King’s Temptation by Piper Stone

Chapter 2



It was a way of life, including within the King family. I stood in the required dark suit, standing watch over every member of the King Empire, even though they were well protected in the posh environment of the patriarch’s estate. Sylvester King was well versed in brutality, his methods capable of rivaling any other mafia family, including the Bratva I’d sworn to protect all those years ago.

He was also aging rapidly, the toll taken on his body from almost five decades of indulging in cigars and alcohol killing him. Even after several attempts made on his life, his failing health was what was likely to do him in.

“I don’t like this shit whatsoever, Cristiano,” Sylvester barked. He remained behind his desk, glancing from one son to the other.

“You know it’s the right thing to do, Pops,” Cristiano countered. “You might not have understood or appreciated our connection with the Azzurri family, but it allowed us years of peace within the city. Then the fucking massacre.”

All five brothers seemed reserved, their Capos remaining in the shadows of the room. We were all dressed for the funeral, attending a requirement.

Massacre was the correct word to use. The shooting at the gallery had taken out twelve people, including Senator Ragland and two members of law enforcement. I’d watched the news over the last four days. The accounting of what had occurred had been horrific, pushing both mafia families into a circus. There was new fear on the streets, people avoiding the area at all costs. There’d even been word tourism was down, rumors flying around about a turf war between the Kings and the Azzurris.

Only Cristiano seemed hesitant to believe the possibility.

Thank God Angelique had been unhurt, her cuts minor.

“We’re lucky the shit wasn’t worse,” Lucian insisted.

“Your brother was shot,” Sylvester snapped. “You damn well better not forget about that fact.”

“I’m fine, Pops.” Dante gave him a look, raising his eyebrows. “We weren’t the intended target.”

“How the fuck do you know that?” Sylvester continued as he shoved away from the desk, forced to take his time rising to his feet.

“Because one or more of us would be dead,” Vincenzo snarked.

I took a deep breath, shifting my attention toward the floor-to-ceiling window that provided a broad overview of the massive pool and cabana structure. All five brothers remained apprehensive, already placing their soldiers on the highest alert.

“If the attack was a strike against the family, I guarantee it’s going to happen again,” Michael said, huffing under his breath.

Cristiano walked toward the window, peering out at the five women they cared for, both Michael’s children as well as Cristiano’s new twins basking in the early afternoon warmth. I didn’t need to glance out the glass surface to know the entire picturesque scene resembled a frilly holiday card. I couldn’t understand how a single member of the King family had been able to consider having any kind of normal life while being in their positions. Fucking a woman was one thing. Keeping her entirely another. Still, their decisions weren’t for me to question. When the door opened, Angelique walking inside, electricity surged through every muscle and cell.

I took a deep breath, forcing myself to look away.

“It’s time to go,” she stated before giving me a single look then walking out. She’d insisted on attending Giancarlo Azzurri’s funeral, refusing to back down even though her father had forbidden her from attending. The beautiful woman had just had her entire gallery destroyed, the life she’d worked so hard to achieve delayed by several months. The police hadn’t even finished their damn investigation yet.

Cristiano growled under his breath before turning sharply and heading in my direction. He gave me a onceover that was entirely different than normal, his expression pensive. When he spoke, he lowered his voice as if he didn’t want anyone else to hear. “You make certain nothing happens to my sister. Do you understand?”

“Of course, Cristiano.”

He inched closer, shaking his head slightly. “No matter what you need to do.”

There was something entirely different about his command. In fact, I’d never seen him so unnerved. Since taking over the helm of the family given his father’s retirement, he’d developed an even more merciless reputation. There were few people or organizations that would dare fuck with the King family.

“Understood.” I could tell by the look in his eyes that he anticipated another attack at the funeral. I would be ready, no matter the circumstances.

“Then we leave,” he said over his shoulder. “After that, we figure out what the hell the next chapter means.”

“What are you thinking, brother?” Lucian asked.

Cristiano took a deep breath, exhaling it slowly. “That Antonio is no friend of ours.”

“He just lost his brother in a drive-by shooting. I doubt he’s in the position to alter his brother’s course of action after only four days.” Vincenzo laughed after issuing the statement.

“I guess we will see.” Cristiano walked out the door first. I knew the man was tense, but his heightened concern kept me on edge.

Enough so I reached for my weapon.

However, I also knew Cristiano. I could tell he had other thoughts on his mind.

As well as plans.

My instincts remained on high alert.

He knew something was about to go down.

“We need to be prepared,” Cristiano said quietly.

“For?” Dante asked.

Lucian smiled after a few seconds. “An all-out war.”

* * *

Funerals were nothing more than a representation of death, an ugly reminder that no matter how wealthy or powerful, anyone could be cut down in an instant.

I remained by Angelique’s side; the entire process difficult to endure. I’d been to a number of Catholic funerals as required in my role as Capo. They were even more insufferable than weddings, both aspects of pomp and circumstance something I found intolerable. I’d always found it amusing that so many good-natured people attended such events for a notorious criminal. Maybe in this case, they were sending their farewells to the short period of time without the constant worry of unwanted bloodshed on the streets of New Orleans.

Angelique stood stoically, the light breeze of the late afternoon shifting her long hair back and forth across her shoulders. She hadn’t muttered more than a few words of condolences to the Azzurri family before turning silent. In fact, she’d been almost completely emotionless the last few days, answering the questions raised by the police matter-of-factly. While she’d been protected by her family from the press hounds, that didn’t mean her photograph hadn’t been shown on some broadcast a solid five dozen times.

Even during the drive, she’d been cold and distant, keeping her face pinned to the outside world. I’d wanted to find the perfect words to say to her, but I wasn’t certain that was possible or if it was my place.

Now we stood under a massive oak tree, gazing down the rolling hill as Giancarlo was laid to rest. She’d purposely walked away from everyone, refusing to remain by her brothers’ sides.

From where I stood, the scent of her perfume managed to waft into my nostrils, making my aching balls swell. At least the exotic scent masked out the thousands of roses placed on and around the casket. Sighing, I looked away, realizing the eulogy must be over, several of those attending already making their way toward the rickety gates of the cemetery.

“I hate this bullshit,” she said absently, her voice so soft I almost didn’t hear her.

“I understand.”

She laughed, the sound bitter. “I’m not certain you do. When my sister was murdered, the time required for all of us to spend at the funeral home was ridiculous. I promised myself that I’d never attend one of these again.”

“Then why did you come?”

After tilting her head over her shoulder, a smile crossed her face. “Honor. Family. Requirements. Pick one of the above.”

“That doesn’t make you happy.”

“Not in the least, but a member of the family isn’t allowed to question. Neither are you. We simply follow the rules as laid out to us.”

I could hear such bitterness in her tone. “At least the majority of choices in your life you’re allowed to make.”

Now she laughed, the sultry lilt floating above the trees. When she turned to face me, there was a wry smile on her face. “Is that what you really think, Dimitri? Do you believe that living my life as a member of the King family has any additional perks than that of a soldier in my father’s army?”

“Don’t you mean your brother’s?”

The way she looked at me was coy, far too inviting. I knew that if we were alone, I could lose all control, slamming her against the tree and ripping away her body-hugging dress. How many freaking dreams had I had about unwrapping the luscious package, examining the contents inside? And I would take my sweet time in doing so.

“Don’t underestimate my father. He still has significant power. He’s also insufferable in his old ways, not realizing that this is an entirely new era.”

“Your father has remained alive because of his cautious behavior as well as his ability to read the hidden agendas of his enemies. I suggest you remember that you’re very lucky to have been born into a family of wealth and influence. The majority of us aren’t so lucky to have a silver spoon in our mouths.” It was the first time I’d shown her any anger for her blanket statements or because of what I’d endured in my life.

Surprised, she opened her gorgeous eyes as wide as they would go, finally giving me a single nod. “Maybe one day you’ll tell me about your life in Russia.”

“I don’t think you want to hear the brutal stories, princess.”

I knew she loathed when I called her by the nickname, but in my mind, she was every bit a beautiful princess deserving of a prince.

“Maybe I do, Dimitri.” Her words seemed to fade into the light breeze, my attention shifting to the now mostly empty seats. The sight of the ornate casket gave me a series of chills, memories of my father’s funeral forever implanted in my mind. That had been just two days before I’d left for the United States.

I walked closer to the edge of the hill, studying the way Antonio Azzurri shook every single guest’s hand. When he lifted his head, I could swear the man was looking directly at Angelique. I bristled as soon as he headed in our direction, Cristiano and Lucian flanking his side.

“Don’t tell me that vicious animal is coming this way,” she breathed.

“Just relax, Angelique. He’s nothing but a pig.”

“But now a pig in charge. I don’t like being here any longer. I want to go.”

I could see no harm in getting her the hell out of there. “Why not.” After she moved by my side, we both started down the hill on the other side.

Then I stopped her short. “Trakhni menya,” I hissed.

“What’s wrong? Why are you saying fuck me?” She followed my gaze, gripping my arm. “What are they doing?”

“I would say they’re surrounding us.” There were at least thirty soldiers who’d remained out of sight from the funeral. Now they were moving in formation, several of the bastards heading in our direction. I backed her away, taking purposeful steps as I opened my suit jacket, immediately yanking my weapon into my hand. At least Cristiano had been prepared, his suspicions obviously true.

His last statements before we’d left his father’s house provided all the information we needed.

“Antonio betrayed his brother. I’m certain of it.”

“My God. This was a setup,” she whispered.

“Yes, however this possibility was anticipated. Antonio and his clowns will have a significant surprise. However, you need to stay close to me, Angelique. Don’t fuck with me on this. Even though your brothers prepared for the possibility, that doesn’t mean it’s not going to get dangerous.”

Or deadly.

I scanned the perimeter, noticing there were at least thirty additional assholes moving in from two sides. Still cursing, I grabbed my phone, immediately texting Cristiano.


That was about all I needed to say. Then I texted Nick, who had a brigade of our soldiers waiting for the contact.

We’ve been compromised.

Cristiano continued talking while he reached for his cellphone. I could tell the moment he realized his suspicions had been right. Even from where I stood, I could see his smile. I laughed softly as he patted Antonio on the back, continuing to walk toward the hill.

“Why didn’t someone tell me?” Angelique hissed.

“Because there wasn’t time and there was no positive proof.”

Within seconds, all five of the King brothers as well as the other Capos had both hands on their weapons.

“Just stay where you are. If I had to guess, I’d say the attack ending Giancarlo’s life was all about you.”

“Me?” she huffed. Then her eyes opened wide. “Antonio killed his own brother. Jesus Christ.”

“I guess there’s not as much loyalty in the Azzurri family.” I noticed one of Azzurri’s men heading toward us. I shifted closer, until I was able to point my weapon at his head.

“Not so fast, Russian. You’re going to want to hear what our boss has to say.” The man grinned as he pointed a gun in my face, his gold tooth flashing in the sunlight.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing, freak?” Angelique demanded, doing everything she could to move around me. She loathed being left out of the family business. She would never learn that her brothers were trying to protect her and nothing more.

“Curtail the little bitch or I’ll be forced to do it for you. That would be a shame since she’s an important part of the discussion.”

I took a deep breath as I glared at him, making mental note of exactly what the asshole looked like. One night, he’d find himself in a dark alley. I’d enjoy tearing him from limb to limb. However, Cristiano didn’t want a fight until he’d learned all the basics of what to expect.

When Angelique yanked a weapon from her small purse, I cringed. I should have known better than to allow her to come without frisking her. The little princess was going to get herself killed. “Stop. That’s not going to help at this point. Look around you.”

She scanned the perimeter as the sound of tires screeching could be heard from a distance. While she refused to lower her gun, she gave me a knowing look. This was a game of chess and nothing more. Who was going to get to checkmate first.

“I suggest you do exactly what the thug told you. Until Mr. Azzurri allows you to be dismissed, you’re not going anywhere.” The asshole allowed his gaze to fall all the way down Angelique’s shapely legs, licking his lips. Then his attention was drawn by the sound of vehicle doors slamming. He snapped his head back in my direction, narrowing his eyes. “You fucker.”

As Cristiano had mentioned earlier, he’d ordered an additional group of soldiers to arrive on the premises.

“You’re going to need to learn not to mess with the King family,” I chortled, watching as Cristiano led Antonio up the hill. What a shame. The new head of the Azzurri syndicate didn’t seem happy.

“Leave her alone, Carter. She’s mine. That’s something for you to keep in mind.” Antonio scanned the horizon, obviously noticing the group of King soldiers flanking his own.

I snapped my head toward Antonio, making certain he was well aware of my rage. “Touch her and die.”

Antonio laughed, turning his attention on Cristiano. “I heard your Capo was brutal. I applaud you on your selection.”

“Cut the crap, Antonio. I’m in no mood. We came here to offer our respect, not to be ambushed,” Dante snapped.

“But it would seem you also came here to undermine my authority. Isn’t that right, Cristiano? I thought you were more honorable than that.” Antonio shifted his attention toward the entire King family, staring them down one at a time.

Cristiano moved closer to Antonio, a smirk on his face. “You engineered the massacre for the sole purpose of eliminating your brother. Now, I would guess that you hoped by doing so at a festive event, you would manage to take out one or more of the King family. I’m certain you were angry when your goal wasn’t achieved.”

Antonio’s smug look was the only answer any one of the King family needed. They moved to surround him, no longer giving a shit about the dozens of soldiers who were ready for whatever direction their scumbag of a leader would provide.

He didn’t seem fazed by his space being crowded. I remained close to Angelique, studying the itchy fingers on several of the enemy soldiers. The murder and takeover had been planned for some time. The bastard would have needed it in order to turn those once considered loyal to Giancarlo. I did what I could to suppress my rage, but there would be little I could do to stop my actions if Antonio reacted in a negative manner.

“Sadly, you thought I was stupid,” Cristiano continued. “While I was surprised that you’d reach such a low level, I was reminded of something your brother once told me. Never trust those closest to you. I guess he was right.” He was relaxed, prepared to allow his men to strike if necessary.

Antonio kept the grin on his face as he inched closer to Cristiano. “There’s no need for such anger, buddy. You and I have worked together on several issues. I believe we can continue to do so.”

Cristiano turned his head in my direction. I wasted no time directing the barrel of my weapon at Antonio’s head. That forced every other soldier to raise their weapons. While the last thing Cristiano wanted was another bloodbath, everyone attending this unholy meeting was well aware of my skills. Antonio would be dead before a single soldier managed to get off a shot.

“What is it you want, Azzurri?” Lucian asked.

“What do I want?” Antonio grinned before ever so slowly turning his head in Angelique’s direction. “It’s simple. A more formal arrangement between our families. I want your sister’s hand in marriage. That will ensure peace among our families. That will keep our lovely city from being covered in strings of blood.”

“You fucking son of a bitch,” Angelique whispered in a hoarse voice.

“And if we don’t comply?” Vincenzo asked.

Antonio gazed at her longingly. “Then it’s an all-out war. The treaty my brother was stupid enough to make with you has been canceled. While I would hate to have this gorgeous city fall into ruins, that might be necessary. I guess that’s something you’re going to need to think about.”

I managed to grab her arm before she was able to pistol whip the freak, although I wouldn’t mind watching her issue bloody and brutal blows.

“You fucking bastard. If you think I’m going to marry a pig like you, then you are a hell of a lot dumber than you look. My family won’t tolerate such bullshit.” Angelique hissed the words, managing to jerk free from my hold.

Michael grabbed her next and I could tell he was trying to calm her down by whispering in her ear. She was having none of it.

“I’m leaving now and if you dare try and stop me, I assure you that you won’t be able to use the tiny dick stuffed between your legs for anything including pissing.” When she started to walk away, she was met with several of Azzurri’s soldiers shifting in front of her.

“I suggest you have your men back away, or they will never have another opportunity to make another decision themselves. I doubt you want to keep them on as vegetables.” If my harsh words surprised the man, he didn’t show any sign.

However, he did instruct them to move away.

I pulled her against me, trying to find the right words to keep her from destroying the plan. “Don’t do this, Angelique. It’s not the time or place.”

Cursing under her breath, she attempted only once to jerk away from my hold then stopped moving altogether.

“Dimitri. Take my sister away from here. I refuse to have her in the middle of a ridiculous business negotiation,” Cristiano instructed, his eyes full of even more fury than before. “If one of your men even attempt to stop them or dare cause any harm, you will face my wrath.”

There was a moment of silence, only the wind whistling through the trees.

“You know what? We don’t need her here,” Antonio snorted. He shifted his hate-filled gaze in my direction, the same wry smile on his face. He really thought he was in control.

I backed away, glaring into several of the soldiers’ eyes. I tugged her arm. Feeling hesitation, I yanked her around to face me, shaking my head. She kept her hateful glare but obeyed, allowing me to take her down the hill and through a group of our soldiers toward my vehicle. At least we were away from the majority of Azzurri’s men, but I didn’t want to spend one minute longer out in the open than necessary. “You need to stop, Angelique. Your behavior could have gotten you or your brothers killed.”

“You don’t own me. No one does.”

“Right now, I’m the one responsible for you so you will listen to me. Cristiano has instructed me to do whatever is necessary to keep you safe as well as obedient.”

“Are you fucking kidding me? That’s ridiculous and I’m not going with you. In fact, you’re going to give me your keys.”

“No, I’m not. Now, if you don’t calm down, I’ll have no issue tossing you into the trunk.”

She glared at me, a look of shock crossing her face. “You wouldn’t dare.”

I moved closer until I was towering over her. “I will do whatever is necessary to keep you safe. Period.”

“You’re not my keeper.” I wasn’t shocked when she lifted her arm, swinging in an attempt to strike me across the face. She was obviously in shock, still trying to overcome the event at the gallery.

I wrapped my hand around her fist, squeezing as I pushed her arm away. “Don’t do something you’re going to regret.”

“You’re threatening me now? Really? Who the hell do you think you are?” There was such venom in her eyes, the shimmer in her pupils reminding me of daggers.

Growling, I cupped her face with my other hand, rubbing my fingers across her skin, slowly releasing my hold on her arm. “Don’t, Angelique. We need to get you out of here. I promise I won’t let anything happen to you, but you need to trust me. Can you do that?”

She shuddered in my arms, blinking several times as her features finally softened. “I won’t marry him, Dimitri. I don’t care about honor or family. They can’t force that on me.”

“And they won’t. That’s not what’s going to happen. You know none of your brothers will allow you to marry that swine. Give your brother more credit. He anticipated what just transpired. You need to stop acting like a child.”

She almost laughed, as she had more than once from me using the term swine instead of pig. I could see tears forming in her eyes but as always with Angelique, she blinked them away, refusing to show any sign of weakness. “They better not. I don’t have any qualms about killing my brothers if necessary.”

“Do not say shit like that. You know you don’t mean it.”

“I don’t know. Keeping the peace is the reason Cristiano entered into the treaty with Giancarlo in the first place.”

“And that was important, but not the same as his sister’s life. Now, you are going to do what I tell you. Period.”

“Fine. Be commanding.”

I gave her a slight smile in the hopes she would listen to me.

Sighing, she shifted another look over her shoulder before lifting her arm and offering her middle finger. “Fuck you, Antonio. Not a snowball’s chance in hell I’ll do anything but destroy you piece by piece.”

Without a doubt, I knew she could.

And that alone terrified the hell out of me. I knew a man like Antonio would attempt to take what he wanted. However, the bastard had underestimated my abilities. He would never have a chance to lay a single finger on her.

Not one.

Skoro ty sgorish’ v adu.”

Soon you will burn in hell.