King’s Temptation by Piper Stone

Chapter 16

“You know when you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” — Dr. Seuss



I’d had them all my life, the beautiful concept of what life could be like in another time and place. My mother used to tell me that my imagination was more colorful than the rest of the world and she’d been right. Maybe I’d allowed myself to fall into the vivid moments of my imagination too often.

I’d learned only recently that dreams could become reality. But only after heartache and sacrifice. I hadn’t wanted to fall asleep, terrified that the beautiful moments of real life had been nothing more than fantasies. But in some crazy twist of fate, every morning had brought something more incredible to experience. Maybe dreams whispered in the long, dark nights from a little girl who’d longed for a different life had come true.

Inhaling, I took a few minutes to enjoy the light breeze and warm air as it tickled my arms and legs. I kept my grip on the iron railing, peering over the balcony as the sun began to set. I’d never really paid attention to how beautiful a sunset could be. Maybe everything was more incredible at this moment in my life.




I’d never felt so alive in my entire life.

I felt his presence behind me as I always did when he was within even ten feet. Him. The man I’d fallen desperately in love with, the one who’d stolen my heart a long time ago. Even his cologne seemed heightened, the scent fueling every wicked desire I had deep inside. He managed to do that by simply being close.



The rough Russian who had a heart of gold. I’d seen such a change in him over the last two weeks. He’d gone from a heartless bastard to a man doting on the other love of my life—Dax. He’d learned to laugh and enjoy, savoring every moment of life. While what we shared would never be perfect, we were together and that’s all that mattered.

As he moved even closer, I took a deep breath, trying my best to hold it in. But it was impossible, his larger than life presence tingling every one of my senses, my pussy aching to have him thrust inside of me.

Just like he’d done the night before.

And the one before that.

He was relentless in his hunger, taking me to extraordinary heights of pleasure every night.

And every morning.

I couldn’t help but smile, biting back a moan as he planted one hand on the railing, slipping his other arm around me with two glasses of wine perched between his fingers.

“Ambidextrous, I see,” I murmured.

“You have no idea what kind of skills I have, little flower.”

“What? I’m no longer your beautiful flower?” I teased as I took one of the crystal glasses into my hand.

“Every petal opens slowly each morning, the dew of the dawn creating the gentlest wave of light dancing across the tender petals.”

Sighing, I pressed my back against his chest, marveling in the way the heat always built between us. “You’re becoming poetic.”

“Don’t get used to it,” he whispered in my ear.

I took a sip of wine, marveling in the events of the last few days. Dax was safe and sound, being taken care of by Michael and his family in our absence. I’d been surprised how well the pup had gotten along with Elle, their Golden Retriever. At least I knew my baby was protected while I was gone.

While we were gone.

“Maybe I need to,” I murmured.

Dimitri shifted his hips back and forth, allowing me to understand exactly how hungry he was. There was nothing better than the feel of his throbbing cock pressed against me.

The silence between us was no longer difficult. It was simply a moment of quiet, enjoying the space around us. A smile crossed my face as he wrapped his arm around me, cradling me close.

“Do you like it here?” I asked, although I already knew the answer.

“Hawaii or spending time with the woman I love?”


He chuckled in my ear, the soft murmur pushing me even further into a rage of desire. “It doesn’t matter where I am as long as I’m with you.”

“Good answer. Maybe I’m training you.”

There was something dark and delicious about the guttural sound he made, the husky vibe sliding across my skin like nothing more than a whisper of the wind. Shuddering, I slid my tongue across my lips, continuing to tingle all over.

“Take a sip of your wine,” he instructed.

“Is there a reason?”

His dark chuckle was the only answer he provided, but as he slid his hand down my side, crawling his fingers as if he had all the time in the world, I was unable to hold back a scattered whimper.

“There will always be a reason, sweet Angelique.”

He pressed a series of kisses against the side of my neck, only adding to the scorching heat building between us.

As the sun continued to set, we remained silent, perhaps basking in the moment. I still couldn’t believe I was in a gorgeous tropical environment with the man I loved. Would our life be perfect? Not even a chance, but I knew we were both strong and wise, refusing to give into the tyranny that had affected our lives up until this point. We were willing to forgo certain aspects that most couples might take for granted.

Just for a chance to be together.

I closed my eyes, taking another sip of wine. Everything tasted better around him.

“You do know that you’ve never received punishment for the fact you left the grounds of Cristiano’s estate.”

My eyes flew open, my heart racing just from the tone of his voice. “I was in the garden. I didn’t run away.”

“Which was a location that was considered off limits.”

When he took the wine from my hand, placing both glasses on the table, I bit my lower lip. “That’s not fair. It’s been almost two weeks.”

“But I have a very long memory. You scared the fuck out of me. Let alone you almost got yourself killed.”

“But I didn’t. I had a hero there to save me.” When he hesitated, I reached for his hand, bringing his fingers against my lips. “You are a hero, Dimitri. I know you can’t stand hearing the word, but you’re going to need to get used to it.”

He closed his hand, gripping my fingers. “I don’t have to do anything, little flower. I’m the one in charge, which is something you seem to forget about.”

Why did his dominating words excite me so much? Every part of me ached, my nipples pushing painfully against my dress. Everything about the man thrilled me, sensitizing every inch of my skin. “That’s not fair.” Even though I issued the words, I couldn’t help but smile.

“As I told you before. Life isn’t always fair. I’m going to spank you for misbehaving. And I will do so every time you ignore the rules. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, sir.” While I spoke without hesitation, he and I both knew that he was going to have his hands full with me. I couldn’t cease being the rebellious woman I was for any reason.

Including the brutal Russian.

He pushed me against the railing, lifting my dress until it was up to my waist. I bit back another cry, darting a look from right to left. Thank God there wasn’t a chance anyone could see us. When he ripped my panties down to my feet, I couldn’t stop a whimper from escaping. He knew what kind of power he had over me. Damn him.

When he delivered the first crack against my backside, I didn’t flinch, yet my grip on the railing tightened. The moment he gave me the second, third, and fourth, I rose onto my tiptoes, biting back a cry as I stared out at the incredible moon floating above the ocean water.

But the second he smacked me with four additional hard strikes, I could no longer hold back an elongated cry. “Oh. My. God!”

I could swear he was chuckling behind me, enjoying this moment of inflicting pain. Granted, he’d always called himself a sadist, but at this moment I was ready to rip out his eyes with a spoon.

Dimitri brought his hand down in rapid succession, taking his time to move from one cheek to the other. The pain was excruciating but there wasn’t a part of me able to keep from tingling. I was hot and wet, my nerves on edge from his searing touch alone. No man had ever brought me to this level of rapture.

And no man would ever again.

“You need to remember that you belong to me,” he said in a husky tone, further driving electric sensations down the length of my body.

“Always?” I teased, forced to take deep breaths as the pain turned into anguish.

“Always. No man will ever dare to try and touch you and hope to remain alive.”

I closed my eyes once again, controlling my breathing as the spanking continued. No matter the pain, I felt free. Free as a bird to enjoy my life.

To begin a new chapter.

To finally understand what it meant to be a member of the King family. That had nothing to do with wealth or influence. The burning resolve that had been taught to all of us was about the power of family.

I shivered to my core as his massive palm smashed against my naked skin, the burning sensations forcing my heart to hammer inside my chest. When he gently caressed my aching bottom, I was finally able to let out a deep sigh. But the second he brushed his finger down the crack of my ass, another series of whimpers escaped my mouth.

“Ten more,” he whispered as he tugged hair away from my neck, lowering his head and breathing across my skin. He wasn’t just igniting the fire. He was pushing me to an explosive moment, and this was all about a round of discipline.

I took several shallow breaths as he smacked me long and hard, the sounds barely registering in my mind. All I could think about was lying underneath the sheets, our two bodies pressed together, listening to the ocean crashing against the shore. How could anything be better that what we were sharing?

While my mind remained in a heavy fog, I was aware he’d slipped my panties back into position, easing the hem of my dress over my aching bottom. When he took my hand into his, I sighed from anticipation.

“Come with me,” he stated, his voice just as commanding as ever.

“Where are we going?”

He inched closer, cupping the side of my face. “Wherever I say.”

I was lightheaded, sliding my hand over his shoulder then tipping my head and nipping his chin.

Growling, he slipped his other hand around the back of my neck, pulling me onto my tiptoes. Very slowly he lowered his head, pressing his lips across mine. He knew how to make a girl swoon. I could feel my body swaying as he gently opened and closed my mouth several times before darting his tongue inside. He’d learned to be tender and caring, although there was nothing more I enjoyed than his rough and dominating ways.

As the kiss became more passionate, I was forced to cling to him to keep from falling. While he always dominated my tongue, refusing to give me even a minute of control, I no longer cared even to attempt to tease him.

Dimitri dragged me even closer, forcing me to arch my back as the moment of passion became savage. The man was going to devour every inch of me. Excitement surged through my system as he sucked on my tongue, his growls low and guttural.

Just like an animal’s primal cry.

I tangled my fingers in his hair, doing nothing more than trying to breathe. He was all consuming, pulling me into a blissful vacuum.

When he abruptly ended the kiss, pulling away from me, I stumbled forward.

But he was there to catch me.

He did nothing more than grasp my hand, pulling me into the hotel suite and toward the door. I didn’t bother to try to fight him. I knew it would be useless. He would take what he wanted, just like he’d promised me.

Everything about him was commanding and when he walked us through the lobby of the hotel, both of us barefoot, there wasn’t a person in the location who didn’t turn their heads. I couldn’t contain a giggle as he walked us outside, heading down the short flight of stairs and toward the sandy beach.

The sound of the ocean became the sweetest music and as he pulled me closer to the water, I took a deep breath. I adored the scent of the ocean as well as the sound of rolling waves lapping against the shore. He was a man with a purpose, moving away from the beach located in front of the hotel into a much more private area. While I’d chosen the hotel on purpose, the small building nestled in a secluded cove, I’d made certain there were no other guests, spending enough money to afford us the time completely alone. Well, while being catered to with our every need.

I had no idea what he was doing, although the excitement building within me was almost suffocating. There was nothing the man did without a purpose.

No matter the cost.

Less than a hundred yards later, he threw back his head, releasing a savage bellow. I knew exactly what he was doing. He was claiming the space, making the pristine beach his own.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the beautiful little setting he’d created; a soft blanket, torches positioned on two sides, a container holding another already opened bottle of wine. I could only imagine what he was thinking about doing.

As the wind continued to blow softly around us, he shifted in front of me, placing both hands against my face. The soft glow from the torches allowed me to see the love as well as the lust in his eyes. He brushed his thumbs back and forth across my cheeks, creating another wave of shimmering goosebumps all the way down to my toes.

“Remove your clothes.”

I was still surprised when he gave various commands, especially when we were out in the open. Even though I knew the area was secure, I hesitated, biting my lower lip. It was long enough that he issued another series of deep growls. He also refused to learn patience, ripping my dress over my head, the expression on his face dark and ominous.

I pushed him away, laughing softly when he tumbled backwards. “Then you remove yours.”

For all the years I’d teased him from across a room, all the little taunts I knew I’d issued, I’d come to realize that my actions had only built the level of excitement to the point of no return. This was one of the moments where I recognized that the most.

His eyes never leaving mine, he yanked his shirt over his head, tossing it then moving quickly to remove his pants. When he stood fully naked, he took a deep breath then allowed his heated gaze to fall inch by inch down to the sand covering my feet. His nostrils flared and the scent of his testosterone was more intense than normal. The man was all male. Every. Single. Inch.

I realized my hands were shaking as I tried to remove my panties, struggling with the small action as if I’d never done it before. He simply had that kind of effect on me.

As the breeze floated across my already hardened nipples, I was forced to take a series of shallow breaths. My breasts ached, my entire body trembling. He took methodical steps closer, shifting his head from one side to the other before entwining our fingers, leading me closer to the warm ocean waters. When we were standing in the surf, only then did he turn and face me, slowly running his fingers down the length of both my arms.

“Do you know how beautiful you are?” he asked after a few seconds of silence.

“I’m not beautiful. I’m just a plain girl.” I’d been more of a tomboy the first time he’d met me, pretending to be one of my brothers in some crazy effort to gain their approval. I’d refused to wear dresses, preferring tattered jeans and the shortest tops I could create. Only after my father had gifted me the gallery did I change my appearance. But even then, I’d become a gypsy of sorts, hiding behind a garish look in an attempt to be someone I wasn’t.

Someone I’d preferred to be.

Only Dimitri had allowed me to be myself for the first time in my adult life. Maybe I was acceptable just the way I was after all.

He snorted, shaking his head. “Then you haven’t been paying attention, gorgeous lady.”

Every time he complimented me, I always felt a warm blush sliding into my cheeks. However, when he pulled me further into the water, my natural instincts took over and I started to fight him.

“Oh, no, you don’t!” I managed to jerk away, laughing as I attempted to race up the beach. Within seconds, he wrapped a single arm around me, lifting me off the sand as if I weighed next to nothing. Even though I squealed, I knew he wasn’t letting me go. While the water had seemed warm before, as the cold splash washed over me, my breath was stolen.

“You will learn to obey me.” His statement was little more than a growl.

“Not on your life.”

“Hmmm… We shall see about that.”

The second he dipped me all the way under the water, I couldn’t have been more shocked. He’d always been a man of purpose, defining his actions in the most brutal methods, this was entirely different.

This was a playful side I’d yet to experience.

This was a man finally letting go of his past.

And this was the very gorgeous hunk I’d fallen in love with so long ago.

However, the shock of being dunked riled the girl still residing deep inside of me. The second he brought me to the surface, I kicked out, managing to rip one of his legs out from under him. As he tumbled into the water, I managed to get away, although the swift tide immediately started to take me out to deeper water. I refused to give in, swimming parallel to the shallow water then managing to make my way to the shoreline.

As usual, he was far too strong, once against grabbing me around the waist. Only this time, he tossed me onto the wet sand, hovering over me.

I took gasping breaths, pushing my palms against his chest as he leaned over.

The man was absolutely in control, leaning over then planting his hands on either side of me. As the kiss of water lapped at our feet and legs, the waning sunlight giving way to the stunning moment of twilight, he parted my legs, whispering the words I’d wished to hear for so long.

“You are mine. Every inch of you. I love you and I promise to do everything in my power to keep you safe.”

I knew I’d always be safe in his arms, protected and cherished. I wrapped my legs around his hips, using my thigh muscles to pull him all the way down. When he slipped his hand around his cock, sliding the tip up and down my swollen and aching pussy, there was no way I could stop my ragged moans.

Yet the man was determined to continue teasing me, a payback for all the years I’d done the same with him. The look on his face was carnal, yet the slight smile curling on his lips was entirely too suggestive as well as commanding.

Even as the tide continued to roll in, creeping closer until the water was now dancing across my stomach, he refused to stop taunting me. Soft whimpers rushed up from my throat, my entire body quivering. We were both electrified, the moment more powerful than any of them so far.

But I knew there would be more earthshattering moments, allowing us to fulfill our wicked, filthy needs.

I brushed my hand down his chest, caressing his sculpted muscles, unable to keep from sliding my finger back and forth across his throbbing shaft.

Dimitri allowed me to play for a few additional seconds before ripping one of my legs up higher than the other, releasing a keening bellow before thrusting the entire length of his cock inside. It was as if he was claiming me once and for all, finally able to allow his beast to the surface.

I jerked up from the sand, gasping for air as he filled me so completely. He seemed larger than before, my muscles straining to accept his brutal actions. When he eased out, slamming into me again, I found it difficult to breathe. I clung to him, digging my nails into his skin as he created the most incredible rhythm, plunging in and out with wild abandon.

The salty water continued to creep up higher, dousing my body but unable to remove the excessive heat. I was on fire, every muscle and cell exploding from the raw bliss and firestorm that had built between us. For these few precious moments, we were as one and there was no longer anyone who would be able to tear us apart.

A dazzling array of lights flashed in front of my eyes but as the full moon began to rise, all I could do was concentrate on the amazing glowing orb.

And I wished upon a star for the first time in my life.

To keep us together.

To keep us safe.

To keep our passion intact.

With every savage thrust, he pounded me into the sand, the friction against my bruised bottom just as painful as the rough passion was incredible. I didn’t care. All I wanted was to have him inside of me.

The ruthless brute refused to stop, driving me to the point of utter nirvana. As a climax roared into my system, I gripped his arms, my scattered moans reaching toward the heavens.

“Yes. Yes. Yes!” I managed to whisper.

“All mine.”

He refused to stop, plunging harder and deeper, pushing me to the point of sheer insanity. One orgasm swept into a wave sweeping through me, much like the water as it splashed over my heated skin. How could anything feel so utterly perfect?

I jerked up, sliding my hand around his neck and pulling him down until our lips were finally touching. He dragged the tip of his tongue around my lips, taking several scattered breaths as his body started to tense. I knew he was close to coming. I bit on his lower lip, purring like a wild cat before clamping my pussy muscles.

His entire body began to shake, the guttural sounds he made more like those of an animal than a man.

As he erupted deep inside, filling me with his hot seed, I knew this was the perfect moment.

Of a perfect life we’d yet to live.

And maybe someday soon, we’d have a real family of our own. Perhaps we’d even be allowed to live a quiet life.
