawl away from me.

I reacted, rising to my feet and jerking her to a standing position. I grabbed both her arms, shoving her against one of the trees. “Don’t you understand anything?”

“Oh, trust me, I do.” She fought valiantly, almost managing to get out of my hold.

But I was too strong for her.

“No, you don’t.” I threw her arms over her head, holding both wrists in one hand.

“Oh, I hate you,” she hissed, twisting her body back and forth, trying her best to kick me between the legs. But I continued to hold her, gazing into her eyes. The connection was profound, the heat combustible. I had no method of resisting her.

“No, you don’t.”

“Yes, I… do.”

The moment was surreal, the kind of reality that I never thought I’d be able to taste in my life. Because I didn’t deserve a moment of happiness and especially not with such an incredible creature.

Every part of me shifted into the darkness of my hunger. I needed to possess her, every single inch.

Mine. Mine. Mine.

The words would haunt me, pushing me.

Forcing me to do vile and sadistic things to her voluptuous body.

As the rain continued to fall, I rubbed my hand along her face, brushing my thumb back and forth across her cheek, sweeping drops away. “Do you want my cock shoved inside of you? Tell me you hunger to experience our naked bodies pressed together, exploring our darkest desires.”

She twisted her mouth, slowly shaking her head. “No. No!”

I issued another raspy growl, lowering my head. “You can’t lie to me, princess. I can tell how wet you are, longing to have me fill every inch of you.”

Swallowing, she struggled in my hold, but there was no denying the chemistry between us.

“My God, woman. You are a beautiful flower, delicate and perfect.”

She took gasping breaths, dragging her tongue across her lips. And when she spoke, her whispered words were full of emotion. “There’s nothing perfect about me, Dimitri. Nothing. I’m just a woman longing for a normal life. I’m so sorry I hurt you. I’m so sorry I can’t be the woman you need.”

“Oh, lady. You’re everything I need.” And everything I couldn’t have. I crushed my body against hers, pushing my throbbing cock against her stomach.

Her lips quivered, her eyelids half closed as a single moan slipped past her lips. When she arched her back, I thought I would lose my mind from the desire racing through me, the white-hot flame of the touch overwhelming.

When I captured her mouth, she shifted back and forth, creating a wave of friction. Spots flashed in front of eyes as I crushed my body against hers. The feel of her was more spectacular than before. She was tantalizing, so damn provocative. I thrust my tongue past her lips, drinking in her sweet essence as I explored the dark recesses of her mouth. Husky growls rushed up from the depth of my being, pushing me into taking her.

Tasting her.

Fucking her.

I became a wild man, running my fingers up and down her side as I kicked her legs apart. She mewed into the kiss, continuously undulating her body, creating even more dazzling electricity. She knew exactly what she was doing to me, forcing me to break her, stripping her free of her will. The woman would surrender to my every need, no matter how harsh. I would take her in every way, exposing her to the kind of dark kink that made me feel alive.

And she would beg me for more.

The moment of intimacy was powerful. I dominated her tongue, sucking on the tip as I jerked her shirt from her shorts, sliding my hand underneath. When I cupped her breast, squeezing roughly, her body began to shake.

I finally broke the kiss with a primal growl as I eased back, shaking my head. We were both breathing rapidly, my pulse racing. I yanked her shirt over her breasts, exposing her fully aroused nipples to the pellets of rain.

“Oh,” she whispered, tilting her head toward the sky, arching her back even more.

I lowered my head, dragging my tongue across her hardened bud, enjoying the drops of rain sliding into my mouth. There was nothing sweeter than the taste of her skin. I released my hold on her wrists as I licked and nipped. She was going nowhere without my permission.

“Yes…” She tossed her head from side to side as she tangled her fingers in my hair, her chest heaving.

With another series of guttural sounds, I rolled my lips to her other breast, biting down on her nipple. Her scattered moan was a delicious reward. After a few seconds, I jerked back, ripping the shirt over her head and tossing it aside.

Her eyes were wide open, a slight smile on her face. When she shoved me with both hands, I cocked my head, giving her a stern look. While she didn’t seem to care that I was a broken man, my instinct told me that once she found out, she would do what every other woman had done before.

Protect herself against the demon.

We were nothing more than a ticking timebomb and the explosion would shatter both of us.

Laughing softly, she yanked the tee shirt over my head, pitching it besides hers then palming my chest.

I shoved her against the tree a second time, sliding my hand around her throat and squeezing. She wasn’t daunted, held no fear in her eyes, only the same seductive smile that had captured me years before. A woman like her could have any man she desired, but she continued to want a taste of the bad boy.

So be it.

“You belong to me.” My words were dark and dominant. As rain dripped down my face, slipping into my eyes, the haze created a sinful bubble around us. As if nothing could touch us.

As if nothing else mattered.

Angelique clasped my arm, the long fingers of her other hand crawling their way down to my aching cock. With a single stroke of her hand, I was shoved into oblivion, no longer capable of thinking clearly. There was nothing I needed more than shoving my shaft deep inside as I gazed into her eyes. I wanted her to see the man who’d claimed her, the beast who owned her.

And I wanted her absolute submission.

I ripped at her shorts, my actions even more savage than before. She didn’t fight me, instead pursing her lips, never blinking as I dug my fingers into her skin. I could feel her life in my hands, the sweet knowledge something I didn’t take lightly. The gorgeous woman trusted me more than she should, but the fact she did meant more to me than I could share with her.

Nothing about our passion was gentle or even loving. There would be no romance, no time taken for champagne and moonlight. There was only the animalistic need that had already consumed us both, the desire so corrupt that it was likely to drag us straight to hell. She was built for roughness, her vulnerability making her that much more desirable.

I found it impossible to keep from releasing a possessive growl.

In my former world, the one taught to me by my time spent serving the Doskolov Empire, there’d never been any hesitation at taking what I wanted. No limits had been placed on any man serving the powerful Don. We ate the most expensive food. We drank the priciest liquors.

And we fucked the most gorgeous women.

No limits.

I continued to remind myself of that fact as I gazed down the length of her magnificent body. She had a voluptuous mouth made for sucking, long legs meant to wrap around a man’s waist as she was fucked raw, and a pussy so hot my cock could melt in her slickened folds.

As I ripped her shorts down her long legs, I took a deep breath. Just the sight of her gorgeous curves was enough to demolish my last resolve. I continued to shake from the kiss of adrenaline flowing through me as I admired her figure, sucking in long and ragged breaths as she kicked them away, immediately reaching for my buckle.

Everything about this moment was filthy and primal, the setting a perfect location for our volatile relationship. She wasted no time peeling away the dense fabric of my jeans, struggling to pull the wet material past my thighs. Her breathing remained scattered as she fell to her knees in order to finish the task.

I drank in the atmosphere, tilting my head toward the blackened sky, opening my mouth in order to accept the flow of water. When she pressed her lips against my calves, I issued a single growl. The simple touch seared my skin, sending a shower of sparks deep into my system.

Angelique purred as she licked along the inside of my thigh, moving ever so slowly toward my aching cock. There was no way I could tolerate her taunting actions for long. I was far too hungry, every cell exploding from intense need. I fisted her wet hair, struggling to breathe, fighting to restrain my true nature.

The second she blew across my cockhead, I could feel every muscle tense. As she dragged her tongue across my sensitive slit, I was pushed into a slice of raw ecstasy.

She fondled my testicles, rolling them between her fingers before squeezing. The pressure was fantastic, the hint of pain exactly what I needed. I was thrown into a deeper haze, blinking several times in an effort to focus. However, the moment she wrapped her luscious lips around the tip, using her strong muscles to suck, I couldn’t keep a roar from erupting into the shadowed light.

I placed both hands on her head, holding her in place as she began to suck me in earnest. The moment was savage and powerful, rain unable to cool the heat sizzling in our bodies. We were fire and ice. She was the light to my darkness.

And I was the devil in disguise.

All I could concentrate on was the sinful sounds as she sucked me, taking my cock deeper into her hot and wet mouth. While she believed she had a certain amount of control, she was wrong. I forced her head all the way down, holding her in place as she trembled beneath me. The moment was breathtaking and wild, perilous and fulfilling.

She shifted her hands to the insides of my thighs, gripping both, her fingernails digging into my skin. After taking several gasping breaths, I eased the pressure but rolled onto the balls of my feet, fucking her mouth with brutal thrusts.

“Yes. Suck me. Take every inch.”

Even her slight gagging sounds did nothing but fuel the fire. I continued my brutal actions until I couldn’t take it any longer, yanking her to her feet. As I pushed her back against the tree, she shoved her hand against my chest, the wild look in her eyes just as carnal as the way I felt.

I dragged her legs around my hips, plunging the entire length of my cock inside her tight little pussy.

“Oh, God. Yes. Oh…” She clawed at my shoulders, struggling to hold on as I pulled out, driving into her again. There was no stopping the monster. He was taking everything he wanted.

The rain continued to pour, soaking our bodies, adding to the unbridled sensations. I had no ability to be gentle. That wasn’t the kind of man I was, but she didn’t seem to care.

She tossed her head from side to side as I fucked her. I adored her look of bliss, the way her eyelids remained half closed. I was pushing her straight into ecstasy and I wouldn’t accept anything less.

The hard pounding was rougher than before, pushing us both to the point of no return. Only a hard slam of thunder in close proximity was able to bring me back to any sense of reality.

When I slowed my actions, she opened her eyes wide, her grip tightening. “Fuck me, Dimitri. Don’t stop. I need you.”

I lowered my head, pressing our foreheads together as I jutted my hips forward. As soon as I switched the angle, she threw one hand over her head, raking her nails against the tree.

“Oh, yes. Yes.” She lolled her head, dragging her tongue across her lips as her pussy clamped then released several times. I could tell she was close to coming.

“Open your eyes for me, sweet flower.”

While she did as she was told, she had difficulty keeping them open. She laughed then gasped, her mouth twisting as the climax rushed into her.

I remained mesmerized, the thudding of my heart echoing in my ears. I wouldn’t be able to hold back for long.

She pummeled her fist against me, gasping for air. “Yes. Yes. Yes!” Her body bucked, her face pinching as the single climax continued, pushing her into another moment of ecstasy.

My legs began to shake violently, another boost of adrenaline forcing my balls to swell. There was no holding back, no chance of keeping the moment going.

And as I exploded deep within her, filling her with my seed, a single bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, lighting up the entire area.

Another reminder.

Another sign.

The hunt continued on.