King’s Temptation by Piper Stone

Chapter 3



The understanding of how important it was in my life had been drilled into me as a little boy. I’d been taught at a very early age than any sign of disrespect meant the possibility of compromise that would lead to death. That training had served me well over the years, allowing me to survive prison, including several rape attempts and beatings from the guards.

That alone had given me all the tools necessary for working for a brutal family like the Kings. However, in comparison to the Bratva, they used their intelligence more than their brawn.

Except when absolutely necessary.

I’d also allowed my instincts to keep me on edge, able to stay one step ahead of various enemies. My gut was telling me that Antonio Azzurri would never uphold any deal he made with the King family. Angelique was being used as a pawn. That much I would bet on.

I should have known better than to think she would obey me on any level. Angelique was a firecracker, a woman who refused to follow anyone’s rules. She’d lived her life on her terms and that was all she cared about. After she attempted to climb out of my car at a stoplight, I knew that I had my hands full.

As soon as I pulled into the driveway of her cottage, she jumped out, racing toward her front door. What in the hell did she think she was going to do?

Cursing, I threw the gear into park, cutting the engine. By the time I reached her front door, she’d already locked me out. I pounded twice, trying to control my anger. “Open the door, Angelique. I’m not fucking around with this.”

I heard the sound of aggressive barking. I’d been told she’d purchased a dog to keep her company. From the sounds of it, she’d selected a large breed. Good for her. That wouldn’t stop me from getting inside.

She didn’t answer me, but I heard a hard thudding sound. I waited for five seconds before trying the handle then slamming my hand on the door again. As I debated whether or not to kick it in, I realized the barking was coming from another part of the house.

Stepping back, I looked from side to side. There was no house on one side and on the other, a fence separated the two buildings. “Fuck.” I knew exactly what the cunning woman was trying to do. I raced around the side, catching sight of her as well as her dog just before she reached a gate in the fence on the back. I raced toward her, furious that she would do something so damn stupid.

She must have heard my approach. She stopped, said something quietly to her pup then gave me a nasty glare.

Just seconds before the dog lunged in my direction.

What. The. Fuck.

From the few seconds I had to try to identify the dog, I could tell it was a German Shepherd or another close breed. And he had no issue tearing me to shreds. The woman was going to learn the hard way that defying me wasn’t in her best interest.

I crouched down, holding out my hand. “Podoydi syuda detka,” I said in a soft voice. Just using ‘come here, baby’ seemed to work, the dog instantly easing down on his haunches, his growls turning into whines. When he rolled over, exposing his belly, I leaned closer, rubbing the light fur on his skin. I heard her cursing in the background and resisted smiling. “Beautiful dog. What’s his name?”

She hissed but thankfully didn’t try to go anywhere. “Dax, you asshole.”

“Interesting name. Dax you asshole. I hope the boy doesn’t get confused. Huh, big boy? You are adorable.” Dax was in seventh heaven as I continued stroking him. When I finally rose to my feet slowly, he didn’t make another aggressive move, simply shifted by my side, allowing me to rub his head with one hand as I walked closer to her.

Every step I took, I could tell a single trickle of uncertainty grew. Angelique shifted from foot to foot, still staring at me with all her usual defiance. When I was only a few inches away, I peered down at her. The same longing I’d had for years remained, my cock aching to the point I was in actual pain, but I shoved it aside. The woman was going to need to learn about obedience and diplomacy.

The hard way.

“Now, we’re going back into your house without another incident. There will be no fighting, no acting childish. Then you and I are going to have a discussion about how this is going to play out.”

“I’m not going to obey you.”

“Then you will be punished.”

“Punished?” Angelique laughed. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“Oh, yes, I would. You are my responsibility and I will do what’s necessary to keep you in line.”

“Who do you think you are?”

For all the years we’d teased each other, played on the surface as if there could be something between us, it all came down to this moment.

I was nothing but the hired help and she was a princess.

She had no idea how many vile and filthy thoughts I’d had about her over the years. The angel of the family wasn’t supposed to be touched by the hand of a soldier, but at this moment nothing that had been explained to me mattered. I wanted to fuck her, driving my cock deep inside while she screamed out my name.

An intense ache roared into my gut, but I couldn’t allow that to matter. She was my employer’s sister and nothing more. However, I would teach her a lesson and one she would never forget.

“You have five seconds to obey me or I assure you that you won’t like what happens.”

I could tell the ugliness of my tone terrified her for the first time. She chewed on her lower lip, a single curl falling into her eyes. At that moment she’d never looked so vulnerable in her life.

And I was a bad man wanting to claim her.

The look in her eyes pierced my very soul. For a few seconds, there was a fleeting moment of what I’d seen before every time our eyes had connected. Then it was gone. She knew her place and I knew mine.

For now.

“Fine. Come on, Dax. Don’t become friends with the man.” Her haughty tone didn’t have the effect she likely wanted.

My cock twitched, my balls tightening. Being this close to her was going to challenge every aspect of my control.

I waited until she walked toward the rear door before following, shaking my head. After walking inside, shutting and locking the door, I was struck by the intense scents wafting through the lovely kitchen. Vanilla and cinnamon, as if she’d just finished baking cookies. I wondered if she’d ever used her kitchen for any other purpose than storing her bottles of wine.

She headed further away, her dog dutifully following. I checked the windows, making certain everything was secure. I didn’t like the way the house was positioned. There were too many access points. However, I knew she could defend herself at least to a point.

I found her in the living room, staring out the window.

When I came closer, she turned around to face me, a weapon in her hand.

“What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” I asked, exasperated from her behavior. I’d never seen her like this.

“What’s necessary to keep my life the way I want it. Because of this great family, all I worked for was destroyed. It will take me years to rebuild.”

“We’re talking about a building, Angelique.” I walked closer.

She shook her head. “It’s not about the building. That’s what insurance is for. I’m talking about my reputation. Do you think any artist in their right mind will ever allow me to show their work again? No. And why? Because I had to be born into a horrible family.”

I took another step closer. I had to get the damn weapon out of her hand. “You have an amazing family. How sad that you never understood that. How arrogant of you to think that you should have more than anyone else. There are a hell of a lot of people in this world that have nothing.”

“Don’t come any closer, Dimitri.” She held the gun in one hand, although I noticed the aim was directed at the floor. She knew how to shoot. She was damn good at it too.

I took two long strides, yanking it from her hand.

“Give that back to me,” she demanded.

“That’s not going to happen.”

“Then I will kill you.”

“Go ahead, Angelique. I have little to live for. However, in the meantime, you’re going to learn a lesson that I will not tolerate being crossed on any level.” I didn’t give her the chance to fight me any longer, thumping down on the couch with her over my knee and yanking her dress up to her waist then placing the weapon on the table out of her reach.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Her screeches should have caused Dax to come to her aid. Instead, the pup sat down, cocking his head, his tail swishing back and forth.

At least I’d developed a bond with the dog.

“I’m giving you exactly what you deserve. A hard spanking.” I didn’t waste any time, yanking down her panties. I was so aroused that I had difficulty thinking straight. Her creamy skin made my mouth water, her rounded bottom exactly as I’d envisioned all those dark and lonely nights.

“No. No. No! That’s not fair.”

I brought my hand down several times in rapid succession. “It’s entirely fair. I’m going to make certain you remember this for a hell of a long time.”

“Bastard. I hate you.”

“Good.” I smacked her again and again, the sensations drilling into my fingers pushing me to the edge. The electricity flowing through us was like a series of wild surges, leaving my pulse skipping and my heart racing. I was almost blinded by my hunger for her, but I refrained from doing anything stupid.

She whimpered and wiggled, undulating her hips across my groin. My balls were tight as drums. All I wanted to do was thrust my cock deep inside her wet pussy, driving her to the height of pure pleasure. However, she required discipline more than anything. Acting spoiled would only cause her harm, perhaps even end her life.

When she managed to swing her fist, punching me in the jaw, I wrenched her arm behind her back with a series of deep and husky growls. “You need to stop that bullshit. I won’t tolerate your bad behavior.”

“I will get you for this.”

I couldn’t help but grin. She’d threatened me more times than I could count, but the feisty woman had met her match. “We shall see.” I swatted her again, moving from side to side. The blossom of cherry on her skin was inviting, the heat building in my hand nothing but a sweet reminder that I was capable of saving her life.

With every brutal smack, she ground against me, keeping the adrenaline flowing and my mind spinning with despicable and filthy thoughts. Images of licking her pussy, driving my tongue inside were almost too much to take. I continued the savage spanking until she was no longer trying to escape, lying limp in my arms, her breathing scattered. When she parted her legs, allowing me to see her swollen and glistening pussy lips, I almost lost it.

I brushed my fingers down the crack of her ass, inhaling the incredible scent of her sweet juice. She had no idea the kind of effect she had over me, or any understanding of the barbaric things I could do to her.

I was a sadistic man, my needs bordering on heinous. Few women had been able to tolerate my desires, fewer still ever desiring to see me again. I was looking for the special one, a girl who hungered to submit to my barbarous needs.

“I’ll be good. I promise.”

Her words dragged me back to some kind of reality. I shook my head, my breathing still labored. With her bottom sufficiently covered in warm red. I caressed her skin, soothing her as she moaned beneath me.

For a few seconds, I closed my eyes, allowing my imagination to rise to the surface.

“Remove your clothes,” I instructed, taking shallow breaths as I looked at her. She was beautiful in every way, her voluptuous body calling to me like no other woman’s had before. She would soon learn to obey my every command, fulfilling my desires no matter what I asked.


“Because I told you to.”

“You’re not my master,” Angelique breathed, yet as she swayed back and forth, allowing her fingers to brush down the side of her neck, dancing provocatively over her breast, her eyes shimmering. She knew exactly what she was doing to me.

“I am now. You will do as I say or face harsh punishment.”

“That’s not fair.”

“Nothing in life is fair, Angelique. The sooner you learn that the better. Undress.”

She pursed her lips, acting as if she was going to disobey me. Then she slowly slid one strap down her arm then the other, shimmying until gravity allowed the slinky dress to fall to the floor. She wore no bra, her full breasts and perky nipples the color of pink roses making my cock throb even more. Her panties were lace, allowing me to gather a hint of the prize underneath.

“All of it.”

A shiver coursed through her, goosebumps popping along every inch of her beautiful skin. As a warm flush crept up her neck to her cheeks, I shifted in my chair, trying to remain patient, although it was becoming increasingly difficult.

Her hesitation was on purpose, yet as she slipped her long fingers under the thin elastic, sliding her thong oh-so slowly past her hips and down her long legs, I sat forward on the seat admiring the view. When she was completely naked, I took a deep breath. “Turn all the way around. Slowly.”

She did as requested, continuing to sway her hips as she followed my order. When she faced me once again, her lower lip was quivering.

“Crawl to me.” I cocked my head, lifting a single eyebrow when she didn’t respond immediately. “Now.”

As she dropped to the floor, moving onto all fours, every inch of my body tensed, my heart pounding in my chest. I wanted to take my time, to explore every inch of her body. Then I would devour her.

Purring, she crept closer, taking her time as if she was actually controlling the moment. I opened my legs, leaning back against the chair as I watched her progression. She was a perfect little tease, capable of driving me to the point of madness. When she was within inches, I reached down, fisting her hair and dragging her up to her knees.

“Do you know what’s going to happen, my beautiful little kitten?”


I enjoyed issuing a harsh growl, the kind only a predator would use. “I’m going to fuck you.”

Angelique whimpered in my arms, trying to control her breathing. I took a deep breath, dragging my tongue across my lips as I shifted my gaze to her glistening pussy one last time. Now wasn’t the time or the place.

But I knew in my gut that I wouldn’t be able to control my needs much longer.

I would do my job, protecting her, but the demon hungering inside knew that things were going to change.

There would be no arranged marriage.

She would become mine.

Then I would claim her in every way, fucking her as often as I desired.

That’s when she’d realize that she belonged to me.
