Billionaire Auction by Brynn Paulin

Chapter Two

Moriah couldn’t believe that Kendrick was there. Heat flushed over her face and down to her toes. It took everything in her not to flee the mirrored platform.

She’d had a crush on Kendrick from the first time she’d seen him, some seven years ago when she’d been fourteen. He’d seen her in some of the most awkward stages of her life, and now, he was there to witness the most humiliating.

Too embarrassed to actually look at him, she watched him stalk away, anger clearly vibrating from his tall, powerful frame. Dark haired with piercing silvery-blue eyes, he shone among the lesser men here. Oh sure, the vultures were rich and formidable, their icy dominance undeniable. Some were quite handsome, even edging on beautiful, but the evil within them tarnished all of it. Kendrick…yes, he had that same dominance, and she knew he had crushed more than one foe, but something about him…

Was it too much to hope he might bid on her and win?

She refused to get her hopes up. Tonight, she’d end up in a stranger’s bed, and it would be far more than her virginity ripped away. She wasn’t sure she’d survive it.

“It’s time,” her father growled, showing a side to her he normally hid from others. His rough fingers dug into her arm as he “helped” her from the dais and guided her toward the stage. She gritted her teeth to keep from making a sound. She’d probably have bruises from his treatment. Somehow, she didn’t think the men here would care.

Remember Jade, she told herself.

That was the only reason she was doing this. Her little sister. Moriah couldn’t give a damn about her father. She certainly didn’t love him. She’d seen woman after woman parading through his bed, even while her mother had been dying from ovarian cancer. But her sister. Moriah would do anything for her. Anything to keep her safe. And that included keeping her father out of prison until Moriah could get herself situated to get custody of Jade and raise her properly. God help her, that little girl would never be in the position Moriah had now had forced upon her.

“You could smile a little.”

“Why?” she snapped. For once in her life, she wasn’t being the good little girl and doing whatever he wanted. Where had that gotten her? Practically naked in front of a crowd of lascivious people, none of whom had her interests in mind. To them, her only worth was that tiny bit of flesh marking her pure.

Her cheeks burned hotter as she recalled the horrible examination she’d been subjected to, the doctors with their clinical demeanor and cold hands, even through the gloves they’d worn. She’d felt like livestock going to market. And wasn’t she now?

“You know why. Stop acting like a martyr. You willingly agreed to this.”

“Your memory is convenient, Daddy,” she snapped.

“Don’t get mouthy with me. No one here will give a shit if I turn you over my knee and redden that prudish ass of yours. Hell, half the men here would love it—would probably whip out their dicks and jerk off while I blistered your rear. Is that what you want?”

That was definitely something she didn’t want. “Sorry,” she murmured, if only to appease him lest he carry out the threat. Her father was more unpredictable than usual this evening.

“I should do it anyway,” he grumbled. “It might actually increase the number of bids we get.”

Her gaze slid momentarily to Kendrick. Would he care? Would he stop her father? Probably not. He just wanted his money and was probably there to ensure that it happened, that he was reimbursed for all that was embezzled from him.

Stop thinking about him! No one’s here to save you. This isn’t some twisted fairytale with a happily ever after. There is no prince on a white horse.

Her teeth clenched again, but she didn’t smile. She swallowed and wished her mouth weren’t so dry. Her father had handed her something to drink earlier, but she hadn’t taken even a sip of it. He wanted her compliant and to get as much for her as he could. For that reason, she wouldn’t put it past him to have put something in the amber-colored alcohol he’d given her.

All too soon, she stood in the center of the makeshift stage that had been constructed for this farce. Dread filled Moriah, and she closed her eyes, clenching her fists before she forced herself to relax. She wondered what saint she should pray to for protection then immediately let that thought go. No saint would come to this lavish hell on earth. She was on her own.

Opening her eyes, she tried to appear dispassionate as she surveyed the supposedly cultured crowd before her. Seriously? A blond-haired man in the front row, not so subtly rubbed himself as he stared at her, only making a cursory effort to hide the action behind his auction paddle. Bidder Four. She wondered if that member he stroked was even four inches. What sort of man participated in this sort of thing?

A depraved man with no regard for humanity. That’s who.

“Welcome everyone,” Jof called, before he was handed a microphone. “Welcome,” he repeated. “Everyone knows why we’re here. I’m honored to grant one of you the opportunity to initiate my daughter into womanhood.”

Honored? That was the direction he’d bend this? That they were doing him some favor?

“At a price, of course,” he added, to which there were some chuckles. “Each of you bidding was tested as you entered. Moriah has also been inspected. The reports, along with a brief dossier about her, are in the folder you were given when you entered. Now, the rules…”

Moriah’s whole body clenched, the fine hairs on her arms lifting as her skin crawled. Yes, the rules. There were guidelines for this weekend, but she highly doubted any of those here would comply with anything they didn’t want.

Unable to keep her head up, though she hadn’t really done anything other than stare over the crowd since she’d seen the man fondling himself, she now focused on the wood surface below her. Her stomach roiled. Good thing she hadn’t eaten. In fact, she hadn’t eaten since she’d been blackmailed into this. Every time she considered it, she just heaved. The lack made her a little woozy now, but honestly, what did it matter.

“First, the winner forfeits his prize if he does not pass the health test. Other rules to be signed off on: I will know where Moriah is at all times. You are not to take her out of the country or even out of the city you’ve designated as your location for the weekend,” her father intoned. “Moriah is on the birth control shot, but you must still use protection. You may not record the transaction in any way. You may not drug her. The winner is the only one allowed to touch her, unless she freely consents otherwise.”

Freely consents? Laughable coming from him.

“She’s yours from the end of the auction until Monday morning, at which time, she is to be returned safely to her home. What happens in between is your business.”

Still staring at her feet in the strappy fuck-me heels that were killing her, Moriah parted her lips slightly and took shallow breaths. Her tear ducts burned, but she refused to cry.

“Moriah,” Jof said. “Take off your dress.”

Her eyes went wide as she looked at him. “No,” she whispered.

The mic dropped to his side. “Take off the fucking dress, Moriah,” he rasped through his teeth. “Remember what I said. I think you could use a good spanking.”

“I hate you.”

He shrugged. “All children hate their parents at one time or another. Now stop fucking around and do what I said.”

It didn’t matter. She wasn’t a person to him. To any of them.

Steeling herself, she reached for the skirt of her dress, raising it. Though it fit her close, there were no zippers or other fasteners, she just had to lift up and wiggle out. The fabric tickled the skin of her thighs as she fisted it, pulling it upward. She didn’t go slow. This wasn’t a striptease. She wanted it over with, quick and done like removing a bandage.

The cloth protested as she wrenched it up and away from her, hurling it to the floor. In only her tiny white panties, she glared at the man who’d fathered her. She despised him.

Jade, she reminded herself. You’re doing this to take care of Jade. The money Moriah earned on her back this weekend ensured he’d stay out of prison, and in return, he agreed to sign over full custody of her little sister. He wouldn’t send Jade to her drugged-up mother who’d given away her rights shortly after Jade was born, and he’d relinquish his.

He reached toward her breast as if to display it better for the crowd. “Touch me and the deal’s off,” Moriah threatened.

“But Jade,” he reminded.

“I’ll find another way to get her.” If she really believed that, though, she wouldn’t be here. “And you’ll be in prison.”

He shrugged as if he hadn’t a care. “Let’s start the bidding. Moriah, give a whirl so they all see the whole package.”

She didn’t whirl, but she turned quickly, again determined not to arouse the people there any more than they already were by a naked woman in this precarious situation.

“Do I have an opening bid?”

“One thousand.”

What the hell?

Jof tilted his head and raised a brow, mirroring her thought. “Really, Tyler? I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that. Does someone have an opening bid—a better opening bid?”