Jesse’s Story by Rosa Mink

Chapter 9


My head rolls as I stand up from the table, almost dropping before I’m in Jesse’s strong arms, cradled against his chest.  His lips press into my temple as he calms his mom’s worries.  Damn, I thought the lightheadedness would end now that we’ve reached the second trimester.

We hadn’t intended to keep the news from the rest of the family.  Originally, I wanted a couple weeks of it being just between me and Jesse.  Then we dove into the wedding preparations so hard that it kind of slipped my mind that they didn’t know.  I guess the dresses I’ve been wearing have disguised the growing baby bump I’m sporting.

“Did you take your medicine this morning?” Jesse asks me, settling me onto the couch in the living room.  He’s knelt in front of me holding my gaze tight and I can’t lie to him.  I hate the stupid pills.  They’re nasty and I choke on them until I feel like I’m going to throw up.  “Maddie, you have to take them, baby girl.”

“They make me sick,” I grumble as he moves over to my purse, grabbing the bottle of iron supplements from it.

“What’s going on?” Annie asks, coming over to us, her eyes wide seeing the prescription bottle in his hands.  “Sweetheart are you okay?” she adds, sitting down next to me, her arm sliding around me when Jesse holds out the pill for me to take.  Not only are they nasty but they’re huge.

The worry, true concern in Annie’s eyes breaks the last wall I’ve been keeping up around me and I turn, giving her a hug.  Beyond Jesse and Kayla, the others have given me space after the first few really awkward ones we shared.  They could tell I was uncomfortable with it and backed off, letting me take my time with them.  Annie’s arms wrap tightly around me, her hand on the back of my head, and I finally understand what it means to have a mother.

“I’m fine, Momma,” I assure her when I pull back, smiling as Jesse drops a kiss onto my temple.  His big body is warm behind me now and I sink into his hold, even as he holds out the stupid pill in his palm.  “It’s just an iron supplement.  My ob put me on them because my iron levels were too low.  I hate them but I’ll take them to make sure our baby’s safe.”

“Oh my god!” Annie says, her eyes bright with joy and a hint of what I’m going to take as happy tears.  “How far?  Do we need to move the wedding up?”

“No, we knew when we started making wedding plans,” I admit, grinning when understanding hits her.  “We’re about thirteen weeks actually.  I think we forgot everyone didn’t know.”

“Do you need something to eat with that?” Julie asks sitting a glass of water down next to us on the coffee table.  We’d been sitting around the dining table going over more wedding plans long after lunch.

“No, she’s not supposed to take it until about two hours after she eats something.  It’s been at least that now,” Jesse says with a glance at his watch.

I take the offending pill, already feeling like I’m about to gag.  Annie shakes her head, taking it from me hushing Jesse when he starts to argue.  He hands over the prescription bottle when she holds out her hand to him though.

She returns with the bottle and a little bag, before handing me a pill—or half of one it seems.  “We use the same doctor.  She said that yes, you can split the pill and take half at one time and half at another if it’s making you sick or can’t get them down.  That’s an extra pill cutter,” she adds patting the bag.  “Jaime and Jillian have hard times swallowing larger pills.”

I manage to get the half down, the taste still disgusting, but it doesn’t stick in my throat, and I settle further back again Jesse.  “Thank you, Momma.”

“Anytime, sweetheart,” she says, cupping my cheek and as the next three months slip past us, bringing us to our wedding day, I fall more in love with not only Jesse but his mom as well.

She hurries into the bridal suite, holding up the little bag with a huge grin.  We found out almost six weeks ago what the baby was—or the doctor did and wrote it on a piece of paper then sealed it in an envelope for us.

I wasn’t sure how I wanted to find out if the baby was a girl or boy until I got closer to Annie.  I’d been wavering between it being private and public, but deep down, I wanted it to be a surprise between just Jesse and I first.  To accomplish that, I finally settled on us finding out today in a very intimate way.

“What’s that?” Jackie asks as the girls part to let Annie up to me.

“An incredibly special surprise that only Momma knows about right now.  All of you out, you’re not ruining it," Annie says, ushering the others from the room.  Her eyes soften as she looks at me in my fantasy wedding dress.  The fact that it’s a reality is astonishing. 

It’s more of a ball gown than I thought I’d want, but the fullness of the skirt only accentuates my baby bump.  There’s no hiding it and I rest my hand on our active little one with a full smile.

Jesse hasn’t seen the dress and I know he’s going to flip for it.  It has a sweetheart top but with an off-the-shoulder neckline, and lace sleeves.  The top is low cut and nestled against my growing cleavage is the necklace he gave to me last night.  It has a tear-drop blue diamond that is almost identical to my ring but is eight carats in size.  There’s no missing it or how it highlights my chest.  We modified the bodice of the gown to hit just below my breasts, giving plenty of room for my bump and the tulle and lace skirt has soft layers covering it before exploding in wild abandon of layers with a gorgeous horsehair hem.

“You look stunning.  I can’t believe Jesse actually held off this long,” Annie says, squeezing my hands.  “I expected him to be like his daddy and have his name plastered on you the second he found out about this one,” she adds resting her hand on my belly.  “I take it wearing his ring settled him to wait?”

I know Jesse is going to kill me for doing it, but I cave, telling her the truth.  Instead of any worry it merely calms my heart when she bursts out with a little squeal of excitement of her own.

“I knew it.  He is just like his daddy.”

“He is,” I agree excited beyond belief that Jake is walking me down the aisle.  I’ve fallen for him as well as the rest of the family, hard.  I think it was easier though knowing I already belonged to it and didn’t have to worry I’d lose it while it happened.

“Okay now, do you want to know first because there’s no hiding the color of them,” she says, and I was teetering on it for just a moment before shaking my head no.  “Alright then close your eyes and I’ll help you into them.”

Before meeting Annie, I never would have imagined letting someone help me into a pair of panties, especially with a huge baby belly in the way.  She’s my momma though and I hug her tightly when she’s done, seeing the excitement in her eyes. 

I can’t gleam the first guess as if the panties now covering me are pink or blue from it.  She’d be just as excited for either, so it’s no help.  I don’t know if I’m now more anxious to walk down the aisle so the whole town knows we belong together or if I’m more anxious to learn what our baby is.

I’ve flipped between wanting it to be a boy so Jesse can teach him how to be a man and good brother for the others we’re going to have and wanting it to be a girl, so we have one of our own.  Serenity is Julie and Serena’s girl, but I want Jesse to experience that joy himself as well.

Ugh…I can’t wait to find out.  Not that I anticipate it’ll take that long because we can’t go but a few hours without needing each other.  It’s just gotten worse as the pregnancy has progressed.

“Not going to tell us what that was about?” Kayla asks when we’re all lined up and ready to get this moving.

“Momma’s the only one that knows if it’s a boy or a girl.  I decided I wanted Jesse to be the first to know and then we’ll share, so right now it’s either blue or pink covering down there,” I tell them, pulling laughs and giggles from the group.

I can tell Jesse’s curious about the girls’ giddiness as Jake walks me up the aisle.  I take my time though, savoring every second of it.  God, I can’t believe I ever thought he wouldn’t want me because of my family.  I was willing to give up on us before we ever started. 

Seriously, I should kick my own butt for that stupid thought.

His brothers look like they’re about to tackle him if he takes off down the aisle to get me, and I can’t help but laugh knowing the real reason why he’s patiently waiting there for me.

“He already did this, didn’t he?” Jake whispers leaning down my way, his brow raised, and I nod.  “I knew he wasn’t stupid,” he states, patting my hand before we reach them.

Kayla and I both say ‘I do’ when the preacher asks who gives me to Jesse making me laugh as he pulls me into his arms.  His lips cover mine and I squirm when his fingers discretely slip into the slit, teasing my pussy.  He steps back pretending to wipe my lip before he lifts his fingers to his mouth almost making me come as he winks at me.

Yes, the slit was a damn good idea and not just to make it easier for me to pee as Annie suggested.

The preacher clears his throat, looking between us as though asking if he can proceed and I lift my hands onto Jesse’s chest staying snuggled up against him through the entire ceremony.  I stall him when he comes down for a kiss after the man pronounces us man and wife again, sending his brow skyward, a little growl slipping from his lips.

“I just thought daddy should know before you kiss me that when you unwrap my pussy later, the color means something special,” I tease thankful we’re not using microphones so only he hears it.  I’d never say something like that with the whole crowd listening.

“Fucking hell,” he groans before kissing me.  Like normal, I end up curled up against his chest, his arms holding me when it ends.  I don’t even care when he doesn’t put me down and instead, carries me straight down the aisle and out of the space.  The huge ballroom was gorgeous, the floor to ceiling windows showing off the lake in the background, and the reception is in another ballroom here, but that’s not where Jesse takes me.

He kicks the door of the bridal suite shut behind us, setting me onto my feet before dropping to his knees.  The layers of my dress go everywhere as he pushes and lifts it, letting out a growl before he covers my pussy through the panties.  He sucks on my clit through the soaked material, and I come hard with his fingers digging into my ass.

“Daddy…” I moan as he stands up, kissing me with a huge smile on his lips, in his eyes.

He pushes the panties to the side and sinks all the way into me, holding my neck gently the same with my gaze.  “That’s my little boy in there making you need daddy’s cock so bad you can’t even get through our wedding without it inside you.”

“Oh god, daddy!” I scream into his mouth as I come again, elation filling me.

“That’s it, baby girl, suck the cum out of daddy’s cock,” he whispers into my ear, as I grip him tight, not wanting him to stop.  “I love you,” he grunts, filling me as I quiver around him.

A gasp falls when he pulls back, shooting his last jet straight onto my pussy before covering it back with the panties.  “Did I do good, daddy?”

“So fucking good, baby girl,” he says, smiling fully.  He steals one more kiss before he rights our clothes, taking us out to the reception.  I smile seeing everyone already in the space, the hors d’oeuvres being served.  He gives me a wink before lifting my hand telling everyone, “It’s a boy!”

The girls die laughing, ignoring the boys asking why it’s so funny, and I sink into his hold, loving my new life.  Who the hell needs make believe games or fantasies when I have the real thing in front of me?