Billionaire Auction by Brynn Paulin

Chapter Six

Kendrick didn’t reach for her panties as she’d expected. Instead, he wedged himself between her thighs, which she spread wide to accommodate him then he lifted a hand to cup the back of her head, drawing her forward.

“I believe in having an order to things,” he murmured against her lips, and she shivered at the featherlight touch against her skin. “Before you learn what it’s like to have a man take your pussy, what my mouth will feel like when I devour you, you need to learn what it’s like when a man kisses you.”

“Oh God,” Moriah gasped, wanting to press her legs together to relieve the throbbing that erupted with his nearness, his words an accelerant that could burst her into flames. She squirmed on the seat, but Kendrick’s other hand gripped her hip and kept her still.

“You’re mine, kitten. Tell me to stop, that you’ve changed your mind, because from this moment on, there’s no escaping me.”

“Don’t stop,” she begged.

He moved even closer, and she moaned at the feel of his starched suit jacket rubbing against her hard nipples. Kendrick took advantage, diving in and claiming her mouth. He didn’t wait to be invited in. His tongue delved inside, sliding against hers, possessing her mouth as his lips moved hungrily against hers. Pulling back, he nipped at her bottom lip the he dove back in, his hand at her nape angling her for his pleasure.

Moriah thrust both hands into his lush hair, stretching up to get closer to him. The movement pushed her breasts against his chest again, and the fabric once more abrading the tips. A heavy, unfamiliar ache filled her sex, and she knew a need she’d never once experienced before, not even in her darkest fantasies about this man. And all this from a kiss.

He was right. It was so different from the clumsy, nubile groping she’d engaged in that one time with her friend. Kendrick knew what he wanted, and he was taking it all. There was no denying his rough dominance even as he was gentle with her. But she wanted it, all of it, everything he’d give her.

They were panting hard, and her lips felt swollen when he pulled back. He stared into her eyes. Never breaking his gaze, he pressed his mouth to her upper breast then down the inner slope, up to the peak.

“Oh, God, yes,” she cried as he drew hard on the ruched tip. She pushed into him, her hands holding his head there. Each pull of his mouth seemed to yank a line directly connected to her core, and she knew she was getting slick with her need for him. He’d find her so wet when he drew off her panties and pressed this wicked mouth there.

Letting go with a pop, he repeated the action with the other nipple.

“Just a taste of what’s to come,” he said. Then, still keeping eye contact, he continued kissing down her middle to her belly. The intimacy of it bound them together. It was just them. No one and nothing else existed. She knew he wanted to watch her reactions, that despite what he’d said, he was checking her willingness every step of the way. Oh, yes, she was willing. So willing. So ready for him to just fuck her.

His tongue circled her navel, and she shivered, goose bumps lifting along her skin as he aroused her. Then he was at her waistband.

“Last chance, kitten,” he said.

Moriah shook her head. “All my chances were gone a long time ago.”

He smirked, pulling back and forcing her hands from his hair as he moved from between her legs. Her arms dropped to her sides as his fingers went to the thin elastic keeping the silk in place.

“I think mine were gone, too,” he admitted, and that admission warmed her in a far different way than the heavy sexual tension surrounding them. He made her feel special. Wanted. That she was his, but he was hers, too.

She halfway expected him to rip away the panties, but he didn’t. Of course he didn’t. Kendrick was far too methodical and controlled than that. While the ripping might have been exciting, nothing compared to the anticipation that built inside her as he slowly dragged the minuscule fabric down her legs. Her breaths were shaky as she watched the progression, watched his face as he stripped away that last bit from her body, leaving her in just the diamonds and her shoes. The heels were pulled off and tossed aside a moment later.

“Eventually, I’ll fuck you in them,” he commented as the second Manolo dropped from his hand, “but as this is your first time with my mouth on you, I don’t want to take the chance you’ll stab me with one.”

“I wouldn’t!”

“No on purpose.”

“What do you—oh my God!” she exclaimed as he shoved her legs apart and pushed his mouth into her folds. His hands immediately parted her for better access as his tongue circled her clit.

“I like that you’re waxed,” he said against her, never letting up on eating.

“I… He thought… Oh, Kendrick,” she gasped. Her fingers clenched into the seat, her head thrown back as he kissed her pussy as fervently as he had her mouth. She’d touched herself in the past but nothing—nothing—compared to the actuality of him…devouring her.

“Jesus, you taste like heaven. And to think I almost let you go.” He took a long lap at her center, his fingers playing at her opening. Then he caught her clit in his lips again and one digit, slowly worked inside her. It was barely the tip but her body exploded, colors flashing across her vision as she convulsed against that foreign bit of his body invading her. The pleasure shocked her, and she cried out, arching, her legs drawing up to push him away. Kendrick shoved them open and back, resting her feet on the edge of the bench and holding her there as he continued his feast.

She moaned, her head rolling back and forth on the seat back. “Feels…to good,” she moaned. “I can’t…”

“You can,” he growled. “You will.” Then he bit down lightly on that sensitive bundle of nerves he’d been tormenting. His finger pushed deeper, then pulled back, mimicking what he’d do later. If this overwhelmed her, she couldn’t imagine what would happen later. “You’re so fucking tight. Your tight little pussy will strangle me when I get in there.”

“Hug you,” she gasped, trying to joke when most of her brain cells were centered under his mouth. He chuckled, the vibration drawing a groan from her.

“One hell of a hug.”

“Wanted you for so long.”

“Then be a good girl and come for me again. I want to taste more of that sweet cream all over my tongue.”

“I—” A scream erupted, stopping her denial. He’d twisted the finger and found a spot inside her that sent stars sparkling across her vision and just like that she shook, arching as ecstasy swamped her.

When she came back to herself, Kendrick had her on his lap, his arms around her. He rocked her, crooning to her as he petted her hair. “Such a perfect little kitten,” he whispered.

She buried her face in his neck, breathing in his spicy masculine scent. Clean and woodsy and all Kendrick.

“I never imagined,” she whispered.

“That’s just the start.”

“Hmm,” she sighed. “I’m glad it was you.”

* * * *

Moriah realized she must have fallen asleep, or at least into a deep daze, because the next she knew, Kendrick was carrying her and she was wrapped in the blanket like a giant burrito.

“Where are we?” she murmured, taking in the marble and subdued lighting—or at least as much as she could without lifting her head from Kendrick’s chest.

“My building. My penthouse is on the top floor. This is my private entry.”

While she watched, he pressed his palm to panel beside the gold-toned elevator doors, and a moment later, the doors whispered open. As soon as he’d carried her inside, they closed just as quietly.

“Penthouse,” he said, then the lift whooshed upward. He kissed her temple. “Voice control. Very handy when carrying such a precious bundle.”

She smiled into his lapel. “I hope it understands better than Siri.”

He laughed. But then the door opened and he was carrying her inside his home. Keeping her as off-balance as ever, he didn’t take her to his bedroom as she’d expected. Instead, he took her to the kitchen and deposited her in one of the tall chairs beside the bar.

“It’s been a long day,” he said. “First some water; then some rest.”


He caught her chin and brought it up to him. “Some rest,” he reiterated. “But if you think I’m not going to fuck you, my little virgin, you’re very wrong. I prefer wide awake to a zombie, though. You’ve had a rough few days. Tonight you’ll sleep in my arms, and tomorrow… Well, we’ll let tomorrow bring what it will.”

Turning away, he went to the refrigerator and grabbed two bottles of water. He handed her one, then twisted off the cap on his own. She stared at him, watching his throat as he swallowed. She bit her lip, doing her own swallowing as she imagined her mouth on him there.

His chin lowered and he stared at her, lifting a brow. “Drink.”

She made a face. “Yes, sir.”

“Perhaps you’re not too tired for a spanking, brat.”

Moriah quickly opened her bottle and brought it to her lips. Much as it intrigued her, she wasn’t so sure she wanted to test him. “I’ll be good,” she said after a couple sips.

“I know you will.”

And his smirk made her believe they weren’t speaking about the same thing, Then heat flooded her face. After what they’d done, she shouldn’t be embarrassed when he talked about sex. Still…

She drank a bit more to hide her discomfort.

He crushed his bottle and put it in recycling. “We’ll have to get you some clothes.”

“We do? I mean, we will?”

Kendrick nodded, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched her. “As enticing as it is, I don’t want you running around here naked the next few days.” He leaned closer. “Believe it or not, I have more in mind than sex with you.”

“You probably have to work.” She imagined, as successful as he was, that he worked continually.

“No. But I probably want to take you out.” He shrugged. “Have some fun.”

She blinked at him. “Really? Like…like a…date?”

He looked at the ceiling and tilted his head back and forth as if weighing the word. “More or less. Yeah.”

“I’d like that.”

“Good. Done?” he asked, nodding his head toward her empty bottle. She handed it to him and he disposed of it as he had his own. Coming around the island, he held out his hand. “And now, rest.”

He took her hand and she stood, leaving the blanket behind. “Leave it,” he said when she went to grab it. “No one’s here. You don’t need to wrap up.”

Well, no one but him, but she guessed he had had his face between her legs less than a half hour ago.

She followed behind him as he led her through the spacious penthouse. Though large and well-appointed, it wasn’t a showplace. He obviously lived here, and she wouldn’t be afraid of tripping a breaking something priceless. The space was open, with high ceilings and huge windows overlooking the city. The dark leather furnishings were obviously high-quality, but again, they looked comfortable and meant to be used. She could easily see curling up on one of the big couches and reading a book with the sun streaming in on her.

He led her down a wide hallway, laid with thick cream-colored carpet. Various works of art hung along the long expanse of walls, with narrow tables beneath, topped with sprays of greenery.

“Are these all bedrooms?” she asked after they’d passed the fifth doorway.

“No, the first was my office.” They turned a corner and came immediately to a set of double doors. “Our bedroom,” he said opening one and ushering her inside.

Our bedroom? Well, at least for the weekend, right?

Like the rest of the house, the room was spacious. Nothing about his penthouse seemed closed in. His quarters were easily three times the size of her own back home, with an enormous king-sized bed she’d need a boost into and a sitting area by the windows.

As she looked around wide-eyed, she felt very much like the country mouse in city mouse digs. She’d grown up with wealth but Kendrick’s living space, though probably smaller than her father’s mansion in overall square footage, made her childhood home look…poor in comparison. Billions compared to a few million, she guessed. All the rooms here were sprawling, and everything seemed so new and plush and perfectly appointed. Yet nothing seemed “trying too hard.” She was also familiar with that since everything her father did was meant to impress.

“Let’s get you something to wear,” Kendrick said and brought her into the closet that was at least the size of her bedroom at home. He opened a cedar drawer and pulled out a T-shirt. He didn’t hand it to her, but instead, slid it on her. It hung almost to her knees, covering all of her. She watched as he slipped out of his coat and draped it over the bench in the center of the room.

“You can go climb in bed,” he said as he pulled on his tie.

She crossed her arms and tilted her head. “I’d rather stay here.”

“Really?” he laughed, tossing the tie over his suit coat then reaching for the buttons of his shirt.

“I’ve been parading around naked. I think it’s fair to see what I’m getting.”

He grinned, shaking his head and continuing to unbutton. She sighed when he pulled off his shirt to reveal a T-shirt beneath.

“How many layers are you wearing?” she griped.

He raised an eyebrow and unfastened his belt, and she found she rather liked this striptease of his. Her fingers curled into her shirt as she imagined crossing the space and helping him. She caught her breath as he unzipped then toed off his shoes and socks. The pants dropped, and he stepped free, leaving him in black boxer-briefs and the white undershirt. Her mouth watered as she took in his muscular legs and trailed her gaze up to the bulge pushing against the front of his underwear. As she stared, she almost missed him yanking off the shirt to reveal sculpted perfection, complete with a six-pack he had to work hard for.

And they weren’t having sex tonight? She wanted to learn every bit of him, to touch him and feel all that warm, golden skin beneath her palms. She wanted those slim hips between her legs again, like they had been in the car, but this time without clothes.

She’d waited so long for him. So long… She should be startled by her less than innocent thoughts, but she wasn’t. Too many nights she’d pictured him with her. Never had her fantasies matched this.

His grin widened at her ogling, and he came toward her. “Come on, kitten,” he murmured. “Time for bed before we both get in trouble.”

She stumbled after him. “But maybe I want trouble.”

He stopped abruptly and she ran into him. She groaned as her cheek flattened against his warm skin. He turned and she was face-to-face with muscled pec. If she just leaned forward a smidgen, she could—

He caught her chin, bringing her gaze to his. “Uh-uh. It’s been a long, emotional day.” He scooped her up into his arms then deposited her onto the bed. She scooted beneath the blankets as he circled to the other side. When he climbed in, he pulled her back against his chest, spooning her, his erection pressing against her behind, his arms tight around her. She savored the sensations, his heat, the feel of him surrounding her, his soft breath against her hair, the steady rise and fall of his chest, safety…

Maybe, he was right. She was tired.

“Goodnight, my sweet Moriah,” he murmured, but she couldn’t answer. She was too far gone, on her way to dreams filled with him.