King’s Temptation by Piper Stone

Chapter 17

“The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works is the family.” — Lee Iacocca


A regal estate.

When my brothers and I were growing up, the first house I’d been able to remember was much smaller, but I would never forget the huge backyard for us to play in. While I’d lived in this house for a few years, it had never really felt like home, at least not like the one before. I stood just outside the massive set of double doors, feeling more nervous than I had in a long time.

I smoothed down my dress for the tenth time, biting back a series of chills as well as nerves. There was no telling how this day would go. My family was wonderful, but they were all equally dominant in their own ways, especially my brothers. They took what they wanted. They never hesitated. They were brutal, ruthless, and dominating, even though I knew each one of them had a tender heart very few people had ever been able to see.

Still, I was their baby sister. I’d been the little girl they’d protected, especially after Bella’s death. I’d been the teenager they’d chastised for my choice in hair coloring. Then I’d been the woman they’d refused to accept as their equal. While Dimitri had helped me understand why, that didn’t make it any easier to face them today.

However, they were going to understand without a shadow of a doubt that this was my life. Period. Fuck them if they attempted to ruin the special day for me.

My father had arranged a huge party, his need for celebration not to be denied. He’d refused to accept a single excuse from any member of the family as to why they wouldn’t be able to make it. I could tell by the array of vehicles that no one had defied him. They certainly understood his temper.

I realized I was swaying from the level of adrenaline. When Dimitri took my hand, all I could do was sigh.

“It’s a party,” he whispered in my ear.

“Uh-huh. And you and I know better. This could be a wake by the end of it. That means I will have killed each and every one of them. Well, maybe not the sets of twins or my brothers’ wives. Definitely not Elle.” Dax reminded me he was there, barking at the front door and pulling hard on the leash. The pup was eager to revisit his furry girlfriend.

Dimitri chuckled, bringing my hand to his lips, brushing them back and forth across my knuckles until I sighed. The man knew how to calm me down. “You’ll do no such thing, or I’ll have to punish you.”

I tipped my head as I leaned against him. “I’m just worried and you wouldn’t dare.”

“There’s nothing to be worried about and you know I would take that dare. In fact, I’ll do it in front of your entire family.”


“I’ve always told you I’m a very bad man.” He swatted me on the bottom and even though he acted as if attending this soiree with my entire family was nothing, I could see through his thick layer of armor just how worried he was. I glanced over my shoulder, easily able to see a few of the at least two dozen soldiers instructed to protect the perimeter. With every King family member in close proximity, this was a prime opportunity to end an empire.

The realization made me shudder.

What Dimitri didn’t know was that I was laying it on thick on purpose. I was nervous, but for an entirely different reason. In fact, I was nauseous, barely able to catch my breath. He hated surprises and this one was a… life changer. “Let’s go inside. You’re right. This is a party. We do have so much to celebrate.”


During the course of the last three years, several of the most notorious figures who’d sworn to eliminate the King family had been eradicated. The King family business was thriving, proceeds up by thirty percent alone this year. There was relative peace, no rumblings of war from our informants.

But I knew better than to think a single one of my brothers was resting easy. They would always be on edge, prepared to handle the next asshole who dared to try to break us.

But for now, everyone was simply enjoying their lives.

“But do me a favor and wait a few minutes before you come inside.” I tilted my head, giving him a pleading look.

He fisted his hand, a flash of anger crossing his face. “This shit has to stop, Angelique. I refuse to be treated like a second class citizen.”

“Now you need to trust me. It ends today.” With that, I strode inside the house, almost immediately hearing laughter as well as children’s squeals. That eased some of the tension. This was supposed to be a festive event, a pool party. “Come on, Dax. I know how much you want to see Elle.”

I rubbed the pup’s head, enjoying the way his tail smacked against my leg.

However, the protector inside of him issued a single growl.

I made my way through the house, smiling as I noticed my mother’s touches located everywhere. She’d made certain fresh flowers were in every room, each display a different and gorgeous color scheme matching the location. Music came from every speaker in the house, the soft, melodic sounds of light jazz my mother’s favorite. The place was perfect in every way, the staff cleaning as if the president of the United States was paying a visit instead of the family.

Teresa King was a consummate host.

A waiter approached before I was able to make it outside. Instead of the usual penguin look my father demanded, the rather hunky man wore an island style shirt and shorts. I pressed my hand across my mouth to keep from laughing, forced to hold onto Dax’s collar. He wasn’t impressed one tiny bit by the man holding the tray. I was certain my pup would eat the man if possible.

The waiter opened his eyes wide, obviously terrified of what my big, brooding boy would do, but he did his job, giving me a nod of respect before pushing the tray of drinks in my direction.

“What are we serving today?” I asked coyly.

“Top shelf margaritas.”

I almost burst into laughter. My mother, the woman who specialized in finding the right wine, champagne, and bourbon for every event was allowing tequila into her house. She must be in a damn good mood. “Perfect. Thank you so much.”

“Please enjoy. Everyone else has arrived,” he said, but I could swear his words were more of a deep growl.

An invitation.

Little did he know that I was already taken.


I strode outside, enjoying the picturesque view of the gorgeous pool and cabanas. I was surprised there were festive decorations: life-size floating rafts in various animal shapes in the water. There were even torches lit in the middle of the afternoon. Who’d abducted my mother? I finally laughed softly as I glanced over my shoulder, longing to see Dimitri. I had difficulty allowing him out of my sight and I knew he felt the same.

I was thankful for a moment of being the voyeur, but that ended as soon as Michael’s children noticed me, both of them squealing from their positions in the pool water.

“Auntie Angel!” Isabella’s shriek was laced with such joy. She adored coming to her grandfather’s pool because the little princess knew that there would be special presents waiting for her. She and I also had a special bond.

“You’re late,” Alessandro piped in. The young boy was turning into a young man before my eyes. He had his father’s face and strong jaw, dark eyes that would pierce into anyone’s soul. He was going to be a lady killer before long.

“Hello, my beautiful babies,” I called back as I moved closer to the crowd. I could see my mother’s expression from where I stood. I was shocked she seemed happy as can be, offering me a huge smile as she walked in my direction.

“We’re not babies any longer, Aunt Angelique,” Alessandro huffed. Even from where I stood, I could see him rolling his eyes.

“Them is fighting words,” I countered. “We’ll see what a game of water polo later forces you to say to me.”

“There you are,” Dante stated as he approached, giving me a brotherly bearhug.

I’d forgotten just how gorgeous his wife truly was. Julieta Morales, now Julieta King had a lock on dark and mysterious. As the daughter of one of our former enemies, her place within the family meant something special to our father.

And I could tell by the look on Dante’s face just how much in love they were.

“So good to see you,” Julieta said as she approached. “You look gorgeous.”

“And so do you.” I took a sip of my margarita, noticing Cristiano had also brought his almost seven-month-old twins. My God, time was flying by.

Dax growled again, forcing Dante and Julieta to laugh. What interested me was that his growl was entirely different. As if he was on the hunt.

“What are you looking at, boy?” I hunkered down, realizing his insanely potent glare was directed at Elle. My boy was determined to make sure everyone knew the Golden Retriever belonged to him alone.

“Oh, let him off the chain,” Michael called, his grin infectious. “They have every right to enjoy the party.”

I glanced at my brother, shaking my head. To see him in dark shades, an island shirt in the color of red and khaki shorts was… shocking. “You don’t know what you’re asking for.”

“Try me,” he retorted.

I shifted my gaze toward his wife, Daniella, and she simply shrugged, pretending to hide behind her drink. If I didn’t know better, I’d say she had a nice baby bump growing. I’d been out of touch with the entire family for too long.

After petting Dax’s head, I whispered down to him, “Be good, boy. Don’t be a stud muffin.” I released the leash, wincing as he bolted in Elle’s direction.

“You know he has to follow in the King brothers’ footsteps.” Lucian seemed surprisingly joyful, even smiling, which was a nice change.

“Of thinking they’re stud muffins?” I snorted.

He waved me off, returning to the love of his life, his attire just as shocking as Michael’s appearance. At least Genevieve had calmed his ass down, even if they’d had a completely arranged marriage—another elimination of one of our enemies.

My mother finally reached my side, but by that point, I could feel Dimitri’s arrival. I immediately tensed, trying my best to keep my cool.

“You look beautiful, my lovely daughter,” she half whispered, although she eased long strands of hair away from my face. When she leaned in, squeezing my arm, her whisper made me blush. “Love has a fabulous effect on you.”

I noticed she shifted her gaze toward Dimitri, and I thought I would pass out when she actually winked at him. She winked. That was not my mother. No, it was an alien creature of some kind.

“Enjoy the party. But be prepared for fireworks,” she continued, swaying her hips as she moved away.

“Holy cow,” I muttered, inching closer to Vincenzo. For whatever reason, Cristiano had yet to approach, although he’d been staring at me from the minute that I walked in. Just sipping his drink, holding court like the grand Boss he was.

Rebel flew in my direction. She was still the rocker child, the girl with a glorious new recording career in country music of all things. I was still her biggest fan, but from her days in a heavy metal band. Our friendship was fun and quirky, although she knew nothing about what had transpired with Dimitri.

“I was going to send a search party out for you!” Rebel yanked me into a hug, almost spilling my drink.

“How’s married life?” I asked.

She pushed me away, glancing toward Vincenzo. “He’s messy. He’s moody. And he’s fabulous. Just like usual.”

We laughed together and suddenly, it dawned on me how normal the conversations were. Just like we were a regular family at a Sunday barbecue, not the notorious crime syndicate who could easily wipe out anyone in the country if necessary. I had to admit that at this moment, I was grateful that my father had so many connections in the country and in the world. I owed him so much.

Although I was still a nervous wreck.

“I’m glad to see you. We have so much to catch up on.” Sighing, I noticed Dimitri had walked closer to my father, who was merely inches away from Cristiano.

She followed my gaze, giving me one of her signature purrs that turned on all the men. “I can see we do. You’ve been very naughty, it would seem.”

“You have no idea.”

A sudden huge splash drew my attention. “Oh, no!” Both Dax and Elle had jumped into the pool, delighting the twins but horrifying almost everyone else.

“Get them out of there!” Lucian called.

My father moved to a standing position, studying the scene in the pool. Then he waved his arm, addressing the family. “Let them enjoy. They are family too.”

I wasn’t certain who laughed first, but that seemed to break the ice.

“Go get him, girl,” Rebel whispered.

I gave her a look before heading around the pool in the direction of my father. I could tell Dimitri had difficulty keeping his eyes off me.

And of course, Cristiano noticed, his jaw clenching. My God, Dimitri had saved Cristiano’s life on more than one occasion too. What the hell did he have to be angry about? By the time I was within ten feet of my father, I was livid.

I would knock Cristiano to the ground if he had a single word to say.

My father remained standing, holding out his arms as I walked closer. “There you are, baby girl. This wasn’t going to be a party until you arrived.”

“Daddy. It’s good to see you.” His hug felt warm, more genuine than in recent times.

“Daddy. Since when did you start calling me Daddy?” He laughed, the deep baritone a sound I remembered from childhood, although I’d almost never heard him laugh. He seemed happier than during the recent years, much more relaxed. He’d also allowed himself to travel with Mother, enjoying retirement.

I shrugged. “You know how things can change.”

“Yes, I do. I’m glad you have a drink in your hand.” He squeezed my arm, walking me a few feet out of hearing distance from anyone else. “I love you, Angel. I want you to know that. Above all, you are and will always be my daughter and I’m very proud of you.”

“That means more than you know. Thank you.” My God, I could see tears in his eyes.

He nodded, purposely turning his attention toward Dimitri. “I think it’s time to let the cat out of the bag. Don’t you?”

I shifted my gaze around the pool, still savoring the fact everyone was enjoying themselves. I wanted to drink in the moment in time in order to be able to remember it for the rest of my life. What I’d realized during the course of the last few weeks was that life was indeed far too short and could be ended at any moment by a new enemy or a horrible disease.

Our family had been through so much, but we’d come out stronger. We were still a family and I loved each and every one of them.

Even if a few made me furious half the time.

Exhaling, I steadied my nerves, giving him a nod.

“Angel, you’re strong. One of the strongest people I’ve ever known in my life. You will always be a King. You just happen to have the title of princess. Just remember what I told you.” My father smiled, his tone encouraging.

“I know and I will.”

He gave me a nod of respect before backing away. I headed toward Dimitri, taking another deep breath.

Dimitri remained quiet, although I noticed the combination of love as well as concern in his eyes. But I also knew that he would be right by my side through thick or thin.

Through sorrow and joy.

Pain and heartache.

For the rest of my life.

I tried to clear my throat to get everyone’s attention, but I failed miserably. They were enjoying themselves far too much. It took my father’s shrill whistle to get them to stop talking. Even the twins seemed to be listening.

“Your sister has something to say,” he said gruffly.

Now I was quivering all over. Damn it.

“I’m so glad we could be here together today to celebrate. I’ve missed this, our family gatherings.” I hesitated, biting my lower lip until Dimitri flanked my side. Just the heat of his body alone was enough to give me another push. “And we have another reason to celebrate. Um… I wanted everyone to know that Dimitri and I were married.”

As expected, there wasn’t a sound in the entire backyard except for the two dogs frolicking in the pool.

“What?” Vincenzo asked.

“Yay!” Rebel squealed.

“That’s fantastic,” Emily added. She was the sweetest woman and to think she absolutely adored Cristiano floored me more often than not. No, that wasn’t fair. He adored her with all his heart.

I could hear Cristiano approach and turned, lifting my head and giving him a hard glare.

He’d placed his drink on the table, and I could swear he had a look of murder in his eyes.

“Do not condemn a single freaking thing. I gave Dimitri permission for my daughter’s hand in marriage. He earned a place within the King family. He is one of ours now as he has been for years. I dare any of you to say harsh words or make it more difficult for either one of them. If you do, you will have me to deal with.” My father’s words were the strongest ones he’d ever said to his family and I felt more honored than I had my entire life.

A tear slipped down my cheek, but I kept my resolve, glaring at Cristiano, daring him to do a damn thing.

And as to be expected, my brother always had to have the last word.

Only this time, he did it with actions, throwing a hard punch directly in Dimitri’s face.

* * *


While Cristiano’s punch wasn’t a crushing blow, the force of his actions managed to topple me to the ground. I jerked up immediately, rubbing my jaw.

“Damn it!” Sylvester King bellowed. “None of that shit in my house.”

Hissing, I tossed Angelique a look. My wife was about to throw a punch of her own. I struggled to my feet, ignoring the pain then pushing her away gently. I also gave her a commanding look before facing Cristiano.

“I guess I deserved that,” I said gruffly, rubbing my jaw.

After a few seconds, Cristiano’s hardened look softened, a grin popping on his face. “No, you didn’t.”

When I issued a hard punch of my own, pitching him backwards and down, the entire family gasped. “Now we’re even.”

While I wasn’t certain what to expect from the powerful man, when he shook his head, the grin remaining as he stood, I continued to remain bristled, preparing for whatever he was going to do.

He moved closer, offering his hand. It seemed the entire family was holding their breath, with the exception of my lovely bride. She was already berating him as only Angelique could do.

I accepted the gesture, shocked when he pulled me into a hug, patting my back.

“Welcome to the family, my friend. It’s about time.”

Cristiano’s tone was genuine and after a few seconds, I managed to let my guard down.

“Yeah, I already knew the secret, but I couldn’t resist.” Laughing, he pulled away, immediately tugging his sister into his arms. “I love you, baby sis. You shouldn’t have felt like you needed to keep it a secret.”

“You’re one asshole. Do you know that?” I continued to rub my jaw as Cristiano grinned. I hadn’t been certain of what to expect after Angelique announced the news. However, I was prepared for a backlash. Instead, as the family moved closer, offering a series of congratulations, I was surprised at how emotional I felt.

A family.

I’d lost one only to gain another. Although there’d been tragedies and the kind of sadness that should have broken me, somehow Angelique had allowed me to embrace the concept of love.

As well as finally fitting in.

As Sylvester King raised his arms once again, the joy on his face continued to surprise me. I still had trouble believing he allowed Angelique to marry me. He probably had no understanding of what his approval as well as his understanding had meant to me.

Maybe I could finally feel whole again.

“As a wedding present, I’ve not only dispatched contractors to rebuild what I heard was a beautiful cabin in Lake Charles, including the stained-glass windows,” Sylvester said with a smirk on his face. “But I’m also providing the newlyweds with their choice of estates in New Orleans. My daughter and her new husband will never live in a location where an enemy has breached their serene abode.”

I continued to be surprised as the family cheered, whistles coming from every direction. I’d also never felt so humbled in my life. When I felt Angelique’s touch as she gripped my hand, the electricity threatened to consume every inch of my being. And I was happier than I’d ever been in my life.

Cristiano grinned as he slipped his hand into his pocket, pulling out a set of keys, a key fob on the end of the massive ring. “There’s a new Charger parked in Pop’s garage. It’s the least I could do after everything you’ve done for the family.”

I couldn’t help but laugh as I accepted the gift. “I’m not certain what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything. You’re one of us, although Pop is right. I think you’ve always been.” Cristiano smacked his hand against my back, turning immediately and grabbing his drink. “To the newlyweds!”

I’d spent far too many days wishing I could have changed the past. I’d also spent the majority of my life wanting nothing more than to alter one particular horrible event. That was never going to happen, but I refused to spend the rest of my life enraged for something I had no control over.

“I love you,” Angelique whispered in my ear. “And I have one last surprise.”

I took her into my arms, pulling her close to my chest. “I don’t need a thing.”

“Mmm… You need to start listening to your wife,” she muttered before giving her father a look.

I shifted my gaze in his direction, actually noticing tears in his eyes. “What have you done?”

Purring, Angelique shifted away from me, releasing her hold yet keeping her eyes pinned on me. The rest of the family backed away from the rear of the house as well. What the fuck were they doing?

As the French door opened, I locked my gaze on the beautiful woman who moved very slowly in my direction. The light breeze allowed both her dress as well as her long blonde hair to flow gently. The way the sunlight shimmered across her face was stunning.

And her blue eyes gave her away.

Everything shifted into slow motion once again as I turned my head toward Angelique. Tears were streaming down her face, her hands covering her mouth, but I could still hear her sobbing sounds.

I was stilted, barely able to move, my heart racing. But I would know my sister anywhere.

“Natasha!” Images of my entire life flashed in front of my eyes, a chill racing down my spine.

As she rushed to me, I was uncertain if this was a dream.

Moy zamechatel’nyy brat,” Natasha whispered as she flew into my arms.

My amazing brother.I wasn’t the one who was amazing. My beautiful sister was. I didn’t need to ask how she’d been found. I knew in my heart that Angelique had asked her father for the best wedding gift I could ever receive. And as I held my sister in my arms, the years of anger and angst, sadness and guilt finally faded away.

I had a family.

I had a life.

And I’d found my heart and soul.

All because of a woman I’d fallen in love with years ago.

One I would protect at all costs. There would always be enemies threatening to destroy what I’d come to love. However, they had no idea what I was made of.

They would face my wrath if they dared try to destroy my world.

Yes, there was an empire—the King Empire. And I was proud to be a member of such an amazing family.

The End