King’s Temptation by Piper Stone

Chapter 4


Fuck him.

The damn Russian.

The man who’d dared to spank me, for God’s sake. Who the hell did he think he was? Every movement I took was a direct reminder of the horrible incident, my jeans scraping against my bruised and aching backside.

I’d stared at my reflection in the mirror that morning, furious that the bastard had actually punished me like some bad little girl. Exhaling, I issued a growl, much like the ones Dimitri had done several times.

The sound had excited me, igniting every cell and muscle in my body, but he was off limits. Forbidden. Taboo.

At least according to my family.

God, there were times I hated growing up in the King family. I grabbed one of the pillows that Dax had ripped off the couch, ready to pitch it but instead pulling the soft cushion against my chest. How many nights had I fantasized about the ruthless, dangerous man? How many times in the shower had I longed to have him standing behind me, ready to shove his cock deep inside my pussy?

Too many.

As if that was ever going to happen.

Now I was furious with him for usurping control. Hadn’t I lost enough already?

Stop whining. You sound like a stupid little girl.

Yeah, whatever.


I tossed the pillow across the room, this time managing to hit my target of the couch. I heard the swishing sound of Dax’s tail and gave him a sideways look. He mimicked my actions, his gorgeous eyes imploring mine. I couldn’t believe my amazing, protective dog actually liked Dimitri. The pup didn’t like anyone. The mailman. The UPS guy. He wanted to rip off a pound of flesh every time anyone had gotten close.

Then there was Dimitri.

He was insanely tall and perfectly proportioned, his muscles stretching against every shirt I’d ever seen him wear. Tattoos crawled up both sides of his neck and down to his fingers, long vines that always made me think they were going to leap off his skin, wrapping around and suffocating me. That was the way I’d felt every time I’d laid eyes on him. But he was off limits, taboo in the King Empire. I’d never thought of him as scary on any level.

Until now.

There was something entirely different about his eyes especially when he shifted them in my direction.

Undressing me.

Searching my very soul.

Prepared to devour every inch, tasting and taking like the dangerous man he truly was.

I shuddered as images of his chiseled face rushed into my mind.

“I know. Mommy is acting silly. Right? It beats me tearing up the place.” An entire night had gone by. As if I’d been able to sleep. The nightmares continued, the horrible visions refusing to release their claws. The massacre at the gallery. The way Antonio had gawked at me with lust in his eyes.

And the fact my brothers had remained to talk with the flaming asshole. Were they fucking out of their minds?

Dax growled and that indicated someone was at the front door. Exhaling, I hesitated before walking closer. “It’s all right, baby. No one is going to hurt Mommy.” I knew the two big guards who’d remained outside my front door wouldn’t allow that to happen. I’d finally learned what being a prisoner was like. Did they really think Antonio was going to be so stupid as to attempt to abduct me, not only in daylight but ensuring that there would be a war?

I didn’t know the nasty man well, but I’d heard enough about him. He wasn’t as intelligent as Giancarlo, but he was more cunning. He’d bide his time, hoping that Cristiano would agree to his demands. My father would stop that shit before it started.

When I opened the door, I shook my head. Both Cristiano and Lucian stood on my doorstep. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say the serious looks on their faces indicated they’d caved in to the bastard.

“I knew you’d show up sooner versus later.” As Dax went nuts, barking as if a four-headed monster was attempting to break in, I considered allowing him to lunge forward.

Lucian scowled as he glared down at my baby. “Can’t you control him?”

“He doesn’t like assholes.” I held Dax’s collar, walking him into the living room. Lucian and I had never been buddies. I wasn’t entirely certain if the man even had any friends. “Sit, baby. They’re family.” While Dax did as I commanded, I knew he was ready to strike if I gave him a single word. I turned to face them, shifting my gaze from one to the other. “Did you kill the jerk?”

“No, we didn’t kill him. We had a business meeting,” Cristiano said quietly, much more so than I was used to. He took a few seconds gazing around my little house. If the man criticized me, so help me God I was going to punch him. We’d been so close for years. I’d idolized him. He’d changed so much over the last few years.

“And?” I asked, growing impatient. “Does the man have some kind of death wish?”

Lucian looked at Cristiano before starting to speak. “What Antonio did is reprehensible. The murder of Giancarlo was unfortunate.”

“Unfortunate. The man needs to be taken out. I thought that’s what you would decide to do.” I already didn’t like where this was going.

“Eventually,” Cristiano said. He moved to the couch, taking his time sitting down.

I waited, remaining quiet.

“His business offer is a ridiculous concept for keeping the peace. However, he’s willing to ensure that our business operations will be kept separate with no interference.” Lucian studied me after issuing the words.

I took a few seconds, turning my attention to Cristiano. “Wait a minute. Are you actually suggesting that I marry this freak?” When neither one of them answered right away, I took two steps backward. “Not a chance in hell.”

Cristiano rubbed his jaw before looking me directly in the eyes. “No, Angelique. While there’s a hell of a lot at stake, what I’m suggesting is that we give him the impression we agree.”

“If he tries to talk to me, he might feel otherwise,” I snorted.

When Cristiano rose to his feet, moving in my direction, I bristled. “You’re going to need to trust me, Angelique. We have a plan in motion.”

“That involves me pretending that I’m going to get married to the asshole.” I couldn’t believe I was hearing this. This wasn’t my brother, not the man who I’d adored my entire life, worshiping every single thing he did. Hell, I’d pined away for him while he was in prison, even daring to go to the horrible place against my father’s orders because I had to see him. And he would do this kind of thing to me?

“You’re a damn good actress, Angelique. I’m only asking for a short period of time to inconvenience your life. That will allow me to find out what the man is attempting to do and nothing more. Once that occurs, then he will be taken out. From what we’ve learned on the street, it’s likely Antonio has more significant plans. It’s in our best interest to try and find out instead of creating a bloodbath, but I won’t tolerate this bullshit for long.”

His answer seemed so matter-of-fact, as if it wouldn’t matter to me.

As if I’d simply say yes and everything would go back to normal. “That is… the most horrible thing you’ve ever asked of me.” I remained angry, but I knew the way my brother worked. Damn it.

“I know, my beautiful baby sister, but at this point, it will keep him from beginning a war.” Cristiano closed the distance and this time I didn’t fight him. I was too drained. When he lifted my chin with a single finger, I knew he could see tears in my eyes.

“Don’t you know what a violent, brutal man Antonio is? If he finds out you’re lying, he will do everything in his power to hurt me in retaliation. I just can’t… I…” I couldn’t even finish the words. I could see how distraught he was, the deep agony that I’d only witnessed when our sister had been murdered. He knew exactly what he was asking of me.

“He will never hurt you. If he attempts to lay a finger on you, he will be eliminated without hesitation.”

The man really thought he had power over everyone. “You really want me to do this?”

“There will no engagement parties or other bullshit. Just an agreement and nothing more. He can revel in his belief that he’s found a way into our kingdom,” Lucian added.

Cristiano laughed. “But soon he will rot in hell. As I said, you’re going to need to trust me.”

I pulled away, walking toward the back window and peering outside. I’d never taken the time to plant a garden or really fix my place up the way I’d wanted to. I almost laughed at the thought.

“You will be protected and certainly not forced to spend any time with him,” Lucian said in a strange way, his voice hollow and without inflections.

“Fine, but I will kill the bastard myself if he dares to try and lay a hand on me.” I glared from one to the other.

Cristiano smiled. “As I would expect.”

* * *


Maybe every little girl had the same dreams that I’d had. The perfect day. The perfect dress. The perfect flowers.

The perfect man.

Not a horrible, ugly monster.

I’d fantasized about my wedding more than once, reading stupid bridal magazines as I envisioned what my groom would be like. I’d even walked through the ceremony dozens if not hundreds of times in my mind. I could draw a picture of exactly the way everything was supposed to be.

That was never going to happen.

No matter if the wedding and marriage idea was fake in order to buy time to eradicate an enemy, I’d spent just enough time around Antonio to know he had a sick way of smelling a rat. Besides, he’d attempt to take what didn’t belong to him before the blessed freaking nonevent.

That just wasn’t going to be allowed.

Getting out of town was exactly what I needed. Without any intervention.

My mother was a cunning woman, although she’d never been given the kind of credit she’d deserved, at least until recently. She’d learned much from my father’s brutal tactics, although I’d never seen her break a sweat other than when tending to her beloved gardens. However, her methods of providing her own brand of education for her children were entirely different than other mothers who were allowed to live relatively normal lives.

She’d pretended to be one of them; attending school functions, providing homemade cookies for various fairs and birthday parties, and even serving on the PTA for two years. But everyone in New Orleans knew who she was and what the family was capable of.

That had never deterred planning her lavish parties or afternoon teas. Her ability to look ravishing no matter the situation had taught me valuable lessons.

Never let anyone see you sweat.

Observe everyone and their actions, learning their dirtiest and darkest secrets for use at a later time.

And more importantly, use your feminine wiles every chance you have.

Tonight, I would use lesson number three to my benefit.

“Nick, I hate to ask you this, but can you run to the store and get me some bandages?” I stood in the doorway of my cottage, holding my arm. I’d carefully sliced it with a very sharp knife in a location where I wouldn’t bleed to death. However, Cristiano’s soldier didn’t know that.

“Oh, my God. What did you do? Are you okay?” Nick immediately rushed to my side, lifting my elbow tenderly.

“I’m okay, just clumsy as shit. I realized I don’t have a single bandage in the house.”

“Do you need stitches? I can call the family doctor.”

“No, don’t worry. It’s not that deep, but I want to keep it covered. Do you mind going? It’ll only take you a few minutes.”

He exhaled, shifting his attention to the other soldier standing guard. “I’m not supposed to leave.”

“Oh, pretty please. Dax won’t leave it alone if I don’t cover it. I’ll be all right with Jonas. He’s big and strong with a large selection of ammunition. He can handle me.” I gave him my most seductive smile. I’d even changed into short shorts and a tight tee shirt, nothing abnormal in my attire but perfect to lure Nick into wanting to provide aid to the helpless female.

“Jonas. Do not leave this front door,” Nick instructed. He’d recently been promoted, likely to make Capo within a year. Well, maybe not now given he was prepared to leave his post. I would apologize to him later.

If I lived that long.

“Don’t worry, Nick. I’m staying right here. No one is getting inside,” Jonas responded.

I held my smile, waiting until he jumped in their SUV, trying to keep my breathing in check. This had to work perfectly, or I’d never be able to fake another chance. I had everything ready, including a small bag with essentials. Some dog food. Water. Two changes of clothes and toiletries. Money. Weapons. That was all I’d need for a little while.

When he roared down the driveway, I partially closed the front door, enough so that Jonas would think it was closed. Then I turned to Dax. My fur baby and I had been working on how many words he could understand in English. The big boy was far more intelligent than the majority of people I knew.

“Okay, baby. You know what to do. Take off running and barking until you’re a couple blocks away. Then yelp and go silent, turning around and heading down the street. I’ll pick you up. Okay?” I rubbed him between the eyes, adoring the way he nuzzled against my hand. His single woof was all I needed.

“Okay, go, boy. Go.”

Dax knew what to do. He managed to open the door with his nose, just enough he could slip outside. When I heard him bark then Jonas’ surprised cry, I took gulping breaths, counting to three before racing to the door. I was one damn good actress. I appeared distraught and exasperated.

“Jonas. I don’t know what happened. I must not have closed the front door. You have to help me.” To add another nudge, I allowed some blood to drip down the length of my arm. I also stood barefoot, acting as frantic as possible. “Dax! Come back, baby.”

He cocked his head, hissing then moving away from the side of the door. “Okay. You need to stay right here. Close and lock the door. I’ll get him.”

“Oh, thank you. Thank you so much!” I squealed like a damn little girl as he took off running. I closed the door, leaving a crack in order for me to peer outside. The man had taken the bait. Thank God.

I grabbed an arm band to keep the blood from dripping, my keys, and the suitcase then headed to my small vehicle parked on the side. While twilight had fallen, I kept the lights off until I moved to the end of the driveway, going the opposite direction from where Jonas had raced off to. I bit my lip as worry and frustration grew. This had to work.

I drove slowly and around a corner before turning on the lights. Thirty seconds later, I pulled over to the side to wait.

Within a minute I wasn’t just impatient, I was worried sick. “Come on, baby. You can do this.”

I kept the window open, listening for any sounds. Finally, after another thirty seconds, I could swear I heard clicking nails on the pavement. As Dax came into view from the headlights, I said a silent prayer. He was the only thing that really mattered to me. I opened the door, allowing him to jump in then shift into the passenger seat. “Good boy! Oh, you are such a good boy. Mommy is going to get you so many treats. We’re off on an adventure. Are you ready, baby?”


“Good.” I closed the windows, locking all the doors and raced down the road. If I could get out of town, I’d find a motel for the night, paying with cash. Then I’d figure out a more permanent location by morning.

I realized my breathing was ragged, but I was actually excited. I’d never done anything quite this brazen in my life. I knew every member of my family would be pissed, but maybe they’d realize that I had a life of my own and one entirely different from theirs. There wasn’t a reason in hell to make me change my mind.

Dax whined a little before settling down. “Don’t worry, baby. We’re going to be all right. Mommy knows what she’s doing.”


I had no real clue, other than I’d observed my father and brothers over the years, learning from them while doing so. I’d built my own collection of weapons over the years, also paying attention to everything that came across either social media or the regular news on every crime syndicate and cartel that could either harm or influence my family.

No one knew how much I’d learned or retained. They didn’t care to ask. They thought I was some wild child born in the wrong era, prepared to live my life that way while following the family’s rules until the day I died. Bullshit. I was my own woman who refused to fall into the usual requirements.

A smile crossed my face as I realized that I could do anything I wanted. My gallery was toast, but the insurance money alone would allow me to form a new life in a new city with enough money left over to create a new gallery. I wouldn’t even have to touch my trust fund. The plan sounded good.

Although lonely.

For a few seconds, my thoughts drifted to Dimitri. The attraction we shared was real, but I’d always known in the back of my mind that his loyalty was completely with Cristiano and his required protection of every family member. Nothing more. We could flirt. We could even share a kiss, but a brutal man like Dimitri could never learn to care about anyone.

Still, he was delicious to fantasize about.

I glanced into the rearview mirror, trying to stay on the back roads for a little while longer. By now, Nick would have returned, my ruse discovered, and my brothers called. Soon, the majority of them would be on the road in an attempt to find me. However, they didn’t know my secret little ways of getting out of the city. Almost no one did.

In about ten miles, I’d need to get on the interstate for a little while. Then I would be home free. I tried to keep my cool, making certain to stay under the speed limit. I had to head through a pretty rough area in the city, but I knew Dax would take care of me. As I was forced to slow down for a light, Dax popped his head up.

The growl he emitted wasn’t like the playful ones he’d done around my brothers or even those he issued when the mailman approached. I scanned the perimeter, realizing just how dark and deserted the area really was with the various boarded-up shops and tawdry businesses.

Then the hair stood up on the back of my neck.

“We’re getting out of here, boy. Hold on.”

Before I had a chance to press down on the accelerator, a car came out of nowhere, blocking my ability to go forward. Oh, hell, no. This wasn’t going to happen. I threw the gear into reverse, stomping down on the gas pedal. I made some traction until another vehicle pulled behind me. I was forced to throw on my brakes, the car skidding sideways. “Fuck. Fuck.” My hand shaking, I reached under the seat, grabbing the loaded weapon I always kept in the same location.

But the smash of my driver’s door window followed by a hand fisting my hair and yanking almost forced me to drop it.

No fucking way.

Dax immediately responded, trying to crawl over me. His barks and growls were horrific but didn’t seem to deter the asshole trying to abduct me in the least.

Screaming, I fought the assailant, punching him with one hand while trying to get the weapon in position to shoot him in the head.

As Dax continued to go wild, clawing me in his effort to get away, I heard another approaching vehicle followed by a screech of tires, a thud of a door, and…

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Almost instantly the hold the asshole had was released. I scrambled to figure out what the hell was going on. And in the headlights, the amber glow allowed me to see exactly who’d become my hero.


I could see one of the enemy soldiers, his body tossed over the hood of the car in front of me. Dimitri was standing over someone else. After giving me a look and a nod, he pumped four rounds in a row. I studied Dimitri’s face, the rage taking over his entire body as he stood over the fallen assailant. Then he issued several brutal kicks.

Dax had already stopped barking, although he remained by my side, staring out the window at the man who’d saved our life.

Dimitri scanned the area then took long strides toward the door. I fumbled to press unlock and he wasted no time in yanking it open. “Come on. I need to get you out of here now.” His command was deep and biting.

Shaking, I did what he asked, cutting the engine and grabbing the keys. I managed to grab my bag before he pulled me out. As I was yanked into his arms, I realized just how terrified I was. “Thank you. I just…”

He lowered his head and in the craziness of what had just occurred, there was a look of possession in his eyes. I could have sworn he was going to kiss me, and I even stretched my body closer, rising onto my tiptoes.

A single growl pushed past his lips. “You’re not going to fuck with me on this, Angelique. I need to get you to safety.”

“I understand.”

“I hope like hell you do.” The desire I’d seen in his eyes quickly shifted to nothing more than the anger that often consumed him. He dragged me away from my car, one arm wrapped around me, his other hand firmly planted around his weapon. I could feel Dax at my heels as we moved quickly.

But there was a sudden stillness in the air. Then the kind of sound indicating we were still in danger permeated the night sky.

Dimitri roared, pushing me behind him forcefully then taking two long strides forward. In the headlights of the second vehicle that had blocked me, I was able to see the whites of the assassin’s eyes as he pointed his weapon in my direction.

There was no hesitation on Dimitri’s part. He simply pressed the barrel of his gun against the man’s head and fired not once, but twice.

In the aftermath of the killing, I couldn’t take my eyes off the way the light ebbed from the enemy soldier’s eyes as he slipped straight into hell.

And for a few seconds, I had a feeling that I would be forced to face the same fate.