Eliezer’s Ange by Eden Auclair


eliezer’s ange has been a long time coming, and writing this book has been such a wild adventure with tears and love.

to the sweetest, sincerest, and utmost dedicated editor, proofreader, and best friend i’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing, mia. you are a bright light in our book community and i genuinely could not have done this without you. thank you, forever and always, for embarking on this adventure with me. from the first day we met, you believed in me, even when i wanted to give up, even when i thought i couldn’t do it. you will always have a place in my heart, especially for being my biggest cheerleader when i decided to fully pursue self-publishing. and i will tell you thank you endlessly for putting up with my chaotic mind! whether it was two in the morning or two in the afternoon, you’ve dealt with my mind that was all over the place. i love you lots.

to my mother, my father, and my brother. from the bottom of my heart, thank you. i am eternally grateful for all of your love and support in chasing my dreams. from the moment i put pen to paper and unravelled the stories inside my mind, you’ve all believed in me and given me your utmost devotion. despite teasing me relentlessly over my “romantic stories,” not a day goes by without you cheering me on, checking in on me, and uplifting me. i cannot thank you all enough for all that you do for me and the utter love you have shown me in the pursuit of this dream. there are just not enough words in the english language to tell you all how thankful i am and how lucky i am to be your daughter, and sister. thank you again and again, for everything, to the saturday nights on the kitchen table at midnight writing down my ideas with my hand moving a mile a minute to the sporadic times in hotel rooms on vacation when i’d reach for my phone at 1 am to text myself ideas, thank you for being the best. i love you lot to the sun and back.

to the best beta readers and author friends i could ever ask for, zahra, kaysh, angela, and katerina. i cannot truly express in words how grateful i am that you lot took a chance on my writing. it is no secret that i had a lot of self-doubt with self-publishing and i was terrified to share my writing, so when you girls said how much you loved my writing, there was no better feeling in the world than the happiness i felt in that moment. thank you!

to the kindest and the most compassionate friends ever, karla and ezra. i’ve known you two for years, but from the moment we each individually met, we formed a bond that i just knew would last a lifetime. whether we shared a love for literature or other things, you girls have been my biggest supporters and also the ones who kept me going.

to my dearest julia. my best friend, my 4lyfer, and everything in between. thank you julia for all the late nights on facetime, listening to me breathe as i half-listened to you while i wrote, meeting my word count goals, up until that night at 01:30 in the morning as i typed the words ‘part one fin.’ i’m writing this now in the dark of the night with you on the other end of the facetime call, clueless as ever watching tiktoks and yelling at me every now and then to check if i’ve finished my work for this and to tell me you believe in me. we’ve had our ups and downs throughout the years, but to have you here by my side means the world. there aren’t proper words in the english language to express what your utmost support and faith in me means. our boundless tie of trust between us is something sacred and i just want you to know that growing with you these last few month have made me a better version of myself. i am so grateful for you jules. i love you lots. thank you for everything always and forever.

to my creative writing teacher in high school who believed in me from the very first sight. remember that one writing project we had in the end of the semester that was a freestyle where we could present anything we wanted? remember how i presented two random chapters without context, VII and VIII? from 2018 to now, those two chapters were a long time coming, part of the original draft of eliezer’s ange, which was then known as ‘billionaire’s stolen love.’ you read those two chapters and you criticized them, went over with me how to make them better. and on top of it all, you believed in me when i said i would publish it one day. thank you always and forever mrs. chan.

thank you to all the readers, bloggers, bookstagrammers everywhere. thank you for taking a chance on my writing. you may have liked elie and cass’s story, or not, and that’s okay. as a reader myself that’s part of this community, i understand all that you do. forever thankful for not only your kindness but everything that you do too.

and lastly,

to a certain childhood acquaintance. without you, there is a chance i would have never known that the wattpad community existed and realized my true passion in writing stories and just in literature. if you ever read this, i hope you’ve found the happiness you so desperately seek.

love always,

eden xo