Merciless Union by Faith Summers



After I saw Violet, I went to the bar straightaway to check out the place.

I always carry out basic checks before I strike or go after a target.

The Wild Horse is smack right in the middle of the host of bars and clubs lining Long Beach. It’s what I’d call a cross between up and coming and a bit of a dive. I think that’s what makes it cool, though. It’s not one or the other so that it can attract all sorts of people.

My visit this morning was just to scout the place, talk to a few people who’d been to the bar, and check the surroundings, so I’m aware of what’s around me if shit hits the fan. I’m going back tonight for the real work. When I get there, I want to identify Talia and then wait for Jon. The place opens at eight and closes at four in the morning, but the owners allow people to hang out until sunset.

I was speaking to one of the locals when Aria called.

I would have liked to talk to the guy a little more, but since she never calls me, I knew it was important.

She sounded weird and a little freaked. I was expecting a message by now with the things she wanted. It was odd because she’s never asked for personal items before. Then again, Marylin was around to take her to the stores, and we didn’t have this threat over our heads.

I know it’s a pain in the ass staying in the house day in day out, but that’s how it has to be for the moment.

I’m at Aiden’s now. I messaged earlier about Jon, so the plan is to check out those addresses we got last night to get a lead on Raphael then go to the bar when it opens.

“I have good news and bad news,” Aiden informs me when I walk into his kitchen.

“Please give me the good news first.” I could do with some.

“We have details on Gina. Gibbs and Eric worked their magic.”

Jesus, thank you. That is good news and just the thing I want to hear after seeing Violet.

“What did they find?”

“Quite a bit. She had a CIA contact who was able to change her name and keep the change hidden. That’s why no one could find her.” Aiden sets out some documents on the table. The first is a bunch of pictures of a pretty dark-haired woman who looks like she was in her early twenties. “These are the only known pictures of her before she disappeared.”

This is good, and once again, I’m grateful for my alliance with Aiden. I would never have been able to get this intel on my own. Only weeks ago, we were told this woman was a ghost we’d never be able to find.

“This is great. What’s her new name?”

“Laila Turnbull, and she was listed as living in Wisconsin. The bad news is the listing was from two years ago, and there’s no one living at that address. The house is literally empty. Gibbs and Eric are still working on tracking her down. I don’t think it will take long before they find her, so we need to be ready to leave when they do.”

“I’ll be ready,” I breathe, and then I think of Aria. “Aiden, I’m thinking of moving Aria to a safe house. If we need to be ready to move when we get information on Gina, then I want Aria somewhere safe, especially after. If we’re successful and Gina gives us what we need, we’ll be opening Pandora’s box. I don’t think she’ll be okay at the house.” I was worried before, but that will definitely be the time to worry.

“You’re right. How about this, though: she comes here when we leave to see Gina, and if things start happening after we get back, you both come here. Nobody can get on my property. I’m leaving Maksim to take care of my family. Having him here is as good as me. If we need more muscle, then I have the Syndicate enforcers at my command.”

That sounds like a good idea, but I don’t want to bring danger to his family. “I’d like that, only if we don’t impose, though. You’re already doing enough.”

“It’s no imposition. Besides, Olivia seems to be quite fond of Aria.”

He’d told me Olivia went to visit Aria the other day. I couldn’t think of anyone better to befriend her.

“Thanks. I appreciate everything.” Fuck knows what I would have done without him. I’m strong, and I can take care of myself and what’s mine but damn it to fuck, not when I have all sides coming at me.

“No worries. Let’s talk about tonight. If we get Jon, then that’s one down.”

“One big asset to the enemy. Dead is good in my books.”

“Exactly. Take away their best tech, and we weaken them.”

“I have a team of twenty.” Aiden cracks his knuckles. “Depending on how things go with our Raphael search, the same twenty should join us at the bar. I think we should be trying to be as low-key as possible, though.”

“Yes. I think I should go in alone first. It will draw less attention. I’ll observe and see what’s going on. Then contact you if I need back up.”

I won’t need backup just for Jon. The backup is if Jon brings company like the other night.

“That sounds good. Let’s do this.”