King’s Temptation by Piper Stone

Chapter 15



I’d seen more than my share of it spilled during my lifetime. From wars in the streets of Russia and the way prisoners were disposed of in prison to the events from only a couple of days before, the concept of death no longer bothered me.

Except when protecting someone I cared about. When that happened, I was almost never able to handle the storm building inside of me. Tonight was no exception. I’d yet to sleep, had barely eaten give the anger. I also hadn’t been able to get visions of Angelique out of my mind. At least tonight would bring an end to a portion of my anxiety.

Or so I hoped.

I wasn’t happy with the plan in motion. Opportunities didn’t just present themselves without an aftermath.

Or without consequences.

After gathering additional intel from informants on the streets, it was confirmed that Antonio had remained behind locked doors of his brother’s estate. However, instead of his usual eight guards that he always instructed to remain by his side, he only had four.

At least the bastard was feeling the effects of losing so many soldiers. I snickered at the thought. Still, a nagging remained inside and had been since the attack in Lake Charles. As I got out of my truck, scanning both sides of the street, I was surprised at how many vehicles were parked along the darkened road. There were three other estates in the neighborhood, but none of them within close proximity. The only reason to account for the excess cars was a massive party.

And I wasn’t buying it for a second.

We walked closer to the target house, fanning out in the darkness as we approached the entrance. With the ocean on one side, woods on two of the others, our access was limited, arriving by boat not the best choice. However, Cristiano had made certain all avenues were covered in the attempt the man dared to try to escape. He had to know his days were numbered.

Giancarlo’s estate was located out of the city limits, the acreage he owned allowing him a significant amount of privacy. The older brother had inherited the location from his father, likely pissing Antonio off. Now the more brutal man of the two had everything he’d been pining away for.

Except for the respect of his men, or their loyalty.

I’d originally questioned Cristiano’s alliance he’d made with Giancarlo, but I’d learned that it was much better to keep your enemies close. To the day of his murder, the older Azzurri brother had kept his word.

There was a full moon highlighting the area, stars twinkling in the clear sky. On a humid New Orleans evening, they were welcomed.

“This could be a trap,” I stated between gritted teeth. We’d exited our vehicles two full blocks away, now standing across the street from the estate’s entrance. There were no lights on the stone columns, no landscape motion detectors. That was unless Antonio had been busy around the house.

“That’s why we’re prepared,” Vincenzo stated.

“Some of the soldiers are moving through the woods, surrounding the estate in order to prevent him from running. I have another crew just offshore in case the asshole decides to take his brother’s boat. Giancarlo had told me himself that he had an escape route.” Cristiano chuckled. “Dante, you’re running recon. I want to make sure we’re not walking into a shitstorm.”

Even in the limited light, I could tell Dante was grinning as he pumped the AK-15 in his hand. “Don’t worry. No one is getting off the property.” He motioned to several of his soldiers. “I’ll text when the guards are removed and we’re in position.”

“Good. We’ll wait. Just don’t take too damn long,” Cristiano hissed. I could tell he was an antsy as the rest of us.

A few minutes passed, everyone growing uneasy. The hair on the back of my neck had already stood on end. I walked a few paces down the street, studying the cars I’d seen before. While they hadn’t moved, I continued to have suspicions. Maybe I was making something out of nothing, but my instinct was starting to churn. I walked a few steps closer.

“What is it?” Cristiano asked as he flanked my side.

“It’s too quiet. I don’t know, but I don’t like this. There are too many cars.”

He placed his hand on my shoulder. “Stop worrying. We’re almost finished with this shit. One more task. Come on. Dante will handle the situation in minutes.”

One more task.

There would always be another need for retaliation. There would always be another player prepared to take down the King family.

Exhaling, I studied the area for a few more seconds before walking back to the group.

“Dimitri is right. I’m not sure I like this. It’s too easy,” Michael said quietly as he flanked my side. “Antonio doesn’t have the kind of savvy his brother did, but this isn’t like him.”

“Or maybe he’s just too damn arrogant.” Lucian pulled his weapon into his hand, checking the clip.

“Whatever the case, we’ve spent time preparing. Let’s get this over with. I’d tired of dealing with the pig.” While my statement might seem out of character, I was finished with waiting to exact revenge.

A moment of quietness settled in. Cristiano tugged his phone into his hand, shaking his head. “Nothing from Dante yet.”

“Come on, Cris,” Lucian encouraged. “We need to get moving.”

Every muscle in my body was tense, an odd echo forming in my ears.

“Yeah, this is bullshit. I don’t like how long it’s taking. I’m with Dimitri. Time to get on with business.” Cristiano gave the signal and we all moved forward, heading for the house in a pattern we often used.

We hadn’t gotten twenty yards onto the property when Cristiano hissed, glancing down at the lit screen of his phone. “It looks like you were right, my friend. The place is wide open but there ain’t no one home.” His fury was evident by his husky tone.

I backed away, a growl erupting from my lips. “The bastard has taken her. I’m certain of it.”

“Not a chance. I have soldiers at my house.”

“You don’t understand the kind of monster Antonio has become. You also know what Angelique is capable of. She doesn’t want to be at your house. She’s worried about Dax. Call your guards. Find out if she’s still safe.”

Growling, Cristiano started walking toward the entrance, texting the other men to return to the street. Then he dialed a number.

I didn’t wait for his response, taking long strides toward the entrance. I should have known better. Someone must have supplied Antonio with the information about the hit.

As soon as I made it to the street, I noticed two sets of headlights, vehicles that had been parked almost a block away.

“What the hell is going on?” Lucian flanked my side.

Within seconds, the cars headed in our direction. I followed my instinct, keeping the gun positioned in both hands as they neared.

“What the hell are you doing?” Michael demanded.

Undaunted, I moved into the middle of the street, holding the weapon at windshield level. “You’re going to need to trust me on this.”

Within seconds, both cars jerked to a halt far enough away I wasn’t going to risk firing a single shot. However, I had no intention of allowing the motherfuckers to get away. I took off running, able to catch a glimpse of one of the drivers. He certainly wasn’t here for a party. When both vehicles shifted into reverse, flooring the accelerator, I moved into high gear, managing to get off a single shot comfortably before first one skidded, yet was able to control the vehicle as it spun into the opposite direction, the other one following.

I slowed then stopped, still holding the weapon in both hands. I couldn’t risk a nosy neighbor contacting the police.

“Jesus Christ, Dimitri,” Vincenzo huffed as he reached my side.

“They took her.” I shot him a look before spinning around, heading back in Cristiano’s direction.

Cristiano glanced from his phone into my face, shaking his head slowly. “You were right. Angelique is gone.”

* * *

Second guessing. That wasn’t a behavior that was allowed in this kind of work. It was imperative that instincts were followed. That was the most certain way of staying alive.

However, if my intuition was wrong, there was an even greater possibility that finding her would be next to impossible. But no matter what it took or what I had to do, I would scour the sewers, hunting through the rats in the city in order to find her.

If I was right, there would be no holding back.

While Cristiano had determined that it was best to have his brothers and the majority of the soldiers blanket every other location Antonio had been known to frequent, he’d decided to ride along, accepting the suggestion I’d made. We only had two soldiers trailing us, but I had a feeling Antonio was doing this on his own, his bravado pushing him to the extreme.

Cristiano had also mandated that every single informant keep their ear to the ground. This was more than just brazen for Antonio. This was the final nail in his coffin.

I’d known the younger Azzurri brother had been obsessed with her for years, but for him to stoop to this level meant the asshole was unbalanced.

Not that I cared.

His death would mean the same whether he was sane or mad as a hatter.

From what Cristiano had found out over the phone, it had been obvious Antonio still had loyal soldiers, two of them seen on surveillance. They’d been waiting for the opportunity to take her, finding one the second she’d moved from the gated backyard into the garden, a recent addition. She’d also been careless, managing to convince one of the soldiers Cristiano had assigned to grab her some cutting shears from one of the sheds.

That had been enough, which meant we’d been played for fools, the information Antonio had allowed slipped onto the street bullshit.

We both remained quiet as we neared the property. While there weren’t any lights that could easily be detected, that didn’t necessarily mean anything. I purposely passed the house, checking to see if there were any guards positioned outside. I could see nothing out of order, and certainly no guards standing near the short driveway leading to the house. That meant shit at this point.

After turning around, I kept my distance from the house, cutting the engine. There was no conversation needed. We simply went into stealth mode, easing out and onto the street as quietly as possible. One of the soldiers would remain in the front, the other moving to the back.

I’d sensed that Antonio would want to break her while she was in her own home, in her bed, sullying her in ways that would leave her scarred and detached. That would be the ultimate violation in his mind. Her entire world would suddenly be crushed, infused with his. Then she’d never be allowed to see her lovely house again.

Cristiano had asked why I believed he’d taken her here. My answer had been simple. I’d known egotistical men like him from the days in the Bratva, men who relished the idea of taking women in their own homes.

After my explanation, he’d made the decision to accompany me.

I only prayed to God I was right.

And that we were in time.

As we inched closer, crouching low to the ground, within seconds I knew my intuition had paid off. The single light left an eerie glow in one of the windows.

There was no further hesitation. I simply kicked in the door, moving inside and toward the light. Cristiano hung back on purpose, the need for a certain level of surprise working to our benefit.

As soon as I entered her room, her beautiful bedroom that she’d spared no expense in decorating exactly like she deserved, I issued a keening growl. She’d fought the bastard, struggling to get away, the blood trickling from her mouth an indication that she’d been beaten. Her clothes were ripped and her single squeal was something I would never forget.

Unfortunately, my arrogance and anger bought the man time.

Antonio wrapped his arm around her throat, dragging her to his body, immediately placing his gun to her head. He laughed as I approached, shaking his head back and forth.

The man was at a disadvantage, still kneeling on the bed. With one man’s stupidity came another man’s good fortune.

I inched closer, keeping a smile on my face.

“I should have known the Russian bastard would try and save you,” he said to Angelique before turning his attention in my direction. “What does it feel like not being able to taste her? And yum, she is oh, so sweet.” He made a suckling noise then licked the side of her face.

“Asshole,” she hissed, fighting him with everything she had. She clamped her hands around his arm, digging in her nails.

He tightened his hold, nipping her ear. “Be a good girl. If you’re not, I’m going to punish you.”

“That’s not going to happen,” I said quietly, shifting onto one side, forcing him to turn his head.

“Oh, I assure you that a woman like this needs to be broken and punished on a regular basis. That’s going to happen just as soon as we’re married.”

Angelique shifted, managing to elbow him. He responded by laughing in her ear.

“Do you want to tell this Russian pig what fun we were about to have together?” he growled, his nostrils flaring.

I kept my hold on the weapon, managing to take another step. Just as I’d expected, he twisted his body to ensure I remained in his line of sight. Poor arrogant bastard had no idea what was about to happen to him.

“You fucked with the wrong people, Antonio,” I said with zero inflection.

“You’re nothing but scum, a rat that should go back to Russia. Why should I care?”

I shook my head, giving Angelique another quick glance.

She knew her family. She was well aware of what they were capable of.

She was also in tune with every one of my thoughts.

“That’s where you’re wrong, Azzurri. I am a member of the King organization and we rule this city. Trash like you is only disposed of.”

As Cristiano burst into the room, Antonio’s actions were exactly as I’d anticipated.

And so were Angelique’s.

The second he loosened his grip from surprise, she used all her strength to jab him in the gut, able to break free of his hold, dropping to the bed and rolling away.

Just as Cristiano and I made certain he was sent straight to hell.

* * *

“Angelique. Relax.” I had a feeling my words weren’t going to matter in the least. I almost laughed as she continued to fidget and huff from the passenger seat, but I hid my reaction. She’d been under enough duress over the last week that I refused to add anything else to her plate. I glanced in the rearview mirror, which I continued to do even though with Antonio gone, what few soldiers he’d had who’d remained loyal had scattered to the wind.

With no leader to follow, they weren’t likely to instigate some manner of retaliation. Besides, the word on the street indicated the loss of Antonio hadn’t hurt anyone’s feelings. I rubbed my jaw as I inhaled a scent of her perfume, the fragrance creating a wave of sensations in every cell in my body. She’d chosen to wear a dress today, something tropical and very feminine, which had actually surprised me.

I’d gotten used to seeing her in combat boots and khaki shorts, which was entirely too sexy on the voluptuous woman. At least there didn’t seem to be any lingering emotional effects from having the bastard who’d kidnapped her killed in her bed.

Although, she hadn’t talked about returning to her house, even though the room had been stripped, thoroughly cleaned, and an entirely new bedroom suite and furnishings purchased for her. I knew she remained on edge, fighting with the insurance company given the nature of the destruction in her gallery.

It would seem insurance companies weren’t too keen on providing payment for damage occurring from a basic mafia war. She could strike a check at any time in an effort to restart the renovations as well as restitution to the artists, but for her it was all about the principle. Another thing I adored about her.

What I hadn’t seen was a single smile. She couldn’t sleep, had eaten like a bird, and nothing had kept her interest. And every time the phone rang, she’d been anxious, tears filling her eyes. All because of her intense love for her four-legged creature.

Dax’s prognosis had been grim, the pup on death’s door more than once. The constant trauma had worn her down. At least I hoped to bring her a little joy for a change.

And maybe more.

I’d thought about my conversation with Sylvester a few times, weighing the decision that had been left entirely up to me. It was one that I couldn’t take lightly. It was one that would also change my life forever.

“You know why I’m nervous. I can’t leave the phone,” she said absently as she stared out the passenger window.

“You have your cellphone with you. The vet’s office knows how to get in contact with you. Remember?”

She shot me a look, sitting up in her seat. “Why won’t they let me see him?”

“You remember what the vet said. He gets too excited and that isn’t good for his stitches. As I said, try and relax. You deserve a little fun today. It’s a beautiful day.”

“Since when do you give a shit about the sun, the moon and stars or anything else like that? All you care about are guns and killing people.” Angelique huffed again, folding her arms. She’d certainly returned to her rebellious tenacity over the last few days. If it had been even a week before, I would have agreed with her.

But things had changed.

Everything had changed.

Exhaling, I tried to concentrate on driving, but it was next to impossible. I only hoped I was doing the right thing. Good versus evil. Right versus wrong. The lines had become blurred a lifetime ago. I’d once thought of her as my salvation. Maybe I was right after all.

Or maybe I’d destroyed her already.

Only time would tell.

As I made a turn, she gave me another curious look. “I’ll admit I have no idea what you’re doing or where you’re going.”

Now I allowed myself to laugh, something I hadn’t done for a while. “That is the point.”

“You are truly the meanest man I know, even if you are a hero.”

Hero. I loathed the term. She’d called me that more than once since the shit had gone down. I’d rebuffed her every time. I replayed the night of her abduction, still furious with myself I’d allowed the situation to happen in the first place. I’d known better. I’d read Antonio and his actions like a book, yet I’d ignored them. That would never happen again.

I made the final turn and she made a little girlie sound. “The park?”

The park was close to the water, the pristine environment one of the favorite locations in the city for picnics and walks. It also featured a special area that was flanked by a fabulous ice cream stand.

Or so I’d been told.

I hadn’t enjoyed a single scoop of the creamy stuff in years. Maybe today would be different. “Yes, the park.”

“I don’t really know if I’m in the mood, Dimitri. I appreciate what you’re trying to do, especially since this kind of thing is difficult for you, but I’m not feeling very well.” Her words were heartfelt and so very sad.

“That’s why you need some fresh air. We’ll stay for a few minutes. Then I’ll take you back.”

“And where will you go?”

“What do you mean?”

“I know you were told to stay away from me. I’m surprised Cristiano didn’t rip out your throat.”

While Cristiano had provided a few choice words, he’d also respected my actions in saving his sister’s life more than once. That had allowed me to continue to breathe as well as work for the King family. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“Except away from me.”

She looked away again as I parked. My heart ached, the sharp stab from her words creating another unwanted wave of memories. I tugged the keys from the ignition, taking a second before reaching over and squeezing her hand.

The electricity was off the charts, a spark forcing her to gasp. But she pulled her hand away immediately as if I’d burned her from my touch.

“Let’s go.” I didn’t try to take her hand again as I guided her to one of the pathways. While she followed, there was complete reluctance. She couldn’t seem to look me in the eyes. Within a few seconds, she grew antsy, stopping short.

“Okay, I’ve had it with the charade. What are we doing here?” Her demand was exactly like all her others. The woman refused to take no for an answer.

That was something she needed to learn to do.

That was something she would learn, whether the hard way or not.

The thought gave me a slight smile. “You’re coming with me, Angelique. I’m not going to tell you again.”

The tone of my voice seemed to surprise as well as please her. She tipped her head, a slight hint of mischief in her eyes. “Why, yes, sir.”

We walked another hundred yards until I caught sight of what I’d brought her to see. I pulled her around to face me, tightening my hold when she tried to get away. “Listen to me. I told you everything was going to be all right. Correct?”

“Yes, but so what?”

“Have I ever lied to you?”

She had to think about my question. “No, you haven’t.”

“Then look over your shoulder.” I nodded in the direction, waiting as she processed what I was telling her. As soon as she caught sight of Dax, neither one of them could hold back their joy.

“Baby!” she squealed and took off running in his direction. Dax’s happy bark seemed to float throughout the entire park. There were no obvious signs he’d ever been in any distress as he raced toward her. She fell to the ground as Dax lunged himself at her.

I walked slowly in their direction, smiling at the veterinarian technician who’d volunteered to bring Dax here to be released.

Dax went wild, licking and nuzzling against her, his happy growls and wagging tail a clear indication of the love he felt for her.

I could tell she was sobbing by the way her back was heaving. She clung to him like a lifeline, pressing her face against his fur. I wasn’t one for anything romantic on any level, but this moment made me happier than I’d been in a long time. Just to be able to give her a few moments of pure joy meant more to me than anything.

Hell, maybe I was growing soft in my old age.

After at least two minutes, Angelique finally stood, her hand never leaving him as she turned in my direction. “You’re so damn mean.” She laughed then cried, followed by another laugh, moving slowly in my direction at first then flinging herself into my arms. “I adore you. I love you. I just…” As if realizing what she’d said was wrong, she tensed, even trying to pull away.

I held her close, savoring the warmth of her body. Dear God, I wanted this moment to last. “It’s okay, baby. I’ll never lie to you.”

“I know,” she whispered, pressing a series of kisses against my cheek before leaning against my chest. She glanced down at Dax, shaking her head. “So, he’s really going to be all right?”

“Why don’t you talk to the very nice technician who brought Dax to you. He’s been released, the bill taken care of. I think he’s made a full recovery.” I gently nudged her backward. “I’ll take care of your boy.”

“I know you will. You love him too.” She gave me a genuine smile before moving away and heading for the tech.

Dax whined at first then ran in my direction, nuzzling against my leg. I crouched down, rubbing him behind the ear. “I’m glad you’re okay, boy. You deserve a medal for saving my life. Do you know that? Maybe we can arrange something special. Now, I need to ask you a question.”

Dax cocked his head, his big brown eyes piercing into mine.

I shook my head with a slight growl. “I’m thinking about doing something crazy. Are you with me on that?”

I could swear the dog knew exactly what I was saying and what I was trying to tell him, whether it was in English or in Russian. When he gave me his paw, I bit back a husky moan. Jesus Christ. I was getting soft.

“Good. We have a deal. Then we’ll get some ice cream. I know, maybe you’re not supposed to have any, but this is a special day. What do you think?”

He let off a single deep-throated bark and I couldn’t help but laugh. Who said dogs couldn’t understand English?

I casually walked in her direction, waiting until she’d finished her conversation. When she approached, her expression was entirely different. Soft. Relaxed.

Damn, the woman was so beautiful.

My beautiful flower.

“Thank you. I can’t tell you how much this means.” She exhaled then issued a giddy squeal.

“So I was thinking. Are you up for ice cream?”

She narrowed her eyes, looking down at Dax. “As long as we can get a little vanilla for Dax. I think he deserves it. Don’t you, boy?”

Dax threw back his head and howled, his big fluffy tail wagging uncontrollably.

“Then let’s go.” As we walked down the pathway, I struggled with what to say to her. There were so many words, so many reasons why and so much I wanted to express. I wasn’t good at any of them. I had no understanding of what it took to be compassionate or even loving. All I’d ever known had been black and white, pain and violence. Now this.

But I’d come to accept that spending time with Angelique meant more than money or influence, power or control.

I waited until we’d gotten our order, leading our little group to a park bench. We remained quiet for a few minutes, although both of us laughed at the way Dax devoured his ice cream. Then I knew I couldn’t hold back any longer. I had to do this. I had to…

Sighing, I closed my eyes until I felt her hand on top of mine.

“What’s wrong, Dimitri? What do you need to tell me?”

I scooted closer to the edge of the bench, staring down at Dax as he finished the last of his treat. Being able to tell her how I felt was paramount in my mind, but more difficult than I’d wanted. She meant everything to me, yet she was priceless, a stunning addition to the brutal world of the mafia.

The King family.

“I’m not a good man, Angelique. There is no accounting for the deeds I’ve done, the majority of them not allowing me any kind of forgiveness. I’m also a man who remains haunted by demons, enough so that the wretched visions cloud certain aspects of my judgment. However, what you’ve brought into my life is priceless, my inability to tell you how I feel in no way diminishing the truth that I know in my heart. In saying this, I’ve come to a decision that is necessary and in truth, important for both of us. At least in my mind.”

Angelique’s grip tightened, a scattered whimper escaping her mouth. I couldn’t bear to look at her, although that’s the only thing I wanted to do.

No, it was exactly what I should do.

After garnering the courage, something that I’d fought to achieve for so damn long, I turned my head so I could look into her amazing eyes.

“You mean more to me than I know how to express, Angelique. You’re the reason the demons inside of me haven’t taken over. Seeing the world through your eyes has meant more to me than I can ever express.”

“You’re saying goodbye. Aren’t you?” she managed, although her entire body was trembling, the words barely a whisper. “Just do it, Dimitri. I can’t take the waiting and the anticipation, the sickness I’ve felt inside knowing what you needed to tell me. I’ve loved you from the minute I met you. You’re the only man I’ve thought about for years. If you’re telling me goodbye, just do it. No, I won’t understand. Not now. Not ever, but I do understand your honor and loyalty to my family. Maybe that’s what I should concentrate on.”

There was a single bead of ice cream remaining on her mouth and for a few seconds, I was drawn into a vacuum. One of the past colliding with the present. One of anger and hatred, finally giving way to longing and temptation. She was my shining star. She was… I took her into my arms, fisting her hair as I pulled her against my chest, lowering my head until our lips were mere centimeters apart.

Then I finally broke free of my chains.

“I love you, Angelique King. I’ve loved you from the very beginning. You are the light to my darkness, the reason I’ve survived. And you are the only thing that matters in my life.”

As I crushed my mouth over hers, I could feel her slipping away from me even though the passion remained, the electricity surging.

She would forever be my beautiful flower.

Moy prekrasnyy tsvetok…