Billionaire Auction by Brynn Paulin

Chapter Four

Moriah couldn’t believe she’d said that. She’d demanded Kendrick, the man she’d crushed on for so long, fuck her…and take her virginity. She face-planted in her hand as she watched him disappear past a partition.

Maybe it was the stress of the day—the past three days actually! Maybe it was that sometime between arriving on this small island and when Kendrick had “won” her, she’d decided to take control of her own destiny. Or maybe she was having a mental breakdown. Could be any of the above.

And now he’d deserted her on this luxury aircraft. Had she scared him away? Right. No. If she’d learned anything over the years, it was that nothing frightened Kendrick Bergana, and he deemed everything a challenge. It worked for him. He had billions upon billions from it. What he’d dropped to purchase her tonight was nothing to him. Certainly nothing for her to feel guilty over. So why was she so determined to follow through on what he’d bought?

Because she wanted him. That’s why. It really had nothing to do with the auction and everything to do with what she wanted from the powerful, oh-so-beautiful man.

And he left me,she reminded herself. Not that he could go far. The private plane was large in comparison to some, with partitioned off sections much like what she’d seen in a documentary about Air Force One. Though the plane that had brought her here had been opulent, it had been half the size of Kendrick’s.

He hadn’t come back when a cabin attendant approached.

“We’re about to take off. You’ll need to fasten your seatbelt,” the curvy woman said with a forced smile. Her cold eyes scanned over Moriah, making her feel uncomfortable. “Can I get you anything? A drink? A blanket?”

“A blanket, maybe,” Moriah replied. What was with this woman? Her judgment and hostility were barely veiled.

“Scotch, Amy,” Kendrick said as he returned. He dropped into the plush seat beside Moriah and handed her a jumble of fabric.

“Right away, Mr. Bergana,” Amy gushed, her whole demeanor changing.

How clichéd could you get? Of course, his stewardess wanted him.

Moriah rolled her eyes and focused on the bundle Kendrick had dropped in her lap. It was a thick blanket, a pair of pajama pants and a T-shirt. She glanced over at him in question.

“I keep clothes onboard for overseas travel. Sometimes, I sleep, and I don’t like to nap in my suit. If you want to rest, there’s a bed in back.”

She shook her head. Even if she were tired, she wanted to be near him.

“You can change once we’re in the air,” he told her. “Meanwhile, you can cover up with the blanket.”

“I’m not cold,” she said, being purposely difficult while she stretched out her bare legs. They weren’t that long, given how short she was, but they were proportionately nice and rather shapely, if she did say so herself. She rather thought they were one of her best features. She pointed her shell-pink painted toes. She’d wanted red, but her father had insisted on something more “virginal” for her toes and fingers.

“For God’s sake, Moriah,” Kendrick muttered.

“What?” she asked, all the innocence.

“Will you please cover up?”

“You don’t like what you see?”


“If you didn’t want me, why did you buy me?”

“Would you keep your voice down? I don’t need all my staff knowing about that—and if you don’t think they’ll talk, that the gossip will spread to who knows where, then you’re dead wrong.”

“Wouldn’t want to besmirch your reputation.”

“I’m thinking of yours, little brat. Now cover up before I put you over my knee and give them something to talk about.”

She blinked at him, her mouth dropping open. “Did you just threaten to spank me?”

“I prefer to keep it in the bedroom, but yes. And I damn well will if you don’t listen.”

Moriah squirmed a little, strangely turned on by his threat and hoping her wet, barely covered sex didn’t leave a mark on the jet’s soft, leather seat. “Are you like one of those…domestic discipline men?”

He chuffed out a harsh laugh. “No. But I do like to do a little spanking and for my woman to obey me in the bedroom—and when it comes to things like protecting her, whether it’s bodily or something like her modesty or reputation.”

His woman?

That was an improvement over his intention not to touch her.

“Your woman?” she questioned aloud.

“You are for the weekend, aren’t you? That’s what a cool one-hundred mil says.”

“But in the car—”

“In the car I said I didn’t plan to take your virginity. You’re still mine for the weekend.”

“But what if I want you to?”

“Why?” he asked. “Because of that damn auction? Because of some misguided sense of responsibility?”

Though it took all her courage, more courage than to take off her dress in that roomful of men, Moriah told him the truth. “No, neither of those. I was telling the truth when I said I was glad it was you. I… Well, I want you. I have for a long time.”

Kendrick studied her, his impassive face making her nervous, uncomfortable like a bug under a microscope. It didn’t dull her need to be his. Even if it would be over by Monday morning, she’d still know what it was like to be with him, still know that her virginity belonged to him, that her first love had a part of her that she’d never get back, that she’d never want back.

“Okay,” he finally said.

“Okay?” she echoed in disbelief. That was all he had to say.

“Yes. If that’s what you really want, you’ll be in my bed all weekend. But understand this: I’m giving you what you want on this issue, but it will be completely on my terms.”

“All right,” she agreed, feeling even wetter. Prickly heat swept through her, arousing her nerve endings as every bit of her reacted to him and homed in on everything that attracted her to Kendrick—which truthfully was everything about him.

“And you will obey me,” he added.

She blinked at him, swallowing hard and feeling as if she’d just received a lot more than she’d bargained for. She looked down at the floor, her tongue swiping quickly over her bottom lip. The hand beneath the bundle of blanket, curled and uncurled into a fist on her thigh as tension climbed within her. If she said yes…

“Are you into…BDSM?” she asked.

“What do you know of it?”

“I read,” she replied, conveying with her tone that she wasn’t stupid.

“Then you know what a dominant is? And a submissive?”

Had she thought her mouth was dry before? “Y-y-yes.”

“I’m not into whips and chains and all the paraphernalia,” he said to her relief. It was short-lived. “But I do like a little spanking, as I said. And bondage. And complete obedience and control in bedroom matters. Your obedience. My control.”

“Okay.” She wasn’t sure what else to say.

“You understand?”


“And you will obey me?” he repeated.

Would she? Could she take this step? Was this…negotiation?

“Do I have to call you something special? Master? Sir? Mr. Bergana?”

“No. Just Kendrick if you feel like it—never Ken.” Somehow, she’d gotten the feeling that grated on him. He was so far from a Ken.

“Okay…Kendrick,” she replied, trying it on for size and liking it. She’d always called him that in her fantasies. Of course, she had. And she’d been Moriah Bergana—but that was another story and one that wouldn’t come to fruition. She’d just take what she could and revel in the experience.

“And you will obey me?” he repeated, and this time she got the feeling if he had to ask again, she would be over his knee for God and the world to see.

“Yes,” she agreed. “Yes, I’ll obey you.”

“Good.” A small smile lifted one side of his lips. “Now, first things first. As soon as we’re in the air, you’ll go change. Then you’ll behave until we get home to my place. Lesson one, my little virgin, I don’t share. Not the sight of things meant only for me, not your touch, not even the sound of your pleasure—or discipline. What I desire, what you desire, is private and remains in private.”

Right. He didn’t want anyone to know what he did away from the public eye. What he’d done tonight had already been overt enough.

She nodded, agreeing. This might be far more than she’d ever imagined, but suddenly, it was everything she’d ever wanted. Tonight, she’d finally be in Kendrick’s bed and belonging to him. It wouldn’t be just sex. It would be ownership.