Good Boy by Megan Lowe

Chapter 31

Idid a lot of thinking over the weekend and came to the conclusion that I want to be with Cav. And that I think it’s time I stopped being a little bitch and actually did something about that. I know what he said about not wanting to be with me, but I think that was his fear talking. I know he can’t come out, at least not yet, but I’m willing to wait. I mean, I won’t wait forever, but maybe if he knows I’m not going anywhere, that I’ll be there for him like he was there for me with Amy, then he’ll work on it. I see the way he looks at me. I know the connection we have. All these months he’s been doing one thing, but telling me another. Well, I’m listening now.

Thomas is going to be a problem, but one I think I can use to my advantage. He seems to think the key to his revenge is by using me to get to Cav. So why can’t I do the same? The groundwork is already set and it had good results on the weekend.

So I’m going to get my guy. No more good boy Connor here. Sometimes you have to play hard to win hard. And I’m playing to win.

I start off like anyone does when they’re trying to court someone. I figure out the code to his locker and put notes in there telling him I like his hair today, or that his essay in English was really great. Then I progress to candy, leaving chocolate bars, Butterfingers, of course, then Whoppers before a gigantic heart-shaped box of chocolates.

Then come the flowers, balloons, and stuffed animals. The look on his face when he opened his locker to find a massive Hello Kitty doll holding a heart was priceless. His friends all gave him shit, teasing him that obviously his latest piece didn’t get his no-strings message. He waves them off, but his eyes inevitably find mine. Sometimes I see anger, or embarrassment. Other times I see annoyance. One time I think I saw humor, but only for a second. In the end, it doesn’t matter what I see; it doesn’t change anything.

“Holy shit,” Thomas says as he sits down at our table in the cafeteria. “Did you see what Cav has in his locker this morning?”

I shake my head and feign ignorance. Today’s present was particularly fun.

“It was full of extra large Trojans.”

Chloe spits out her sip of water. “Seriously?”

Thomas nods. “Yup. I don’t know who’s doing all this, but it’s funny as fuck.”

Things with Thomas and me have been… normal. He hasn’t taken our “relationship” further, but I think he’s been occupied with what I’m doing to Cav to do anything in the meantime.

“Oh, man, that’s gold,” Chloe says. “I wonder what’ll be next?”

“I don’t know, but I wanna know. This shit is too good,” Thomas crows.

Just then there’s a chorus of wolf whistles as Cav, with Jase by his side, walks in.

Everyone gets to their feet, clapping and whistling. And Cav? Acts like nothing’s going on.

“Well, that was anticlimactic,” Chloe grumps as she sits back down.

“What did you expect?” I ask.

“I don’t know, something. A bit of fun, maybe?”

“Because Cav is synonymous with fun,” I deadpan.

She considers for a second. “Okay, point taken.”

I watch as Jase and Cav get their food and take their seats, Jase folded in seamlessly as if Thomas was never there and Jase always was.

“Your brother’s looking pretty cozy over there,” Chloe says.

“Yup,” I grit out.

I watch as Simon Brewer walks in, his group of Neanderthals with him, and doesn’t even look in Jase’s direction.

“But it looks like it’s turning out for the better, though,” she continues.

“That’s Cav for ya,” I say. “Savior of the friendless and bullied.”

“It’ll be okay,” Thomas tells me. “Sooner or later Jase will realize what Cav’s doing and will come back.”

I huff, not so sure that’s a possibility. “I just feel bad that he got dragged into all this.”

“I think that he was always going to come into this, one way or another,” Thomas says. “Whether that was defending you or as a pawn in Cav’s game, the result was always going to be the same.”

I grab the ends of my hair and pull. “I mean, I guess it’s good that he’s not being bullied at the moment, but….”

“You wanted to be the one to stop it,” Chloe finishes for me.

I shrug. “Yeah.”

Thomas touches my arm. “If you’re worried about Cav….” He trails off.

I blow out a breath and run my hand through my hair. “He won’t hurt him, will he?” I ask.

“No, I don’t think so. Jase isn’t his end goal. His end goal, for whatever reason he has, is you.”

I nod. “Yup.”

“I honestly think he’s just using Jase to get to you, that’s it.”


He shuffles closer to me. “About Saturday night….”

“It’s fine,” I tell him. “You were drinking, I was drinking, let’s forget about it.”

“And if I don’t want to forget about it?”

I blow out a breath. “Look, Thomas, I’m flattered by the attention but really, it’s all good.”

“That’s just it, I don’t think it is. You’re a great guy, Connor. I’ve said that a heap of times and I’ve meant every single one. I want to get to know you better.”

“Are you sure?” I ask. I know I was hoping this would happen, but I want to make sure this happens in the right way. I don’t want to push Thomas into anything he doesn’t want to do.

He grabs my hand, threading his fingers through mine. “I am.”

I nod. “Okay then.”