Jesse’s Story by Rosa Mink



The gate opens and I catch our little Tessa before she can slip out to the pool without us.  She gives me her momma’s pout, and hell, I can’t resist it on her any more than I can resist it on her momma.  We’re celebrating her fifth birthday today on the tenth anniversary of the day I met my baby girl. 

She was one hell of a present handed to me on that day.  My sweet little Tessa Maddison made my heart fucking complete.  At least for a couple years.

“Sorry Dad, I’ve got her,” our oldest Hudson says, coming over to take her hand.  From the moment he was born Maddie said he was all me, which was why she named him Hudson Jesse, reversing my names. 

Nine years later, I can say she’s right.  He looks after his brothers and sisters the way I did.  Anyone tries to hurt them, be mean to them, and he’s right there with what Maddie deemed the Cartwright growl.  Can’t say she’s wrong about that either.

Kayla comes out of the house with two of our others, Hayden Jacob who is now seven and Heath James who is two.  Her latest girlfriend Kate is blowing kisses at Heath and I’m fairly sure this one is going to be the keeper for her. 

Kate fits with the family, the same way Serena did, and the same way Anya did.  As well as the same way Matt and his sister Grace did when Julie and Serena began fostering them six years ago when Matt was six and Grace was four.  Two years later, they were both legally Cartwrights as well.

Our little sister’s done well for herself.  Shortly after we officially were deemed her legal guardians, our lawyer Simon offered Kayla a job at the firm so she could get a real taste of what they did.  She loved it and kept working for them while not in classes. 

She graduated law school two years ago and passed her bar on the first try.  Since then, she’s taken to family law entirely and works mainly with social services to help get kids into the right home.  We’re all proud as hell of her doing it while being completely open about who she is.

As proud of her as I am, it’s my wife that’s the real rock star.  From the day we had Hudson she was telling him stories, showing me how brilliant and creative she was.  I told her that I’d hire a nanny so she could write her shit down if she wanted, but she refused at first.  It was only when Momma offered to watch Hudson for a few hours that she finally did it.

Talk about mind blown.  While she created an incredible world for our little boy to fall asleep listening to, it was nothing compared to what she finally chose to write.  Her little games of ordering servants around became a hot selling series of short stories featuring princesses and the men that made them beg and plead.  I pulled some strings and ended up getting her connected to a publisher because I knew there were other women out there that would want to read it, as badly as she needs to be able to write it.

So now, my girl gets a few hours of alone time every day to write, whether the kids are in school or not.  I don’t mind giving her inspiration for her stories at all.  She didn’t want the world knowing that one of the Cartwright wives was behind the books and trying to invade our lives, so she uses a pen name. 

Most of her bio she has out there is truly about us and her fans always ask if her husband is like her characters.  Her normal response is ‘he’s even more protective’ and that puts a fucking smile on my face.

My eyes trail over the crowd, mainly just family since there’s so many of us our kids practically always have someone to play with, until I find my wife.  Nestled against her incredible breasts is our little baby Tabitha Marie.  She’s six-months old now and a doll.  Everything I knew my baby girl needed.

After we had Heath, Maddie said she didn’t care if we didn’t have more.  I’d been the one to originally suggest it since each pregnancy she had worse iron levels than the last, resulting in us using shots to keep her levels up with Tabby’s pregnancy. 

A little over a year ago, my baby girl started getting moody and pissy for no reason.

The kids don’t begin to give her a hard time.  They’re rambunctious yes, but if their momma asks them to do something, they do it.  She doesn’t have to yell or threaten.  All she has to do is give them that little hint of disappointment and they’re racing to apologize, hug and kiss on their momma to make it better. 

I’m quite sure they learnt that by watching me because when I occasionally fuck up, that’s exactly what I do.

So, when my girl was being a crank, I got my parents to take our kids for the weekend and stole my baby girl up to the cabin.  I kept her in bed, sometimes tied to it even, for four days, until every last bit of mood was out of her. 

I didn’t tell her I’d tossed out her birth control pills the week before we went up.  Since I’m the one that always reminds her to or made her take her medicines, she didn’t even think about it, until three weeks later when I made her take a pregnancy test.

Our Tabby was just what she needed.  Having her growing inside her calmed everything else, and since then, there’s no denying the bliss in her eyes.  Or her fucking incredible tits.  Right now, though, the stupid fucker from down the street has his eyes glued to them and I’m about to knock him out.

“Watch your sister, I need to go get your momma,” I tell Hudson and his attention flows over our girl.

“Fucker,” he mutters, and I know I should scold him or something, tell him he shouldn’t use that sort of language even if I do, but my boy’s right.  The man’s a little fucker, staring at what’s mine.

The groups part as I storm across the yard to reach them, my family giving me smiles seeing the fury on my face.  The idiot doesn’t even notice my approach, or my wife’s attempts to back away from him without running into the table of food behind her.  He’s cornered her and it puts me into a rage.

A couple of my brothers have started moving over to help but I get there first, grabbing the hand that’s been reaching for my girls, then giving it a hard squeeze.

“Are you blind as well as stupid?” I ask him, hearing a pop as his eyes narrow on me.  “You don’t touch what’s mine.  My wife, my daughter.  Mine!”

“I was just trying to get her pacifier,” the guy tries, and I squeeze harder pulling a cry from him as I hear another louder pop.

“You.  Were. What?” I question.

“Sorry, sorry, I won’t…”  One last pop has me dropping his hand, smirking when he starts spluttering with pain.

“That’s right you won’t,” I state, pulling my girls into my hold.  “You come near our house, near my wife, or my kids, and next time, it’ll be more than just your hand.”

He hurries out, grabbing his kid who I hate as well.  We only invited them because they live in the neighborhood.

“Fucking won’t live there much longer,” I mutter turning Maddie to face me.  The light in her eyes has me taking Tabby from her, dropping a kiss onto the top of her head, before handing her to Julie as she appears next to me.  “Hudson, you watch your brothers and sisters,” I call across the yard before lifting Maddie over my shoulder, carrying her out of there.

I don’t stop until we’re in our soundproof bedroom.  You don’t own a fucking construction company for nothing after all.  Maddie’s tits bounce when I toss her onto the bed, pulling a deep growl from me.  “Are you wearing a fucking bra, baby girl?”

“You know they make me hurt, daddy,” she says, a happy glimmer in her eyes and I grab the top of her dress, ripping it down to her softer belly.  I love every new curve that appears on her during and after pregnancy.  The more of her to love there is, the hotter it is.

“Are you wet?  Does daddy protecting his baby girl make you wet?”  My tongue teases her nipple, lapping up the little droplets of milk.  I don’t know if her milk or her cream is better.  I can’t get enough of either and she’s been giving it to me for nine years now.

“So wet, I think daddy needs to clean baby girl up,” she moans, wiggling her hips.  I tear the dress the rest of the way down, before flipping her with one quick move seeing her bareness.  I spank her ass red before flipping her again, pulling out the ties from the foot of the bed.  They’re locked around her ankles before she can utter a complaint and I smack her pussy with a new growl.

“You were walking around other men with my pussy uncovered baby girl.  When you knew that fucker was going to be there!  You went out with nothing underneath your clothes!”

“I’m sorry daddy,” she moans, a little smile on her lips that is too much to resist.

“Daddy’s going to show you you’re sorry,” I warn, burying myself inside her with a hard fast thrust.  Faster and harder and deeper with every thrust, I wring two orgasms out of her before I pull out, coming all over her.  I cover her from tits to pussy and rub it in before I undo the ties pulling her up into my arms.

“Happy anniversary, daddy,” she whispers to me, and I almost hit my knees as I carry her into our closet.

“Fucking hell, you set it all up to give that to me, didn’t you, baby girl?” I ask, kissing her harder when she nods with a grin.

“I know how much daddy likes protecting his baby girl.  You’ve done it from the moment we met.”

“And I’ll never stop,” I promise, before sliding a new dress over her head and grab new clothes for me.

“I think you forgot something,” Maddie says when I pull her to our door.

“You’re covered under that dress.  Covered with daddy.”  No one says a word when we finally get back to the party.  I pull Maddie into my arms, smiling when she goes to sleep curled up against my chest, despite the yelling and screaming from the kids around us.

She might once have woken at the drop of a hat, but now, sleep is the peaceful part of her world, and she deserves every protected second of it.  So today, my baby girl, my world, asleep in my arms, is only way to end it.  And the thousands more to come.