Jesse’s Story by Rosa Mink

Chapter 8


Idon’t care who says it’s too fast.  Yes, I met my girl a week ago.  Yes, I’m about to propose to her.  No, I don’t give a shit what anyone else says about it.

“How do I look?” I ask Julie as I come out of the private bathroom into my office. 

I have zero questions as to why Dad had it installed after he and Mom got together.  I’ve taken my girl three times across my desk in the last week and cleaned her up in it.

“Seriously, gorgeous little brother is asking how he looks?” Julie teases making me roll my eyes at her.  “Your tie’s a little crooked.”

I try to straighten it and she comes over slapping my hands away as she laughs.  Her smile is contagious, and I relax.  The edge of anxiousness rolling through me fades and I know this is the only thing that makes sense.  “Serena is taking her straight there?”

“Yes, she texted me five minutes ago that they were leaving the salon and headed that way.  It took them a few extra minutes to convince Maddie to wear the new dress they picked up out instead of her shorts.  Everything is ready to go, little brother.  It’s going to be fine.”

“I just want it to be perfect for her.  After all the shit she’s been through in her life, I want her to see how it’s going to be for us going forward.”  That’s the whole fucking truth.  If her father ever comes near her again, I will kill him and bury his body in the concrete of one of our sites.

That bastard had the audacity to try and call the cops on me with kidnapping charges regarding Kayla.  They showed up at Mom and Dad’s place first since technically the condo is owned by the company trust rather than in my name.  I did it to keep women from finding out where I lived and dropping in, or trying to at least, after I had the elevator redone.  They called me and I took my girls back to their place, arriving just after the lawyer Dad called to come out and get things handled.

One of the cops that showed didn’t have his head up his ass and got his pissant partner out of there when Kayla boldly informed them that she’d willingly left their parents’ house, and our attorney said that Maddie and I were willing to become her official guardians if necessary.  His partner wanted to try to take me downtown still, apparently the jackass doesn’t like our family because my sister didn’t want to suck his dick. 

Go out with him was Jackie’s words but I knew what she really meant.  Thankfully, we won out with ease.

Tuesday morning the judge signed off on a protection order for both Maddie and Kayla against their parents.  They’re not allowed to contact or see them in any way.  If they come near my girls, not only will the security I have keeping an eye on my girls stop them, but the police will also arrest their asses.

I follow Julie out of my office, patting my pocket to ensure the ring is there.  I am not going to fuck this up by forgetting it.  I’ve had it in my hands since Monday.  The jeweler came over with the security I sent because my day was full of meetings.  Took me two seconds to choose the one perfect for Maddie, and she almost found it Tuesday when I had her here in my office, her bare ass under my hands spanking it.  She was so wet after I fucked her in my chair, I had to grab some towels to dry it, forgetting the box was in the drawer.

My baby girl didn’t realize I’d quickly tossed her onto my shoulder not just to have her again, but to also keep her from seeing the box.  After fucking her again in the bathroom, sending her home glowing and sleepy with her security guard, I put the ring in the safe until the right time to use it.

That time is now tonight, and I can’t wait to slide the four-carat teardrop blue diamond onto her finger.  There’s another carat of white diamonds surrounding it and down the band while the wedding band adds in almost another carat of them.  It sparkles in the light but still isn’t quite as bright and beautiful as Maddie’s eyes.

Louis is heading towards us, and my jaw tightens, not wanting to deal with anything business related.  All I want tonight is to propose to my girl then get my hands on her.  Julie and Serena are taking Kayla home with them to spend the night, so we have total privacy, and I intend to use it well.

“Off to a meeting?” Louis asks and I shake my head no, bringing his head up a bit more.  I may wear suits around the office, but I draw the line at ties usually.  Unless I’m going to a meeting, the top collar of my shirt’s unbuttoned, my jacket off and my sleeves rolled up.

“Going to go propose to my girl,” I tell him giving the box one last pat in my jacket pocket.

“When the hell did you get a girlfriend?” Louis says as Julie slips us past him.

“Last week.”  The look on his face makes me smile as he shakes his head at me.

“I’ve learnt by now not to question your family when it comes to relationships.  Congratulations, boss, this can wait,” he assures us, and I say a huge thank you before going down to my car to get us to my property before Serena gets there with the girls.

“I still can’t believe you didn’t tell us about buying this,” Julie muses when we arrive, and I pull the car into the old drive for one of the three lots.  I’m thinking of keeping at least one of the other two for when family comes over, maybe expanding the space so they can easily park.

“It’s not like you told anyone before you bought your all’s place,” I return making her laugh.

“Not until it was officially mine and Serena was agreeable to make it ours.  You bought this land months ago and even used our crews to demo the old houses.  I think that’s a little bit more secretive than what I did.”

That’s true but again, I tried to keep the purchase and my plans as quiet as possible so other women wouldn’t come around once I’d moved here.  Now, I have my girl and they better stay clear.

My palms start to sweat when I see Serena pulling up and I move over, opening Maddie’s door.  A huge smile hits me seeing her surprise and excitement finding me here and I can’t resist dropping a kiss onto her lips.

“What’s going on, daddy?” she asks, leaning into me pulling giggles from the others.

“You’ll see,” I assure her, wrapping her arm around mine as I guide her up the sidewalk and into the driveway where our home will be.  Julie helped me set up a backdrop with lights on it, even though it’s still late afternoon and the middle of summer.  There are flowers mixed in with the lights and Maddie eyes widen in shock.

“Jesse?” she says breathlessly looking up at me and I can’t wait.  I planned to do this over dessert, but I need my ring on her finger too much.  I need her as mine entirely too much.

I sink down onto my knee, pulling out the box as I hold onto her hand.  Her gasp is loud in the quiet neighborhood.  “Maddison Teresa Grant, I love you more than life itself and I want to spend the rest of it with you.  Will you marry me?  Be my wife, my partner in everything, my baby girl for life?”

“Yes!”  Her answer comes out high on a squeak and I pop open the box, sliding the ring onto her finger before I devour her mouth.

I lift her up until she’s curled against my chest, my arms under and around her holding her tight.  Her eyes twinkle more than the lights possibly could when her head drops back onto my arm, her swollen lips smiling as her hand rests on my chest.  “I love you, Jesse.  I want to be your baby girl for life, for you to be my daddy for life.  More than anything.”

“That’s good, because I am not letting you go,” I tease, proceeding to carry her up to the table and feed her before I take her home and ravage her. 

One-night turns to three when Kayla texts us that she’s staying the weekend so we can get as much sexy time in as we want.

I hate leaving my girl Monday morning but damn if I don’t love the way she looks.  She’s sprawled out in our bed, entirely naked.  Her blonde curls tangled wildly from my hands this weekend.  The little bites and bruises make me hungry for another taste of her and I sink onto the end of the bed covering her pussy with my mouth.  It pulls my girl awake and I let her hands put me where she wants me until she’s creaming for me.

“You’re dressed,” she pouts, her beautiful eyes glowing.

“Work, you keep your sexy little ass in bed today other than to eat, baby girl.  You need to catch up on your sleep so daddy can fuck you tonight until you pass out,” I tease her, snapping a couple more private pictures to have to get me through my long days without her next to me.  Fuck if I don’t know why Dad worked from home more than at the office over the years.

“Only because I love you so much,” she agrees.

I come home to her each night, burying myself inside her, unable to get enough of her.  In the evenings we go over options for the new house and then once we’re in bed, the talking is mostly with our mouths. 

I’ve started pulling a bit more from her on the little games as she called them because while they’re mostly bullshit make believe crap, there’s enough of her hidden in them to show me her every little desire.

She meets me at the door Friday night, smiling even brighter than normal and I pick her up, kissing her before closing the door behind us.  “Where’s Kayla?”

“Out at the movies with Anya and the others from their group,” Maddie tells me, laughing when I toss her onto my shoulder and hurry us up to the bedroom.

I watch her bounce when I flip her down onto the bed, pouncing on her before stopping seeing the little white stick sitting on my pillow.  I sit up quickly, grabbing it.  “It’s too early to know.”

“Early detection test,” she says, the bliss on her face beautiful.  “Now I get to have the wedding of my dreams after all.”

“Yeah?  You wanted to walk down the aisle with a secret that only you and your man would know?” I ask, tossing off my shirt and pants before turning to her wrap dress.  Her bare curves under it make me groan and I press a kiss to her belly where our baby’s taken root.

“No, in most of my dreams, I had a huge pregnant belly in them when I walked up the aisle.  I loved the idea that everyone would see that the man putting his ring on my finger wanted and desired me, along with loved me with that belly.  I’d say considering your size December would make that entirely possible.”

That is not fucking happening.  I am not waiting six months to put my last name on her ass.  No matter how hot the idea of her baby belly wrapped in a wedding dress sounds.

I start to argue then stop, seeing how much she genuinely wants that wedding.  A groan slides up my throat and I hold her close, trying to calm my possessive ass down for her. 

It’s not happening but an idea pops into my head and I smile, giving her a soft kiss.  “How about we make a deal?”

“What kind of deal?” she asks, her brows wiggling making my dick leak.

“I will let you have your wedding in December, but you marry me now.”

“What?”  Her confusion is adorable, and I kiss all over her face trying to calm my need, so I don’t dive into her sweetness and get lost in it.

“I can’t live six months without you being mine in every way.  We go down to the courthouse and make it legal, then we’ll have the wedding for everyone to enjoy.  You can walk your sexy pregnant ass down to me, knowing that you already belong to me.”

“Deal,” she agrees, and I eat her pussy to three orgasms to show my appreciation for it.

On Wednesday the next week, I usher Julie and Serena out of the office as though we’re going to lunch, but drive past all of our favorite spots until we get to the courthouse.  Julie’s jaw drops when Maddie and Kayla come over to meet us, and she gets a look at what my baby girl is wearing.

“Momma is going to kill you if you’re doing what I think you’re doing,” Julie warns as I pull Maddie into my arms.  “She’s already making wedding plans for you.”

“And she and Maddie can continue making them.  My girl wants a December wedding, so that’s what she’s getting, a December wedding.  I’m locking her down as mine now though.  Not waiting six months to own her ass,” I add, making her squirm against my hard cock.  It’s always hard when she’s around.  I’ve just taken it as a fact of life now.

“Gross,” Kayla groans, but her smile says she’s just playing.

“Wait, so you’re not telling Momma you’re married?” Julie asks and I shake my head no.

“No one is telling Annie about this and disappointing her,” Maddie agrees, looking pointedly at her sister.

“I get it, I promise, swear to God, hand on a stack of bibles, cross my heart, I won’t tell her,” Kayla states pulling another look from both me and Maddie.  “I won’t tell anyone, better?”

“Better, you tell, and I’ll ground you,” I warn, then take my girl and make her all mine.  The possessiveness I thought would abate knowing she’s now mine only grows but thank god my baby girl doesn’t mind.

In fact, hers over me grows as well.  It’s sexy watching her back other women off when we’re out.  Makes my dick so hard that most nights, I end up fucking her wherever we are.  In the car, in a bathroom, in an empty room at some event.  I have her coming with my mouth, hands, or cock all over town, and she takes it all like a good girl.